HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-12-3 I . '/.' .. RESIDEh&IAL" .. APPLICATIO.RMIT 225 No~th 5th St~eet Sp'ringfieZd, O~egon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ~Ob Loc:Jtton: ['177 ~.4~OFH , . J7-C~.2'5".:2S!- A83CBDor: Map Subdi1)~Bio": 71-"'- 7i'z>. TC% Lot g dd$"4l&> L.II. ~7'ft/fi?65 1.y'77 /YfilJ?)FJK M. A'?-:)_Phone:?~6'-5'.::?S"8 C;~b ~/i". Zip: W.~S-?T~S- I Omer: ~ddress: r Eity: I ~ QNPL.' l..xl 'Addi ticn. fi Rcmodet !Iobi t. 110m. 'I Do, to of APPticoti,cn # ~26- ~ 0 ~ntractors 'ddress enernl ~. 'lumbing , ~ r,lechanicnl E~"ctrU;" 1 ,." " \ " Describe (1'01'1,: .... C~.-?/ n c..>c:::.r ~P/77P?' /t? I:? ~=<2 I ~~H.A::7~- Vatue 7/<'2~ YP Rcce~pt .f .. - ( ~'i<: In7 .........1... .. >\.~:. ~: .: r::."~:' ()~~ -..; ~ : \ ~,. . . '.. .....- L..- (, , .. ." " , ~r L ) rL:fB .. :5 .'-1(') Siqr.ed: Dato': I~XD':!.'(eS Lise. II Bldrs Hoard R~~. D INSULATION/VAPOR-BARRIER INSPF:CTION: To be made after aU insul.a:tion aro.d '. rcqu.:.red vapor barrier'S are in plaoe " ". but befor's any lath~ gypsum boaJ"d or wU covcl'inf/ is applied. and boloro any inouZation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: Tc be made after all drYLX1.LI is in place.. but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: Steel location, bo1rd beamo, grouting or verticals in accordance L1ith U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'lE: After' instaLZation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACII AP.'10N: Afte~ foms are are:::ted bu t ploior to pourint} .::oru:rete. D SID.r;;rIACX & ORIl'EfIf.Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- .....of-ucy.. to bc mdde after all e:x:ca- .. vating "e(;"plilte. & form wrk & cub.. base'material in pla.:::e.. D PENCE: Jlher. complote -- Provide gates Or' movable sectiana thr'OUg~ P.U:E. Phonp ~UDe~""",;;','J; Electr~cinn It i. the 'rBsponsibility of ths pBrrnt holdBr to sse that' all. inspections are r"ads 'at the proper tim&.. tJ:at I.lcoh ::dd:ress is l"'sa:!abt, from the street, and that the permit card is located at th6 fl"Ont of the pf'<?Perty. .tBui!di!'l!] DilJido!': ap?l'Ol:ed Flan shell remain on tha eu-!lding Sit~ at all. times. f.7OCSDUP.E POR INSPEClION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l*ccomerJ state your' City :1esigMted job number, job cu!dJ"Ces, type of i1l3pec~ic,' requested a!"".d when you uiH be ready for inspection.. Contractors 01' lNners name and phone nwnbcl'. Requests received befere 1:00 a:'I :..'ill be made the same day, requests made after 1:00 an uill ba mde the nc:rt :JOl'king day. Your City Deaiur.ated Job Number la: qe::;>/t//?> B~n::"ir":..tf T'1/\"",rI:,:r.'!-q --, SITE INSPEC':'ION: To .be ma,de- after --1 e.%CGvatian.. but pl"iOl' to se~ up of forms. --, . UNDERSLA8 PLUMBINC. F:LECTRICAL of --1 NJ-..'CHA.vICA~: To be made before any WOl'k is ~ovcred. ~FoOTINC ~ FOUNDATION: To be made ~ after trenches al'e e:rcavated and forms a:re el'ected, but pl'iol' to pouring concret~. U.fDSRC.WU.~!D PLUM3INC; SEWER. W.1TE.Q, DRAINAGE: To be made priOl' to fil- Ur.g trenc~ee. =:J =:J U!1DE.~FLOo.r? PC.W.!BI'vC & MECHANICAL: TO"be' nr:r.ds prior to in.:JtaLZation. of [Zool' insulation or decking. --, POsr AND BEAM: To be "",de prior to --1 illstal~ticn of floor inskZation 01' dec.'<ing. --, ROUCH Pr.W!8I!lC. er.F:CTR!CA!. A UECF1- ~ ANICAL: No :.JOrk is to be cOL'el'ed .w:ti.?..th.t!se..:f~peceior.s have ~e~ ....... made and approve.i. .. "I FIREPLACE: Prio'/' to placir.g facing --1 materials and before framing inspec- tior:. t/:RAHINr:: Must be requested aftel' .-:1 aPP,.ov.1l of pough plwr.bing.. a~ectM.- cal & mechanical. An roofing bracing t chimneys.. etc. nr.lst be . compLetcd. !lo 1Xl1'k is to be con- , cealed until thiD inspection has . b6:~n made and approved. D DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUIC.OI;JGS --, Sani~ 08'..JefI capped at pl*Opcrt:; lir.e ----.J . .. ~"'. "'I""",,,.~I~\".W":'^""\~"~11 I.~ill..\ =:J Septi:J tank p-.Jmpcd and fi IIC~ wi th g'l'Q.:JD l I Final - flhen above itcrs are ccmpletcd ~ ar.d uhen demoLition is complets 01' 8tl'U~- CUre moved and pl'crm.3es ::leaned up. Mobile HcmeB :=J Blooking and Sat-~p :=J Plumbing oonnections -- B&wer and ua:sr ---, Elcctrical Connection ~ Blocking, sot-up ~ and plumbing conneotions trr.lst 1:0 appr'ot:ld befol'c requesting elec~rical ins?ec~io'l": :=J Aoeesso1"J Builc!~ng I Fi1l:1t - After p3rc~... ~ stc. are oompleted. skirting.. decks, D FIllA l. PW/.!B IIIG All project conditions, Due.&: a8. tIle .t~staLlat-::on of stl'8et troes, ..ccmploii:Jr1 of tite required landacapir:g, etc., muot be satiaficd bcforo tho SUICDINe FINAL can be r3queotcd. FINAL~'BUIcoiNC: \Tho' Final Building Inspection must bo requeotcd attal' Elcctl'icaL.. and,Mechar.icaL InspectionD helvo been made and appl'ov.1d. . .::. ' \"'~--:- ) ):~ >....." .\'\ \ \, \ <, ( " ',"~ ' ' .. \ ~, '\. \ - \ -AU. I,MNlICI.F.S ~Nn Cr.RIINClJ1'S nfl.rr'.. OF: IICCF;S:J/8l.F., o o o .0 FIliAL ME[;lIA.'IICIIJ. o FINAl.' ELECT/ncAt , ~ ", " tho FinaL Plwnbina ~~~':"!!/.:~; T?:~~~'~1nF. AT NO c~sr TO CITY I p",:c ! of 2 1 JOB NO. I Zona: Lot Sq. Feg. S of lot C""erage .f of Storios Total Height Topography SOLAR ACCESS Occuooncy c. LOT TYPE Interior Car nor Panhandle CUI-de-saa --."- L-COG"" \ <. .. 1. REQ.- Type/Cor-at: . BedroomS: I I Ener']" SOi.~1"Ce8 Setbacks 1 I Heat lIou68 I Carage I AcceD8. 111 Watm' t/~n t"r Ra'If1C UJI II, Fireotacc . ,WOod:; tot:e TilC'e I Lot Faces - I I P.I.. INorth Enst Sou th [{est Fees '".,:" B'uilding Value & "Permi.t " ITEM SQ. FTG Mm:n I~ac~ l Caroort I ACC8S8orU ::U,&.j I';'/~ - ~" , Is.o.c. TOTAl VAWE IIJCl.UCJ , 1. ~ :r: Building Permit State Surcharqe Total Cha.rgea I ITEM I NO. FEE IFiz~ures I Residential (1 bath! I Sanita:ry Sewer IWattu' pl:.unbing Permi t State Surcr.arge Tota Z. Charo8S , -, . .." -.1 - .... '-- -, .,....... .... . lit./. 5"'~ '2..z~ '1~.7? . C/lARGE " , x Value This permit io !11'anted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the ~inance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning C'rdinancel regulating tho cens tructicn and UC6 of buildingsl and ~y be 6ucpended or revoked at Gny time upon vie- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. " , . .." ~;>";il ~,.yz:> " " Iplan Check Fea: ;;;;;,~. 93- ,Date Paid: /I-~ ~O IReceipt H: 1B1SA6-_ , ISigned<f~~~_-? . "Plumbing Permit, No percon chall constructl i.ns~l!1 at.ter or change any nelJ ar e::isting plumbing or ~inage system in whole or in partl untess such percon is the tegal possessor of a valid plumber's licensol 6%copt.that a person may do ptumbing work to property which is ownedl teased or operated by the appli- cant. . . lITEM I Res. So. tta. I N3l.J/EJ:tend Circuits I Temporary Service I ( NO. FEE Electrical Permi t Ete~trical per.mit State Surcharos Total Charqes ITEM ,I NO. Furna-ce !!TU' S E::haus t Hood I Vent Fan I W::xxJst0:16 Permit 13suanca Mechanical Permit State SurCMf'{tf: Total Cluraeo -- ENCROACRMENT -- I Se~,J.ritlJ Deoo3it I Storage j Uaint~"nl1(!p. I pcrmi~ ,., .. I Totat Charges I CUrbcu~ I SidelJalk Ft:'nca Electrical Label I Nobile 1/ome I TOTAL A~/OUNT DUE: of CHARGE FEE C/lARCE 't'~ 773 Where State LaIJ requires tr~t tho electricat work be done by an Eteatrical Contractorl the electricat portion or thia per.mit shall r.at be valid until the uwel has been signed by the Etectrical Contractor. 1 I . I 1 Mechanical Permit 1 . ~~. v/~- "'-"'7 ~~in-er" /'. - - /7- ~- '?O Ja.. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the comp~eted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU ir.fo:omation hereon is true and corrcctl and I further certify that any ard aLl lJOrk psrfor:'nsd shaLl be do:1e in ao::or4 dance lJith the ordinances of thlll city of sprinafictdl and the !4..:. of tha A State of Dreg;)n psrtaining to the work described hereinl end that NO OCCU- PANCY !.till bs mds of any stl'Uctur. lJithout p.miB.ion of the Suildin~ Oi-' ",iBion. I further certi!":! th:1t O:1ty contractors ar.d e:npl~yefi:B who are iu I' compliance with CRS ?Ol.05t will be used on this projact I . ~ /n/9 (;, ~;t11 . ~ '.. -. . . Permit No:QCl41!L Address: 'l4,T) 1/ . ,Issued byGm{l) ,Date:' [f)/'11C I FOR OFFICE USE ONLY " STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS " ABOUrCONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law; ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permitapplicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration, under ORS701.010(7), need' ,not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2B: ~, ,/--- 1. L.lL.J I own, reside in,-or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. L-J My genera,1 contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR /' B. LL.J I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and co hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. " I hereby certify that the above Information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side--of this form. ;{l( {jld~:?/ZC--~ , /,/'2D0at/'e.~/fo ~ /ighaiure of Permit AP~ '-/ ---- CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 1/90 ~~ . LA'Vf.--/ " . COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE , COPY TO APPLICANT , .