HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1988-9-19 ..;....._..1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING! BUILDING' . PUBLIC WORKS " METROPOLlTAN'WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT' 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 . . (503) 726-375j ". ,.., . ......'. September 19, 1988 ...John H. DeLoach Susan M. DeLoach 4021 N. Clarey Eugene, OR 97402 " Re: CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 88-08-147 Dear Hr. and Mrs. DeLoach, As a result of meetings on application for a Day Care Urban Growth Boundary, you have Septemb and 16 concerning yo Facilit t 49~ ~arlnu Road-which' the following QP.i~~7' Site Plan Review in Springfield's 1. You may annex to the City (an annexation application is attached), or; 2. You can wait Commissioners during 1988. until February, 1989, at the earliest for the Lane County Board of to approve amendments made to the Springfield Development Code Both options involve governing bodies. for the annexation Plan application. annexation to the Commissioners. some risk, i.e., staff cannot guarantee approval by the various However, annexation may faster. Staff will recommend approval request. Also attached you will find' a staff report for your Site preliminary Site Plan Approval will become effective upon City or approval of the Code amendment by the Lane County Board of 4,/~ Associate Planner cc: Gary Draper -. I ~1:.Ir"r,~~~;g:;.:,;:~,:;.'~'''.''fO;~'''~.t!:::::;.:: l>-4."'~~,.-';:-'..- '."~":':.:'~ :~W' ~l....:>;~\~~>::'::. ,.... r ,.;...:: ,~.'"l'~ _ '.'.~',: "';..,.... , ";'~\'.: .~:-~~,,..n".....:.... ",. ~..~...~~!'i...";w,r.~A.i.~-:~,~'~:.- 'l.'''''~,'''~~ -- e e CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Planning and Building Department DATE OF LE'ITER September 19, 1988 DATE OF KEETING September 15, 1988 .; APPLICANT John H. DeLoach Susan M. DeLoach 4021 N. Clarey Eugene, OR 97402 SUBJECT CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 88-08-147. Type I Site Plan Review to discuss the conversion of a single family home to a Day Care Center. Assessor's Map# 17032200 Tax Lot 2800. The property is zoned Community Commercial/UF-I0; the Metro Plan Designation is Community Commercial. The location of the property is 496 Harlow Road. There was a Pre-Application Conference in August, 1988 Jo. No. 88-08-126. A. . ",."ANCE APPLICANT: Susan DeLoach, applicant and Gary Draper, RE/MAX Realty. CITY STAFF: Gary Karp, Cindie Harmon and Les Craigmile. ACTION No action can be taken at this time. Growth Boundary and the Springfield approve this proposal, adoption of the needs to be adopted by Lane County. The is February, 1989. Since this proposal is in Springfield's Urban Development Code was amended in order to revision to the Springfield Development Code earliest this is intended to be accomplished You can ask staff to waive the 120 day review period and wait until the Springfield Development Code reVISIons are adopted by Lane County without paying any additional fee for Site Plan Review or you can annex to the City at this time. preliminary Site Plan Approval cannot be granted until either of the options stated above have been completed. For your convenience, preliminary Site Plan Approval would be subject to: 1. Requirements under Site Plan Review Criteria of Approval; and 2. Special Use Standards to be met (See Attachment A). -" . . Page 2 DeLoach Type I Site Plan VBAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO OBTAIN FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL? 1. A Final Site Plan drawn to scale is required within 90 days of either annexation approval or Lane County Board of Commissioner approval. The following revisions need to be shown on your Final Site Plan: a. Off-Street Parking. The existing driveway must be marked "No Parking". The additional paving to be added to the west of the existing driveway. A diagram needs to be included to show which spaces will be rented across the street. b. A statement that the VISIon clearance triangle will not have vegetation over 2 1/2 feet high. Two street trees must be shown along the Harlow Road frontage. c. The chain link fence around the swimming pool, not less than 5 feet in heigh t. d. The location of any sign. e. The location of a walkway starting at the property line along the frontage of Pheasant Blvd (as discussed at the meeting of September 16). 2. A signed Development Agreement. This agreement will be prepared by staff upon approval of your Final Site Plan. 3. All issues discussed as part of your Occupancy Inspection need to be addressed prior to Occupancy of the building as a Day Care Center. 4. An Improvement Agreement for sidewalk will be required for Pheasant Blvd. Staff will prepare the document, however, the cost of recording this document at the Lane County Courthouse is to be paid by the applicant. 5. A copy of a letter from CSD stating that the play area and the facility itself have been approved for the maximum number of students stated. 6. Vritten approval 'will be required from the Lane County Sanitarian stating that the existing septic system is adequate for 41 children and the workers required to supervise them (this has been completed). 7. A written copy of any parking agreement with the property to the west. 8. If annexation is not pursued, an annexation agreement will be required. APPEAL If you wish to appeal this Type I Site Plan Review decision, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. "- . . Page 3 DeLoach Type I Site Plan QUESTIONS Please call the Planning and Development Department at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED BY 'G;~ ~ ~ Associate Planner Copy To: DRC Members Gary Draper . . ~.. . . ATTACHMENT A FINDINGS CRITERIA OF APPROVAL (Ref. Section 31.060 of the SDC). (X] DEMONSTRATED COMPLIANCE VITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS OF THIS CODE. Yhen the Special Use Standards below have been met, this application will have demonstrated compliance with the applicable standards of this Code. (X] PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION.AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR STREETS. Yhen the applicable Off-Street Parking Standards below have been met, this criterium will be met. DEVELOPKENT STANDARDS TO BE !lET (X] THE DEVELOPKENT !lUST CONNECT TO PUBLIC UTILITIES. The property is located outside of the City limits but within the Urban Growth Boundary. There are 57 people proposed to use the existing single family septic system. Approval of the Lane County Sanitarian will be required (approval has already been granted). If the annexation to the City is not pursued, an annexation agreement will be required. If the existing septic system fails and there is no way to expand or repair it, you will be required to annex to the City and connect to the City sanitary sewer system. The nearest City sewer line is approximately 300 feet to the south. You would be responsible for the cost of extending the sanitary sewer to your property. The cost of pipe would be approximately $30.00 to $40.00 per lineal foot; the cost per manhole would be $2,000.00 (three or four manholes would be required). You should also be aware that after the Harlow Road widening project is completed, the cost of connecting to sanitary sewer would be even more since the street would not be allowed to be cut (it could be bored). (X] THE DEVELOPKENT !lUST COMPLY VITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY CODES. A Building Permit will be required to bring the existing structure up to Code as specified in the required Occupancy Inspection for the proposed change in use. A key issue is electrical wiring methods for Day Care Centers; if there are 15 children, then Metal raceway, type MI, MC cable or Manufactured Metallic Yiring Assemblies shall be the wiring method. In addition, permits are required for any paving, fence installation and signs. (X] A 5 FOOT VIDE LANDSCAPED PLANTER STRIP VITH PERMANENT IREIGATION MUST BE INSTALLED BETllEEN THE STREET-SIDE PROPERTY LINES AND PARKING AREAS OR STRUCTURES. IF STREET TREES DO NOT EXIST, THEY MUST BE INSTALLED IN THIS PLANTER STRIP. The plan Blvd. and clearance street. the Harlow Road. submitted shows landscaping. Landscaping at the corner of Pheasant Harlow Road cannot be higher than 2 and 1/2 feet in the vision triangle (measured along the property line for 25 feet along each Street trees in the existing planter strip will be removed as part of Road widening project. Two street trees will be required along Harlow ~.,' . . . Page 2 DeLoach Findings (X) PARKING AND CIRCULATION AREAS MUST BE PAVED AND STRIPED, AND VHEEL STOPS HUST BE INSTALLED. Day Care Centers require 1 parking space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area, but in no case less than 4 spaces plus one additional parking space for each full time equivalent Day Care Center worker (SDC 16.070(1)(b)). The house and garage are 2840 square feet. Eight parking spaces plus 5 additional parking for employees will be required. A parking agreement can be entered into with the property owner to the west since the required parking spaces cannot fit on your property. In addition, a paved area 18 feet deep and 26 feet wide will be required to be installed in the existing lawn area located to the west of the existing driveway for vehicular circulation. Backing into Harlow Road will not be permitted. It appears that three parking spaces. could be provided in this area (these three "spaces" will be counted toward meeting your off-street parking space requirement), however, this area will not be required to be striped so that cars - can turn in, back out and enter Harlow Road "front first". The driveway itself will be required to be marked "No Parking". (X) SIDEIIALKS. There are no sidewalks abutting this property on Pheasant Blvd. An Improvement Agreement for sidewalks will be required. However, a walkway will be required to begin along the frontage of Pheasant Blvd. As part of the Harlow Road widening project, the existing planter strip will be removed, however, the existing sidewalk will remain. (X) TRASH RECEPTACLES AND OIITDOOR STORAGE AREAS MUST BE SCREENED. If trash receptacles and/or an outdoor storage area are to be used, then they will have to be screened and shown on the Final Site Plan. SPECIAL USE STANDARDS (Ref. SDC 16.100(4)(b)). (X) THE FACILITY SHALL PROVIDE A PLAY AREA IN ACCORDANCE \lITH CHILDRENS SERVICES DIVISION (CSD) REGULATIONS. A written statement. from CSD will be required. (X) THE FACILITY SHALL BE APPROVED BY CSD. A written statement from CSD will be required. (XI EXCEPT. FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES IN COIlKERCIAL DISTRICTS, THE FACILITY SHALL ABIIT AN ARTERIAL OR COLLECTOR STREET AND SHALL BE DESIGNED TO DIRECT THE FLOII OF TRAFFIC AllAY FROM LOCAL STREETS, IN ACCORDANCE IIITH SECTION 32.080, ACCESS AND CURB CIIT STANDARDS. Although there is an existing structure, the property abuts Harlow Road. Harlow Road is a Minor Arterial Street. . ,.~ . . Page 3 DeLoach Findings (X] EXCEPT FOR EXISTING STRUCTURES IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, TBEFACILITY SHALL HAVE A PLANTED FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 15 FEET AND PLANTED SIDE AND REAR YARD SETBACKS OF 20 FEET. The property has an existing structure and does not have to meet this standard. However, annexation by the City or approval by the Lane County Board of Commissioners.