HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1984-7-10 ,~ - I city of springfield _ 225 n. 5th street SPRINGFIELD " INFO RMATION: 726-3753 INSPEC'T10NS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCA~ION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) Z;::/-/ <../ 1-1 ~ (' J....()U.) LECAL DESCRIPTION / ? " "'3 .. ~ 2 -"" Cl1NER OR PROPERTY ([JnY1 ma'i , ,I, \ ., ~r)'f\,.oj) ADDRESS fJ..."7 nn -\5H:'~JvJph,^" \?-.. \. ir\l ' CliNER OF SIGN (IF OTUER TllAN PROPERTY OWNER) S c/v\ .::r3, ~([, Ii\. 1, );'\bJ'I.L~ Sc~' TAY. LOT-I! ~2~t:J1 PHONE ZIP q '7 '10:)" ADDRESS c:..~, LI )-+v+>f\C)1.-..J ETC, .f\I'k~ \lrv-.J\I':Y\ ) PHONE 1.-1 y S -I ~ I L, TYPE OF BUSI!:ESS CltJo r?CU__~_ I , I , NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM, B. TYPE OF WORK: 1ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTIlER C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, ,X-t'ilILL, _FREESTANDING _ROOF _PROJECTING _MARqUEE _UNDER 11ARqUEE _OTIlER D. USE AND CP,ARACTER OF SIGN: XIDENTITY _INCIDWTAL _DOUBLE FACE ~SINGLE FACE __"!ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD 'I , I ! I I CITY LICENSE II\P.1BER ~~.~- ' ,~ sJ, 'S- ~~'4-~9 jc9 l-Io""e.... 7LI!r 7</7 7 PilON!: 99'iS-~7/1 m9'7t/?7 E. VENDORS, w""""~:i.~:,:"" ' SIGN ERECTOR . -*-...l! \"'~'~J J\ ~ 0 '-., tJlDl'.r:SS L I [C) 9 l \ \~~\ tJsu EXP. DATE SIGN I1ANUFACTURER (IF OTIlER THAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS PHONE F. DIHENSIONS, TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDnt OF SIGN DUlENSION FROH GRADE TO BOnOM OF SIGN IllSTALLATION (, CONSTR[l~"Tr"T ~)llRr~...)/" ' &:. r:J. '-I G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIlERE ANY EXi:ST!!IG ~IGN~? _YES Ano l~tBE? SIZE IN SO. FTG, ALL ~XISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC, TIIICKlIESS OR DEPTH ~v.-- DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES ~NO ,IF YES. DUIENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOn IS /lORE TllAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY T~ SIGN ERECTOR IruST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/UER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA/1AGE INSURANCE POLICIES, H. HI~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IHRItlG? i..}..JJJ IF YES, lIIlIC!! APPLY? ELECTRICAL S~G!l ~ILLlJ/IINATED (INDIRECII;? LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COIlTRACtfrt l::vu.o),'l..,., ~,' ADDRESS 4lOq o.j lL.('u ,:u.\ -:0.. ".' LISC, NUMBER ;)/) ,:)O.~ - 1'1:0111:..9 q<~>~J.1) " " , . ,. i i J. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS 'CON~RlJ.CTED or, '\\ ":::L.'n 0 It '), }fY\ 0.1 ,,--v ~\;U Y\.. - : ~~ I ~~ J. SITE INFOP11ATIOll (LAND USE) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (nR LAST USE IF ,VACANT) K'VALUE OF s~l.t n()n 0<1' _INDOOR BUSINESS OUTDOO~ l,fERCHAtlDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: = T L. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAlIINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ~pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield and all ocher Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of ~regon pertainin~ to t~le work described. hl:;:..~l.n. I further certifv that.: r.w !:~Z!'\. Co"'\tractor Li- cense with the City of Sprin~field is in full force and effece as' required by Sprinp,field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(~_ I will request all required sign insoeccions listed on the approved permit, ('t<:- ---....:. '\ po_ NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ~~ ..;:,JlJ!\rv..Q SIGNATURE E l N\ ~V' 1<. ~ e.. ~~ .~ ,DATE '7 -J()- ~L( r J I - PLEASE READ 1) Seoarate 512n Aoolicacion: A separate applic; in the Sign ~ode. Electrical: Any permit issued under this app: tne supply wir~s for connection must be coverl musc'be made only by a State Licensed Electri. and externally) must conform. to Sections 9-7-- dinance, <: ( _ L-1/1#3".?< 'm~","'~7g 6C> .:.e if} ,,, \. ..., - .4-"'-./-r ~~ .' fall V'I/ AUTHC....~:;:;~~ATUR ~ ~ '~~, ~~ I", .tuQGa PIIlINTl:lIla/UTHOGItAPHa".. aUOeNl:. O"l:lIO" . ...... 2) 3) Plans ReQuired: This application 1s to be au mens ions and height of sign; advertising mess mansions to property lines, structural detail of construction for sign and sign structure; of existing signs on property for the same bu the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of lng information on the plot plan (plan showln ( CI"F SP"RINGFIELD CllyHall Sprlngflald, Oregon Department 01 Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B 63210 Date It..<..~ 1.21' 19 9 Y ,; Rec'd From f3/=1/~I":' _ ::> $~~ '. Address ~"'9 ~ P~.s,... s;.... _ ' 4) a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) b) Show the length of the street frontage ta signs, show the length of the building fI c) Show the location of entrances open to tt When required, because of design, size, etc., pared by a licensed engineer or shall cDnfort sian Office. Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will issued. . Signs must meet corner vision clearance req~ Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts electrical lines which are energized at less If a sign is not installed within 60 days af be void, ' Inspections: ( '.. ro~ ~CI 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Insoection - to be made before the (it appiicable) may be made at the same tion is to be made after hole (s) is e;:<ca b) Final Insoection:- to be made upon compl c) ~lectrical - all electrical signs must b 18 erected and before the sign is turnec Received For. ~/~# 8 'V C><I'~ ,.... 4~7~~ . ,.. - . ( o (Q ~.? E.? +Y~ ~ _<-6 ~ ~ ftY38. ~C!:> ., ( I ::2 g_ 4ibO /0.- .~ o ( ( I '" , ( , ( ( , CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LiNE 'AT 726-3769 ( FOR UFFIC~ U~~ UNLY SIGN DISTRIC~AI""~.#' ZONE DISTRICT _ c: C /1('1 1/1 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _SITE/LOCATION -l-ELECTRICAL _OTHER L. ww. ...w woo METHOD OF ATTACHMENT LFlNAL JOB lJ-B-cro~9~ SIGN PERMIT FEE: 6!f' '2 8.06 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: /l7. -~ 47. STATE SURCHARGE: .11'0 ~O~ . 'c( c...> J)<o -it .;J:Jj <- TOTAL: (!$ ~S. GO DATE ? -/-;;>-8'1 RECEIPT $~ 3 'a,;/c.::> /Ztr: CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: -. W ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: ',~~(~,~ 9~ 7~? t'<) . SPRINGFIELD f ..L . APPROVED BY: SECTION: i DATE 7- / :('-8' 5' SIGN ORDINANCE 'j . . Active Discount Auto 544 Harlow Road 2-13-35 ,