HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1994-9-8 f &iZ3 t+.L(d~Yl - .. Manageme~tiilvl.lo~:125 E.S.lh Ave. , PERMIT # a . ",,; 02703- / C/. . t ; REQUEST FOR: Se WIMo $".sfeft/ J;.." ~+r..I/,.f, 0 (l \I ' f ,....... 17 SECT1Q\I ""SECTo.I ~5.:2 / l3eJ,r~~ STFlUCTUFlESNaNCW PROPERT"f #"'''~ PROP05EO)jSE S&fn::HSTAUED tri>,J/g .._..,~e ~Off'flOPalEl)walK ... M Fe. /-k_'!f~ z...d.s-d.j, tJ"I D~ECT~TOi9f(NEARCSk~ -;Z;2~ WATER N>TAUED NO. Of STORES NO. OF EMPLOYEES c;a.m'RUCTlONc:oSfN~ ....., .03 LOCATla.lADORESS ",,"" I/yon If., (9 /-koJd.."l SlAlDMSICNlPARTJTCN LDftPAACa ll.C.XX p~ B...'f RJ'J S frlt~p'p/~ ~2-- NO.<>''''''''''''' ~I'/~ RP APPU~TNAME"ADOREsS 1_ ",,- -/:1Go.. "11'1 ~ORESS. V /?/'l 4.rJ,.." ,If,^-{;- .f~ ~iJtf."/~ PHONE 17977 7Y{..S"6:?6' PHONE CCWTRACTORINSTALL.EfVSUILDER NAME cau PHONE l MAl'- PERMll TO; _G.'h- D-f] :::;~(",,,,!.f),,/~ ~ZS-..v ~ JI.. ~ NN.4'" , . I STREET I have carefully reed BOTH sides of this application and hereby certify that all Information Is trua and correct 5jrll.~-1~ <J 7;77 v arv ,#A 4.. ,#/oc!lICL \J ... 1 ~ PRMNAME _M. I.lIU'" -- READ CAREFULL VI Vour Authorization Is Based On The Following Condition. I FEES DUE: . ( ... .... .. .. u. u _ .. . CALL FOR INSPECTIONS (SEE BACK OF FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONS) 687-4065 SEPTIC permits ara good for one year, ALL other permits expire after 180 days unless Inspections lMD 040 Rev. 6192 APPROVED BY: DATE are current. . N r$~f ~~ /2er# 11~fr;, .-- ""~.lJ"'"'"",,""~~"T.-o..r..,,1"OVf'':':'''~\4.11''~...'''~~'f''''''''''''''-'''''''':-''-~'-''''''''y:..... p-, l,l' .~~.~..;..:;.r'~'A'::-"" Q,~\~ ~.~~~~. . . VIOLA~6~s .l~, 0- ; - _SBTBACKS AND 01HBR CONDmONS OP,.\PPROV ALMUSTBSsnucn..y 08SBRYBD. VIOLATION CANRBStn.TfN REVOCATION OF11nS PERMIT. \ ) ClTATIONS MAY DB ISSUED UNDERnm.J.}.~ -"J~"t~ CFLANBOOUlfTY'II1CPRA.CItONORDINANCBAND,()RO'I1IBR.RBMEDIES ~WED BY LAW. \ '..~__':' '''. ~A! ) A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN FOR INSPECTION REQUESTS \ \\ .'. . \-;> t'\~; ",\1)\ )) \,0 t. \... \(\~ l:..'~'\Y Have the following information ready when you call: 687-4065 r.:> 1~\'~,;,JJ~ \ \ - . pen1titbwhber, ,;" Job address - Type of inspection require'h"n \ When it will, ~ ~~y~ ::. () '\. \ \.,~ournameand~hon~p.tu11re~. -_ Anyspecialdirectio~tothesite '\ . '\ ....\t~I\"",.n.\J ...'1> '\\"w,J,. ~"')I.}\~~.1~\\ ,\~\ '\I'\~r-,':', PUBLIC omClAL RIGHT TO TRESPASS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY oas 215.010 POWBR TO BNTER UPON LAND. nm COMMISSION, AND ANY OF ITS MEMBERS, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES, IN nm PBRFORMANCB OF 1HBlR PUNqlO~~, MAr. ENTER UPON ANY LAND AND MAKE EXAMINATIONS AND SURVRYS AND PLACB AND MAINTAIN TIm NBCRSSARY MONUMENTS AND MARKI!.RS ,nmREON. REQUIREDINSPECJ10NS ".',' __'... .i\ FOUNDATION INSPECJ10N: To be made after excavations for footings are complete and any'required reinforcing steel is in place. " UNDERGROUND PIPING INSPECJ10N: To be made after all underground pipiJ)g has bee;':;;;'iaJied~prior to kty backfill.' .' J \ \' CONCRETE SLAB OR UNDER-FLOOR INSPECJ10N: To be made after all in-sia~ 9r,und~i'f!oOrJ,uild\Di.~~,,,:ic~,equipmenl. ~o!,duil. piping accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is placed or floor sheathing installed. inCluding the subfloor. ROUGH MECHANICAL INSPECJ10N: To be made after all ducting and gas piping has been installed and prior to being covered, ROUQRPLUMBING INSPEc;1'ION: To be made after all piu,mbing rough-in is in place, prior to.being\covered. : . (i FRMlINciiNsPECTIoN; t~b'e ~ade 'af~r-li1f8.Ii'\fiaming~ rlie blockirig.~ bi'acuig' aila"rooi'are u;'pl~"e and all pi~~,\c~eys and 'vHttS "are'romplete and the rough electrical. plumbing. and mechanical inspections have been made and approved. . INSULATION INSPECJ10N: To be made after all insulation and vapor barriers are in place, prior to covering. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECJ10N: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board. interior and exterior, is in place but before any plastering is applied or.before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and fmished. ADDITIONALiNSPECTiONSMAYilE;R!,QuiREI:>:~cl!ll!'~Ulnot)ilnitedto;: \J-.' C ,~~ \~ 'i\, .,.:\,.:: ,:. \,~) BLOCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. The inspection is required lor each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECJ10N: To be made just prior to the structure or remodeled area being occupied and prior to operating any equipment FINAL PLUMBING INSPECJ10N: To be made just prior to the building, structure or remodeled area being occupied. FINAL BUILDING INSPECJ10N: To be mad" after fmish grading and the building, structure or remodeled area is completed and ready for occupancy. MOBILE/MANUFAcruRED HOMES: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system, prior to covering sewer or waler lines, for setback requirements, blocking, tiedowns and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. Minimum fmished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management Tiedowns, if required. shall be installed and ready for inspection within 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per enclosure. APPROVAL REQUIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. \. .", "-\r'. r,~\~\ \"\ APPROVED PLANS MUSTBI!. ON TIlE JOB'SITE A T'ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. ~. \,>\? TIllS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WTI1IIN 180 DAYS. OR IF WORK is S, vrreu OR ABANDONED FOR MORE TIlAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF TIllS PERMJ.!,:-V AS .I!!S!1~D q!:':THE ~,A~i~\or,~C?f.l!~1f\'E ,OR E\~QI'!EOU~, Jilr:O!w~1]ON. , . , , .. . '... .. . ANYONE\,R,OC~EDING PAST.TIIJ;: P9~~'R~~D~~':I!:~~~~'~~ W?S",O AT ~W!:~~O:~N ~SK.\ '.f;"\ Your sigriai1lre:gn,the front of this form verifies the follqwing.: I HA VEoCARlil'ULL Y EXAMINED JHIS C~MPL.E:I:EP. APPDJ~A,:rrQIlI.~andd.o hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, andlKat I nave a legal interest in the property as owner of record or authorized agent. I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the laws of the State of Oregon per- taining to the work described herein. I further certify that if I am not the owner of the property, my registration with the Builders Board is in full force and effe';t as required by ORS 701.055, and that if exempt the basis for the exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on the job. m.. ~ t.9>~ ~ 0 SUnSURFACE&ALTERNATIVESEWAGEDISPOSALSYSTEMS: il ~~ C1~~~\\~ ~~ ~ When subsurface construction is complete, the permit holder shall notify the County;e@d ~@{lagementDlv1Sio~ly' s gl~ mstallation record form. An inspection will be made by a qualified sanitarian. If construction complies with ~ RIles a ~~~~ Ie ".~e issued to the pennit holder. If construction does not comply with rules, the permit holder will be notified, and all corrections 1H.au ~ made before a certificate of completion will be issued. Failure to meet satisfactory completion within the alloned time constitutes a violation of ORS 4.91ZD~5 and this rule. SUBSURFACE SEW AGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANK DRAINFIELD From: Interior Y.....Y--.J lines 10' 10' Edge of road right-of-way 10' 10' Building foundation 5' 10' Wells or other water sources 50' 100' I . \ '. , . '-... "--..,..... f' '/0 / I -r- .,.- -I t .,I.,. ;~ I . <r- I&:"~ , . I 7\J X~ (0 I -s.. " 0 ~'" _ 3 "j) I i4:>~ .", F :;"-1 --" 1 ,. I ! RO^D I. -,..... -', 1-'" I ,. ._> I -~,. I \ Id I..-e ~ 1 i " I . -:)f rj;,,;;; B ~ j" -,,' ~. v, I' w. _1_ ~ \ I "'be,,~:'~r'f'~' " '- . 'i,~~,',':'VJ"''':J1\\ ""':'j,"I,r"'fw' '(" ..''''-- . '7/?/~.- n-7Jj.;....... ~" :1:1.'\jl.:.~~.:~::~I:;" _ O:"~~...':...c:::~_~,L_~ _,_T~?.!. No. 7/'//..;>(2;:" t''': :".\l,,~::'~.,.;:M ,I . .. !...,;11" ZONE Lp,,? OCCUPANCY GROUP ""'3' .'. \ ':'... . ~~>~, 'II,:,..H. .-... -e'" ........ -....__.._ ',. ,~I. '''~v.!-i~.; ~"'''''--:'"Il:'._ 7 ,~.;- ~ t.,..I/l~<tJ' .........~,. "r'uNITS' ." . . OCCUPANCY LOAD Ilr~,.~./~..:~: .'f.~~~.t/\. -~~~~l'~;--I _.~~;;.~~:;..---A., ~ .. \, ,,':';::Mi:~.~f1J.;~~:~{} .-.......--.---- /4fJjJ , .', 1., '.\/Ih ~,~}:~~:f~tl.~ -=..~~.~ .~~,?CRIPTION J'?t'o:l.. ez..S.'..~./ //,...Itm "~ l';::i:'.r~j;\Hh,'. . I.<;.A 'T-. ., ., f' 't,(if'~"< _~~O.~~':~ /";23. ~~~" ~...-A?). ....~. .:~:'~~;IT,!li\~ ~/"J _ . _ _,::'<ifN4i~ .~~N:.~._._~~.~...__._____.._._ ,.r'~/I>;"\': 'hit; r:"tl1 l;.NT..; ~1F.Fl'E OF H^V! O(:..:N ne:VIEW.etl. WIT~!.' .:.~.'..'::.'....:.~:::.:i.:\:.:..,.' :.",~;...,.:~,::~.~~.:,::....~.'.::,:...'.:...'. AL"e:R^T10N~ INOIC",An;n IN COLC'AiO PENCIL.. OHANGES . ' OR A!.Ti!~,\TIC,.INS MADE "'~'T"R 'Oi\P~ F'I!....OW SHA:LL. B! . ""otH-:,': " APPROVED 8'( THE OUILOING OFFICIAL. ::.'....:., H'.:~:'/',~;. ""l~ "II~ .. \., CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON .:..,.'.t~,i),)f b~/M ._~ATE~4f;;:.):~~i;;;~4~ .,.- -~, . : ":.,. ....... .", h ..?,~~:,..',.'1...~.;;,::~:,;i.~:~:.;~t? ". '. '. ,'.... '-"~"\"~'1h .. ',::":. $1':.' <\:~:.) '.. ," '.~)j: ~(/.;..~I'''~I~ . ";~\> ';''';:':'1'0'/:,;.: ;/ '" :"<,; ,'~ ,:..:~;tp,; . . ";, .' ~':~~"",:,~'::lV . .... ,," k" .\..'~4f ., , " ~. '. ; ,".,:: '.'\~; . ..<: ..,:'; /11)~;')? . t. ',' ",' ......';~."~j..~l \ ~.. .'T:l'i>"'i( ','\,', ,,""',:~:Y.t\l1'h'~ '.' ''''''1'''.' . ,,'. '~\'["I I, \ ~';. "I '.' "..' ~~'(~!F,'1G .:..:/....,.,(.::;(t!1j11l : .' .:\' ,~':~~.l.~{ . :. ;:lrfi~,,~~,t~1 .,.. :.... 'j~"._~r,~i \;fif~1;I~g~; . r :'.1,,) "~ ' I :. ,~:'~..:~:~ ~ ~ .....1I1.:\'ll. . ,.1 ~(.. ' ,'tol\\:1\ . . . . "~~~.1 .. '. ~~;~ ':. !l~:~'~1, " \.' .n ':1'~I.. ' {", I .~ .:1.::';;'. , ,,~. . , ---j ApPROVED ~V \ '~',p._'-"'-.'''' ','. ! - I '. P9''''''''/f . " /'/l/ -to, IFcI'I6O'TI"..r r of' -1-,.e1. . I ItA }) - f--/ ,'l._j,,,,",: 'S\!O~~f-1> G~ llf tf.O~. ~ ~ ~\! ~.' ~~.:J.. O,-'~~ .~il".:...tI. ~ 0 L ~ ,<<illi,l. ,\1""-. ~ 'r' ~~. ..II.t- -......- \0 '\) I"" /,;\ .~..~Ic>~1II Q~ii. ~ "J~';.~"1\l~\ ..~1 ,1'" "" . ,-< ,.Otlto' ",,,e. ,,00 "tl"" ,,,f1(.tl<<', ""c. t\ ~___,.n' Jd' I ~ i., ~ I \ i~1 ~'N ..... 11 p. 1i'4 I f.,'+',." BI'j j , Rl .\> S I, ~ ,'. 94.71 p' ) y-/. , rl '1"n' ....~"..:z I~ :W~ ~ / 't. t a , l!! J~ ,j.,J..1 ) - ( -< ,~ -r-~ P^RCEL 2 7100 SF _-1. .... - - - 7' I . ( f eu 'e R.. .... ,A~';-..."... .._~_~__"_._..,,....._._.,. ...._..._.c\:......... . ) . -...........-..,......,-..... ,.~.\:::( I \'94.11 01l0erREEr ..~:r. . .. .; ., . \': :'1~ .',~::,q; .. 09/01/94 10:22 '8'503 _ 3689 ~ ]~~ ~c~~ / Uia ~ ./ (...n) 2- South &9->>00 EMf, 94.7'1 ...~. Tr.uL 5(t C/O" lr (...n) ~Slr/Ir ~ " ~ \. t-D, . j i 1 1 I 'rd.o~ II r.val ON! ........ ... ..,..,....... .- \ /~~\ Northa9-~wtlfl"'&4.71 rMCEllWO .rcI-46e.o 7r.U..E. South &9-38-00 Ufl, 94.11 a ~ Mdlc:~r1ollt-cl'.....~ SPFD DEV. SER. ("a ~004 I~ (94.1l) ("") .............."'" ..... .... EA,t. uz Z ! ~ i MeI&".r '. REGISTERED 1 ....... PROfESSIONAL LAN 0 SURVEYOR """'" OREGON JANUARY 19, 1993 ./ JAMES T. IdCLAUGHLlN .... 2583, ~ . 5I!tfi/&"Jr t97.76 , IN!lVJ.rOlN'fol'&Umrf ................. '"lU&IpalntaftSthAJ.d to"""""""^",,,,, ~^515 OF ~E^ RING North 69->>OOW,..,,4(i6.6Z (466.44) . -"'" w.IllI",~.bWtlClll[, ~17ec..Mlttnee~WIItIt ~- ?"f '~.. /'f ? _ . I , (.. n v~ /' ((j. . /v-~.9 \ '..:",_1' \ " . ---...). "/- \O~~'. . \V . 9453038 . EASEMENT WHEREAS CONNA. L.. ~N6I ( "GRANTOR" ) is the owner of the following two parcels of real property located in Lane County, Oregon. to wit: 'PARCEL ONE Beginning at a point North 40)3 chains and West 17.22 chains from the Southeast comer of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim # 50, in Township 17, South Range 3 West of the Willamene Meridian;thence South 0-12-00 West 30.00 feet to the Southerly margin ofHayoon Bridge Road; and.the ' True Point of Beginning of this description; thence lea':ing said southerly margin South 0-12'{)0 West 304.24 feet; thence North 89-38-00 West 94,71 feet; thence North 00-12-00 West 304.24 feet to the said southerly margin of Hayden Bridge road, thence along said margin South 89-38'{)0 East 94.71 feet to the True Point of Beginning all in Lane County, Oregon, PARCEL TWO Beginning at a point North 40.33 chains and West 17:22 chains from the Southeast comer of the William Spencer Donation Land Claim # 50, in Township 17, South Range 3 West of the WillllJ!lette , Meridian;thence South 0-12-00 West 334.24 to the True Point of Beginning of this description; thence South 00-12'{)0 West 75.00 feet to the Northerly margin ofOTIO Street, thence along said margin North 89-38-00 West 94.71 feet; thence leaving said margin North 00-12-00 East 75.00 feet; thence South 89- 38-00 East 94,71 feet to the True Point of Beginning all in Lane County, Oregon. ~~~ZJUL.19'94"07REC ~;~ZJUL.19'94"07PFUNO 10.00 10.00 WHEREAS GRANTOR has applied to the State of Oregon through its department of Environmental Quality ( "State" or "GRANTEE" ) for a report of site evaluation for the proposed construction of an individual on-site sewage disposal system ( "Report" ) on Parcel One intended to serve Parcel Two; and WHEREAS Oregon Administrative Rules, 340-71-130 (ll) (b) and 340-71-l50 (4) (a) require GRANTOR to execute an easement and convenant in favor of the state as a condition precedent to issuance of a favorable. report concerning the construction of a system on one parcel intended to serVe another parcel; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of issuance of the report to GRANTOR by the State, and . other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, GRANTOR hereby . conveys to the State ("GRANTEE"), its successors and assigns a non-<:xclusive, appurtenant easement in upon, and running with Parcel One allowing the GRANTEE'S officers, agents, employees and representatives to enter and inspect,incllJding by excavation, the on site sewage disposal system on Parcel . :... ~:'/i'"::': -. . i~~:~~~t .:ltit!?; /':':~.5~.;;~:::; :/::~~~. '.' :::~j;:' .:-:~:~t: I -....-.,.,..". ""7~:~O~:: ..., . r.-:.;;:.~.' ':~W2f . ~ .,_.-,. . :.:;.;4t<<~.. , .~\i ',,-- . 9453038 . One, serving Parcel Two, TIlls easement shall cease to exist when public sewer service becomes available to Parcel Two. GRANTORS, for themselves an.d their heirs, successors and assigns covenant and agree: \ i . , I. To grant or reserve, and record a utility easement, in a form approved by the GRANTEE" in favor of the owner of Parcel Two upon severance of the above described parcels; and 2. That parcel one shall not put to any use which would be detrimental to the permitted system or . contrary to any law ( including administrative rule ) applicable to the permitted system. ~. \,,'i .. (:.....'....,. :.::~. . ,', .<0 ":. . S+-L. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the GRANTOR executed this easement on this . - ~.~~v (GRANTORS) . day of E 0'V""':'\ STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE .:r..1..... 0'1..' .19jj .19 "1'+ . ) ) ss ) ) I) OFFICIAL SEAL TROY Me ALLISTER NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 009914 MY IlIMMISSIDN EXPIRES SEPT.:n 1995 Personally appeared the above -named OONN A J...tE'c. LeN G, and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act. Before me: ~ '" o "" If.l ~ ~ ., ,..--.......-;. . ...-........... , "::'r.~'::.9?;':'.': . ....:}:~WX:.::-: ...~......... . ......~~_.... .. ....'n..... . .....~n.... .....~.._".. . :.::::~:.::t\~~~:' .;.l"', ,..--/~4n't[Qf~ ;., NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON.. My Commission Expires: .;, ~ . I c .. o e oo~ ..-' 0'0 ->. 0_ .. e - " ~ 0 Uiu c ~~ ~ ~l"? ;: 2 ..::: fI:.... .<: , -o-=., c: >,...... ~-- c:'= ~ .- t.. 8 .......::;, -t >,:'" c...L i::~. - 0 u.... '" ~.~ ~ 5-.5 =~ - . o i.~nI ~C::"'"") .J: =-.: :.1.3 .5~ a: r! en ,... t .. :@~f~~;~:: "::!.I/.~: :. .,<0:%;.,.. ....:.._~-,.: ~(::;~S~r, ,.:.:;~ ..1. · · . . ..: - ~;t;~}'i}. C...~t~~ }~;; '.:~ :7" ,;, " c ~ '" ..J < Q..;.: .. - .. 0 ou , . " ~ ~ t >. >, cc ;:! ~ uu ." 0 e e .:3,5 >- '" . ...; . . . . ; t, /.f . . . . ., 1 ii: . .. . . . . DP . BF' pi:) ,,"" BF' . F'L ~ ~ ; MECH ,S'UF\: . f:'CI( SDS . SDEQ ~J: 2 2 3 LM~E COUNTY DU'T ENV MGT F!EeE I PT ,I:, 2?:)~394 DrnE 090,.4 APPLICANT KONG, DONNA AD DR 1619 HAYDEN BRIDGE RD.. SPRINGFIELD TU, '; 7(n232 I , '; 400 SUBD I V .. LOT llLl<'," . NC'W '''1 I. -. "'''1'''.. 11"1." ,.. I"Dc"." ., 'IN]','-' ')" .....-01'.'].1--' ....'-1 D-c' ('C. f"II()NI- -'4' <I".... '" .H...)... (--',e . ..,),. r\ ,. r\ri,., () \.. ." ,()1 .111.',.::.,) .".H_.l.", .,In..... ::.' ,J ....> OWNEf! NME I<CiNG, DONNA ADDF( '6'9 HIY"fDEN BF(J DGE I~D., SPF!] NGFI ELk CODE ()PF'L NO ACTION DESCF!IPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALU(:~TIDN. FEE D'r.Y'S'r, · lip '1. ~ . . 5 .~ .~ J; '~ .g 21 .~ . ~ (L 00 c,~<l ~i .~ :g:F I X/Dr.:l TH : I~~ 1.....1 r~ : F'T. [Hf!: MECHANIcr,!... FEE STATE SUf!CHl1f!GE PLMJ CHECl< FEE FT. FUlIN: FT . l :: ~ ,.' ~, ~ ~ ~)% . ,''',--./ '::'.)/n LC ::~~9:):3?4 SDSS FEE SDgS . U,TG: SEliU: T 111< EN PLN fU1 SDS E:l...E PCl< ISS i SI OTF( 2 BY F(LH ES'T .. 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Recpived f'r-om: Cont~act/O..n Addr.ess: 1619 C it. yo SPFD DONNA LONG \ HAVDEN ....... p,,- -Building- Job t: 9+1136 Dosc~iption Septic Pe~mit A..t . T,otal: Re.cei;Je~: ~ Check t: 3671 " 0146+6 10:55 AM RD. OR Zip: 37477 St: i50.00 150.00 Check .... ,~:<- ~~.~.\ '~:"~:' ;':'.:'.,~)...,. ;:~:: ,.::'<;'.\~:: ...< ',: " . ... '.:""; ":".. :........:.... ,.:........;-: .....:.. . ,'.' .." ..... '.' .'.' ..' ~', .. ~ ... .' .:,:". ~ . .. . ":,' Fe'e ,..;. .. , ,:': X~.:..,. .'~. .<'.:.'.':~.,',...~.'.."."..,:.,.~.~ ~~,",'.i, ...,'.'~~. ~_' :'.\' ~\' . '" '~'. :~"" '.... '. '. ,. .,.. .,~.:..'...:~, ;". .~.'.'.,.,'../..,'.:'~. ..~..... . . . , '.....: .,,:,.:. .,. .::~,:, .' ,.;1 ~ '.,. : ........:~.. '.., :.....:.. . ,'" ,~ . , . .'.' . ':.,~ ~): ':: ;''/' " . .. . ,." ". " ..': . ,1,'.' . .' .. :' .......... ........ '. ..... .'.' . .' ...:..::....:..... -.;::..' . .... ". . .~:'l' ';'..:":..":'.::. ,,". "~: .' ,.' .. -' . 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