HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1981-1-20 I \ ,. I ," J .. lo',. REZONE ORDER OF ----APPROVAl, ~. . IN THE PLANNING COHHISSION OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ORDER ADOPTING FINDINGS OF FACT ) ) ) ) IN THE HATTER OF AN APPLICATION BY FAIRBANKS/HATOTT TO REZONE LAND (ZC 80-457 ) ORDER NO. LCPC 81-1-20-6 I'tSJO l-h'Lrbol" DI2- THIS ~iATTER coming before the Commission upon an application by Fairbanks/Hatott (ZC 80-'457) to rezone land located on Tax Lot(s) 700 2603 & 2605 in Section 02-,2 Township 18 South, Range 03 West, W .M., and generally depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, and generally located on Harbor Drive near 2nd St., from Suburban Residential (RA) District to Suburban Residential/Mobile Home (RA/MH) District and WHEREAS, the Commission, having considered the request in public hearing on December 16, 1980 , is desirous of approving the request by approving the attached Findings of Fact, now, therefore, it is hereby ORDERED that in support of the decision to approve the rezoning request, the Commission hereby adopts the Findings of F et forth in Exhibit "8," attached hereto. :!.' : Adopted this 20th day of ,.. t1 . . . ( {'-L'->-<...,l.JL, (..0' , ~ C~n, Lane ~.Planning Commission I:l Order Superceded by Appeal to Board of Commissioners (date of appeal) by Gl Order Final (effective date) FEBRUARY 2, 1981 In the Hatter of an Application by Fafrbanks/Hatott to Rezone Lane (ZC 80-457) ITEM # 6 " /" .... ... ~' ~~.,' -<t.'" (e (. AREA MAP FAIRBANKS zC 60- 4.51 1\ - , _2200 , . .Slre. ~ 4.J ~ '{' " ~ ~ OF R.Ei{ () E'ST" RA ~ 2500 """""""',..,"',)~ f.'~I~::~4 2M2 ,4L ~E eM eM A. id () pf(DPOSeO 7,{", ~ MOBIL.e <:( HoME:. :t: . . Q( ~ ~ , . RA iNI r"""'! I ' '.........~f}oI_~ 0' 100' Zoo I J<..A 14{){) 15CJr) 00 DOge/::, 'ST, r..o.............o.............~ ~'- .' 1\" ")T~ ,p SA , iP.:v. N (...:-: ~ '<>: o " VICINITY MAP NO seA LE: A EXISTINQ, MH's ON SUS':S'E"C1" PRoPFl{TlES · .. 100 YR. FLOODPLAIN GNpql(. LCPC Staff Report 12/16/80 (FAIRBANKS: ZC 80-457) MAP M' "'1\" tr '.:i" 6 J.:JiL",!~~ 11;' Exhibi t "A" " 'J fl ... . . '. . . . FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS 1. A public hearing was held before the Lane County Planning Commission for this application on December 16, 1980. A quorum of commission members was present. R.A. Matott represented the application. Persons were pre- sent who spoke in opposition. 2. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to approve this application based on the following findings. 3. Comprehensive Plan - The Metro Update Plan designates this area for "low density residential" uses. These properties are also within the metro area Urban Growth Boundary. The zone requested allows densities compatible to the plan designation. Public water an private septic systems are already approved for the development proposed. Therefore this proposal has plan conformity. 4. Statewide Planning Goals - This proposal conforms to the following applicable Goals: a. b. Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal Goal c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Goal Goal Goal 1 notice'was,given. 2 - the proposal is plan conforming. 3 - site is built upon. and within the Metro UGB. 5 - same as c. 6 - septic approvals are administered by the County. 7 - floodplain management is administered by the County. 10 - housing is being provided in accordance to a plan. 11 - existing units already are served or have private systems in place. The one additional unit proposed has septic approval as part of M 156-80. access was considered as part of M 156-80. proposal conforms to plan and ~\etro UGB. site has Greenway permit (GCUP 80-30). 12 14 15 - All other Goals are not applicable. Exhibit "B" ITEM # 6