HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1994-7-19 I ~ _ " .~ / {J I ~ .:- . . 9A530AOi \..'" .,.., ". ,) ... Io.f:. ., . ,.. " CONSENT TO ANNEXATION FOR UF-lO URBAN FRINGE OVERLAY DISTRICf PROPERTIES To: The City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to,as City. This is a Consent to Annexation by (X;NNA l.-. ~ " here1natter reterred to as Owner. RECITALS: The Owner represents the following: ~3~ZJUL.19'94"07REC ~3~JUL.19'94"07PFUNO 15,00 10.00 1. The Owner possesses real property, hereinafter referred to as Property, more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, located outside City limits, but within the adopted Urban Growth Boundary depicted in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan. 2. The' UF-IO Urban Fringe Overlay District des~ribed in Article 29 of the Springfield Development Code, hereinafter referred. to as SDC,has been applied to Property. 3. By the terms of SDC, Section 29,070(1)(a), 'this Consent to Annexation, hereinafter re'ferred to as this Document, is required 'as a precondi tion' of the land 'use activity or development desired by'the Owner. to allow AGREEMENT: The Owner consents as follows: . ".. . .... ,., '1. The Owner irrevocably consents to annexation of the Property to the City in consideration for the allowance by the City of 'a land use activity or develop'men t. , . ' ..' .. '.~' o- Z. The Owner consents that the City Council, in its sole discretion; ';low"or at any:: . time hereafter, may adopt a resolution initiating annexation. under, ORS'ORS,' ..'{":'.::;,, 199,490 and 222.170 or any other applicable law or statute., ,,'The Owner: ,co'risent's", ,'. .. to including in such proceeding any other' land the Ci ty !Co,uncil may, di'rec't, 'or '" which the Owner has petitioned and consented to the annexation;................ ". ..."....__...., 3. The Owner understands and consents that this Document may be ased by the City to meet the requirements of ORS 199,490 and ORS 222.170. 4. The Owner,also irrevocably authorizes the City to present thi~ Document to the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission to' initiate any minor boundary change under ORS 199.490(1) as an interim measure to. provide service,to the Property prior to annexation to the Ci ty," . " 5. The Owner consents, pursuant to ORS 222.115, that the Owrief"'and~any and all heirs, successors and assigns with 'an interest in the froperty ,shall. be bound by this Document which shall run with the Property. CONSENT TO "ANNEXATION - 1 1~> :--'- , :~;~:>'" ' ..."j{I.~','-'------' :~/WIJ:.~.' . '~".:4::-:' .:~;~.:;^i,,~~:. ".;:J~~W;;.{ . . '.'.""~ ... ',I'" - ...._-,..::..::;~I ";:~~;:' >>.",:0 ; .-.:. . 9453040: ~ 1",' .:.' , . ~ ; . . ,- ,6. .The Owner shall obtain the ,City's approval for any new land use activity. or development, change of land use activi ty or development, or intensifica,tion of land use activity or development of the Property. The City will grant approval of the land use activity or development if it is in compliance with applicable plans, policies, and standards as interpreted by the City, 7. In consideratio~ for this Do~um~nt" th~City: ~grees that the Property may receive municipal services from the City and the Owner may undertake the development of the Property in accordance with City plans, policies and standards and with the' applicable requirements of Lane County. 8. As used herein, the singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular. Contemporaneously with the execution of this.Consent to Annexation, the Owner is executing a separate Waiver of Time Limitation, form, pursuant to ORS 222.173, attached hereto and made part of, as a conditio~ of signing this Document. . . Stt-. day of In WITNESS WHEREOF, the Owner has set their hand S\'l\..~ . . ", 199~i. By: /~~ ~ r-Y~ ownel~10 HA'tCai Bl<. W / Address and seal. this By: Owner Address STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane) 5S. ' ~ Personally appeared before me this 5 - ,day of wi thin named n~>I/JA u:: ~ l-O"G. acknowledged the toregoing instrument to be OFFICIAL SEAL TROY MC ALLISTER NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 009914 MY IllMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. :n. 1995 In IIITNESS' IIHEREOF, thf7'l Director or Design!!" has set (jJ day of '->4K..e..VI , 1991=, J\ll.,~ , 199'-f, who - deed. the I) their voluntary act and ---1~~f!.~f: . Nota.~ PUbllC or Oregon My Commission Expires: ~_ ?\. lqq~ their hand and seal. .this By,: STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane) ss./ () Personally appeared before me this ,~ day of ~p~ , 199~, the within named.1(U>.:..4N .::r. D41J1/J1ljAAj{,- ,? who- acknowledged th., their voluntary act and deed. ' OFFICIAL SEAL ~ .-fl~ JANICE L JAMISON , , ,:; ; V' '\ ' .4-.rr--- NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON COMMISSION NO.019958 NPJary PUbllc tor Oregon .-.A rA a MY COMMISSION EXFIRES OEC, la, 1996 I't1 Commission Expires: ,) '//el! l.b 2907 CONSENT TO ANNEXATION - 2 L ." ..\ ," ...... . I.. '~;";.">::: .., ,I"," ~;.": . , ' . ....l"u;n..'-. '...y.,,~' ..' \~:~ii:' : :::*!iI~~;;:' "":~r" "",h:<t,~'",,,, ":~~%i::::"/ . .;)Ji~~. """,~.".. '...,. ....'.. ':':';':v/ .!:':::' ..::;~};:;'/. , I. '. ,'-'.. . . 3453040 ATTACHMENT A PARCEL ONE Beginning at a point North 40.33 chains'and West 17.22 chains from the Southeast corner, of the William Spencer'Donation Land Claim ~ 50, in Township 17, South Range 3 West of the WilIamette Meridian;thence South 0-12~0 West 30.00 feet to the Southerly margin of Hayden Bridge Road; and the , " True Point of Beginning of this description; thenCe leaving said southerly margin South 0-12~0 West 304.24 feet; thence North 89-38..00 West 94.71 feet; thence North 00-12~0 Wes1304.24 feet to the said southerly margin of Hayden Bridge roild. thence along said margin South 89-38-G0 East 94.71 feet to the True Point of Beginning all in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL TWO Beginning at a point North 40.33 chains and West 17.22 chains from the Southeast corner of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim # 50, in Township 17, South Range 3 ~est of the WiIlamette Meridian;thence South 0-12..00 West 334.24 to the True Point of Beginning of this description; thence South 00-12~0 West 75.00 feet to the Northerly margin of OTTO Street, thence along said margin North . 89-38..00 West 94.71 feet; thence leaving,said margin North 00-12..00 East 75.00 feet; thence South 89- 38~0 East 94.71 feet to the True Point of Beginning all in Lane County, Oregon. o ~ o .., tn' ~ '" c "O:i: '~..-:: - II; :: "; -E.E] =: ~ ..::: ~ ... -0== c. ~ tU~'"O .5 t.~ ~. '-';.. ... :;., ~ . -" - - . U'" .,., . < ~'-; ~ :; -0 c 0";;.E ~ i: :I ..&:::1 .= - _ rJ: -:0.5 ~ ~ . I c ~ o c !I'.:I ~ 0'0 -,., c_ ~ c - 0 ~ 0 Viu . ";:~::'~~$\:::':: . p,' "~'."". ".- .__....c.-.. . ":.:(~$f:.?" ",- .....~'>:('..... .....:-<?~:::.:. ",,;' ,:":":LJf::. 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