HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1985-1-10 ~ . . . LANE COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL ;loll{ I-let v~u v' STAFF REPORT Hearing Date: January 10, 1985 File No. PA 3190-84 Report Date: December 19, 1984 I. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION A. Applicant: Emmett H. Corbin 2501 S. Snead Drive Alhambra CA 91803 Agent: Jackie Allen 575 South "A" Street Spfld OR 97477 B. Proposal: Willamette Greenway Development Permit to allow a mobile home within an RA/MH Suburban Residential/Mobile Home District. II. RECOMMENDATION Approval of the proposed mobile home, subject to the following conditions: 1. The existing vegetative strip along the river bank shall be maintained. III. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Location and Site Description: Map 18-03-11-2.2, tax lot 3300 Zoning: RA/MH Suburban Residential/Mobile Home The subject property currently has a single wide mobile home with an address of 2075 Harbor Dr., and extends to the Willamette River, its southern boundary. It is Lot 48 of 5th Addition to Filbert Grove Subdivision. The building site is level and the rear of the lot slopes down to the river. B. Surrounding Area and Zoning Surrounding parcels are within the Filbert Grove Subdivision. They are occupied by mobile homes and accessory structures and are zoned RA/MH. The terrain is relatively flat and slopes down to the Willamette River, which forms the western and southern boundary of the Filbert Grove Subdivisions. C. Services: Fire: No permanent service. Temporary service currently provided by the City of Springfield. Police: State Police and Sheriff Water: Community Water System Sewage: On-site subsurface disposal Access: Harbor Drive; a County Road . . Parks: Willamalane Park District D. Referral Responses: 1. Flood Management: The property is not within a designated floodway, or flood plain. 2. Building and Sanitation: The existing sewage disposal system was installed in the area shown on the plot Ian (BP 137-75). There was no requirement for a replacement area at that time. A mobile home permit and subsurface sewage disposal connection permit will be required. IV. APPROVAL CRITERIA AND ANALYSIS A. Plan Conformity 1. Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential and Parks and Open Space (Willamette River Greenway). The area is also within the urban growth boundary. 2. Applicable Policies: Willamette River Greenway (pages 111-9-4 & 5) Policy #2 Land use regulations and acquisition programs along river corridors and waterways shall take into account all the concerns and needs of the community, including recreation, resource, and wildlife protection; enhancement of river corridor and waterway environments; potential for supporting nonautomobile transportation; opportunities for residential development; and other compatible uses. Police #9 The specific use management considerations and requirements of statewide Goal 15, "Willamette River Greenway", shall be applied, where they are not specifically addressed in policy or land use designations elsewhere in this Plan, in local refinement plans and local implementing ordinances. Policy #11 Eugene and Springfield shall continue to use the conditional use permit system to address the setback and vegetative fringe requirements of statewide Planning Goal 15. Lane county shall address the setback and vegetative fringe requirements of Goal 15 in its Greenway ordinance. Willamette application Development Greenway Policies are implemented through the of criteria contained in Lane Code 10.322-15 Greenway Permit. These criteria consider Goal 15 requirements. B. Lane Code 10.322 Criteria, guidelines, 'and setback requirements for approval of a Greenway Development Permit are listed in Lane Code 10.322-15. Due to their length, they are attached to the staff report. The following statements address the various requirements: . . 1. Criteria a. An existing vegetative fringe is located along the river bank which is south of the proposed building site. No riparian vegetation needs to be removed for the placement of the mobile home. b. The existing public access to and along the river will not be affected by this proposal. Just east of the Filbert Grove Subdivision, along the north bank of the Middle Fork Willamette River, is a State-owned recreational site. No public access is currently available through Filbert Grove Subdivision. 2. Guidelines a. The property is not designated "agriculture", but is designated for low-density residential uses and is within an urban growth boundary. No agricultural land is effected. b. The proposed site has not been designated as a significant scenic ares, viewpoint or vista. c. The site is not a significant historic or archeological site according to the historic inventories on file in the Land Management office. d. The site is not within subject lot and a few elevation than some Subdivision. the Willamette River floodplain. The others nearby are located at a higher other lots in the Filbert Grove e. Soil in the area consists of 4AU Cloquato-Urban Land Complex. This soil type is found in flood plain areas where the ground has been disturbed or developed. In this case, the area has been subdivided and residentially developed. Under current conditions the area is developed to the highest degree possible. The proposed development is similar to that already existing. f. The mobile home subdivision is provided water by a community water system. The water system will supply domestic water to the proposed mobile home and would not appear to have any effect on maintaining river flow volume. g. Disposal of domestic sewage will be handled by a subsurface sewage disposal system approved according to State standards, subject to required permits. h. The existing riparian vegetation strip along the river will be maintained. The mobile home site is close to Harbor Drive away from the vegetative strip. i. No timber harvest is involved nor is any timber removal anticipated. The building site is already cleared land, done years ago when the property was subdivided. j. The proposed use will not effect vandalism or trespass. The presence of other residences in the immediate area already maintains an informal mutual security system. . . k. As noted above, the pattern of development and uses has already been set. The proposed use will be the same distance from the river as other residential uses. 1. Maintenance of the existing vegetative strip along the river bank is the best means of protection from erosion. m. The proposed use is surrounded on three sides by other residences and will be developed in a similar manner. The buiding site will be screened or buffered from the river by the existing vegetative strip. n. According to the inventory prepared for the County's Greenway Plan and the County Comprehensive Plan, no significant fish, wildlife habitat or natural areas is identified for this property. The property and area is already subdivided and developed. o. No aggregate resources have been designated at this site. 3. Setback Requirements The proposed use will be 70 feet from ordinary high water. This setback is the greatest that can be maintained and still maintain the setback from the drainfield and from Harbor Drive. The 70 foot setback is reasonable inasmuch as all other mobile homes along the river maintain a similar setback; the vegetative strip along the river bank will maintain a buffer between river activities and the proposed residence, no significant natural, scenic, historic and recreational quality of the Greenway will be effected. V. FINAL COMMENTS A. Summary and Conclusions Provided the condition of approval is complied with, the request for a mobile home within the Willamette River Greenway appears to meet the requirements for approving such a use. This position is based on the following conclusions: 1. The proposed use is allowable by the Hearings Official so long as it meets the requirements as provided in Lane Code 10.322-15. 2. The proposed mobile home does Comprehensive Plan Policy. not violate any revelant 3. The building site is buffered from the river by a vegetative strip along the river bank which will remain. 4. No public access to or along the river will be effected. 5. No detrimental effects appear to be caused by the proposed use as it is similar to many other mobile homes in the area. B. Findings 1. The subject property is tax lot 3300, Map 18-03-11-2.2 and is Lot #48, 5th Addition to Filbert Grove Subdivision. . . 2. The property is zoned RA/MH District and is designated Low Density Residential/Willamette River Greenway by the Metro Plan. 3. The proposed use is surrounded on three sides by other residential development. 4. The building site is flat terrain, and has a strip of vegetation along the river bank. 5. The building site cannot be moved further from the river and still maintain other setback requirements and not encroach onto the existing subsurface sewage disposal system. 6. Several other mobile homes along the river within the same subdivision maintain similar setbacks or less. 7. No significant scenic, fish or wildlife habitat, historic resource has been identified at the site. 8. The site is not within a floodway or floodplain. 9. The water quality and quantity of the river will not be effected as domestic water is supplied by a community water system and sewage disposal will be approved only if the site meets State standards for subsurface sewage disposal. 10. Natural riparian vegetation will be maintained. C. Materials to be Part of the Record: 1. Staff Report 2. File PA 3190-84 3. Lane Code 10.322, and Chapter 14 4. Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan D. Attachments: 1. Applicant's Submittal 2. Area Map 3. Greenway Development Requirements (excerpt from LC 10.322) " c, , o ., .. . ~q~ <:G. 3 ~, " -\- c:;>~. 00 a~~ SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR GREENWAY DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION An application for Greenway Development must be complete upon submittal to the Land Managment Division. If all items are not submitted with the application, the application cannot be accepted for processing. Items necessary for a complete application include: 1.. PROPOSAL: (describe in detail) To install new mobile home T'Anl<H,;nl7 ex! stinll mobile home 2. Four copies of a plot plan, drawn to scale, illustrating the size and location of existing uses and structures on the property and describing the proposed development. 3. How does the proposed development protect or enhance the vegetative fringe between the development and the river? Tt. will not be necessarv to remove anv of the vegatative fringe t.o ~et. mohile home on oreviouslv develooed lot. 4. How does the proposal preserve, maintain and minimize interference with agriculture? N/A ~ 5. What scenic areas, viewpoints and vistas are associated with the proposal? Mid 6. Indicate the historic and archeological resources on the property. . N/A FILE NO. ~' ., ". .... .... 3 . . . 7. How would natural hazards (flooding, unstable soils, high water table) be handled? Mobile home will be set at required elevation and tie-downs will be installed , 8. Detail the water needs of the proposed use. Citv water 9. What methods, if any, will be used to minimize vandalism and trespass? NIA 10. What are the potential water pollution problems of the site? Consider domestic and industrial wastes, agriculture and timber runoff, septic tank seepage, gravel operations and other intermittent sources. None - septic system was installed accoring to County regulations. 11. How will natural riparian vegetation be maintained and sustained to provide habitat food and shade for wildlife; protect natural areas, anchor river bank soils and protect agricultural land from seasonal erosion; ensure scenic quality and screening of uses from the river? Mobile home placement will not interfere with natural riparian vegetation. 12. How will timber be"harvested to protect wildlife habitat, riparian and other significant vegetation, and natural scenic qualities of the site? "T 1,,- -'( -- 13. How will nonwater related uses be sited a~ay from the river? Placement of new mobile home will comply with County set-back rules. FILE NO. ~. . . . ~ ~ . 3 14. Describe the aggregate resources located within the Greenway designation. Mobile home will be placed on lot in previ6usly platted residential subdivision which has no aggregate resources. 15. Explain the difficulties in not providing at least a 100 foot setback from high water line to protect the natural, scenic, historic and recreational qualities of the Willamette River Greenway. A 100' setback from the high water line would render the property unusable. Set-back rules will be followed and mobile home set on lot compatable with plaaement of mobile homes on adjacent lots and to allow for existing septic system. ",'. ~ FILE NO. - ~ '\ 14.'3' ~ r I -\ \ , t: , BAC.K '1A"'-t> I \ \ 30' I }l Ii 0 ~i \ --.l ~ i:-J~ I' .. "(,,, '.:-6 :t: \ \ I I f: - \ I .... ... . H ('IV'" E v, l:b ~ z8' M. "- t "" \~- Z$ ~ I - -- ----- --l! \ , I .. cKISTING M. HOME' J 0 ~.tL- - _._"6'__ I 1<> --' ,S~ ~ C. -----------, If\ ,\ \ ,I \ I (;.f.,ISTING- I '^ - ~ .." ,., I ~ .' liI 1 ~ - \ I .:SEPTIc.. 111\ - D - '^ I to' '!II , "" \ mNK ~ I Iii ~ \0> , ~ \ '1 (' \ I~ 7< D\'lr\IN flat) I (\ I ~ ^ \ \ \ A.A.qq I~ \ \ I I' \ \ I I \ \ \ F~ONT I o rr, -,,)< I - - \ c VI - \ '/A<R..I> I Il\-! - \ I c - I \I $ Z ~ \- -I -<.'" , 0 \ \ \ " / .... "" , ~ '" ' , - I\; ~ - '" ~ ~ ~ ~ - t t , . ... , . '-' --..:\ Qo I r\ j~NIr' Hflfl..\3ol,Q" DiR.\vE Hearings Offic~ Public Hearing . Time: 9:30 A.M. Date: I>lace: Harris Hall, Lane County Courthouse, 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene OR 97401 Applicant: Emmett H. Corbin: PA 3190-84 Location: Proposal: January 10, 1984 I>lot No.: Map No.: 18-03-11-2.2/3300 2074 Harbor Drive, Springfield Greenway Development Permit to allow a mobile home within the Wi11amette Greenway Boundar~ within an IMH District., 3700 f. y .J.. 1100 1<:,00 z:. , y 'Z- o 3600 1400 PR\\Jc 3000 ,--I I' 1,1 ,.. , " , - l{;/t.t -'I"'1t; l're: 3/00 R \ 'le.R. VICINITY MAP ~ ~ 0' 50' lao' NO SCALE :0'", ~"" :,'~~~'; ~~" ;;" ~~~;~~~~' ~:"~ ~ ~'~' ~'~~ ~ ~ ~ ':' ~ '; ~;~ ~'~ ~"; ~ ~~' ~ ~':" ;'; ~'~I~~';; ~';' ;'1' ~..; ~ ~~~~;;..; ~~;""..::;""" ,. IF YOll RECEIVE THIS NOTICE, IT MUST PROMPTLY BE FORWARDED TO THE PURCHASER." ~ ~...t""'II'I"I"I""'I'I'I"""I""""I"'I"".....II..II.............~.........I...I.II....IIII.I........I.III.I..II...........~ FOR ANY INFORMATION ON THE PROPOSAL, CONTACT LAND plANAGEMENT DIVISION 1 COURTHOUSE _ PIIRllr <;F~VlrF RIIII nlNr, / l?~ F PH' ^I/FNIIF / FlIr,FNF nOFr:m, 07^n, I oun"F I<n? c07_,1nc' \ ~-:-~--"" ~~~ H.O. APPROVAL - . . LANE COUNTY GENERAl. I.A~.!!.~~~_PI.ICAT.IO~ "" "od'8~J/ DIRECTOR APPROVAL Zone Change P~rtiticlll: Preli~inary Final Subdivisiull: Preliminary Flna I Cluster SuhJivb:iiun: Preliminary Fina l ___"_ Cond. Use Permi t 'X (;reenway Dev. Permit Temporary Use Permit ____Specia I USE.' Permi t ___.______ Request for Interpretation Plan Amendment Variance Site Review Special Exception Hazard Check List ~te Investigation Report V Special Use Permit.RtlnO fJI ./!n() Planned Unit Deve lo~men t : Pt'f 3/119#1- Prellmlnary Final PLANNING CO~IISSION FEE PAID COMBINATION FEE additional DATE SUBMITTED (Applicant's option-highest application) . DATE RECEIVED fee plus $25.00 for each . - - - - -- -- - - - - - -.- -___ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ ___ _ __ _ ____... _ n. "_'_.'. -. '-'-' .-. -..-.-.--....---.-- ---.--- ------.------ ---- --- -- _.~- I. APPLICANT AND O\<NERSHIP IDENTIFICATION 1. Name of ApplicantDr. Emmett H. Corbin Phone 818-282-3895 Mailing Address 2501 S. Snead Drive. A1hambea. CA 91803 Street City Zip 2. Legal Interest - Titleholder X Othel" Contract Purchaser Lessee J. ?2Knatu.!:.<:..:s. I (we) have completed all the attached application requiremeots and certify that all statements are true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowiedge and belief. I (we) am also authorized to submit this application as evidenced by the signature of the owner below. Owner's Signature Date Agent's Signature Date Agent's Address 575 South A st. Sp~in~~1Ald: OR 97477 Phon!746-3830 Zip II. PROPERTY LOCATION Assessor's Hap 18-3-11-2-2 #3300 Tax Lot Size 60' X 156.91 X 94.63 X 167.81 Tax Code Olf!--,,/ Property Address 2074 Harbor Dri~e. Springfield - - ,- - Road Status - State._County Rd. X Public Rd. Easement Abutting Property Owned Map Present Use Residential (acreage) Tax Lot(s) Present Zoning MH Res Structures Mobile home Water Supply - Public X Onsite Wells Communi ty ~.Ja te r Sys tern If Community \,ater System, please List name Sewage - Public System__(list<.!;~rne)___ Community System (lis~:~a,me) Individual Onsite X ..,. . '~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN~. LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION COURTHOUSE. PSB:_ "'2 5 E.,';';8~H AVE. EUGENE. OREGON 97.0 'I '.':", "-,,:. .~ -- ~- " . . .1 ~ . . LANE COUNTY r.E:-;EH,11. I.A:;n USE APPl.lr:,IT!,':; :: r I.~: :;1). ._&ftl~rfl H.O. APPROVAL t}IRECrl)!~ :\PP;';I)'.:,\L Zone r.h:1ngc p,) rt it i :':1: :...._.l; ;':: ::.1 r'o' ___ ._ConJ. Use Pcrmi t : :::.11 ',q~'di':i..;i,):l: ;':',.,j i:~::l:lr'.' X lirecn",,,y n..-v. Permit'pt4 3/$-81- :::::.ji I: I us t " r .~ .::.,: I ': 1 ::. .:: : >:'.,.' i : n:::l I r': I'eml'orarv lIsl' Permit Spl'r.i.-li USl' Pl'rmit ::j::.!: '- - . - -- ---.". ---- "';1 i 1,!;1' .' :) i t v ,:\": j. ., ~) ;ll'\' : . i: ~::-:."';': ~ il; I Request for Tnterprct3tion Pl an Amendmen t Hazard \::I~'~:~: Li:-:~ ..S i tt' ! tl\',:',";t i ~at inn ~~\":-'l(1r:. .r.- SpC'ci:d l.s...., :)....r;:':it.flj.2L'-/U;'pU Pl.:.Jnn~-'(: Lni~ D~"J('j'~;):'::l..'nt: Prl'! ii1in:lr:: Fin.,! pLAliK l~r. CO~Il'!l SS TON FEE p,ITD ---,- -- COHB1"ATION FEE additional DATE SUBNlTTED (Applicant's option-highest <1pplication) . DATE RECEIVED fee plus 525.00 for ~~ch .--------------------------------------------.-....-... ". .-.... ... ._--~. ___. .4___.______________.__________________ 1. APPLICA..'<T AND OI-lNERSHIP IDENTIFICATION 1. "ame of Applicant Dr. Emmett H. Corbin Phone 818-282-3895 Hailing Address 2501 S. Snead Drive. Alhambea. CA 91803 Street City Zi;> 2. Legal _lnteres.,!: - Tit~eholder X Other Contract Purchaser Lessee 1. ?i~~latu-E-~~ 1 ("e) have completed all the attached application requirements <1nd certify that all statements <1re true and accurate to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief. 1 ("e) am also authorized to submit this application as evidenced by the signature of the owner below. Own~r's Signature Date Agent's Signature -, Date I Agent's Address 575 South A st. __~""T'i"',:f'ip.ln, OR 9'74'7'7 Phon1i'46-3830 Zip [I. PROPERTY LOCATION Assesso r I sNap 18-3-11-2-2 #3300 Tax Lot Size..?_~I~_1:56.~.1_x 9~_.63 X 16'7.81 Property Address 2074 Harbor DriV'e, Sprinr;field Tax Code RO<1d St<1tus - St<1te__County Rd. X Public Rd. Easement Abutting Property Owned Map Present Use Residential (acreage) T<1x Lot (s) Present Zoning MH Res StrU("~t\Jres Mobile home Hater Supply - public_~_,_Onsite Hells Community {..,later System If Community \Jater System, plt':lse list name Sewage - Public System (list name)____ Community System. -(list name) [ndiv idua 1 Dos i te X / ~r rA/EL.,::Je:7LJ ~/Z;LJ ~,vc7 11-ZL7:tEf, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, LAND MANAGEMENT DIV)SION- COURTHOUSE-PSB IZ5 E 8TH AVE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 I- I I I Pi' r I I'. APPLICANT CORBIN, TL~ 18G31122G33GG .,EW BLDG TYPE OWNER NME CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION .p BP BP .p BP ~~~H LC 319G84 HOFG trL ~ FIXTURES: MECH SUR trCK . -I . . . . . 111 . . ,.,. I . .I~ iC @ ill r ~ !li . .' " . ~ ~ . ef Ii! '11i;:' . . e~ ~ . . r ~. I ~ . .~ ~ 5 . .~ 3 11'!':. . , .~ " . . LANE COUNTYDEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ~ 319084 DATE 11198" DR. EMMETT , ADDR 25Gl S. SNEAD DR~. ALHAMBEA, CALIF. SUBDIV LOT BLK 'USE X BDRMS 0 UNITS 000 STORIES ~BLDGS GGI PHONE 282 3895 . ADDR I SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYt'lt!.' I' I.I~ iC @ .~ ~ . ~ a e~ b 0:' . '" Ii! .;:. ~I -0, '\'11~ ~ GREENWAY SWR: FT. WTR : MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE FT. RAIN: 295.0G FT. 4" 0" . . .ATG: SEQU: I r rTAKEN . APP RA FP SDS SI PCK OTH 1 ISS BY RLH EST. COMPLETION DATE. TOTAL FEE** 295.00 CK e~1 ~. ~ .! ~ a ~ .~ , . . . . . 'i{)'\ . .. . . ~ r' I! . . . . ~. r' l , . I. . . . . . Ii nr . . . . . b"- . . , . . Ii (jf1 .~H" > I' '~'IA/I ^.80" I".' T"IT""', j'~ '} :JM '''I'J T'C"J"j' ~ ~ , . I .:;. I," ..' ';l ... ..1,..""'1 . I ~"I ".' , .~ \ O "! 'r' A>'IM"fIIA "'1 ,., "lA' - 1,\""" ""'l" .."1 ..1r-lJ ~ _I. H..... 10 \.1' \.1l"'\~Jt,.~ 10 t.. ~";;f..._... ,.I'J,"'l )U.J '11:') . C','ST.; ~"f)r: '31-10H', 1(')'" '?J'J,J6 ~ "{:\:.nl'l ::13'1 \IOnWJAV ,n~);j YH!l.IfJ,} 3~\('\.J TT:J11M] . :1(1 V!ntlU~~ ~]I~OT% 000 ZTI~U 0 ZMAcrg X J~U i==t{Hr.~1 r HiU T"i ("7, . ,I,JIil:;jU:) n1.~::.r Jq'IA 00E~0~~~t~OOt 'Jl' HGITqI~J~3a ~DlrJA '~':I "r "(I "1 W"'. .J , 'd _..I ..1 :'jMl-l ;ULltJO OM, J''j''(\ 3ilOJ 1. 'iH . ,:.jH . . .;\1' ~':' Yiil,!!tl,:J3:::1;) : :'lTW . '\, . mJ? J3 ~i Jr:)3I!'~1:'lH~IJI1 ],j'ilAHJ flU ,: ::J'I {, r z T:J'l >lJJI'!:, V.IU:' J.'iOH p~31)i,' j':S :.. J : 'nrHJTXl'1 .~ , q:. ' ';;kl I-HI'1' " ,},. h.JJ,., i'1UL :1:J'. . (}o.. '{;";'~: .n :!HIH ,'I'~ ('r)! . . . 'I,". i ~\ro r '-11"""... .... I J'(, 'z.'.!? ':,! i (I~I '.1 ':'! r.i ",-". : i_II'" , u~~::J?. "">iii-rOil ~ I M~ r. . );~, 00.;;:<;>\;; to' j~ ':I~:!-:-l Ji:,TO \' . ........\.... .:.1tlH!. ~It.!:. T:~I.,J':"Ji'~f.):--) .. " '~,~":. . H,.i~l Yol . . . " Hearings Offic!; Public Hearing (- ~ '-' i " Time: 9:30 A.M. Date: January 10, 1984 Place: Harris Hall, Lane County Courthouse, 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene OR 97401 Applicant: Emmett H. Corbin: PA 3190-84 l.ocation: Pro'posal: Plot No.: Map No.: 18-03-11-2.2/3300 2074 Harbor Drive, Springfield Greenway Development Permit to allow a mobile'home within the Willamette Greenway Boundarj within an IHH District. ~ ( t. ~ '\lOO 1':>00 z:. ,... 7 "t- O 3800 DR\\Ie. 51' ~9F- ,.. Re( ~OE~r 300a 3/00 8.lc,etJe. /.-. .,,, II ..' , " o . ,~, --- ------- ~ ~ O'~(;)' 100' (] VI~CJN IT Y MAP -'.fo---- seACE --- / / /' ~, ---'--, ,- , . .,_,__,~_.H,,___', __" ~' ........................................................................................................................................ . h.. . "NOTICE TO KJR1GA. GEE. LIEN HOLDE!R. V~NIlO. -R.O-R g.U,{R: ORS CIIAPTER 215 RE;<lYlR"E. .$.. THAt ..4' ,.. IF YOll RECEIVE lH'IS NOTICE. IT MUS,T PRQ&TLY!!.LFORWARDED TO T'HE PURGHA'"SER.. .~ ....I....~~~I...............~~~..~!!..............~~~.-~.....................I.................................~.~~~~~............-