HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1976-10-27 . . c. - 'I' ,"" ~ " ..... . '" .... --' , 1'- . , Copies To: . (as indifated) . Ci ty . Recorder V'" Supt. of Building Supt. of Maintenance .. , Date October. 27. 1976 Private Engineer' - . Deve lope r Dept. of Eriv.. Qua 1 ity Files ~.'--'" I .1 , I I , . C.I.",T- Y,..,- 0."'-'- ,S, P...R-.I,",N.;G.~F-~.I~,E~L"D ,"':.0. R"E--.G,p. N _-'- O,FFICIAL..ACCEPTANCE by City ofSpringfie.1d,- Oregon ~foruse; operation, .majntenance and .' O\.mership:by City of the following project:.. SAIo:'ITAR'/' SE\',.IE:e.. . FCR," 707 Yz. . Proj~'~t-No;SP-198 H . . Title & Location .HAYDEkJ -B'R.ID~E:-RMD-:(HAf,ltJ~ \. (Lc~<d;b'(~~_~--:;-:~~~'.~:.~Res~de~c:~<,of Darr~ld Hanna located @I 707'.<; H~Yden Bridae ROad) ',>. . ~ " '. . .' >..'" '~:"'. , . , . Type of Improvement Sanitary Sewer Hookup I' , '.': Deve 1 oper Engineered Contractor Owner: Darrold Hanna By Western Engineering Consultants Owner: Darrold Hanna PROJECT INFORMATION i , , I I San itary Sewer: Pi pe size 6" B & S Lamping.'...... Air Test Results 'storm Sewer: Pipe Size Trench Backfill Used Native Remarks, 'Line could not be sealed at West end for testina.' Kind Concrete Hydrostatic Tota 1 Length. Test Results Total Length 75' Kind , I. CE RTI FICA TI OI~s I i .The undersigned, including the Project Engineer, as evidenced by his .seal" ~ach hereby. !:er,tiJy to the best of his/her: knowl- edge that thi s proj ect hasbee'n comp 1 eted in accordance wi th. the general conditions and applicable portions of the standard 'specifications ana .other contractual documents' including change 'orders of the City of Spri ngfi el d'. .,Date Project Completed Saturday, October 23,1976 '\ Project Inspector. William S. Bublitz, pr'oject Engineer Date Submitted to City Engineer , , ,I I, I I .. ENGINEER' 5 SEAL' -. ". PROJECT DATA ON FILE T.V. Report Air Test Forms As-Built Checked Remarks . /)UE 7b 77-IP: 5!mA-:LL. .5j--z.-e OF -rrIe-. ?I2.OJt:;t:-t C.oNil/Vt..iOUS //'rSPbC.'--T/O/'f' Or 71h=;: INsr-A LL./f-T7cl1 liD /c::,:)77N6 C--<:'ULO /3~ /?'E"Qu/~GD zUlli v' /!N.LJ A-/e. This acceptance form will serve as. notice amd directive for the following actions: FINANCE DIRECTOR: Prepare a Resolution of Acceptance for the'next Council.meeting. SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDING: Issue. permits and/or notices as applicable.' ..' sUP~R~~J!ENDENrOF MAINTENANCE:" Pl a'te -the faci 1 i ty ori the ma i ntenance sched,~.l e.- ......,..... " Chief Inspector For City Engineer, City .Engi neer 7;;- . ~ l~' .Ai.,u/t..--J-,A City tl,anager Al~ y~W'--.--' Da~e 'Date \ ..'~' 'il 19/~7 /-/7--1)') . Date . . Council Acceptance Date . cIs ED #11-1 . .:.