HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-8-24 '- Lane coun'Y it:orfzr~~~or!t SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW 11Jj %eJ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/ ~// j/' _(/~", - Perm1.t i e><.7/fIJ 0" TQW~SHIP I RANGE 17 03 S~BDrVISION/PARTITION (if applicable) I SECTlON 22 TAX LOT 2800 OOUT OF PROpOSED USE OF PROPERTY ~ Residential 0 Industrial o C(lIumercial D Public. LOT/P;"RCE~ BLOCK LOCATION ADDRESS STREET CI'!'Y ZIP 496 Harlow Road, Springfield, Oregon 97477 STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY Existin~ single family dwelling, Dl~CTIONS TO SITE Cobur2 Road. ri2ht on Harlow Road. 3/4 mile east of 1-5. on corner of Pheasant and Harlow Road ~~SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - Be SPECIFIC SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN ~ OF BEDROOMS I n OF STORIES 3 na O;~1JER 's NAME AND ADDRESS Joanne B. Smith~_Same as the iob addrss above CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR # DECLARED ~ VALUE IIf OF EHPLOYECS na liA TER SUPPLY Rainbow o Proposed 1?4tExisting TELEPHONE NUMBER 726-7731 Same as the above P.:;RNIT TO BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESS) r.~ru DraDer. 1200 Executive Parkway. Eugene. Oregon 97401 TELEPHONE NUMBER Same TELEPHONE NUMBER 485-2223 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION POR PERMIT, cu,d .10 hcrclJy certify t.hat all information hereon io true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property, Downer of recoL"dl 0 C~,lL,:r<H'::- P'II:chaser;~\,Ithorized agent. I f~rther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in o.l.:t.:Qu.lall<;'; ...'ith tho;: nrdLnanCt;!~ of Lane County and the Laws of tho Stata of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be :nanc of ar.r St-_TuctUl:e without the pcnnission of the Building Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Boilrd is in full force anu effect <'Is. required by ORS 701.055, that if "cxcmpt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and cmployees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. _...1 "I.. Gary DraDer T ~ ~ 3-2..>-8'S' NAME (please print) ,. ( SIGNATURt DATE " READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION gAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! [] PLANNING/ZONING: Zone na Partition ., Parcel It Parcel Size na Minimwn Setbacks: eL, front CL, side interior rear COM:.\tENTS: SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW--NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACITON REOUIRED 8-23-88 Date: RLH n Lineal Feet of (}["ilinf.ield Installation Record Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Maximwn Depth of Trenches [] SANITATION: S. 1. It B. P. *' C001-1ENTS : ~~ A [] PLANS . INATION: (/Ype . " :/ ShS . ~ %k~h- , J(,i7t./A ~//~J~O ,V Date, ~.-2</_pt7.~ Grour, Use COMHENTS: Dat.e: n ~2c.J r~{" .As r ;?--.zt.!_..pP r ~ APPROV~D BY BUILDING ~r;nAL/DESIGNEE (oer QRS 456.805 (1)) ~ATE LANE COUNTY DEPARi[tJ4ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C i4-25 R84- r \' . . \ , l I SE-TB;,CKS ..:;0 07HCR (0::01T10::5 OF APPRQ'),\L ~:L'S'!' BE STRIC':':'Y 03SER'.'SD. VrOLATIO:, CA:\' RESULT IN REVQ- c,\:-IO:: OF T!lIS 1':::R~llT, CrT;;TIO:; U::OSR PROVISIO:;S OF L,\;;'f. -:m:::T\":; 1:,FR';CTIO:l OHDI::':"::C!::, ;,::O/OR orllER RE~~DIES ALLOWED B. LAW, \o;HEN READY FOR r::SPI:CTIO:;, CA:':' 6BJ-';065. i\ ~:n:I:-:u:.: or ;,T LS';ST 2~ 1l0l'RS ,\DV,\::CE :\'OTICE POR I:1SPF.C- '1:u;; IH,/)L't;S';'S ;';;":ST me; Gi'/S::. HiI'..e the ~ol101.dng in:::J:;,:natiO:l reJ.dy: ;:,crmit numbar, job address, type of inspectlOn, when it will be rendy, your :!~me and ?ho~c :!u~~er. ane any s?ccial cirections to site. BUILOI~G OIVISIO:\': REQUIRE:> t::SPECTiQ:1S; 1. found.ltlOh Inspectlon' 70 be'made .lfFer"trenches' are. excavated ilOC fotms erected and when all r::aterl<lls ~Ol the toundiltlon <lre uclivcrcd on the job. ',';here concrcte from a cC:-ltral mixing plant icom:nonly termed "tr<lnsit mixed") is to be used, !;Iaterials :-Ieed not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-Floor Inspection: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building serv::.::e o0JTPment, CO:lGUlt, ,.HPln<j accessories, a:ld other a:lcillary equipment items arc in place but belore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor. 3. Frami~9 & Insulation Inspectlons: To be made after the root, all framing, fire blocking, and braClng are ln ?lace ~ all plpes, fireplaces, chi~neys, and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are approved. All wall insulation and vapor barrier arc in place. '. 4. Lath and/or Cv~sum Board Insoection: To be made after all lathing and Sypsum board, 1nterior ana-exterTOr, lS In-prace but betore any plastering is applied and before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and fi,nished. ... 5. Final Insoection: To be made <lfter the building is complete <lnd before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~lo work shall be done on any part of. the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without firat obt~ining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by eaeh of the inspections r~guired. ~ NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the ~ork authorized, such as but nOt limited to: A. Block wall: To be ~ade after reinforcing is in place, but befo~e 3ny grout is poured. This InSpection is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections h<lve been made and approved. B. wood Stove: To be made after co~pletion of masonry (if applicable) and when inst<lllation is compl~ Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recogniz~d testing agency and the manufacturer's install<ltion instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile hOme is connected to an approved sewer or-5eptic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections., .... 1. Footings tlnd' piers~c.Q..co';p~"Wi\b s'ta'te"(olnid~_ti.~n- requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the ma~ufacturer. - , 2. ~obile home minimum finish floor elevation sh<lll be certified when re~uired by a flood- plain m~nagement letter. .... ). ~lobile home tiedo'...ns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least )0 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. O. swimmin9 Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade wnen pool-rs-installed. ,WPROVED PLANS :.IUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURI~G HORKING flOURS. TIllS PER.'lIT WILL EXPIRE IF \"-ORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITIIIN laO DAYS, OR IF WORK IS Sl.:SPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR ~IORE TIlAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ;.LW OCCUR IF THIS PEIUUT \~AS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCmlPLCTE OR ERRONEOUS INF'ORN.ATION. A::YONE PROCEEDI~G .P,\S1' TilE POI:;" or REQUIRED INSPECTIO:lS WILL DO SO AT TIlE:IR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE ~ ALTER:1ATI'lE ~ DISPOSAL SYSTE}lS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issu<lnce. Z. Upon completing Lhe construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall notify Lhe Lane County Department of Planning and Co~~unity Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department Shall i5suo a cortificate of satisfactory completion to the ~ermit.~older. If Lhe construction does not comply with such rules, thG''''Dcpcirtment sh..ll not~fy the perm"it holder and shall requLre satisfactory completion before issuing the ccrtiflc~te. f~ilure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion ~lthin <l reasonajle time con5titutes a vio- ldtionofOR5"454.605to454.745anJthisrulc.~ '"- -~.~ .- ~._. . -' Setb<lck5 - Sub5urfaco Sew<lqe D~snosal .seotic '!'<lnk Dr<linfield Fro::J: l:1tcrlor propert Ed~e of road riG Ruil<iino (Ol.:nl'lilt ~clls. other ~at lines t-Of-Wdy on r ~ourccs 10' la' S' 50' 10' la' 10' 100' . . Please complete all lines inside white boxes, ,uunG~y ~ /.i ep...f?Uc,:f~J:;;(7 ~ P~VI At r;,u~tai', t'J~1=o CITY . o1#r~71;;1;;;!~n; OWNERS ADDRESS (II not ..m. .. above) t;U/'\llIKA\OIUH '. .:.:.... .... :......:.........:.. .:.....".::.. , MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on lax m.- In the A.....m.n1 . loatlon o.pl) I? O~ Z:2- :? g'()D '.wn-.hIP ""Jr."ng;"'" l;lKl,on 1'4 _Cllon lax LOI Townahlp nong41 Seellon 1/4 Section Tn Lol lown.nlp , , SITE . , "'J!ian"gi"" becuon 1'4 _Chon I U Lal ADDRESS 1/9(, ;//IJt?Le vi if possible. B-a 3-<jg VAll:: 1~:~~~~ .!l..1c}O/ ZIP . ;zaf- 7ZlL S PIe/I( GPf&Ut..oR q 7'1-77 ZIP Llcen.. . ,ed. SOil LJ 61=1 Gl-O , MAIL PERMIT TO: I? G! M RJt.... ~ b4l-~:s /'\lAMe .ul-flOO f:1(ectil7~ PA71<.wM E::U~5J oLE: Am..! GA.e. V '. !WIlY Land Manasamant Dlv. staff can not be held responsible for evaluations or recommendetlons based on false, Inaccurate or Incomplate Information . .#3~ Gf740/ ZIP" '. Existing Buildings or Improvements on Property ;Z ~t/, l:S6 House "/ '~ ElBarn c::J Garese ~ c::J Mobile. Home c::J Shed ~ SEPTIC INSTALLED Yes No ~t / , ~ Directions to site from Courthouse t'_()f3t.d..6 ..ed R... p 1J 1:iJtF..t.A..J R d 3/'1 MJ.. E::- . ~J: I-5. ON C!.oAU fX t7F P~h7<Ir ftAA:1 ~ Rd. ~PFt.t. .~ ,<Y!:: . 97477 ZIP ~ '~:::i-- For Mobile Home Placement Only Brand Year Size No. of Tip-outs No. of Bedrms License r .:- . . .- . N1 I 0 ~ ' 1'/]..' blV<.llJ l:l~ .J, ~ ~ ~ J:l' :J -J i!!:... ra ~ r- - J-- ~ "t:: \..1J -:t: P- II' = .30 I -~ /0' .1 PA110 he2i:14- Ii HOU:SE 'GAAN;G. tJ:. I '"'> I 'Ql PO~5Itll.~ r<!.bpC.ftC.6-f1WT kte,1!;-p. ORIVE=- WAY , I() ~ , f l () "3' ~9h I!ARLEJW f<d. ~;Pt<lA1Gf=I'fLD \.I r'7-0~-I..;7...-tJo - A$OO . ID;3XI70 e . el .' . . I . . , , . . , . ~H II' ,; (II. .~ . if . ~ u . .~ ~ ~ ~ u . .~ ~ . . I 1'1 . I . .~ I S i ; . . .: 0 , I) I . . .~ . . ...~ 1 .APPLICANT SMITH, JOANNE TL~ 1703220002800 SUBDIV ~EW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 .OWNER NME SMITH, JOANNE CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION BP .p BP BP .p : :OUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT AD DR 496 HARLOW RD., ~ 241688 DATE 082388 SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . LOT BL.K UNITS 001 STORIES OBLDGS 001 PHONE 726 7731 ADDR 496 HARLOW RD., SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. SQ FT UNI~ COST VALUATION FEE DAY~~l .~J OFIX/BATH: .ECH SUR PCK eR LC 241688 SDSV "~~ iD .(11 ~ 60.00 . .f u " ;; ~ .;;. .. " 1~ .~ SWR: FT. WTR: MECHANICAL.FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE FT. RAIN: FT 5% 25% . CATG: .'EQU: , IT~KEN . APP 1 BY RLH RA FP SDS SI PCK OTH ISS 3 DEPOSIT ** 60.00 1., CK ; !' .1. l I I, .~ 2 EST. COMPLETION DATE .