HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-11-9 \ ~1..'~-3- ;<.3.;Z (2'00 MEM~ANDUM/a/;t- ~3 lane county - ,.... . ~' TO FROM SUBJECT BILL 0 BARBARA >> , \ AUDREY SMITH COMPLAINT DATE NOVEMBER 9, 1983 Audrey Smith, 1487 Harbor Drive, Spfld. 477, 746:-3824..applied for permit to park and license for mobile home which they live in. Just moved into this area from Alaska, Applied for permit on Oct. 12, signed paper in P&CD, paid $140. Said she was told nothing about the requirement of surveyor service for area because of its being in a flood plain, Also was told nothing about need for tie downs on mobile home. 18 the requirement, Received permit in mail signed October 17 by P&CD. Moved into mobile home and then received a letter from P&CD stating requirements of tie down and surveyor services, Said she had paid over $1000 to set up mobile home, neighbors did not have tie downs. She would be willing to have 4 tie downs (price between 14 & 16 dollars each). Won't do 18. Can they force her to do 18? Surveyor said that her area is, 20' above requirement for flood plain rule. '\ Called last Thursday with problem. Call given to Peter DeFazio who tried to call Roy Burns who was out of town. Peter turned problem over to Bill, since area in Bill's district. Mrs. Smith received no calls from anyone, so called back ,today, She angry with County stating that if she had known about additional expense involved, she would have put trailer some other location. Limited funds because of husband's health problems. On heart lung machine, costly. Felt she should have been better informed at time of applying for license and permit. ~ f;'1 I I ;,. '.....1r.'.....,3'.'liItl. ) ~~.:'flt j\.' MEMIRANDUM . lane county €A . .~.. - .'.: 'TO . , ,FROM SUBJECT_, Bill Roy Citizen Service Request (Audrey Smith permn - /I 1l:S1 l-l:SJ) - . DA TE November 14, 1983 Our investigation disclosed the following: 1,' Au'drey Smith applied for a Mobile Home Placement Permit on October 12; 1983. 2. The site is identified as being within a regulatory f1oodway. 3. Ms. Smith paid $100.40 for the permit application. The fee ,receipt includes the following: $10.00 Floodplain 10.00 SDS 62.50 Mobile Home 10.00 Plumbing 2.90 State Surcharge 5.00 DEQ Surcharge 4. Permit - #1812-83 was issued on 10-17-83. The permit authorize'd the placement of a mobile home conditioned by: A. Certification that the first floor elevation is at or above 447.8 feet; and B, Mobile home tiedowns required to be installed. These conditions are to be ready for inspection within 30 days after occupancy. 5. Due to the size of the mobile home a minimum of 14 tiedowns are required. This information is included in the packet. 6. When Ms. Smith recieved her mobile home permit she was informed of all requirements. The mobile home was undoubtedly moved to the site before the permit was issued. Ms. Smith needs to install the required tiedowns and call for an inspection and have her surveyors submit the certification of elevation as required on the permi t. It is fairly common to have individuals in mobile placement locate their mobile homes before obtaining a permit. We need to identify methods to require movers of mobile homes to be more accountable. I believe we should attempt Legislation next session that would prohibit movement and set-up without permits from building departments. RLB/ j bw Attachments: B~P. #1812-83 c.c. File