HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1987-2-10 ~ . . SPRINGFIELD .,' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . Office of Community & Economic Development I .., :".,.10,;. February 10, 1987 Bullier & Bullier 201 E. 11th Avenue Eugene., OR 97401 ..' ';.' j,,:~ ,. -;. Subject: Occupancy Inspection at 1040 Harlow Road Springfield, Oregon. Proposed Use: Remodel west half of building to Public Offices. Attn: Ms, Bonnie Baker At your l"equest, the Sprinf(field Built-ling Safety Division l'ecently conducted an inspection of the building(s) at the above address. The purpose of the inspection !'as t.o det.ermine tlw mli t.aldll Ly of t.hc building(s) for the pr.oposed use(s) indicated. Based un the proposed occupancy, the existinl~ condi tions \.,hich are mentioned belo\'/ do not lIleet the minimum Building Safety Code requir'ements. Corrective measures must be talwn prior to occupancy to install, l'epail', I'eplaco 01' lIlodi fy the 1'0 llow Lng items In ol'der fol' the building to conform to applicable safety codes: struct.ul'al Special ty Code and Fire & Life Safety Regulations (SSC) 1. \'Ihon the occupant load of a buildi.ng, 01' a pOI.tion thereof, used for' offi ccs exceed~ 30 people, :1 minimum of [\'1]0 exi t.z (other than elevat.ors) is required. The exits must be separated a distance equal to not less than half t.he length of t.he diagonal m"asm.ement of the space beinr~ served by the exits. E:<it dool's shall swing in the direction of exit tr:avel "hen the occupant load servcd is GO or more. 2. Handicapped accesS must be pr'ovided to all e;overnmcnt or public buildinl('; by means of a ramp or ot.her approved method. \'Ihcn " huilding requiring such access is alter.ed or modifled, access must also be provided to the altered ureas. :1. Damaf(ed or missinlr. fire rat.ed eciling t.iles shall be I'ep.l aced t.o eliminate all voids and unsealed penetrations. , 4. \A/here natural ventilat.joll from the exterior is inauequate, a mechanically operated ventilation system shall be pl'ovi(k~d \,yhich is capable of su[>ply:inf~ a minimum volume of 15 cubic reet per minute (cfm) of cil'culut.ed air' per occupant in all portions of the building, incllllJinl( <mclo,;ed office". One/ thinl of t.he required vohllne Inus t be suppl.j cd f,'om t.he .225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753 ~,.,,,. -~_.'. _tel< ..: ,.'-...' :.~' 1;":'0 ,. ..J>. . "," . . Bullier & Bullier February 10, 1987 Page 2 exterior of the building. 5. A paved fire lane must be maintained adjacent to the building with a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet. Whe['e space permits, the fire lane may be located beyond a single rO\~ of parldng \~hich is adjacent to the building. Mechmlical Specialty Code and Mech. FIre & LIfe Safety Regulations (MSC) 6. Please submit plans showi.ng the intended changes to the Plumbing and Mechanical Systems for the proposed alterations when submitting documents ,. . : for plan review. . ., ~.., Electrical Specialty Safety Code (ESSC) f...... '. -'I'.; 7. Each tenant space must have direct access to the electrical service \~hich supplies power to that space. Electrical power serving each tenant space .shall be capable of being totally disconnected by no more than six switches. Plumbing Specialty Code (PSC) 8. Separate rest room facilities must be provided for males and females. The rest i"OOmS shall be accessible at all times that the facility is occupied, mld shall be constructed in a manner approved for use hy t.he handicapped. The above items are requirements for the existing structure only. Other items such as parkinrr, pavin~, site improvements, sidcwall{s, etc., have not been addressed as part of this inspection, and may be necessar'y as part of the required site plan review. Specific information may be obtained from the Development Code Division of this office. If we can be of assistance in clarifying t.he requirements, or the options availab Ie to bring the building into compliance. please call us at 726-3759. Sincerely, fi-~~ Don Moore St['uctu['al Inspector CC: Dave Puent, Duildinri Official Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal . ......... _ '.l~. . ", ; ....1..:... ~...-'l..;f...."""~:"