HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1979-12-19 '" /' .> . . Idne county ~.I ~~ .[1' M ,'i4, I '-1;4 ~ ......l.t~ 1,1 E H 0 R ,\ N j) II ~ I TO: Conulli::itdmH.:;.r l: I Ih)() 1: t FROM: Joe Hudzi.k:L'=.~:'_!:.(=-~~_ Plann:illg Env. Mgt. Dellt., x 4186 I . U,~-</. D.1.v.. ~{~; -t . --~ (j - i'tID Ho..rb\l Y 0/2.. SUBJECT: Zoning and bu ildin!Lr.erm it: ,J.!."I''2,r:y_hL__I~,~0..:_ n" ~o tl'; i-!up IB-03-02 ,__t:.:~x..J-,,-t_.LQ.~,.".~~..!I~,1J'- JB-03-02-2, tux lots 2603_i~_2S:~~5m'__h'_'___' DATE: Dec. 19, 1979 Recently you refered Hr. ~tatott to our office to ;l11B\ol(~I~ questions relate.d to zoning and issuance of permits on tllC illl()Ve-lloted parcels. I revi,cwed records from this office and the builJ:i.ng dep;lri::Jl(~llt: alld !iav!.'; reC'.ent.l.y related the follmvil1g in[orm,Jti.on to ~lr. r-l:itntt: - Tax lot 701 W~lS l:istcd un olJr zon:ill~', lll:JjlS ;1:, ]ici.ilg ]{1I-r111 j).L~;tr:i.ct (Sub- urban RcsidentiaJ-Hohilc HOllles penn,itt:\:d). 'J\.;o sl.'th;Jck v~lriilnces, fl Green\o.'aY Use Permit:, :1 land p:lrt:itinfl :111L1 P10l:'U,l~ IlUll11~ perllli.l:s h<1v(~ bc(;n approved on the property on the basis t11l~ pt'llj!.:..:rt:y '~':l:,; ZOlll:LI f{11-~llJ iJjstrict_ - The lcgdl descript.ion ;ltt.n(;h(~d to i:h(~ nni-LIL111l:C (;'f:L~!,) l:(~:':()Ili.ng the ;:1r.C[l Lmmcd:iar:t21y' to tl1l~ s()ut:h d{,lC.'s nol' 'L:1\'l\ldc C;I:"; 101:. -fIJI, .ll()b't~vc:r the map lIsed to advertise the rc-z()nj,n~; lk;.I-r:il1i::' do,:,'-; ;;i\{)',..' !'~:l'i\l Lll;.:. Jo!: as ])cdng considered fDr r\!ZOll"illg. (set.' ;ltt::1Clj(~d). Tl:i:; ,::1.1'(11' i.il tilC' ;l].'parCllt zoning of t3X lot 701 \vas pcrpL.'tl1:1l:(Jd 1:)' :111 ~~J"runC'(lu~: 11I:.1P u~.;t~d to d(:pict: zoning. - Tax lots 2603 & 2605 are c.urrently :~lll](.'d lU\ [)i:-;t:r"ll:l: \'/h,j.:ll dr.l(lS not: permi.!: mobi.1e home,;. III J97B, ;1 mnbilc: home pl~rllli t ,~':l;'; i~iSll(:d nil t:lle bCI::;:iS of replacement: of :'lI'i. C'.:-cist:ing mobUc hOllK:, \-/ld(:h i.~; ]('1",;1.1.. TI1(~ lJlI"i,ld:ing deportment is revJc\.ring the :dt:uat:ioll Ln dt:u.:J:m ine \;I]l(~thl~r l:ln:; removnl of the older mobile 1101110 h'.:tS dOllr2. , Tn a fC:C':::'nt: telephonl: CC1])VCrs:ltioll hritlJ ~1r. ~1:JL')tt:, il1rot~ll1l~d hilll that other mobilc home permits can not be :is:a(j:~d c'n l:lX .1.ul..'; 7.603 (f 2(i05 until the property :i.::; rezon,cd to RH-Hll IH:>trict:. He jlldic;lt:l~d th;ll' .-"] rezol1'ing appl:icat.ion wLtl probahly be sllbnd.tted jn tile 11\"::11' rll['lIre. T]l:lt". rl!.zfJlIing request call al:~(J .i.tH.:lud(~ t:!X :tot 701, t:llt.:~n:l)y I-I,'~;l)l.vil11,~ ;d I qll(:::iLiulI or t:hc lcg31it'y 'of mob.u.l~ 1Il)1llP.::; on ,,:;:J:id 1);lrl:f~I..,:.' Jll/jj Att:lchlllent cc: ILA. ~latl)tt ! "~;'!i: C(JUI,' 1'1' fjf .:,:'~;:i"'~(; i)!':I~;:ur! " ,:";l!i': i ~ i~ 'l'~,~ 1)\ J:,~ I: :'! i:', I( i i\l)!1 f )I,:i, \.',I,\li;''''.',if;,'lli il)(din.rJH~'n!1 11:r:::llr;!fI..llBG G(;UP &J-3.0 i ~~ r MEMctANDUM . Idne county TO FROM SUBJECT Lane Countv Board of Commissioners Ai$ Helen Elliott, Permit Processing Supervisor '1 Environmental Management, x 3966 -- Reauest from R.A. Matott for Rezoning DA TE Janua ry 7, 1980 ~. ~' ',' !: " At the request of Mr. R. A. Matott, I am forwarding herewith information supple- mentary to his communication to you dated January 4, 1980 (copy attached). His request is based on Lane Code 10.315-35(2): "The ~oning of unzoned properties, the rezoning of properties, and the amendment of this Chapter may be initiated by the Board of Commissioners in the form of a reque~ t. to the PI anni ng Commi ss ion tha tit cons ider the proposed zoning, rezoning, or amendment." I " ! ! , l Such a request is historically handled by the Planning Commission at no cost to the appl icant. The subject lots (Map J8-03-02.2, tl's 2601,2603,2605 and 18-03-02, tl 701) are directly north of Filbert Grove mobile home subdivision, zoned RA/MH. For whatever reason, tax lot 701 was also treated as RA/MH and now supports two mobile homes even though the zoning is actually RA, which does not allow mobile homes. Tax lots 2601, 2603 and 2605 (under one ownership and considered as one parcel) are also zoned RA and support two mobile homes, one of long standing and one by virtue of a replacement permit issued in 1978. Necessary Action: None. Director Rich Owings has authorized a fee ~laiver for the proposed rezoning. You will therefore not have to place this item on your agenda at this time. , Mr. Matott has been so advised. ~ r cc: Jim Mann, Planning Division Lois Donis, Clerk of the Board ~I !~ ![ r HE/l s ~l ~ r-I I I ~I f, !~ i' "" . ,JamurJ 4, 1980 . lANE COUNTY BOARD OF r::or'iHISSIOHEi'S !Jl.no County Courthou~" Eugono, Oregon 971101 Rm PETITION TO :iE-ZONE PARCEL 1111 Ths.t parcol of land partitioned in June of 1976 and thon doscribed all parcel 3. cont.ainir'g Ulx lots 18-03-02-- 2601, 2603 llnd 2605. all 'iith:l.n the Amoro,,:! Plat of Wlllnn.otte Hoic;ht5. 1l1is prop'Jrty, a1""'g ,:Hh lots 26(~1 !In:! 2602 which IId.10in it to tho:! E:J.l1t was docded to Robert 3. n:d Evelyn H. Packarn in ,January '6f 1971 by Charles E. and Josophine D. Linos. (;n July 7, 1972, the P,'cka",ls deedod it to Ra:r.oon:! and Pnme1a ,Jolln Alvaro~. Alvnr0z part.1tionod tho subject lots (2603 arY.i 2605) prior to sol1ine; thom to \oiilHam McGoorge on Soptfflllbor 9, 1976. In Fob'MlAry, i968, a mobile home ,"",s plaoed on tho Westorn pOl.tion of the ~ubject property ~:r \oilT,. Ca rt:er am h!\s been si tro thaNon oontinuously to this t~.flle. At some tlfllo attor Alvarez bouGht thc proP<'Jrty in mid ).972, a socom mobile hOMe .'as pl~coc upon the safllO lot 8,rd was occupi(}j until April of J.978, at. which timo a !>91",it. (No. 1061-1'3) was i.sI:u('(\ by Lane County for its r'9- p),accm0nt by a M'~ mobile home. l1,"t secondm0bUe is still on tho property but is disconn~ct,;rl fTOOl utilitie's and is morely in storago. It has boen repl(1OOO, per the permit authorizing its replacoment, by a now mobile which is occupied by Mr. an<:'. HI'S. McGeorge. Hr. McGeorge occupiod tho secord mobile for s~etL~a prior to his purchas~ of the property from Alvaro? on September 9. 1976. Mr. McGeor>;", t.hen, purchased D. proP<'Jrty containi.ng t'iO mobile homes, ,'. one of which ho h,~d o,",cllpiod for sometime priol- to that purch.,se, b.)lieving that there W'lS no viobtion of 1nn1 use regulJl.t.ion. Sllbsoquer;t to that purchaso ,he purchased II new moMlo horne fran Elnorald Trailer Salos (A1.fr(,d Allen) com1tioned upon the "oller obtaininG a po",,1t for its placement. That ponnit havint; been provided" HcGeor[;B naturtllly aSSU!!lOO t.hat there,was no impropriety exUl nt. I. IJ f: 1 it PARCEL !f2: That. p.'lrc,'lof lard p.~rt.itionod in 1976 (1-'11e No. 11,544-76) art:! doscribed as. 18-0)-02 tax lot 701. This property '~as p~l't,i tinned by Alfred Allon as a oondition of its subseouent. purchD.~o by C, C" Fn:iroonks. Addit1.on!11 r:':)ndl.ticn~ tQ th2t pU4~~h.:l~o by ~~irb:lnk:J were the L;suanr,e of " Greenway Use Permit., sewaBe disposal perrotts, mobile heme permits, curb cu+, pennits ard ,water servico connect.ions. All of these conditions were met. and t.ho pror<>rty was purchased in January, 1977 by Hr. am Mrs. Fail'b~nks. They, of courso, ""tllrally assllmed that. the severn 1 permits had be",n properly l.s5UM am thet'flfore procoo.Jd with substJ>ntJal property development at c0nsidcrnblo cost. It now apr~ars that. both of tho ab~Je doscribed properttos al~ zonod R. A. and have been so zon~j since the inception of zoning in that area. Both Mr. Fairbanks ard /-',r. McGeorg-e are dcsirou~ of effecting olfflership chanGes of t.he proportios and fird that tbe apr."ront. zoning viohtions pNiclude sllch action. In as much IlS nolthe!" pNl"ent. o"nor, hilS b0en guilty of r:.ny culpable motive or actior., 'I, . . Page 2 - PF.TITIOlI TO f'E-Z01:F; o.~ch h..vincpurchn<,ed nm developed the pr-oper-ti.e~ beHoving that thoy wore in complinnce with all applicable Innrt use ~Cu)8t1ons. it seem, proper that tho ?(l,,1n~ should fOl.t.h>rith be cor-Metro to eo,"ply with pro~ont u~"gl). No. therefor, pursIUlnt. to the authority grantod umor Lann Code 10.315-35 (2) the J:<"" County Board of C'Ol'llTlissioners is hereby potHionod to pursue tho rezoning of th" abovo closer:!.b,,:! properties. . ~ / .., ....." ':;"'/ .~;.~-_.~_./-_._- ; ,! .' I , .1..-....\~~-4-.../ ,'\'-'/ ,.' . E. A. ~!r>.tott. Agont for C, C, Fairb311ks 'lnd i'm. HeGoorgo :1 '.- '~s. .I.., o :;> .J <t CO ,~, .' See , CM,C, M-:;t i \., I . I I Mci t ,. ,: I. , .op 10 03 O. . f Dt ( ":ill "1ft:'. ~J." " f. _,rt.."lo1t,'17 r'). q ".", '" 1.a,..~'.;tl~.O - ~6 &~o o~ -< ,1 "-J <J) t: 'b~l \ ~ I '- ~ ,V 00 , ''--''~ '. " t)oJ ,5' .' ~ee MID ~02'~: ~~\\ ~ ^~ .:;;<: t "It \I ~ Till" I 07; de. .Ii( -3f>j~;,.f'. '< ~\:' :' . I - C '7.'u".>. i' i \Z-~ ~, I ~ ... ,>,. .... ... ~o.l: "co< , /' ""'<iiI"'"'' 0 ~ It. _>~.. ,I ^ C"'ye"k ) ': . I" '" . '" ... ~.~. (j) "t C;l lax La po. tel " " ,II \ 'J~ \., nap :' ,1,11'~'~ If '03 \11 ~; .,...."..'.. ",' \'" - I 1/' I' . c:-- -, MC l' I C ,_---=-~., .... ~r, ....,. ,. '. ~',::,:' ' 10 '\ I>\'~_ ' ..:;~.~,-J";':; ';;'.:'::'.. ,. , T II ,", _,1\,9'~1'-'O'" ".. '-' , :'-'J' ::::~~ .. ' " .. JUd,U' -- 0' , ~. \ o ~.... '" o <0 . " ,'I. " {, ~. '" ,r"" :::;~~~~; .. . .1 00.'....,...,.) ; ~. ...,,-.....::t ....0"'- .,.,0 ":J':,.I ",,-~,,"'.' . __',,~ . tt,. '" ~ (c~'" .'J "."" ,(~..J... .. .. (j) .''1:, :_..3',..:,:" ;:..;.;(,.~ .;,..'..-rl.;I"....- ,.Il" '.' ""'('".'..,0 See . Ml ..- I ..' \ - _ 1/1 -.-' .-,- -_._.- -:---~~~ -- -~,..- -~^- -.- --".----:=.. .-- . -- -.--:-. - -.- ~.- ..... "\ .l MEM~ANDUM . Idne county ~ ........... TO Gil Shipp, Roy Burns, Joe Hudzikiewicz FROM Helen Elliott iff SUBJECT Wi 11 iam McGeorqe Property Map 18-03-02.2, tax lot 2603 S I 79-656 " '~,', 'I ': 1- 'f;' ~J'" "r-, [,I ,,!.. I. '.. ,11:,1 ..f . . \I.;\'~\I.: COI)l J I '. ':(11'~I;'W;":;I()N[I', un,'. ,i?OJ DATE' December 28, 1979 The subject property was recently issued a Mil l'ep 1 acement penni t, on the bas i s of a pre-existing use. It now appears that we did not have full information or that some misunderstanding was involved. The actual facts appear to be that there are now three mobile homes on the proper ty: one for the O~lIler, one bei ng used as a rental unit, and one being used for storage, I h~ve discussed resolution on this matter with the owner's representative, R. 11atott, and have advised that the most expedient way of resolving this ~Iould be to simultaneously apply for rezoning (to include 18-03-02, TL 701), parti- tion i ng, and a Greenway CUP. Mr. ~la tott is awa re tha t another site i nspec t ion would be necessary to divide TL 2603 into 3 lots. If approved, the problems on these lots resulting from incorrect zoning maps and inadequate information will be resolved. Mr. Matott is anxious to p,"oceed and will be submitting the necessary requests in the near future. For that reason, I've agreed to hold off on any further enforcement action until the outcome of the necessary actions is knOI'in. Let me know if you disagree with this course of action. HElls cc: Rich O\olings Otto t' lIooft Archie Weinstein ,\ . ' ~; '.'. ". . '. ,. ".') ;1 .' ,," . . Decernbar 6, 19'?9 1810 Hnrbol' Drive Sprlngtield, Oregon 97477 !;lA T'~; ~';;.'.J.,1JTW1; CON'IROL DEF'f. 125 E. 8th llve. gug'3no. Ors;Son 97401 Attention lit'. noy Bu....n..~ Application fi?9-6S6 Df):i}" lf1". ~.ll'.,Wt l"n thE) l",attel' of. the l;I''':':--tll'f!O /<'_ ~,..o!-ty at 121 Do1'1s stroot, Sprinrfiold, whfOl'Oin your eepe.rtm?lnt. hus appT07e:d e. ssptic systel!l installati.on subject to cm>t;;.1n other ololU:ancos We her..oy report liS t.>11ows: :>riOl' to 111Btf,11.ation of tho septic syr;t,em it 1s necossa~' to taka several staps s€quer~ially. 1. Ch~n~e' l':oninr. to il."-. - H. R. 2. Obtair. ['.?aanwny e.Pl':!'oval. 3. Obtain iiS-rtit.ion approval. A. Clwar up -rieht-of-lo"ay problem. B. Cloor "-1' uGapu probllll!l. 4. Solve Hato~' supply p:roblcl'l. A. ::'OT.o)Sct to pu\'.llc supply. r. Quality exiErt;ing _ll. 1<.'h11.. n,",neei' \:h~ c-le!!.ronees to be obtained coem especially j-'l'Cb1Gl"..atical, it a~earn tllllt bOOS'llre of the :recent striko, tha .'iol'k l03d tor the various rlopnrtr.1ent~ in"olved is such thlI.t considereble time will 00 l'llqu1rod in Pl',;>c,.ss:\.nl! t.hell'l apl'l~eat~ ons. ctt<> T"{oft'", Co:"l>3, Hl'. i{a'rk Hughes, is work1r.g w1t.'l us in our af'fort to e;q-"..dite roattars and we aro hopeful that SClllle 'Umo l!lllY t.l}o!'by be saved but !nGalr.rhlle W9 9.1'G concerned thllt the approval ot your depr.rmant not l::rpso. 'IherefO?e. '1A !lOW i'9quoSt that you enntinU!J t.h~ "hold" st..t:.tus of t1np1~r.ation ? 79-6,56 u.'1tll we c:Iln oot1plete the prooeslling of the other rolevant applicAtions. Sineel'flly, 'k. A. l-l.llt.ott, ConlJUltant tor l-lr. Wm. ~!oGoo1'go IUU:a cc J !~a.rk I;ughas