HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1999-5-27 , ." .,~ RESIDENTIAL . PERMIT APPLICATION' Inspections: 126.3769 Office: 726.3159 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK' /<( r;; 170 32 5' 22. ASSESSORS MAP; Lor- OWNER. /),/VA Iei' Ilff) AODAC~<!. \J'f'e/ CITY:, ., DESCRIBE WORK: SPRINGFIELD Ik:~ If" '1av... ,{/Z.J'Lf7 BLOCK: ~'/E /Izu. c-t... XtZ~,t./ ) STATF' <?/t JJlMBER' 'l1ot 5/ 225 Filth Street Sprlngllcld. Oregon 97477 TAX LO" C-ri '100 SUBOIVISION: PHON~. 7'1/- OYi/(j ZIP; 7'7 '177 NEW _ REMODEL _ ADDITION ~ DEMOLISH _ OTHER CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: PLUMBING: MECHANICAl. ELECTRICAL' 1/1""01...115 CONST. NOTI~NTRACTOR ' EXPIRES"" PHONE TU'~PEm~ITSHell "YP''''''IFTHEWORK )\IITHO"'17FD UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY lBODAYPERIOD. ADDRESS ATrEN'I'I(jN:ul(;:~U(llJW (61.wireS YOl:i-HOFFICE USE _ follow rules adopted by !tHo: Orqgpn Utility QUAD AREA'I\lOUlll,,;dllUII ......UIIIUI. I I lose rutc't.~~B ::,ltWf.:..,;;, . OF BlDGSia.06001':?_nnl",nnln'hrough(il.~!vNlf8j1. 0090, You may obtain copies 01211e rules bv OCCY GROUP: "Tf\1 t II ~ NSTR..TYPE: call1TlY ure t,;UmLa. \,.0 e: 10 I IO!JlfOIlU " OF STORIES:numbcr1or thA OrP.gnn Utiljt}HSltifiso\iJ~CE: Center jg l-ROO-332-?~44)G' WATER HEATER: . RAN F' FLOOD PLAIN' ZONING CODE: " OF BDAMS: SECONDARY HEAT: _ SQUARE FOOTAGE:__ To requesl an Inspoctlon, you must call 726-3769. This Is a 24 hour rocordlng. Alllnspecllons requested boloro 7:00 a.m. will be made tho lIamo working day, Inspecllons requesled after 7:00 a.m. will bo made the followIng work day, D Tomporary Electric o Slto Inspoctlon - To bo mado after excavallon, but prior 10 sCHllng lorms. o Underslab Plumbing I Eleclrlcal' Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Footing - Artor trenches are excavated. o Masonry - Stee! locallon, bond beams. grouting;; o Foundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete . placement. o Underground Phunblng - PrIor to filling trench. D Undorlloor Plumblng/Mochanlcal - Prior 10 Insulation or decking. o Post end Boam -- Prior 10 floor Insulation or decking. o Floor Insulation - Prior to deCking. o Sanitary Sowor - Prior to filling trenCh. D Slorm Sewer - Prior to 1II1/ng trench. ;' O Woler lIno - Prior 10 filling trench. ('" " D flough Plumbing - Prior 10 co...or. '-.J REQUIRED INSPECTIONS D Rough Mechanical - Prior 10 co...er. D Rough Eloctrlcal - Prior to cover. D Eloctrtcal Service - Must be approved to oblaln permanent . olectrlcal power. o Fireplace - Prior to 'acing " materials and framing Insp. o Framing - Prior to cover. o Wall/Colllng Insulation - Prior to cover. o Drywall - Prior 10 laptng. D Wood Stove - Aller Inslallollon. o In80rt - After fireplace appro....1 and In5tallollon 01 unit. o Curbcut & Approllch - After forms are croclcd bul prior to placemont 01 concrete. o Sidewalk & Drlvewav - After exca...atlon Is complolo, forms and sub.baso mRterlal In place. o Fonce - When completed. D Slree' TroeD - Whun all required trees lire planted. &-:::J Flnsl Plumbing - When ill! piumblng w9rk Is completo. o Final Electrical - When all electrical work Is complete. D Final MechanIcal - When all mechanical work I, complete. o Final Building - When all required Inspections ha...e been appro...ed and building Is completod. ~Othor MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Blocking and SOI.Up - When all blocking Is complete. o Plumbing Connections - When homo hos been connecled 10 waler and sewur. o EleotrlCl1 Connoollon - When blocking, sel.up, and plumbing Inspections ha...e been appro...ed IInd the homo Is connected to the aorvlcl pan.I, o Final - Aller all reQuIred Inspoctlons are appro...ed and porches. skirting. decks, and venllng ha...e beon Installed. ~';. " ( "rwl' . ' \ May-26-99 11:OlA f, -, , lot laces LoOI sq. IIg. 1.01 coveraga Topography Total height ep. Inlerlor Corner Panh~dle ~ Cul.de-::;.ac. BUILDING PERMIT 'j " ITE.M sa FT. x S/$O. FT. ~.l... O'U8gC CarpOfl Tolill Valuc l:5ul"Jlng Permi! P'Q& Slo.le Surehnrgtt TOUII Fcc (AI Ace I I I S I ~~_ __'''_ _.J " ,___J BUILDING ~U1E, PLAN tHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT I P.L.. IN VAWE " SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (8) PLUMBING PERMIT wi,-/- "1 !::!,'-...--. ITEM Fi..turC3 RCSI(Jcntlal Salh(s) Snnltary S,owor Wntcr Slorm Sewer Mobile Home PlumbIng Pormll StAto SurCho.rou Total Charge E': ~T. FT. Furnllt:o MECHANICAL PERMIT Ie) Exhaust "'ood V~1l1 FAn t!:....._.__ Wood SIOveflnsert/Flroplaee Unll Dryer Vent Mech.onlclJI Permit ISslJ,:lnce S1:IIO SurchCllrgo Tolal Permit CD) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Homo SUllO Issuance Stalo SurCharge SI.,owalk Curbcul Demollllon 510.to Surcharge " " ..-... ~ ).. Total MI$collal'\~ou5 Permll!; (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (exehldlng oroctrlcalj lA, II, 0, 0- a...o . OOTTlDln.G) FEE jS~, If) ... , YJ(,7~ Ib. Z<> /6. t-c P.02 ...."...':, . . . i,'i ~ IS_ PROPOSED WORK tN THE. . HI5TO~ICA.1. DISTRICT. OR ON THE HISTORIcAL REGISTER?_ If yes, this application must be slgnod Qnd approved by the ~1&10rleal Coordinillor prlQf" 10 permit IS$U:lnCl!. '. ~. \ " Setbacks Hf-E.- ~AR APPROVED' Tnle por",," Ie grant." on I". IllIlp,... OOI'lCllllon l"al'''. alia constructIon shall, In all respects, conform to IhO Or.,lnence .do~l.d by tho Cl(y 01 S~rlnoll.ld. Including Ih. Do",olupmenl Code. rogula-lIng the conSlrucllon ,no usa 001 Culldlnge, ;lnd "'OIY be aUlpend.a Oor r....clc.d II en)" tlm. uPOn "'Iolatlon or any provlulon. 01 .alel grdlneneaa. Plan Cheek Fee: _. Date Paid: ROCQipt Numbo':__,_._~, Aote!ycd Dy: pr"ns Rl.'vICWOd- Oy'" Oal0 Systoms. Oe\lelopmcnl crlOuge Is "LlO On illI un"oll'olopad properlles wllhln Ihl'!: City Ilmils which are being ImprO\le<l. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS BV signature, I tltnlo anc:l agreo., thai I have C4)rolully e..amlned Iho completed 8PI'IlCBllon an., do horeby cortlly that 011 Information hereon Is lrue ann correct, and I furl her certify lh~1 any an" all work performed shall bo dOne In ,aCCOfIJanco wlll1lhe Ordlno.ncus 01 lhe City of Sprlngllold, and lhe l.a.ws 01 tho Slate of OrC/gon pertaInIng 10 tho work descrlbod herein, and thaI NO OCCUPA.NCY will be m~ch, uf any Slfuclure wllhoul permission of lhe BuildIng Safely DiviSIon. I furl her conlfy thai only contractors and employees who are In COml)IlMCc with ORS 701.055 will be used on thIs project. I further agreo 10 ensurQ thai all requIred Inspections are 'equo~lo" 411 the propor lIme. Ih:af oaCh address 15 readable from the Slrelot. that tho PO'n'l1t card Is located allho fronl of tho property, ::1nd the approved set of plans will remaIn on the alto 0.1 all limes durIng conslructlon. SlgnalU,.i:..aA~Rrf.ff}J ()/'ff 0.,. ~2-h I t}8 I VAUOATION. RECEIPT NUMDER 6'l,1.{.z.Z-o OATE PAID ., /2.-7/fi(p. AMOUNT RECEIV"O -I2-N ( M PleoelVeo a.., It( ~ ~.~.' .....