HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1979-2-21 IOV 5 I 4- DEPT. OF PUBLIC SEWER AIR. T.EST A-Ib . .- - RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING AIR TEST . , --- 1. Plug all pipe ou~lets with suitable test. plugs. Brace each plug securely. 2. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, the eleva- tion of the 'g~ound water above the top of the pipe must be determined in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. An acceptable method is the use of a pipe nipple through the wall of at least one manhole in each section to be t~sted with n cransparent tube attached to the nipple in such a manner that the ground water " elevation may be determined by visual inspection. For each foot, or fraction thereof, of ground water abave the top of the low end of the pipe included in the test section; add 0.433 PSIG to the pressure for the test on such section. Show all computations in the space opposite. . 3. Add air slowly to the portion of the portion of the pipe install- ation under test until the internal air pressure is raised to a minimum of 4.0 PSIG. 4. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. 5. After an internal pressure of 4.0 PSIC or more is obtained, allow at least two minutes fpr air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air requIred to maintain pressure. 6. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. 7. When pressure decreases to 3.5 PSIG, or more, as determined b~ ground water elevations, determine the time in secoads that is required for a drop of 1.0 PSIG. This time interval should then be' compared with the time required by specification as coaputed below. 8. List the size and length of all portions of pipe included in the test on the table opposite. 9. By use of the nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales d and L, read 'K and C, and enter these values in the table. 10. Add all values of K and all values of C for pipe under test. 11. If the total of all C values is less than one, enter the total of all K values into the space for "Time Required by S,.cification." 12. If the total of all C values is greater than one. divide the total of all K values, by the total of all C values, .to get tq. To 1IIIIke this division with the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. . - '-~"""'~~-~~::~'; ':' -~~-.~'~:~, -~.~:~,' ....,~..~:. .;. WORKS REPORT }J \e~k) t, 0 p riM L,..'/ I? a- lCl v-lC OFFICE FILE: ,. 13. On lines that are tested by air, manholes will be inspected for. infiltration at a time when ground water is at ~~imum heights. Observations made at the time of such inspections are to be entered in the proper spaces below. Such inspections shall be made prior to the expiration of the contractor's one-year guarantee period. f MANHOLE INSPECTION INs~eTOR J Be.. DATE ~1t9 /79 ~:NO, DEFECTS :.- ;i' loiN. NO. ..... " DEFECTS = uo ______ __ __ - JOB NO. INSPECTOR ". ~ LOCATIO N DLAMETER LENSTH INCHES FEET ~A (;6 .. K= o.DulL C=O~OOO'882dL < ". " N-I / 7i) /Y/-J Z "?J-fc:n so TQ.:r&' I! TOTAL C TOTAl. K: . C= : TIIoIE REQUIRED BY SPECIFICATION: TEST RESUL TS: PS18 :4)J.,p3 SEC. ED PRESSURE LOSS ~ Lh REMARKS Ji!l?<< . - ~~\.~ r,-, TEST REV.lEWED BY ~ TIME' Z-V/79 , DATE ........ /' /" ... 100 f'T. NOMOGRAPH TO 1000H L ~ 1000 C 15.0 --0 900 , 800 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 700 . 600 500 4.0 3.0 400 ~ '" '" LL 2.0 -::; z 300 - =- :t ~ '" 250 z '" .J 200 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 ;;; ~ 0.5 ~ 0.4 :: 150 0.3 0.2 100 " " 15000 10000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 --= K tq 1105 1020 935 900 850 800 765 700 680 := 5'00 400 340 -= - 300J 283.3 _ 200 226.7 100 50, 40 30 20 595 510 425 400 200 ....: 170 6 150 113.3 -'- 4 d L 100 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 ~ :t U ~ - 50 , 15 z a: '" ~ 12 '" ~ .. o 10 ",. a. a.. 1-8 " 90 80 70 40 30 25 20 15 10 10 FT. NOMOGRAPH 100FT. c 1.5 _ 1.0 ;;, 0.9 a 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 ~ '" '" LL ~ :t ~ '" z '" ..J - -:. 0.1 ~ 0.09 ~ 0.08 ~ 0.07 -3 => 0.06 i 0.05 'l 0.04 -= ] 0.03~ -=' 0.02 .::; TO K 1500 1000 500 400 300 200 -:: 30 20 10 ....: 5 4 . .;~ 3 -:: 2 =3 39 36 - 33 - 30 - 27 - 24 - 21 18 en '" :t U Z _ 15 a: '" - 12 t;:; ~ .. o ~ - 6 - 4 7 d 10 . ~ '" a. a. . .- -.-.- CITY OF EUGENE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS SEWER AIR TEST REPORT t\t1 E"c..c!oC() lo..YlL A-Ib" OFFICE FILE: RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE ,OR CONDUCnNG AIR TEST 1. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug securely. .' If the pipe to' be tested is submerged in ground water, the eleva- tion of the ground water above the top of the pipe must be . determined in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. An acceptable method is the use of a pipe nipple through the wall of at least one manhole in each section to be tested wiLn rt :ransparent tube attached to the nipple in such a r.~nner that the ground water elevation may be determined by visual inspection. For each foot, or fraction thereof, of ground water above the top of the low end of the pipe included in the test section; add 0.433 PSIG to the pressure for the test on such section. Show all computations in the space opposite. Add air slowly to the portion of the portion of the pipe install- ation under test until the internal air pressure is raised to a minimum of 4.0 PSIG. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with ~ soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make n~~essary repairs. ,Uter an internal pressure of 4.0 PSIG or more is obtained, allow at least two minutes fpr air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air requIred to maintain pressure. After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. When pressure decreases to 3.5 PSIG, or more, as determined by ground water elevstions, determine the time in seconds that is required for a drop of 1.0 PSIG. This time interval should then be' compared with the time required by specification as computed below. '. List the size and length of a~l portions of pipe included in the test on the table opposite. . By use of the nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales d and L, read K and C, and enter these values in the table. Add all values of K and all values of C for pipe under test. If the total of all C values is less than one, enter the total of all K values into the space for "Time Required by Sf4lClfication." If the total of all,C values is greater than one, divide the total of all K values, by the total of all C values, to get tq. To make this division with the nomograph, ,use scales C snd K, and read tq. 13. On lines that are tested by air. manholes wi 1.1 be inspected for infiltration at a time when ground water is at maximum heights: Observations made at the time of such inspections are to be entered in the proper spaces below. Such inspections shall be made prior to the expiration of the contractor's one-year guarantee period. 2. .' MANHOLE INSPECTION DLB OATE / ') ;::C:-13 79 INslltc TOR IoIH.Nn DEFECTS f ,; ilK. Nn DEFECTS . :' . >, , JOB NO. INSPECTOR I DLAMETERI LENGTH INCHES FEET 18" 1,% I I I I I I . I: . , ,; " ..l2.ATE' PH' 2- 7() fir" -I- :z, r'H'~" ....:. lCoO.OIlen. IcoO;OOO'88~d~' ,"/ /97s-1 ' I I' I ~ LOCATION TOTAL K' .Co TPIM....l! TOTAL C , TIlliE REQUIRED BY SPECIFICATION: TE'ST _PRESSURE IJl.U ~ REIIIARKS ~. ~~(- TEST REVIEWED BY ~ , WULTS: PSI9 o4ks 75 TillE- SEC~ DATE '2. - '%.i-79 y L ~ 1000 900 800 700 = 600 500 4000- W W ... z 300 - :I: 0- ... - 250 z '" ...l 200 150 100 NOMOGRAPH 100 n: c 15.01 10.0 ,;;; 9.0 ~, B.O ~ 1.0 :: :'~l 4.01 3,0 :. - 2.0 ~ .::j ~ 1.0~ 0.9 iI O.B ,] 0.7 _ 0.6] 0.5 ~ 0.4 :: 03] ,,1 TO 1000 .1. K tq 1105 1020 935 900 B50 BOO 765 700 6BO 15000 10000 5000 4000 3000 - 2000 :. = - 1000 -= ~OO 400 3DO 200 300 -: 2B3.3 _ 226.1 100-=:'. . 50 40 30 20 595 510 425 400 340 -. 200"": 110 6 150 113.3 ---'- 4 d 39 36 33 - 30 21 24 21 18 ~ :I: <.> ~ 15 z a: w 0- 12 w ::; .. o 10 w Q. Q. 8 '!1 I I .1:: L 100 90 80 70 60 - 50 - 40 0- W W ... 30 ~ 25 :I: 0- e> z '" ...J 20 15 10 IOn. NOMOGRAPH TO 100'.... c 1.5 -= '500 1.0 ,;; 0.9 ;; O.B :: "" 0.7 03 0,2-l -3 1 0.1 - 0.09 ~ O.OB ~ 0,07 :: 0.06 -j 0.05 --.! -:; 0.04~ .3 :::; 003 -= . :3 -3 ~ -i 0.02~ =3 K 1000 39 36 - 33 - 30 - 21 500 400 300 - 21 - 24 200 - IB Vl w :I: <.> z _ 15 50 40 a: w - 12 ~ ::; .. o 30 _ 20 - ::'i 10 -' -:: 5 4 3 2 ~ d . ~ 10 W Q. Q. . - 8 - 6 - 4 . '. J. .. \-' ~ .': 4. 5. , 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. , , , A'-Ib CITY ...~ -.....ell....... DEPT, OF PUBLIC ."....-:-0 SEWER AIR TEST REPORT RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR CO~'DUcnNG AIR TEST 1. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug 3ecurely. . 2. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, the eleva- tion of the ground water above the top of the pipe.must be determined in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. An acceptable method is the use of a pipe nipple through the wall of at least one manhole in each s~ction to be t~sted with n :ransparent tube attached to the nipple in such a manner that ~h~ ground water elevation may be determined l:y. visual inspection. Fa, each foot, or fraction thereof, of ground water above the tOp of che low end of the pipe included in the test section; add 0.433 PSIG to the pressure for the test on such section. Show all computations in the space opposite. Add air slowly to the portion of the portion of the pipe install- ation under test until the internal air pressure is raised to a minimum of 4.0 PSIG. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with e soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. After an internal pressure of 4.0 PSIC or more is obtained, allow at least two minutes fpr air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air requIred to maintain pressure. ' After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. When pressure decreases to 3.5 PSIG, or more, as determined by ground water elevations, determine the time in seconds that is required for a drop of 1.0 PSIG. This time interval should then be' compared with the time required by specification as coa,gted below. List the size and length of aU portions of pipe included in the test on the table opposite. . By use of the nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales d and L, read K and C, and enter these values in the table. Add all values of K and all values of C for pipe under test. If the total of all C values is less than one, enter the total of all K values into the space for "Time Required by S,.c:ification." If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide the total of all K values, by the total of all C values, to get tq. To make this division with the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read' tq. OFFIC:f FII ~: 13. Gn lines chat are tested by air, manhole. will be inspected for infiltration at a time when ground water is at maximum heights. Observations made at the time of such inspections are to be entered in the proper spaces below. Such inspections shall be made prior to the expiration of the contractor's one-year guarantee period. INSlltCTOR t::, MANHOLE INSPECTION IoIH.Nn I I ilK. Nn __ ---==:II JOB NO. LOCATIO N w ~ Tt".,4fl 4 T(l.IAl " TOTAL C TFST DEFECTS DEFECTS INSPECTOR I DLAMETEIII INCHES 8" I ~2.: I I I LENGTH FEET I I I. I TOTAL ~~~.v/a ~/C O.t.TE I /' I ~}i'- , DATE - t /C=O.OOO'882dL .r I I Ii I I K: _q{) S~ e, _ K= O.OIlen. 9()> , TIME REQUIRED BY SPECIFICATION: RESYJ. TS: 4/1.1. <?;<>. /. PSI9: Tt1.~IME: ._ PRESSURE I oss IIALfl, a ....... . ~~ TEST REVIEWED BY . ~o SEC. DATE 2.- 7..1-7' ~~ " -,.. --. ~ , , ....,_..'~... _....- -- NOMOGRAPH I, N 0 MO G R A PH 100 n: TO 1000 Ft 10,.. TO lOOn:. L C K tq d L C K d ~ 1000 100 ..'''.1., 15.0 --:: 150001 1105 39 1.5 --3 =- 39 - 1500 - -=' 900 ...:: 1020 36 90 ...:: - 36 - 10.0 .,;; 10000 -: 935 33 - 1000 ~ - 33 800 900 BO 1.0 -= - 9.0 ~, - 0.9 j - B50 30 - 30 - 700 B.O ~ BOO - 70 O,B . , 7.0 :: - 765 27 ~ 27 - - 0.7 - 6.0 -:i 5000 - 500 - - 0 600 4000 700 - 60 0.6 400 1 680-= 24 ,- 24' - 5.0 ! 3000 - - 0,5 300 - - 595 21 - 21 - 4.0 ~ - 0.4 - 500 - 50 - 2000 - 200 - - ::. i: 3.0 = 510 18 ~ I - 03 ....3 IB '" '" ::I: I - .::::; ::I: - ~ 400 >- ~ U - 40 ......, '-' ~ I z '" 1 000 -= 425 15 i ::i 100 15 - '" 2.0 ::; - >- 0.21 - ... 400 z '- '" ~ '" ~ - ... 0:: - 0:: '" ~ Z . i '" ~ >- ,I - ~ 300 - 500 340 - 30 50 >- 12 '" - 12 - - '" '" 400- ::E '" ...0 40 ::I: ...:: <l :I: - ::E >- =- >- .. Cl 1.0 ..:. 300 - 300 0 - Cl - . 250 z 10 - 25 Z 0.1 ~ 30 0 . - 2B3.3 - 10 '" 0.91 'I - '" 0,09 ...J '" I ...J '" - O,B Q. I - 0.08 ;: !!o . 200 . 20 0.7 ..:: Q. 0.07 -a Q. 200 -3 ~~ 8 20 0.06 =1 - - 8 0.6 - = 1 ~ 100"":; 200 ~ 0.5~ 0.05 --a 10 -= ...:: =l 3 - 0.04 == - - ISO l 170 6 15 - - 6 50 003 ::::! 5 . -"'3 40 ~ 150 ~ 4 -:::i -' ::~ -' ~ --i 3 0.2 -=1 0.02~ ! 10 ~ 2 100 113.3 ---'- 4 - 4 'JiiU"l'j::. . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. CITY OF EUGENE DEPT. OF PUBLIC SEWER AIR TEST A'-Ib RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING AIR TEST 1. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug securely., ',. 2. If the pipe'co be tested is submerged in ground water, the eleva- tion of the ground water above the top of the pipe must be determined in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. An acceptable method is the use of a pipe nipple through the wall of ai least one manhole in each section to be t~sted ~ith a ~ransparent cube attached to the nipple in such a manner that the ground water elevation may be determined by visual inspection. For each foot, or fraction thereof, of ground water above the cop of the low end of the pipe' included in the test section; add 0.433 PSIG to the pressure for the test on such section. Show all computations in the space opposite. Add air slowly to the portion of the portion of the pipe install- ation under test until the internal air pressure is raised to a minimum of 4.0 PSIG. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. Aft~r an internal pressure of 4.0 PSIG or more is obtained, allow at least two minutes for air' temperature to stabilize. adding only the amount of air requ~red to maintain pressure. After tne two minute period, disconnect air supply. . When pressure decreases to 3.5 PSIG, or more, as determined by ground water elevations, determine the time in seconds that is re9uired for a drop of 1.0 PSIG. This time interval should then be compared with the time required by specification as computed below. List tne size and length of aU portions of pipe included in the test on the table opposite. By use of the nomograph, compute K and ,C. Use scales d and L, read K and C, and enter these values in the table. Add all values of K and all values of C, for pipe under test. If the total of all C values is less than one, enter the total of all K values into the space for "Time Required by Sf4ICification." If the total ,of all C values" is greater than one, divide the total .of all K values, by the total of all ,C values, to get tq. To make this division with the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. WORKS REPORT OFFICE FILE: 13. On lines that are tested by air, manholes will be inspected for infiltration at a time when ground water is at maximum heights. Observations made at the time of such inspections are to be entered in the proper spaces below. Such inspections shall be made prior to the expiration of the contractor's one-year guarantee period. Ht,adcUo/ ;a,.../c MANHOLE INSPECTION INSIltCTOR i t..":> ~,- -",I __ ,C. _ _ MI. NO, IIH.Nn ....LgjINO. LOCATION /)}-( t---: "-;"0 l'.l" (:., TQIM, K TOTAL C ......, / , > '._ r . . OATE MFECTS ~ECTS 4 /'.1 .INSPECTOR TES.. T , PRESSURE ~~,~ lliMARKS ~< ~~~ . TEST REVIEWED BY ~ ..QAU , DLAMETER LENGTH INCHES FEET' IC= O:OIlen. C=O.0003882dl! " " , I :;'7. /Z/) TOTAL K' /ta Sl:c.... c= - - TIlliE REQUIRED BY SPECIFICATION: RE,SUL TS: ,,"fC. ' PSI9=4J.O 3LFhwE' :L Jnk".. C SEC. DATE ? -7'-" 7~ 100 n: NOMOGRAPH TO 1000'T. L c ~ 1000 15.0 :-:: 900 800 10.0 9.0 B.O 7.0 6.0 5.0 700 600 500 4.0 ;;:: 3.0 400... '" '" ... 2.0 z 300 - ::- :r ... C> 250 z '" ...J 1.0 0.9 O.B 3 0.7 ]I 0.6 = ~;l 031 0.21 -'3 200 --.:--j'5Q 100 15000 10000 5000 4000 3000 2000 - 1000 --= I( '500 400 200 tq d L 100 595 21 - 50 . 510 ::- ...: '" Q. Q. :- :- 226.7 T 8 200~ 100---, 50 _ 40 30 20 170 6 150 113.3 -' - 4 10FT. NOMOGRAPH 100FT. 90 BO 70 GO 40 ... '" '" ... 30 ~ 1105 ,39 1020 36 935 33 900 B50 BOO 765 27 700 680 24 18 ~ :r u ~ :~~i- 15 z 340 -i- 12 ~ <t 300 --: 0 283.3 10 25 :r ... C> Z '" ...J 20 15 10 c 1.5 --'" 1.0 -= 0.9 O,B 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 ~ 0,1 ~ 0.09 ~ O.OB ~ '" 0.07 ~ 0.06 ~ .. 0.05 -=! 0.04 ::; :=l :=; :::I 0.03 -::: ....; :::::l ---l 0.02 ~ TO 1500 1000 300 200 ~ -:: -::. I( 500 400 100 50 40 30 20 10 5 4 3 2 39 36 - 33 -30 - 27 - 24 - 21 a: '" - 12 ... '" ::IE <t o - 8.. - 6 '. - 4 d IB en '" :r u z 15 ~ 10 '" Q. Q. 1 ., -.:;':: . . .'t~ , - CITY OF EUGENE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS SEWER AIR TEST REPORT A-Ib RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR CO~~UCTING AIR TEST . 1. Plug all pip:e.,outlecs with suitable test plugs. Brace each plug securely. 2. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, the eleva- tion of the ground water above the top of the pipe must be determined in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. An acceptable method is the use of a pipe nipple through the wall of at least one manhole in each section to be tested wit:h a cTansparent cube attacheo to the ~nipple in such a manner that the ground water elevation may be determined by visual inspection. For each foot, or fraccion chereof, of ground water above che cop of the low end of the pipe included in the test, section; add 0.433 PSIG to the pressure for the test on such section. Show all computations in the space opposite. Add air slowly to the portion of the portion of the pipe install- ation under.test until the internal air pressure is raised to a minimum of 4.0 PSIG. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. After an internal pressure of 4.0 PSIG or more is obtained, allow at least two minutes fpr air temperature to stabilize, adding only the amount of air requIred to maintain pressure. After the two minuce period, disconnect air supply. When pressure decreases to 3.5 PSIG, or more, as determined by ground water elevations, determine the time in seconds that is re~uired for a drop of 1.0 PSIG. This time interval should then be compared with the time required by specification as cODpUted below. List the size and length of aU portions of pipe inc.luded' in the test on the table opposite. ' By use of the nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales d and L, read K and C,~ and enter these values in the table. Add all values of K and all values of C for pipe under test. If the totsl of all C values is less than one, enter the total of all K values into the space for "Time Required by s,.cification." If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide the total of all K values, by the total of all C values, to get tq. To make this division with the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. ) . i OFFICE FILE: 13. On lines that are tested by air, manholes wil i. be inspected for infiltracion at a time when ground water is at maximum heights. Observations made at the cime of such inspeccions are to be entered in the proper spaces below. Suc.h inspections shall be made prior to the expiration of the contractor's one-year guarantee period. ,MeadoM/~ ,./C MANHOLE INSPECTION ,ltIlSlltCTOR " :, DfoTE .-t. NO. DEFECTS I ilK. NO. DEFECTS .- ...=-- JOB NO. INSPECTOR MTE LOCATION DLAMETER INCHES LEN6TH FEET IC= 0.01len. C=O.000'S82dL /1,13 '1/' /,e, " ..... " ,.;;~! ~. "j- :' : .". '~ TOTAL K' ~ .Co T{ll'~\ " TOTAL C TIlliE REQUIRED BY SPECIFICATION: TEST RE:$LJL TS: _PRESSURE ~ Wth PSI9~ E'1. TlIIE'~~.:IcJ SE<;; ,REIIARI(S Q~ ,"~~~ TEST RE\lIEWEDBY~ DATE ?_-U-7? t7 . .~'. .... 1"- . r NOMOGRAPH I NOMOG R A PH 100 n: TO 1000 Ft I 10FT, TO lOOn:. II L C K tq d I L C K d .~ 1000 15.0-: 1105 39 100 1.5~ 39 - 15000 ==1 1500 - 900 - 1020 36 90 36 - -'1 - - 1000 OOOl 10000 935 33 80 - 33 BOO 900 I.Oi 9.0 - 0.9 B50 30 - 30 B.O BOO - 70 O,B -='I . - 700 0.71 - 7.0 765 27 - - 27 - 5000 500 - 6.0 700 - 0.6 = 600 4000 :: GO 400 680 24 - 24 - 5.0 3000 - 0.5 300 - - 595 - 21 - 21 - 0.4 500 4.0 - 50 ~ 2000 200 :: 510 3.0 18 ::3 0.3 IB (I) '" :I: - ~ :I: - 400.... 0 40 0 '" 1000 -= ~ ~ 100 z 425 15 -! - 15 '" - z .... 0.2~, 2.0 - 400 - '" ;; - ... - '" a: ... -= - :- -3 a: z - '" '" - 300 - 340 .... . 30 ;; :3 50 12 .... - 12 '" - - '" ..-:-- - - ~ :- -i 40 - :I: ..: .. :I: ~ - =- .... ~ .. - - 300 0 . '" .'" 1.0 ,;; - 0.1 30 0 . 250 z 10 - 25 z -S 2B3.3 - '" 0.09 = 10 '" '" - ...J =a '" ..J ~ - 0. - ~ :: O,B ~ O.OB 20 !'; - n- o. 0.7 -=1 0.07 200 0.6~ 226. 8 20 S OD6 -jJ - 8 -"'I s 0.5 100 200 0.05~ 10 ....' 0.4 0.04 ~ - 6 "" 150 170 15 :3 - 6 0.3 50 0.03 -= 5 150 ~ 4 40 i 0,21 30 3' 0.02 -=:J 20 10 ~ 2 100 113.3 -'_ 4 - 4 (fJ ,. < ~ CITY OF EUGENE DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS SEWER AIR TEST REPORT . A-Ib RECOMMENDED PROCEDURE FOR CONDUCTING AIR TEST. Plug all pipe outlets with suitable test plugs. Brsce each plug securely. If the pipe to be tested is submerged in ground water, the eleva- tion of the ground wster above the top of the pipe must be determined in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. An acceptable method is the use of a pipe nipple through the wall of at least one manhole in each section ,to be tested with a transparent tube attached to the nipple in such a manner chat the ground water elevation may be determined by visual inspection. Por each foot, or fraction thereof, of ground water above the top of the low end of the pipe included in the test section; add 0.433 PSIG to the pressure for the test on such section. Show all computations in the space opposite. Add air slowly to the portion of the portion of the pipe install- ation under test until the internal air pressure is raised to a minimum of 4.0 PSIG. Check exposed pipe and plugs for abnormal leakage by coating with a soap solution. If any failures are observed, bleed off air and make necessary repairs. "After an internal pressure of 4.0 PSIG or more is obtained, allow at least two minutes for air temperature to stabilize, adding only. the amount of air requ~red to maintain pressure. , After the two minute period, disconnect air supply. When pressure decreases to 3.5 PSIG, or more, as determined by ground water elevations, determine the time in seconds that is re~uired for a drop of 1.0 PSIG. This time interval should then be compared with the time required by specification as computed 'below. 8. List the size and length of a~l portions of pipe included in the test on the table opposite. 9. By use of the nomograph, compute K and C. Use scales d and L, read K and C, and enter these values in the table. 10. Add all values of K and all ,values of C faT pipe under test. 11. If the total of all C values is'less than one, enter the total of all K values into the space for "Time Required by Sf4ICification." 12. If the total of all C values is greater than one, divide the total of all K values, by the total of all C values, to get tq. To make this division with the nomograph, use scales C and K, and read tq. --' OFFICE FILE: 13. On lines that are tested by air, manholes will be inspected for infiltration at a time when ground water is at maximum heights. Observations made at the time of such inspections are to be entered in the proper spaces below. Such inspections shall be made prior to the expiration of the contractor's one-year guarantee period. M~o...cbo~ lG-1""\.c:. MANHOLE INSPECTION INSIltCTOR IMH.Nn I i - ./ 'l :7 J., ! -:.....? QATE DEFECTS .M!" IIIIl DEFECT" JOB ND. ' INSPECTOR 'pATE LOCATION DLAMETERI LENGTH INCHES FEET ,', ...,,, _'...1 J(./ C= 0.000'882 dL h':~ If I' I I 7 " " IC = O.OIlen. /50 , ;:'-.J TOTAL K= /S-o c= TP.:r~1 l' TOTAL C ., TIME REQUIRED BY SPECIFICATION: TF..s.T PRESSURE ~A"o J-05S, REMARKS /~<<; -~~~C__ _.-,..... -.n~\II~Ulel"\ ov ~ - ~~ ~ RESJ,U TI':: PSI9.A /.a3' TIME- ~~ ~() SEC, _ nAT~ .., _.,,-,, ~" - - 'I' .:.. '. " . " (.' ',f. . ,. "''''''1-''{ .:. 00 NOMOGRAPH N 0 M 0 G R A PH 100 n: TO 1000 'T. IOn TO 100FT. L C K tq d L C K d ~IOOO 15.0-:: 39 100 ~ 1105 1:5 39 - 15000 :::i 1500 900 - 1020 36 90 36 - - 10000 935 33 - 1000 33 .~ 800 10.0 900 80 1.0 .. - - - 9.0 850 30 0.9 - 30 . - B.O BOO - 70 O.B 700 - 7,0 5000 765 27 - 0.7 500 - 27 - - 6.0 700 - 0.6 :::: 600 4000 :::: GO 400 680 24 - 24 - 5,0 3000 - 0.5 300 - - 4.0 595 21 0,4 - 21 - 500 50 2000 - 200 - 3.0 510 18 : 0.3 - IB II> , ~ UJ - X , ~ x ~ 400 -:::i u ~ 40 u ... ~ , z UJ 2:0 ~ 1000- 425 15 :::; 100 15 - UJ - ... ,0.21 - z '- , IL 400 UJ ~ UJ - IL l!: - . - ~ a: '" z - UJ . UJ '" 300 - ';00 ... =- 30 ~ 50 ... - 340 --; - 12 UJ - 12 , - . ~ UJ :- ::l! =- x .::: 400- <[ :z: ~ 40 l :If: ... - =- f- .. , - 300 -= 0 . " ~ . 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