HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1980-12-1 ( TO: ~Land Division Section _Regional Planning _Planning Research Zoning Enforcemcnt KEnvironmental Health )(water Pollution Control So i 1 s Da ta Flood Management Transportation Planning ... }ssessment [. Taxation8~ ;", Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. ~Lane Public Safet~ Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel . ___Hous ing & COlllm. Dev. ____Neighborhood Group From: . Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lanc Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Watei' District 2LsChoOl Distric-t--rq---- Firc District -------- ~1i~.iIT.a;~on IA _Port of Siuslaw :.:s~~"'S' 9 .xPlan Dept Si)ri" I!,LIJd _City of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas _Pacific N.~. B:11 Pacific N.W, Power _Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC LANE COUNTY Pl.ANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 . Date J:2 -01- '80 _State Forestry Sta te Hi ghltay Di vi s ion' State Environ. Quality XStatc Dcpt. of Lands (PSL) State Fish & Game Statc Geol. & r~ineral Indus. State Vcterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area _Siuslaw Nat'l Forest _Willamette Nat'l Forest _Bureau of Land ~lgmt. _Soil. Conservation Service _Corps of Engineers _Fed. Aviation Authority _Fcd. COImlunications COIl111. Other Other A l'cquest for land use action, as described, on Data SUl1ullary and at . received by the Planning Divisi,ll,!:1. If li;JnificaAt impact is evidcn to Land Controls Section by --1Jec... (JL, IQaO . Speci fie concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general 1 ivabi 1 ity of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact_f\,VC ~~cQ.~h__.___ DATA SUMWlRY: Journal No. ZC-R-o- 4- S 1 Zone District RA Appl icant C.C,. "fn;,.. bal1 K.s Lot size ::t2t:H_. Propcrty Address Het, ...100.... D~. SO.JIl, of ~lap/l{-03-o~ /1't-03':02.2 -So..;",<>j-P:Q(c:t Tax Lot 10/ 2bo3...2{Qo5 PROPOSAL: J~. e. -z-n... 'f... /S.tLj 0 fl!1LMH-1.DI' oM..il.k:Jil:Ln DJ&.~5&."" 8.. f- No1q fl-t~.s ;tc",- waS ~'q((.ll CV\ -t{..,e _oqt"""Ju "-S /I '<t'l--{' ite....... Dec,~-t"'~ o.d':',,1 he"........') a~-fe'_L_. I~ COM.'>1ENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): Lj2ez'), d-dC<J--_,/'l14f;........-.,:r__~ +1 rJ- , -!:.1.f~d;/O>'V. !If -,t&7Y...e:v A..~-;lflly_--!.._,_f7:/tL/ #/~ ~::r-:,~: l1r/i;~~0:.J:;:';~Y-:Jt/~0 ~>'e;_k- \ <(I C) ~rbl>r C-<<-. [ANE CO. 'EN..P.~EAhTH-OlV,. ,""~. OE~ -":';~BO- _DNF _TEMP _PERM "\ ~ 2(Land Division Section __yegional Planning _,,__Planning Research Zoning Enfor~ement gj;~ji6ninenta'1 ~H~aHb~ X_\-Ia tet. Poll u ti on Control Soils Data . Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. \,atel' District 2[SChool.:'oistric-t=J'[:= Fire District ~--._--- .:~(iloundary Commission Port of Siuslaw -1D"''''.s'~ _X-plan DePt_~i)ri" (,\{i_d.dY _City "of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.\'J. Bell Pacific N.W. Power _Tri-Agency Dog Control \/ {~Fl ood r~anagement t'\)ransportation Planning )(Assessment & Taxa tion(3a ;.., Parks Division Lane XLane Lane Real Estate Div. Publ ic Safety Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel __ _Hous i ng & COl1l1n. Dev. .....Neighborhood Group LCDC From: LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 Eas t 8th Avenue, Eugene, O"egon 97401 Pholle: 687-'4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 . lldLe_J:2--0 1- '80 P.j " " I ~ i ~ I j l / State Forestry Sta te IIi glMay Di vi s i Sta te Envi ran. Qua 1 ty XSLate Dept. of La ds (P5L) ____State Fish & Gal e " State Geol. & lineral Indus. 5 ta te Dunes - SiuslaVl tv t'l Forest Willame e Nat'l Forest Bureau f Land Ngmt. Soil, C nservation Service' 'I torps f Engineers - I _Fed. Aviation Authority __Fed. Comnunications Comn. , I: A t't~quest for land use action, as described on Data SUl1l1nary alld attached schematic has been ,'eceived by the' Planning Divisi.Qp. If li;Jnificagt impact is evidellt, please send comments to Land Contl'o 1 s Sect i 011 by _De {..~(P_l_Li1J...O_.______. .. Specific concerns of your agency shouid he addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its Cuture_d('veloI'I1H~nt. For add it iona 1 i nfor'ma t iori, contact_Jl,vc.:-,,-K:CQ_fjl:1_ ;.__ _ __.._ _____________.' Df\TA SUMI-\I\RY: Journal No. 2CR'o:::.!:f_s..1._ Zone lJistrict_..:.._!S~ 1\l'pl icar1t__0 . C ~--L.Lr._h.E.!:lI(-S.___________ Lot s i ze____~ ~~ Cot'- PI'OJ'er-ty Addl'ess Jj C!':': 1o~V'" _ D t'.~':'.." -f(1 0.1 l'l'-'Pi.~- 03- o~ .!..'t -0 3-0 2. J, ,I .!'J '...s!-'...,''''-j-.:E~'~d~-:r------ Ti1X I.IlLh_____..?..~1__2bo3...2fDoS, I'IWI)OSA'-: .J'S e, Z-oh:L...E.tLtQ...B_!t.IMJI____1'o_(_....,1-\il.b!~_.h C~LL_flfa_~.(~_f!l_h..t...,.~ No1q -rh~.,5-----.!!r..... w.1?..s...-pl(lt.r.!'<R.Q.~..J:.0:i.--':lI~S~-d-(I_~ S a lct_tf ;te.....,. De c. (It> . s of- \.., .(' cq i Cd' t, .e Cl v' . ." :J (<< T e . . COt-'HENTS (lIeverse Si de ~lay Be Used): _____________.__ ....,_..,________ _____ . i ,_ ...J2.""-'~~!J +''''eJ~f .f-1..4i~)---'V~ll-------""-!;_b~d-- _:fh'L_=1e'.:..'!?_c.___,:o__ <..~./c.,--P~ ____Q.L<.;~~)-.._ "..--'-'---'''-'-""'T"'''''''''" J ~ . , T9.:'; ",,-KLand Division Section ___Regional Planning ___Planning Research Zoning Enforcement KEnvi ronmenta 1 Health ~_Water Pollution Control . Soils Data _Flood Management .Transportation Planning .. _Assessment & Taxation{3<< ;"1 Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. ~Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel __ _Hous i ng & Comm. Dev. ___Neighborhood Group From: , . . Lane Extension Service Lane Transit District Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District 2(Scho01 District /<if Fire District ~Boundary Commission , .A"" S.vI Port of Sius1aw 'J".... <<. Xp1an Dept 'S,:)ri., t\fid ay '",1 ___City of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power ___Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 12!i East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1:800-452-6379 . Date 1~-O/-'80 State Forestry State Highway Division' State Environ. Quality I rXState DepJ;~ of Lands (P57.::.){ State Fish & Game State Geo1. & Mineral Indus. ,State Veterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area Sius1aw Nat'l Forest' ___Wi11amette Nat'l Forest ___Bureau of Lqnd Mgmt. ___Soil. Conservation Service ___Corps of Engineers ___Fed. Aviation Authority ___Fed. COHmunications COHm. Other Other 5)~@~O~~ i1' III DEe 31980 !dJ DIVISION OF STATE lANDS A I'equest for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Divisi,ll,tl. If ~i.9nificaAt impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Section by -1,.)et:.. 1[0, ''laD . , Specific concerns of your agency should be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future deve,lopment. For additional information, contilct. 1)"y.c.. K.....Q~~ > D,1,'fA SUMWlRY: Journal No. ZC\('o- 451 Zone District RA App1 icant C ,C. Fn;r ba 11. Ks Lot si ze ::tJ. t:tc-. Property Address Ha"looV" D... S"v.1(., 01 Map/~- -S/1...; '" oj -P-:\l ( d. Tax Lot 101 I 2 bO 3 d-2lDoS~ PROPOSAL: J~e..io",~ ~-tO RA/~.p/l1' lMilla;J-t.lJ.l\.....e tllic.~.....&_j i NoiCt 1'C-t,'.s ;tC.... !-'Jo,5 plcta.Jl CV\ t"" Qqe",Jtt ... S ~ l<t 1-(' ite....... I Dec. lIP '-s "'-L..e 0-(-t':'..1 l,4?ov'.....:l dCl~. COMMEN1C' ID^"n....ca <:-ir!..o. M:J.H On. IIr.o.,..l\. ~ . .1 , \Ji '. If the project would require the remova1, fill or alteration of . Ii!!. ;,' 50 cubic yards or more of material within the banks of the waterway (s) , we urge the applicant to apply for state fill or removal permits 'well in advance of construction deadlines to prevent tlDnecessary 'project delays~ Specific information on the need for permits may be obtained ,from the ,Division of State Lands' office at 1445 State Street, Salem, OR 97310.', Phone, 378-3805, I " , , Thank you for the opportunity to .comment on this project. , :?;-O: ;' gLand_Oi vlslan_Sec;J:ion? ___Regional Planning ___Planning Research Zoning Enforcement X'_Envi ronmenta 1 Health ~_Water Pollution Control Soils Data _Flood Management _, Jransportation Planning Assessment & Taxation8<< ;", Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. ~Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel .. _Hous i ng & Conun. Dev. ___Neighborhood Group . ___Lane Extension Service ___Lane Transit District ___Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District ~SChOOl Distric~ lGf Fi re Dis tri ct ~Boundary Commission A I, S."" Port of Siusla\1.Jo"o.-t <<. XPlan Dept 'Seri,",ofit'I()y ___Ci ty of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power Tri-Agency Dog Control LCDC From: LANE COUNTY PLANNING' DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 . Date J~ -01- '80 State Forestry State Highway Division State Envi ron. Qua 1 ity XState Dept. of Lands (1J5L) State Fish & Game State Geol. & Mineral Indus. ,State Veterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area ___Siuslaw Nat'l Forest , Willamette Nat'l Forest ___Bureau of Land Mgmt. ___Soil, Conservation Service ___Corps of Engineers ___Fed. Aviation Authority ___Fed. Communications Comm. Other Other A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Divisi.ll.[1. If li.snificaAt impact is evident, please send comments to Land Contro 1 s Section by ue c... [0. I q lJ 0 . Specific concerns'of your agency shoul~ be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information, contactf)"l/,e !'<>"'D~~ DATA SUMWlRY: Journal No. :2.C\?"o- 4 51 Zone District RA Applicant C.C, 'fn;t-bo.nKS Lot size ::t'2~c.. Property Address Ha...loo.r D.-. s':>o.l1t., 01 ~lap/<;(-03.o1.II't-03-02.J.' , -SI'''''-",oj -P-:<z.[ ~ Tax Lot 70/ 12t;o3.r2&.oS PROPOSAL: -'~e..z.o"'"t.. ~fo RA/~-F'n,I' !M..9Joikl1QIM.f' IJ.h.Ct:""e.M t NoiCt 1'l.t.'.s ;tr...... WQ.S plC(u'~ CV\ tC-.e QC\e....J<t <\. S ~ 'q, 1-{' ite...... Dee, , (0 .. S Th.e CLL of.:. '" I ~ eo v' . "':l d.. t-e . COMMENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): I I I ) I I h-.o ~~ ! ,.... I TO, . FROM, \ ,RE, DATE, CHECK, . , '.ane county ~~m ~~I~.. _ '!"'''t)v.;;.e.... ~ " . , ;";", .; \ . 0 APPROVAL 0. CONF'ERENCE , ,- , . . ~ . . 0 AS REQUESTED 0 INITiAL/RETURN' ~MENT 0 NECESSARY ACTION ., ' , 0 FOR YOUR; " 0 NOTE / FilE . . INFORMATION , 0 SIGNATURE COMMENTS, ( ~1- Li..Q.vJ -r- "'.IV, ,~ ---t\1. <. , IItvI kr ~'>lW\11 ;fA.., , , t....,+ c....P.A --tv c. . II\.-t'l\ ... a\~ ~~ -k> . '" , s~~~~ ~ Cov,UM) I' f\...c- { s t, It--e' [ .s -1h. /VI H- ..s ~ f1..: x. )' V\q i- ~ i?-It p~-f. 'P~ ~ 1l-4IIt ~, ~~ +v SfW <;; {.r { 1- ; -r ~~+ I) #7M/ flJr..dofVV?' I"- ~ . . 4 ,) TO: ~Land Division Section _Regional Planning ___P~anning Research Zoning Enforcement XEnvi ronmenta 1 Health. ~_Water Pollution Control Soi ls Data flood Management .Transportation Planning _. _Assessment '& Taxation8~ ;.-1 Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. ~Lane Public Safety Lane Public Lands Lane Legal Counsel -,__Housing & Comm. Dev. ___Neighborhood Group F'rom: . . Da te J ~ - 0 I - if 0 Lane Extension Service S ta te S ta te State Xs ta te S ta te Fire District State Geol. & Mineral Indus. ~BOundary Commission ~ ~State Veterinarian , . r:::< I. S.IA; _Port of Sluslaw 1.-1';'" ~ .y _Dunes Nat'l Rec. Area [,8'}lan Dept S'ori"i\h-eld, _Siuslaw Nat'l Forest " _City of _Willamette Nat'l Forest _EWEB _Bureau of Land Mgmt. N.W. Natural Gas _Soil Conservation Service Pacific N.\~. Bell _Corps of Engineers Pacific N.W. Power _Fed. Aviation Authority _Tri-Agency Dog Control _Fed. Communications Comm. Forestry Highway Division' Environ. Quality Dept. of Lands (1J5L) Fi sh & Game Lan~ Transit District _Lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District ~SChool District IGf LCDC Othe r Other LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene. Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 A request for land use action, as described on Data Summary and attached schematic has been received by the Planning Divisi.lUl' If ~i.9nificaAt impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Section by ue c... I [0 . I 'fa 0 . Speci fic concerns of your agency shoul'd be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on general livability of the area and its future development. For additional information, contact:f)'1v.e---'-'{(,D~~ DATA SUMMARY: Journal No. ~c.\('o- 4- 51 Zone District RA Applicant C.C_ 'fd,'rha.nKS Lot size :.t'2a.c.. Property Address H;..lool1" D.-. $,:,,,1(,, 01 Mapll(-o3-02/1't-03-o2.:2. ..3.0..;....<>1 ..p.:Q{ c:t Tax Lot 701 /2f;03....2looS PROPOSAL: J~ e.. z.o",~' lS.Lf 0 ~ A / ~.f.oI' lMil.1i k.}1 rl!!'~'-4JjJ c..e.... &-h..L~ NoicL 1't-,,;S ;1'r.... WOoS plQa~ eM t"-e aC\eCAJ~ ... S il let "'..?,;t~.~. Uec. I(,,;s ,Tt,..-€ a.dLHd l-,ea~'''''.J da~. /1:;J;).'.J-li.J-t, COMMENTS (Reverse Side ~lay Be Used): /. ,y "'v' ?IePM d",./.-- it1", flrwl ~/q/:'" 5~~;r .lJyo ..,.tL./ (:71" <?F~'" '\2 rL , ~";v I' ... "" '.? _-rz,;r /LJY~J:)"Y7 If Wilt,,;, lit" -I';;D) bh'h/ &N'/O~.fiJ-Jo M-;__ \ J''''fC!~ c91~'" E. / ./ . '-", 1'../o/l7~O,<' V, b 14'f:- ('/:L:1..}.4-('I'l'lM 01 E:/I~r <;'~",Y ol;';lIi b/./In~\~', 'o/t/t,~tt> <~', (~ ~ lo\r{l~r;0 9 J0V6'Y' , ;7,;1' )?n~I'7GY~ is w/>%/Y. Me vrh4J.? .1;-.110 b",u.Jt7~7 tJl tl7& C?-, 0 / ~r-/~J 4e~ /-zfJM?n9r; ;i-;.I' O,;(J.:I.I& ~ C.UYn;>h!- e;~ //J-VliN ??.v /JOY- /;4-87 f.lo hB '7P1r/&,Kecl /~ !tt.P Pf6orlklvl/6'. 7'h6- JdI'~G'r'l;y Mil ),r/v& to b6 s&r-vscl t,Y 4> J~'tr'c flq{/I ~.c/M/nh<3!/ f//h,~t, iMC/j 180c.~ 8(!,t1?/(J"'~ thrdi<jl-, .jy-q.-y;/ ha'/S' to ft1p ~1;o;P1r7 WJ!qW\&'I:te MY&r, 7tJ;y SI-!-uOf,~YI st,ouU h& C4tJ('t;Cl~ c.loft!>t/. /Pt6Jr6J ~/-.~~/ ' +/ v / almall art? CI 10'1- 01' 'i::~-5i~;;~:::~r~MeVQ/ 4';re QJ' hU/~tJ [,..o/rJ U/cJ{/1f to ~cI. <?./cll"p",ol !tot/Y;-:f tI"",;h ~ tz:t;J' QVcJq; :)1..e"'1 ~& J ';, . -k /; ,:d{ o~ j'JwG/"c S6'<4/iJvJ: LH4.lb'l 'S'&YVUSJ G'1/~j U//?4 ("La H;(ul rlo{/~ 1>h,(~ /70V/ r ~ ~. .' .. , , J. , J ' 1\ J 2200 RA ~ ''S IrE. 0 F R.E cf 0 E 'S. T' ... '" )/ . ~ ~ ~...\-.~ 2. soCJ '. ....-......'...-... . . /40" ,""",::::::',:..""""", ~ . ,"-, <, 8S288ipi~1 ~ -;:02 ./:. ..\";... . /5M :~i:[!:!}f!}!i!ij!! .,~ ,'. i}k,Zc:C03 "~ 'ZtoOI /" "" \ ,iSA/';>., ,,~i= ' ~ '001<.121:5, ST. ('. ~--" \, '. r.......... ~-'''''''''''''''''''''' , .. '. I ' " ~ I .,. ~ !U .;::. ~ ~ I.U ~ ~ 'V ~ ~ " . . Ar~EA MAP FAIR BANKS ZC 60- 4.51 .' . \, . ',,- , 000 802 , ' , "../ \.., " " Pl?DPOSED MOBIU5 0 A HoMb 1"- ii?f r"."..'..,,~ .J .'t..'o~'~"'\Il~ 0' 100' Zoo' VICINITY MAP NO SCALE . '> . . ~ J . , . ~ /l TO: /~Land Division Section ___Regional Planning ___Planning Research Zoning Enforcement KEnvironmenta1 Health ~Water Pollution Control Lx~nood_~::::e~~: g:Transportati~ Planning X-,~ssessment & Taxa tion8a ;"1 Parks Division Lane Real Estate Div. ~lane Public Safety lane Public lands lane legal Counsel Housing & Comm. Dev. ___Neighborhood Group . lane Extension Service lane Transit District lane Reg. Air Pol. Auth. Water District 2(sChool Distric~ /q Fire District 2(:'Boundary Commission , ..-< I, soIA Port of Siuslal'iJo..lA- <<. .xPlan Dept S;::Jri.., (.IJ it'! dY ',.1 ___City of EWEB N.W. Natural Gas Pacific N.W. Bell Pacific N.W. Power ___Tri-Agency Dog Control lCDC From: lANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-4186 or (toll free) 1-800-452-6379 . Da te J ~ - 0 I - '80 State Forestry State Highway Division State Environ. Quality XState Dept. of lands (fJ5L) State Fish & Game State Geo1. & 11ineral Indus. State Veterinarian Dunes Nat'l Rec, Area Siuslaw Nat'l Forest ___Willamette Nat'l Forest ___Bureau of Land Mgmt. ___Soil Conservati on Servi ce Corps of Engineers ___Fed. Aviation Authority ___Fed. Communications Comm. Other Other A request for land use action, as descl"ibed on Data Sunynary and attached schematic has been' l"eceived by the Planning Divisi~. If li;JnificaAt impact is evident, please send comments to Land Controls Section by -1Je{... CD, 1'1(50 . ' , Speci fic concerns of your agency shou1'd be addressed in addition to adverse impacts on genera 1 1 i vabil i ty of the a rea and its future development. ' For additional information, contact-J::k.v.C K'("D~~ DATA SUMMARY: Journal No. ZC-\("o- 4 S '7 Zone District Applicant C.C. 'fn;,-baI'tKS Property Address Ha..lool1'" Dr. s"oJ1l, 01 -SJ1"''' '" oj -P:\d cl PROPOSAL: fle..z.o",'t..' ~io ~A/r'1I:Lj~.n.r No'1e.t, -rC-t.'..s ;!r<.v, wn <; .~Iqu~~ c>V\tt."e Dee, 1<0 .s TL..(" o-{i....../ hea.,.....:) COM~ENTS (Reverse Side May Be Used): RA Lot size ;t'2t:lc.. ~'ap 1\(-03-02 /1"-03-02.1.. Tax Lot 10/ /2t;,o3J-2IooS lMO lai 1-(" J1D~4b c.~..... ~._~ Q"\e,,,J., ...S II let 1-( ife....... cl et t-e . F, e.Ltl - /J Pt::>ellt'>~ OP" 7J.i.e cS'/r€ L-1E3 U))/rlhu rda- . ~DG>~DA~ I'?.I= df'F ~JC>P'-.4/.ILA ,~ A!o~ ~ ~.tA' . . 4l1li " .\ , fe,_'.' .t, '-J'~', ,1 ~,,,,,'d" '.\ 's ')E 0 F R.EQlJE'5./ l ~ ~) Z5~ r.~~J.~fia....~...............'~-;:02 ,....'~!~f:~~w~s4~~~~o I D121 VE. 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