HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-3-6 . spa FIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 .cIFT.~' ~T',=:== SPRINGFIELD, 0.::" :-(.:; (50::'j 72:,--:'/: March 6, 1992 CERTIFIED LETTER Breeden Bros., Inc. 366 East 40th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97405 Our records indicate that on June 21, 1991, you submitted plans for the proposed construction of a single family residence to be located at 546 Granite Flace, Springfield, Oregon. To date the plans and required permits for this construction have not been obtained. . .----- . _..._-.--- - - -- - --- -~ -. "- -,---_. . -- '--Secfion u3-04-oCthe Sprin-g{ie1d Building Saf.e-t:,'-C-.;deAd-~i-;;-i;.t-;:~ t ive Code provi des in part: "Applications for ~hich no permit is issued ~ithin 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not to exceed 180 days upon request by the applicant shOwing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have pre~ent€d action from being taken. No application shall be ~xtended more than once. In order to rene~ action on an application ~ftEr expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay ~ nev plan revie~ fee." Prior to this office destroying your plans, you ha~e t~o options to consider. 1. If you have decided not to build at this time, but ~ould like your plans returned to you, you ~ill need to pick them up at this office within ten (10) days of receipt of this notice. 2. To write and request that a 180 day extension be granted, explaining the circumstances that have prevented you from obtaining your permits. If you ha\le an~ questions: please feel frEe to contact me at 726-3790. lSincerelY, . . ~.M I' lU\V\":' . Lisa Hopper . Building Services cc: Dave Puent. 3uildii1g Official ., , " . . . '~":;"!l- ~ -"!l"~' -'~'''''r'J,l.i~ - \. V':Y{;[-~-- I::: SENDER: . ~I~'l ..'~ '.1ii".....:q~:~trr'.\~.ht~ -:,",-'-,':;,:';, 't, '-,--.. '1 'I . ,,',. Complete items 1 lind/or 2 fo,'8ddltionalaervfc..P'-:" l..."t~ ".... ,~'!'7;; j~ I also.> wish" to receive the . 1.''':',.,.'Complot81tem. 3: end 4a &.~_~.:nif~~~ '.!Z'?%.t.'7: .;.' j'J!;~~;,~ . ;.: "',:.' JJ , following S.!rviC8S Ifor an extra. .' . 'Print yourneme'and, a.~~8s..,on,~t;-.e.!ev~r!8.'~H,~1 'atm.,a, t~8~ w~_can" 'feel:::' .~[~ !7,"_ ~ "l~' _:, ; ~~- :\. r;::<,':~8~~:~o\inY::~~ f~~~;~~;j,l~l:_~~:;~~~ ~'~ :8:~;~; ~~~> _ }':1.:0' Add"~~~~e:8 Address( .: ~- .: , ~.;.don no~pennlt..~' ,.:; ;....;1~~;, 'R;.;I~...".,_~,.t~,,~j~' ... ::~ ,. '~' : .... ~. ':(\'" ;:~r:.; ~':" ':,d~, \. f "':: : ~~:' , ':- ':: :;; .......- 'l!rite.:'Return Roceipt Requested",on th,e m.!lilplece below the articlo number, ~!., ~ 2:~ 0' Restricted Delivery ,~,l: '. . .l: ~r.,~TheReturnR.c8IptF80wlUp~yjd~,~utho..-.lgn,atu...~_o~th8~...on.d811~8roc '/..... ",' "'~ ,; ,;' ~;r. I ,to and the date of d811verv~.~A: r.:"'~~""" ,,"I. '., .-'~~''''' .l"":':"'~' ...1" ...... ....';;, "Consult postmaster for fae. " 3. ,Article Addressed to:~';:>~;::;'--.~llf':~~~-~::~"~:~~ 4a: 'Art cle:Number\tr.:~:.t:: ~...1 ":.'~.I :j,.~-; ~r ." ~ :. ~"~H')-\~t ;~,~.~ ~.:i. :"'i'j;-;~P4.4'78. 91564;r!f\....,~~,i. '!., ',I.,.' , .Breeden':Bros.o ;"~Inc~,l;"';f.'~/';h;~ ~ . ~:.': ',:- '-:.... ' . ,;'... , 366lf:ta.st:i40th ,Ave'riuet,:::'f,::., J;;'.j. .<':~::., .4b.',Service Type..>:~'" .',' '.,;;( "1/.... ........'........... -,~. . ~1 0 R' d "0 I d t . ;;jEugel)e:: _Or}~gon.~M7!105"!.F.1~j:.:~ii~U !",.x:e~I~I~ed~~e,~: :;~:''';;'C.nOsuD~~' ,.. t"'._ '''it.l-''< I;, . 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