HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1980-12-16 HRG. DATE 12/16/80 ~NE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSIO~ STAFF REPORT FILE NO'.' ZC 80-457 I. GENERAL INFORMATION i ~/D b--icrlY ht:>r I) r. A. Applicant Name: R.A. Matott/C.C. Fairbanks Address: 1810 Harbor Drive/1450 Harbor Drive; Springfield B. Location and Site Description Map 18-03-02, Tax lot 701 and Map 18-03-02.2; Tax lots 2603,2605 This property is located along Harbor Drive and the Willamette River just east of the junction of 2nd Street/Dorris Street/Harbor Drive and south of Springfield. Staff has not visited these properties due'to time constraints. A site map taken from file GCUP 80-30 (Greenway application for tax lot 2603) indicates that two nonconforming mobile homes already exist on tax lot 2603. County Assessment records also indicate that a mobile home exists on tax lot 701. These properties lie directly along the Willamette River 'and within the 100 year floodplain according to County Flood Management staff (note cover'map). These sites are built upon and lie within the Metro area UGB. Soils are 4A Cloquato, Class IIw and are characteristic of wet, flood prone areas. C. Surrounding Area and Zoning Properties around all compass points are zoned RA and primarily in rural residential use with several mobile homes in place. To the south is a mobile home subdivision carrying an RA/MH zone. Southeast of Harbor Drive are vacant, open lands. The Greenway Boundary in this area generally runs along 2nd Street. D. Services Code Area: 19-02 School: District 19 Fire: None Police: County Sheriff Water availability is unknown. Individual septic systems are required. II . PROPOSAL Rezone from RA to RA/MH in order to allow existant non-conforming mobile homes tq become conforming and also to allow for placement of an additional mobile home on tax lot 2603 upon partitioning. No applicant's statement was received for this application, however, information provided by the applicant for appli- cations GCUP 80~30 and M 156-80 have been attached. The above applications have both received conditional approval, partly dependent on the outcome of application ZC 80-457. Note: The status of TL 2601 is unknown at the time of this writing. County assessment records indicate County ownership but this tax lot is included in the partition plat for M 156-80. This is not of concern for this rezone application but will need clarification prior to final approval of M 156-80. III. APPROVAL CRITERIA A.' Comprehensive Plan This area" is located within a Greenway area generally desfgnated by the Metro Update Pl,m for "low density residential" uses. The site is also LCPC Staff Report 12/16/80 (FAIRBANKS: ZC 80-457) ITEM # 1 ~ Page 1 of 2 . . within the Metro UGB. This request does not conflict with the plan as there is no density change proposed, only a change in structure type. Public facility demand will not change by this proposal. B. Statewide Planning Goals The only Goal applicable according to applications GCUP 80-30 and M 156-80 is Goal 7 (Hazards) due to these properties including 100 year floodplain. Structural location within floodplains is regulated, however, and therefore no conflict is indicated for Goal 7. IV. SUMNARY This proposal does not conflict "~.th either comprehensive plan or State Planning Goals. It is not a change in density, only a chnage in status that would clear up a situation of nonconformity. This situation should have been rectified as part of Metro Update zoning, however, County postponement of that zoning has caused the applicant to pursue the matter. Note: This item was scheduled as a late agenda item by the Director of Environmental Management. Subsequently, referrals have not all been received at the time of this writing. LCPC Staff Report 12/16/80 (FAIRMNKS: ZC 80-457) , rrEM :#:. 13 Page 2 of 2 ':'\ ME~RANDUM ~ (c,' ; bne county -- , \ TO 9~':"'A: ( e.C/. FRO M /f-cw....-, SUBJECT I}r/L./ IUiL-:fc/1f I I" DA TE A' ),-/1/ . 2-( , j HI !" , I I Ar 29/ (lfO e~"",-,,- -J;~~~ {r ,,"(j 1<--1 '-:~ {~fl.u.:;t":-e. Zc--1-~ ~, 1,,( c.. c.fc. . ?v-']1~ ,~...~ (~.( !J~:t~Jtf,~ Av-'u.... I( tvf ~ $-h~ -!-t~:I 4- c~Ll:4,4. 0-<'---L'~ ~~ /) ~~ cv 1_. v..sJ2 T~ t'Cul~ ^ , wf ~ '7'1f1-.UIL-01 -(0 -(a..~ (.I . it-. '{ t..-{ e1!:"<-<r- iLrJJ..Ji cP~ "~ ~ . wr.T-4. ~7:l '^ 0;:< (q C6- (k~~:! tc(>~ b (L ~ to. "'__~' - ,n.J- /.'-<) Y-Q./::t.y d2.n.JlA-d - . \ ;Jw. ?-,(, (9 f-o A11l. !J. {ct.4 ~~ i~6f~ 6e.. IJ.+e..d eM. L.:... ~ 1-6 De- fveso--<:Ve>d ,ct. 'b.e-<-,--J~/UJJ.f;~ i LC(~C :J ~ s-r ~~ (i...~ -r1"-C. '()~. ,-zu.~, ;.., fSL~ ~d f(,^-J0/' u.....uz c/,Jl.y A j1-A-Q{'e..A.Q...Q_ ~'T ''0 ~ r ""'~~/...JL~~(' ItAl/.ju~.,-:t;( .L~ T1~j- ,~W-"- i ~ '2'1 ~ ,)-e ./Z-t..-Lt.A,e t1:-<...", 0 ~ lJ...a.. 'cA- 1\..Q.. u.-..JJ..~-v-.t ~ ~ . ~~~ iv>~' C-'!J'<..~ j~ /~ ~Y:i:f4( 4, , 5dM~~ ~. 1l~ !~~._ - ITEl'4 iff 1 3 . tV( f/. !J.X-e;f :5 f,<-~ 1l.-.2.:' 1 ~ J~I Z~r-<-"( ,...,; ("<.JV tl:t:i, LCPC St~fAe'ptrt fH1-~~~Q.zc 80-457) Attach, A Page 1 of 7 .;. .- _ Ul CHRONOLOOY (OF A'~pJ((c.AtI(/7 ,1C.7'/o,(;) I 'r: ." j " Ootober 4, 1979 Conferenoe with Planning to explore prooesses. , ,November 7 Meet with Sherill Shenna.n, learn .;of Greenuny problom. November 9' Mset'With' Hudziekiwioz, steps to take on Greenway problem and disouss gap, water and rirrht of way. November 19 Meet with P.arry Sicklel:' 1"0 Gl-ee:1Uay prOblem, disoover that zoning problem exists. 'Explore time schedUlo and appaal possibility. Request otto's aide help expetiite matte!'. Novmnber' 21' Meet with Mark Hughes toward getting hold on septio approval and appeal ef zoning 0!'rOl' by County. I " , j" 'j:' ,. ~ .' ., Nove:ubel" 29 Foone n~th Hughes' ra hold on septic and Greenuay. No-"ember 30 Phone wi th Hughos 1"0 hot.. to pl'Olleed. DooElll1oor 6 Letter to Burns 1"0 septio approval hold and with Siokler re Greennay approval. " '.":" .1' .t' ; ; ~ . , :'j Deoember 10 ,Conforenco with Otto to oC'''1plilin of' no aotion. Moet with Otto and Hudzieldwioz a.nd tnth Otto end u,e Miller. Later meet with Otto and George Kramer to request that County olean up it's CTN!'1 r,less. (Zoninrr error) . December 13 Phone with Lee Miller re zoning oonfueion. , I ., December 19 Heot tnth I>>.ve Crot! as l'efel"1"ro by Leo Hillol'. Deoember 20 Phone with Marl: Hurrhas !'3 Commissioners aot on 1'e-zoning. Decembel' 26 Confera~ce t~~~ Archie Weinstein a~i ~mrk Hughes 1"0 zoning. . Deoomber 27 Phone with Hudziekiwioz ro prooessing of permits Conference with Arohie am Kramer re zoning. Hoating with Helen Elliot ra pennit problems and through Helen Elliot. I .\ r, . ' ,... 0.1 resaaroh paet history. ., Ja.noory 4, 1980 Deliver "Petit:i(m to re-zone" to .'111 COl1lmissioners and to Holan Elliot. Disouss history of events and what steps to tP.ke with Otto am with Arohie. Dacelllber 7 ~IElet tdth Sickler re Gl'Gomray Penoit - decide to go ~,h9ad while zoning is clElSrad up. Decarnbal." 20 Propar-a an:! suhnit Groommy pe~Tlit llpplication. , ITEM # 1 3 :i!1 !!@!~,[.;-~",'!['"!f'lii'.!i..I,i"'!:1!!;i',;':F.:;1/11.1":::'1'::1,' .:.: -.---<----- -_. . - :. ~.:.. ~; :: . ... i.',-. ,C'''N>t~",' Page 2 of r"' , "\H' . :[ .:.j; 'i.@.i__.llll~ll..i: :;ff!:)Jl,~iilllli~! LCPC Staff Report 12/16/80 (FAIRBANKS: ZC 80-457) Attach. A ..-..... .. .; . .,....:.... ,. . . ." ,.' '-:f ro.. ,;, .' '. \ '. Page 2 - CHRONOLOGY March 24 ~eet with Sickler re probable denial of Greenway Permit. Meet with Helen Elliot 1":') flood~IG.Y definibon. April 1 Meet with Helen Elliot re flood plain definition. , : , ' , ' > " April )' . Meet with Siokler. Archie, Kramer a~ Hughes ra Grseway penn1t. Siokler agrees to reverse his position. Gl"eenwllY, heo.ring - p"snted subject to conformity t-lith new criteria. Aprll 7 Meet wit~ Sickler're,zoning and future steps to take. April 18 Heet with Helen Ellio-t re cOl'l'ecting County's zoning error. Heet w:i.th Phil Bred son to correct zoning error. .. , ,April 28 Phone ~~th Bredson re zoning oorrection. April 29 Planning Commission meeting - assurod by Bradson of zoning O. K. . '.;-,' "'. ~ ". ~la.y 9 SulAoit Partition Application after assurances of zone correction. J Ullel 18 Heat with Cheryl Helfre:l.ge, Stt.n Petrasek, Janet Chase re soil analysis. June,19 Submit soil analysis !onn. ." " " ,~, . ~'. {{" ': ,": ~ June 27 Me~t with SickJ.er l'a July 3 ma<3ting postponeMent. July 23 Thone ,lith Otto re h~)9.ring dr.te. July 31 Palkition Henring - Approved. , August 13 Conference wit.l-} George Currin ro steps to be taken. A US!ust 20 P.i~k up survoy /100 BUbnit to County. November 19 Meet tr.tth Helon Elliot and Sickler l~ zoning to have bGen Bottled. " ''':' ,": . t,./,}. Novll!l1ber 20 ConferenoG \-lith Petor Watson and Siokler re zoning. Miller 00.1100 Hllrr,y aside an:! prcnised hearing DeoOlTlber 16, 1980. " , " '..i. '., I, .1 fl:..' . . ~ . ;1,.! .' . 'I ITEM # 1 3 - L'CPC Staff Repo'rt'._12/16/80 (FAIRBANKS: ZC 80-457) Attach. A Page '3.!of"'7~.t~'., Ij@i;iii!!~!!'!!![~~i~;~~',li~lliiiili,I':I~!!',:~,":0' '. .",., ,_;_":!:il],'i"il'il!]'!~ii'iiil,'I'i!ii!im;.~ '\ ,/ ,I.. \ '.- ..'''-J,l/d ,. ,~f-f( f?" I \.- ~J' ,. J .~ 0", L "t' )01 "-.. --.. .""---..._. -'.~ r.;;" L,+ 70{ , PI. vce./ z.. P..vc..e.!l -" . ~.a r bor- D;IUf' // , \.Xl..sfl....~ M~i,;{< }~c. <, - -.;J :-l w I (" '" ~ '0) . \ LoT 2 LO-t 15"3.8 ~_. - u~M ~J ~.. ,C~" - ....,'. l'iLhi:\Staff Report 12/16/8C (FAIRBANKS: Z; 80-457) Attaclf).A ! : 50 page;--t of 7 110 Senff Report: 4/3/80 1C1CCEORCE: GClJl 80-30) ALLa,:llInpllt "A" Pnge I ofl I , , ___,u_. e- ___un. .. u'" o MINOR part it ion .......... " 0 MAJOR ~~ ~ -~ ~ ------.....---.,----... ,~- --.............. ~. ---..~... II' ,'" "i'^ ..... .......J:::J~+e..... ", " / -' " T,,< Lc + rlOI -l:l ~ , " v V~ t'.... 1,',,(.. / ' - ...... _ <1 Q 0 , , t' "" C< .-T' -. / I (/.... ~ne county "'~-""" ' " Dr/v'" '::o.l7' ___ ~ P,II. k""5 A.."ol I I J I' A-I \-. v""~~' ,+r<e: s("..v ~ I I ~~' 10..."','., , ,,~' I r=-, ~ J L l.-~ I_~I:~ A"". 30' L " e ':--.......... ------- ' ---------- -l> ., ): , l. "\ k. c...u (5-rd IV. f- ) }\lob', I, Ho'~e 3 I3c. 1--- I I _,1/ I I 1 I , I '. - 1-'1~+ /..,"" tv I-Ivb;I, - .. -/l>0uC,,1 _, _ ~ S < ph L I." \ t.:J' Ju.. _ - .. I) I Vlw-.~ ~'I ,5i)' D.... '" I -5~::::"'-=-----=--==i p" f~ I I - /\. 100' (-""~ J,;JI, .....j-.,. 1; :1" , " /0 I.. '}..6 .s t-o".~J (' , ~ ~ -, -l=_~=-=-=--=:=:~~i:_fi=~.-~_-++-- : Ii I , -1." Lu1 11.03 -j ;j "?' EH' ITEM # 1 3 SCM.EtcPi:;"s'dB'Report 12/16/80 (FAIRBANKS: ZC 80-457) Attach. A ([ ~ z..o~ l-o c.~~,o..t F 11.1': NO: 'Page-5-of-;, PLAt.1NING OIVISION I ENVI RONMENT AllviANJ\GEi.1EN"' D!.:p;\HT:-..a:N l' / 1:>~) l./IS' () I H i\\'L I EUGEf>JC OR 97401 I PHONE (503) 687-4186 Sheet 2 of 2 ' "'~~~ - .' . LANE COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL DECISION APPROVING GREENWAY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (UNCONTESTED) Application Summary: Agenda Item #6 William A. McGeorge, GCUP 80-30, 121 Doris St., Springfield, Map 18-03-02-20, Tax Lot 2603. Greenway Conditional Use Permit for dwelling to be placed within willamette Greenway on new urban lot in a Suburban Residential (RA) District. Hearing Date: April 3, 1980 Decision Date: April 13, 1980 Statement of Criteria and Standards: LCDC Goals Lane County Comprehensive Plan Lane Code 10.322 Facts Relied Upon (Findings): The initial Staff recommendation in this matter was denial based upon the location of the site within the floodway. At the time of the hearing the Staff withdrew its recommendation of denial if we were looking only at the Greenway criteria and reserving the determination of the floodway location to a later time. Therefore, I am treating this matter as an uncontested one. Except for the floodway location, all factual statements set forth in the staff report are adopted herein and approved. The Hearings Official has personally observed the site. There was no opposition to the application at the time of the hearing. The property in question is located across the river from an industrial site and just to the north of a very dense mobile home subdivision. Because of the topography there is very little property available for additional development to the north of this parcel. Installation of the mobile home outside of the 40 feet distance agreed to by the applicant will not interfere with the existing vegetation. The applicant does require a Greenway development permit because of a proposed location within 100 feet from the ordinary high water mark. Special findings are required in regard to the setback. I find that the propo'sed home will not disturb the existing vege- tative fringe between the activity in the river and that the maximum open space is being preserved between the pro- posed mobile home site and the river by the proposed location. The' activity is within an urban area and public access is not necessary at this point. I have examined the compatibility guidelines of Lane Code 10.322-15 (2) and after due consideration 1 - McGeorge, GCUP 80-30 ITEM #: 1 3 ~ LCPC Staff Report 12/16/80 (FAIRBANKS: ZC 80-457) Attach. A Page 6 of 7 " ,- '. '.. - , . ( the relative importance of the guidelines I find the proposed mobile home compatible with the Willamette River Greenway. In support of the special setback I find that approval of this 40 foot setback will not be materially detrimental to the purpose of the Greenway development permit ordinance in the area in which this property is located. Decision: GREENWAY DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVED with the condition that it be determined by whoever is responsible for admin- istering the flood'management program in Lane County that the property is not within thefloodway for the proposed location of the mobile home. Justification for Decision (Conclusions): I have reviewed again Lane Code 10.322 and the Staff notes and testimony in this matter. I find the Staff notes to be well reasoned with the exception of the floodplain analysis as discussed above which will be reserved for a later time. In regard to the Greenway permit only, I adopt the analysis of the Staff as set forth in the Staff notes. ,/,. ''', /'~ L~;r~ho~s~n Hearings Official 2 - McGeorge, GCUP 80-30 lL'l"1:.M :# 1 3 . LCPC Staff Report 12/16/80 (FAIRBANKS: ZC 80-457) Attach. A Page 7 of 7