HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-5-24 I' .. ......-.;1 , .. ..... ..V 'IIIIl'V". . I' . ... .' .. .' "" DrtJJ I.tiy. .DUl. '1.': ',.. .., I. ":"')".i;i,'/(:':'~' , 'fI ,.' .!I.," .' - ,. . The followlng project as oubm!llGd has t . "215 FIn:s snmer z~nlng. and doeo not require apeclftc 101ldl.l!l<l..C'' ..""...t{l' rUCAtION Sl'JlINGFIEUJ, OREGoN 97471 a,provol, E~ .... "U\I\~ IHSI'ECI1OH IU:QUE'STI 726-3769 ~ing LD (L City JobtlWlber &2 070 V OFfiCE I 726-37511 Deie ~;) {f. . 3. COKPLETEFEE SCIlE1>ULE IlELOV . 1. LOCA'fTON OF It!$TAIJJ.nON Authorlzed Signature ~r I , , .!3~D Ht+~ ()E;N f!:)Jf?'JOb6' ,A. N~v Resldenlhl-Sil'lllt or . .' , .'ultt-Ful1y per dvellh'l: unit. "7 LfGAL DESCRII'TION ^ un.. Service Includedl " eh '), c::. ::J'l, OlY\ Ul/J Items Cost I/V'STl'f-tL JOB DESCRIM'ION "Aj'/'~.Rfl<'6'1000 sq.ft. or len$ 85.00 I tJO/f :5ERtlfV f&)f? 1lffl:EFIe.. 5/{;/Y/tt..( f..a!IrJ??D Each edditional 500 oi1lJ()/F tJN Se: COR/7eJ<..rr ~LleAl8~/LlGe7'ffi,f~q. ft or portion I r '1fermlts are non.trensf~iable and expIre t-Y.) ther,eOf If work i$ not started'within 180 days Each Hanuf'd'tiome or Ik 11/.0 of inuance or if, work it suspemled for Hodulllt DvelHIIf " ~~ W 180 days. . Service or reeder 2. CONTRAcrOR nlSTALLATION ONLY B. ServIces or ruders' Installation, Alterations or Relocetion; 200 emps or less / 201 emps to 400 lillI'S - 401 amps to 600 emps 601 amps to 1000 6JIlPS-, Over 1000 emps/volts Reconnect Only ----- I . Electrical Contractor L.R. Brabham, Inc. Addreu 68 West "Q" Street City Springfield. Phone 747-6638 Supe~vIsor License Nu~ber 14735 Expl~ation Date 10/1/96 Constr Contr. Number 08699 ~ Expiration Vate 12/18/96 SIgnature of SupervIsing ElectrIcian ~/~~/.. Ovnm rtme5ehML.Dtshftd- /1 Address 5;(5 mtk. Sf. Chy 5f?j&{ I'hone 7'/7. 33~' , . 01lNER INSTALLAtION The installation Is being made on property I ovn vhlch Is not intended for sale, lease or lent. . Owners Slgnaturel -~-~-----._----------~--- DA;EI /~:;:;-:;Z;~Cj lfJ . . ',. IUlCElrt " (./,-J...!t!(t?~~ . RECEIVED BY! [1 , H\~ (' ~ Co.;'! " . ..~.._-- ........ . :'. ., Sum $ 15.00 ~ $ 40.00 C A 1JtJ $ 50.00 J..I." $ 60.00 - $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C. Temporary Servlus or' leeders Instellation, Alteration or Relocation 200 am~$ or less $ ~O.OO 201 B~pS to 400 amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to ~OO emps S 80.00 Over 600 emps or 100(" VOUs see liB" Bbove V. nranch Circuits !lev, Alteration or Ext(:nslon Per Panel One Circuit Eech Additional Cir~ult or vlth Service or Feeder fUlIl t $ 35.00 $ 2.00 E. Hiscellaneou. (Service/feeder not Included) -Eech Snstelhtion . fUmp or ItllJatlon $ 40.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited tnergy/Comm ----- $ ~6.00 S. SUIlTOTAL OF A!lOVE 5/),00 , St Stat. Surcharge ~,~fJ 3t Administrative Fee /' .. 1St') !'Of '\u e;' q. . b b ....'..