HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-3-31 ~ 1-0 uJ AGRICULTURAL USE Or' PHOPO~;U:,Ll ::;>"J:t{UI....~ul:\5l ~De spec:l-I:1.c} fi.. N,J J, 01), I <:.f? EAr. )OLrJ"" OWNER NAME AND AD RESS - IC:, 1'2> f-.!Cl..l4,RelU ~y-;14p p~, U:IN'J.'AAL.'l'OR'S NAME AND OSR ff I ::I:t I TELEPHONE NUI.mER STA~ iF';;ION~~~)~AAL BUILDING ~sqa ~:t~re located on a farm and used in the operation of ~~:~ ~:~ storage, maintenance, or repair of farm machinery and cquipmmt or for the raising, harvesting. and selling of crops or- in the feeding, breeding, managcrrcnt, and sale of. or the produce of, li vcstock, poultry, furoearing animals or honeybees or for dairying and sale of dairy products or any combination thereof including the preparation and storage of product!; raised on such farm for hwnan use and animal use and disposal by marketing or otherwise. AGRICULTURAL BUILDING DOES NOT INCLUDE: (a) a dwelling; (b) a structure used for a purpose other than gro..ring plants in which persons perform more than 144 hours of labor a week; (c) a structure regulated by the State Fire Marshall pursuant to ORS Chapter 476; (d) a place used by the public; or (e) a structure subject to Sections 4001 to 4127, Title 42, United States Code (the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968) as amended, and regulations promulgated thereunder. (ORS 456.758) '-. bne county , ,- . ' AGRICULTURAL PLACEJlNT AUTHORIZATION TOWNSIIlP ! '7 I SUBDIVISION/PARTITION RANGE I SECTIOO~ ~ ,l, /17;1 () DOUT OF I j/~06 fBWcx ell! - l;.lP <h~'tJ..a.o rzJ, ~() AI~If\~ CIl. '1111" / 1 i v':l ,.,1..." 6i.D. - r' 03 (if applicable) LO~ATION AUDNE5S S1'RUcrURES /J o..y J. .Q. t.J TO SITE PI tJ,,;t lJ'r f..-/tJ ('() ~ CURRENT!..Y ON PROPERTY tIVlu -s~ rOoM :S /01'0- -m RECTI 005 10 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~g~~~IZATION 9..57- ~L o TWO COPIES OF PLOT PLANS o PLUMBING & MECHANICAL CHECKLIST ATTACHED ISSUED BY: DATE: II OF EMPLOYEES 'ffiLEPHOOE NUMBER I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPUCATION, and do hereby certi fy that all information herein is true and correct and I further certify that any and all work perfonred shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OIANGE OF USE will be made of any structure "..ithout first obtaining the proper permit(s) from the Building D,ivision. I HAVE READ AND OIECXED THIS APPLICATION rnORQUGHLY AND I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ nIE STATE DEFINITION FOR AGRICULTURAL BUILDING. I understand this application in only for the purpose of locating the structure to assure proper'setbacks from roads, property lines, and related facilities. kD~ Fi1 J;JffVJrt~ ~~Ii v-\ NAME (please print) , c1Ol~J/;Q) ~ ~j~ SIG-lATURE OF OWNER , . l1-J/-20 - DATt.: THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT. Call for a placement inspection prior to A~ouring concrete, setting poles, or framing to verify location of the proposed .~{~structure on the site. (687-4065) ',~ ' t2-,.1+ LL /0,1.16- ~~\ MINIMUM SETBACKS: 4CCe:sr.~Rt .k...:Qd",-'~ ~f- .~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ -/o(~ , Road center line, front .s-o' ~'f,/,.... l;a.., p center line, side '"10 . J 7-tft E0f". Property line, interior 51 rear.,f I FACILITIES: Proposed construction will not increase sewage flow, Do not park on or drive over drain- field. MINIMUM SETBACKS: existing and replacement sewage AUTHORIZATION BY: LANE COUNTY DATE 3 --3/-8 ( / PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (5/82) Oreg~m 97401 Ol4Nsd<J 1.-. a!ls ~ r;~;J . 'i , /(;; 7<6- I/oi, OJR-u 13n~(1 ((.}, 'S p~ 0J r: ;.Jj DI( 97117'7 .J. - /c2f) {J - !lAtD QtJ BIZ!D(;;c tZ; I I~ v IcJne county ~ AC'IVITY INFORMATI~ SHEET .~ COMPLETE THIS SECTION, INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! J ~ (Pp Il-~/' , PERSON MAKING RE EST '80/ SA! ( MAILING ADDRESS rp/poc;~f !-I1f IX :J7'l'SS- CITY STATE ZIP CODE 796 - ,?Q 30 BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS / b '; 5' H ~~ ~ f2..ti. (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS) ~ -<'0 t.t /S ~ r;; ;V "J PROPERTY OWNER I b 9J' I/~A 8-P k/J, , MAILINGlADDRESS <::.,p?.t/?< <;/:.{7/c1' tllp, ty9'f/} 7 , / CITY/ STATE ZIP CODE HOME TELEPHONE # ~JJ. v f (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) 3 MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (REQUIRED INFORMATION) ~\ S ~(}uJ '''i- \"o;-~ ,Ovt\ cS \j'JJ w / '7 0 ~ ~~<:LL, / /XOO TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TAX tOT(S) OR PARCEL # ~~ TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING TAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # ZONING ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION (if applicable) LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) :l..1xzr;;, ~/IJ <--~./ fT€,{l (\2 A (j ~l(), ]A _I ~? bf cQr 2 d j! ~ () \... ~ <1\~ ~ .~.~CAt 1k., 2! ? V 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE: 3 )- + f:S- 0-0 ~ ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** -- NUMBER DATE - -l '" Vl ZONE/LAND USE: BY: DATE: TIME IN: OUT: . -l .-: , LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th ^VE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4061 \ . . . . .., . . . r"r' . . " . .I~ iD (!j "I " ~ ':i . .~ . ~ ~ . ef Ii! 1'1;:, .. . .~ ;0 m ~ ~ . . rr I' . ~ .~ m ~ 5 . . .~ 3 1'1'1':. - g .~ . . 111 . L.ANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT !,Jo 95Hl6 DATE 0~~318,. APPL.ICANT FINN, L.OUISE AD DR 1695 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD" SPRINGFIEL.D TL.!,Jo 1703252111800 SUBDIV . L.OT BL.K .NEW BLDG TYF'E NR 'USE \, BDRMS 0 UNITS 001 STORIES ':~BLDGS 001 PHONE 746 2230. . OWNER NME FINN, LOUISE ADDR 1695 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD., SPRINGFIELD -. I CODE loF'PL. Nl:i" ACTION DESCl'npTHlN S{~ 1"'1 UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAY,lS -BP . ' _I~ BP iD BP (!j ~P _. 'IBf ~ .'~ .~.' ?L. IFIX/BATH: SWR: FT. 'WTR: FT. RAIN: FT _ MECH MECHi\NICAL FEE ~ SLm !i'TATE SUF(CHARGE 4% ~ .:'CK pL.AN CHECI< FEE 25% _ ;:. ~ Bp L.C 95186 AG 30,00 ..~ m ~ ~ '. . .':;ATG: 11 SEQU : .TAKEN lOpP o BY RL.H F(A FP SDS SI PCK OTH I SS o TOTAL FEE.)f-); 30.00 CK .~ . " ~ .! ~ . ~ e.i < EST. COMPL.ETION DATE .