HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-8-15 " . . add r-:;L-t.- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning and Building Department DATE OF LE'ITER August 15, 1988 DATE OF MEETING Augus t 11, 1988 APPLICANT john H. DeLoach Susan M. DeLoach 4021 N. Clarey Eugene, OR 97402 SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL conversion of location of the NUMBER 88-0~126:-- Pre-App' an exist~~house into a property (:_496 Ha~ Road. ation Conference to discuss are Center serve 41 children. the The A'ITENDANCE APPLICANT: Susan DeLoach. CITY STAFF: Gary Karp, and Carol Denner. - _ . -._, _~._...... - ~. ~...... - .,~-_ '___4~_"_ ACTION No formal information approval. action prior was to taken, this meeting was held to provide the applicant with submitting a formal application for a Type I Site Plan Review DISCUSSION The items discussed may not include all issues which may be reviewed as part of the actual application. 1. Assessor's Map# 17032200 - Tax Lot 02800. The property is zoned Community Commercial (CC); the Metro Plan Designation is Community Commercial. The use is permitted in the the CC District upon Site Plan Review approval (the fee is $100.00 and may require preparation by a professional planner or architect) and meeting Special Use Standards. 2. The following Development Code issues need to be addressed: (a) Special Use Standards (SDC 16.100(4). (1) Play area approval from CSD. . . " .l" Page 2 DeLoach Pre-App (2) Facility approval from CSD. (3) 20 foot side and rear yard setbacks. The proposal does not meet these standards. The Springfield Development Code is being amended so that this standard would not apply to the existing house. You can submit your application for Site Plan review at any time, however, you will not receive Final Site Plan approval until the amending ordinance is in effect. (4) 15 foot front yard setback. The proposal meets this standard. (5) Day Care Centers are required to abut an arterial or collector street. The proposal abuts Harlow Road; the proposal meets this standard. (b) Landscaping. submittal. be required. center) . Existing landscaping needs to be shown on the Site Plan Plant and tree names will be required. An irrigation plan will Street trees need to be shown in the planter strip (30 feet on (c) Parking requirements. The use requires 1 space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area, but in no case less than 4 spaces plus one additional space for each full time equivalent day care center worker. The total square footage to be used needs to be known, in addition to the number of employees who will be employed. The applicant has decided to construct a turn-around on-site. A parking agreement may be necessary with the commercial property to the west for employees). If a turn around .is .installed, -no parking..shou-l~,-...._;,c.. block its use. An additional curb cut on Pheasant will not be requested. A more detailed and accurate plan will be required. A typical parking stall is 9' x 18' with 24 feet of backup room. A handicap stall is 13' x 18'. One handicap stall will be required. (d) An Improvement Agreement for sidewalk will be required for Pheasant Blvd. (e) ~ritten approval will be required from the Lane County Sanitarian stating that the existing septic system is adequate for 41 children and the workers required to supervise them. (f) An annexation agreement will need to be signed. (g) ~ritten approval from CSD for the facility and play area will be required. '(h) A copy of any parking agreement with the property to the west. - . . .~ Page 3 DeLoach Pre-App PROCEDURE A Type I Site Plan application is necessary. An application is enclosed. The cut-off date for application submittal is any Friday. QUESTIONS Please call the Planning and Development Department at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY . /~ ~ ~ Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members enc. I