HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1977-2-22 I-IILLIN~SON . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEHENT FOR SEWER HOOKUP Application is hereby made by the undersicned property owner for permission to connect the following described property to a city sanitary sewer line, oln1<:d and maintaiw!d by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of $4.50 per front foot of the property for the first 150 fe<:t in depth to be served by such city sewer line in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be charged for any additional property beyond the first 150 feet. Property Description: Address: 8'15 llavden Bridrr" Road Tax Lot 900, Reference 17 03 26 12 LATERAL Sewer hookup charge: 75 front feet @ $4.50 per front foot = ~~~7-50 , square feet @ $0.03 per sq. ft. = This agreement has been computed as being one-half (~) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said city sewer, seHer user charges, plumbing penoits or other such costs to be assumed by the property\ owner. ..(', CITY OFSPRn:GFIELD. OREGON By: \-J7LC PROPERTY OHNERS: ,. , , /7? '1 ,) I ,," ' '/7fI-<1., .j !-..-f:> .../0. ~/t/ ,4 ,J'l" ...(JjJ ;'\ .Date: IJ .'1,"'. ,-/~ .--./ -c<,,, ' I / , STATE OF Or~GON ) ) ss County of Lane ) BE IT RE' 1E'111~RED h th . '7 /1 ,IC<.... d f' ,-" l.. " ',"L 1:. . , t at on 1S C".X' ay 0 --=,';Cc/0-U.(tv'LC.!/ , before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public i'h and for the sClid(Countv personally appeared the \,'ithin named ';; 1_'Lw ()M)..! "f..Uifh, ""1;' r,v) . j 19 77 and St.:1t~, kno\\'1l to me to bl~ the identical indivi.uu.:ll u.d__Jcl\:.:scribed in and \....ho L'xQcut~d the \vitllin inst:rUllknt and acknOlJlcdg"d to me t1,at executed the sal1'" freely Clnd voluntarily. IHl'~'1::SS my hand and seal this day and year last. above written. ( i .) ',-- 1 "\ '7c /) i . 0L!.lc.-<JCZ-'7l//7 ..)7 /0-Jr:l._rJ/J'1() / Notary I'uulie . -- /Ie' ~ 17 ", /0 ;C?'-'7(Q (Y( .U'c _VI ) 1(: I I,) Ny Cullnlli.::~i.UI1 Expir\'::