HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Temporary 1991-1-9 ~) -.., ~, .. SPRI.I~LD . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBUC WORKS , , METROPOUTAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT "., '225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 9747(', '. (503) 726:3753': " " . .. -, .,.:'.. ( " '. ',~ .~" ., 'january 9, 1991 .' "<:~~';, . '.' ..... ,.1. ~:::~ '.:', i .~ ,.," '., ':" ';."':.. " '." , i': I '.', ....' , ' . -:, ..... CERTIFIED LETTER Leslie and Helissa Bigbee 1635 Harbor Drive Springfield. Oregon 97477, '.; .-: RE: ,.. Temporary Occupancy ',0;' Dear Hr. and Hrs. Bigbee: On January 7. 1991 a Temporary Occupancy was granted to you 'to occupy the manufactured home at 1635 Harbor Drive, Springfield, 'Oregon. As.a condition, the Temporary Occupancy, you are required to complete the 'following items .no la ter than February 7, 1991.' " of 1. Permanent steps with handrails must be constructed. I have "enclosed' a', diagram to assist you with the requirements ,for,coristruction. 2. Skirting with the required vents must be :1ristailed, 3. Street address numbers must be placed on the home; 'An inspection will be conducted the items are not completed the may be taken in order to ensure on February 8, 1991 to ensure compliance. Temporary Occupancy will expire,and legal compliance; . .:'~ '. ,:','. ....:~:.~::);.:.:;:/:.~:.::> '.:~. If you have any qu'estions, please phone ,me ai:.726::'3790,';, ',' .. ~, . '~ : . '"t, .:,;', ';' . ~':f' , :~!t~:;\ .1,;. .~:: .. If action ..... "'-'1'.' .:.... i"".'" .,' If> : ~r-:' . '.:',' ! '::\'..~ .,. l~ Lisa Hopper ; :':'.' ,'Building Technician .:....:.;;,~::~:\;:~:,~~:-',.:. . ";..' .' " .' ': (:,.', .......: ,,: :. t'." t,. '.' , , " ;\i,. . :.:,\~: "',.', .... ".:::.' ;'.,.:, '., ," .'./ ~, ;:;,' I , ' " '. ",.t;:":,,,~;<''':.I:t~.'I:\'~'':'~'''\l:':!f~~: ',' ','. .,,:.,'.. ",',:~::,'.i,', ' ,'" , ' , , ' . ,,'. , ,,\ ( , ~. ",'~j,"l" " (L ,1' . ..\"". '1',,11, ' (J.' ':' ~'_).',t.~~.,<!."\,,.f 'tj "";"~"""l,',~~\ ," ... \~I " ',''oJ,'''' "\"""'<\','1 . t'" '\'~'\" 1~~l~I.',."',,:L~;' I}.\~, '~l, ;':,l:,.l~",;t,l. ,j..... '." ,".. .r~r\ }f,,,",,l~ ~'.,:,,',..!." " ' ~ " ", '1 ,J,:l , ,Y" -" '\ . . ~ or '~' \',' 't <{" ... '.I> '.-,' ,.. I.' . ' '--., '~f' ....! iI",:,:.~f",~:;,w,!],Ir-lr,,.1~ :;l""'" '.i',"I,r:.,. ','r, ,~,.;,~: ':':l.dl;.'.'..\....';r,(.r',:I~I'->: . . J,.. \ ,", ,11' "l.,\.q[~'{\.,\"t:.\~, 1'(10 \}~Vl.J.~l1,11\,'," .' 1, "~,l..v, ,.'.,~l"ij..~;"llt,\~\!.:l:" ' ' .' l ' . " ' " ~ . ~."I~L~I.1" "r~\"Y .1,) "~;i!.'~\J.~ "1' '1',.",::I~I~' ,,' . 'jl' I 11. r.",,, '",~ "'I~' ~"L .nt" ~j 1"\ ~ i\11 :, ',{, 1'.'-'," ,'.1 ,.",li.~,i..,l'~~~~j~'l',\.I\'J~V~,..I~, ;:;". f"'\."~':~:~~:!f.'i' "-::'1,' ,/,''.-~ ';1":'i';",~:~~\~,,-,_,1,~i'" " ~"'. ,,\..\!.,'t:"""(!-o"""-':'~"";";"l~l~':<illr')~ ;:h.{l'....,' ',~.,l-ll;,,':,.'. .'"1,,,..' ',: "l';';,:,i ,f'l~l:~~,t-,.,/,,:.~. "~" '. ,.I : . \".{~ itl !,,~", 1'J.i.1~f'J;,'\'--'! 't',"1:."~:':J''''l'''':' . . \', <' :, ,.,.11, ~"",".'''\''~'~'fi;;'' ' ',:.:,.i: .,'1, " ".'. '.. ,i." - ;," . . ;:.: ~~.: ' ".: " _'d' " . h ( .' " I ~ <':A- . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired. and complete items 3 and 4. . . . Put your address in'the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The rAt urn receiot fee will ~rovjde vpu,the name of the ,qerson delivered to and the data of deljve~ For additional tees the fOllOWIng services are avaIlable. (,,;onsult postmaster Tor tees iiiiifCfleCk t:lOxlesJ for additional servicelsl requested. . . 1. ex Show to whom delivered. date. and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra, c~argt), (E:ara charge) 3. Article Addressed to: Vi 14. Article Number &[~ ~ P 348 145 758 Leslie and Melissa Bigbee P't=.;:s~~;~ice: 1635 Harbor Drive [] e.,wii.'d'l} Springfield, Oregon 97477 D Exp'.~~M.i1 ";. o In~ured Deoo D Return Receipt for Merchandiso ;1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Alway~ obtain signa;ure of addressee or agent an~ DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requesled aruJ ~ef paid) " 5.~~r1- ~ddre~~e ."J X II~<JA&>. "r. &~.. 6. .Signature - Agent X 7. Date of Delivery , OIIOQ} PS Form 3811, Apr. 1989 .U.S.G.P.O.1989.238-815 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT T UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OF~ICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your nem.. address and ZIP. Code in the space below. . Complete Items 1. 2. 3. and 4 on the rever... Attach to front of article If Splice Permits. otherwise affix to back of article. .. Endorle .rticle "Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to nu~b.r. - .1 ~~' . U.S.MAIL . :;l ... '" PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE. $300 RETURN TO .. ~ Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. \..;, ""-~@i -"''''"''~-<lllRW~ nFVELOPMENj S~ ??5 FIFTH STREET ::>....~'l\llj,.:ElD, OR 97477