HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1990-6-25 .. RESIQ.ENTlAl" '.. APPLIC.N/PERMIT f 225"horth 5th Street .Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 . l~rnl)rLm &dfJj > k09N '~~lJJ1' .... T<rC14t~()~40r' ClJnc~J'\D \\ \ O,~ t'J\('U\Q, ~ QJ\ Q.I V . Add.....,\.\\C\ \'\C'U..\\'lQf\ ~, Ph~:\4~-lD~L\O City: ~~ r'\ .~) Zip: 0, ,L\-ll .c2rol ~\:(~,.bC h'ork: Of\l-cnr~'. RemtX!eZ" ". \J Value \\ IciJ .. , ,. I Job Loca.ti.on: AS08SDOI': Map Subdivision: n n n n 'lI:1' Addition ~"~ SPRINGFIELD ~ Uob-:.le 110m3 lo -~;\ -~() . Dato of Application Contracto.;s\ _ '1 "\ ,General l \LtJ.: ), \ Q flU ,Plumbing I Hechunical I g~"ctr:i.!;al I SUI)eti"l~~;;P'.11L Electr.iciun Receipt .f . \ ~ . . J. r-nQJ{) . (\ ^ t'o (C J>> v-r ..~~W. ... .1 il Sigr.ed: Data: ~ ) ." . Y'\lQPd'l() Address Ltse.' II Illd rs Ilollrd Rec. Phnnp O INSULATION/VAPOR IM/mIER IHSP.":C'fION: To be mads aftol' all. insul:1.ti:m a~.d '. 1'equired vapor barrio,.s ara in plaoe- but befol'o any lath. GYpsum board 01'" w'll oovering is applied. and bofora any insulation is concealed. O DRrWAflL INSPEX'TION: To be made after all drYLJaLL in in place, ,but prior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Stssl location, boiul beamo, grou tina or vertica ls in accordance L1ith U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After insta.lZation is ccmpleted. r.A' CURB & APPRCACI/ AP.'ION: After fo"",. ~ are created but prior to pouPing ~narete" o SIDEfIALX & 'DRIt'EflAY: For all con- orete paving within streot rioht- of-wa.y, to be madB after all e%ca- 'vatina oomplete & fo~ work & Dub- base material in plaae. gxpft.(~s It iB the responsibility of the permit holdsr to B88 that all inopectior18 arB r.sado at the p:roper time, t1:at Dcoh .:ddrSSD is roacab!,. fl"Ottt th" stroet, and that the poromit oan! is Woated at tho f-,.ont of the proporty. 4Bui!dina Diui::ior: approl1od plan sht:ZZ remain on thez Bu~Zdin!1 Sit~ at all times. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION R~QUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recome,.) state you,. City deoianated job number, Job at!drcoo, typo of in:Jpec~ic,. l"oqtAc8tcd ar.d 1J!:en you &orin be ready fOI" inspeotion, Contmotol"s or CUnero ncma and phone number. Rsquests rllcDir.:sd before '1:00 C':1 r..>ill bs, made the 8ame dcy, requests mc:.de after 7:00 am will b3 made the nC%t ool"kin.3 day. .' y;"r City Deoiur.atod Job Number Io: C\ [':( ') R~I7J,i,,:""/_ r""',!~f!t1~n", D SITE INSPE:CTION: To ,be made aftel' ercauaCion, but proiol' to sst'up of forms. D UNDERSLAB PLlJ/omINC. ELECTRICAL .I . ME:CHJI.VICAL: To be made borol'e any work ':0 ~ovol"ad. . o FOOTINfl & FOUND,1TION: To bo made after trePlcheo are excavated and forma.are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. U,YD!RCROUND P!:UMlJING. SEWER. W,1TER, DRAINAGE: To be ma.1e pl"iOl' to li~- l.ir.g trenches. D o D UNDf:RFLOOR PLUMBING & ME:CIIANICAL: To bs made proiol" to inata~tation of floor inouZation oro deckin(i. .', POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor insulation or decki11{j . nOI./C1I Pr.UH8IrJC. Ef.F.CTR!'CIlf.. of MECIl- ANICAlI: No tJOrk is to be oovered ur.til thess inDpections haue beer. mads and apPl"Ouec. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.a faoing materials and before framing ,inspec- tion. . FRAMINr.: NuDt be l"equeotsd after app1'OvwL of rough plurrbing, al,ectroi- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bmaina & chinr71cys, st.,. must be ,completed. No wrok is to be coo- , ooc.lefi until tllio inspDotion has 'bt~n made and approved. o o o O !"ENCE: When co,'J1pZ.te -- P1'ovic!e' gates or movable ssaCians throug1: P.U.f:. . o -,'- lC\ \ - DE/.IOLI1'IO!i OR /.:OVED BUILDlilCS =:J Sani~J setJe,. :tapped at p~pcrt!l lir.D :J Septia tank rr.mrpoo and {i 1 led Lti th gm:Je ~ I Final.. lthen ahope itc11IlJ are ccmple.tcd --1 and w'l~m demolition is oOOlplete or otru.:J- tUrs moved and pl'~1I1ises oleaned up. JoJobi le Hemes =:J Blocking and Set-~p =:J Plumbing connections -- sewer and wa~er --, Eleotrical Connection.. Blocking, se:-up .-J and plumbing conneotions MUst l:s approt:fld before roequestinu elsc~roical inspso~ion. =:J Ao:::essoroi Build~ng :J Fin:Jl - Aftor p:)rohI1D, okirHn!1. dl1cks. sto. ars oomplstcd. o 'Alz jirojeot,.conditions, lJuch aD tile 1~nstallat~on of street trees, co::tplDtion of. ,tM . required 14ndscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING PINAL ,can b. 1'8t(wsst3d. " I ',- o FINAL PWMBI1IG o FINAL H!:CIMNICAL D FINAL f:LECTRICI.L o O FINAL BUILDING: Tho Final Building Inspection must bs J'oqueotsd of tor tho Final Plumbin.3 , ElectricaZ, and Mechanical Inspeotiono lta.,e been mads and app~u~d. ,': .', ,', ", ~J1l." '.IIINIlCr.F:S AND Cr.F:ANotrr:: IIf1ST fll:' ACCF.!J!Jf[Ic.F:, ADJlJ!.:T!Jf:NT TO m: wlm: AT NO COST TO Cf'!'Y I fl:l!u" of:! I JOB NO. qCcnC\\ SOLAR ACCESS I :!onc: Occupancy Grou. Lot Sq. Ft>. LOT TYPE S ~f lot C""erag< Interier N of StonG8 Corner Total Height Panhandle Topography CUl-de-saa lITEM !,.,ain SQ.FTG GcPaae CaJ"ooJ"'t AccessorII I I Is.o.c. TOTAL VAWE (vat-tiC) I.S '" Buildina Permit Sta to SUl'charge Total Charge. lITEM I Futures I ResidB~tial II bath} I Sanitar>y Sf1fJeJ" Watel" Plumbing Penr.i t State Surc1-.arge Tota 1. C1zaf'(fCf8 lITEM I Res. So. n". I Naw/Extsnd Circui ta I Temporary SeMJico Ele3trical Permit State $uraharQ6 Total Chnl'CtlS IITEN I Furnaee In'U' S I Exhaus t lIODd I Vent' Fan I WOodstoVB I Permit Iosuan08 Mechanical Pemri t Stato Surcharm: Tota 1 CharoluJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- I Securitll DzPOsit I Storage I Maintenanae Permit Total ChaM08 ." \ II I Curbcu~ rV~ I Sid""",lk L'O"C:m38 I Elec't,.ical Label I NoM l. Home I I 1.,.,..".Ar AUf'I'UP" n",..... NO. NO. NO. . -J- - REQ.- L-COC"" . Bedrooms: . "'ri EnBl'fI1I So"rees I I iieat Access. I I II II II TYDe/Cor.st: , , 1II"e I [,ot Faces - Setbacks I P. L.' HouBe Carage INorth Eas~_ __ South II/Qst Water ,'/ootp.'t' Range I Fireplar.c . "'ooda tove I j x . ._.___ _",!,_.,.==_f:'sau...:- Value & Permit FEE CHARGE FEE ~'HAHCE FEE CI/ARCE \?l./ O( r l'~.ld') Building Vaiu'e This permit io granted on the expreoB aondition that the sdid construction sha'Ll# in all respccto# conform to the Ordinance adopted by tJte City of Springfield# including the Zoning Crdinance# regulating the ccnotru-,ticn and uoe of buitdings# and m:lY b,c sUDpended or revoked at any time upon vie-' lation of any provisions of said Ordinaitces. l' I I I, I Plan Check Fee: I Dat. Paid: I Readpt g: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No pereon allalZ conatruct, instatL# alter 0": chal'l(Je any nelJ cr e:risting plumbing or drainage systen in whole or in part# unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license# except that a pe~80n may do plumbing work to properoty ",hich is owned, leased Or operated by the appli- . cant. I I, Electrical Permi t Where State Law requires t~4t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor# the eLectrical portion of this pennit shall r.ot be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I 1 ' I I I Mechanical Permit I'Lau Exann.ner va," I 1/AVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for pennit, and do hereby certify that aLl ir:fo'fflJation he1'eon is true and correct, and I jUrther certify that any ar.d all "",rk perfor:ned shall bs done in aeoor- dancs ..nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th< Lo-";8 of tho A State of Oreg.:m p:::rtaining to the work described here:"", and tlrat NO OCCf.). PANCl L1ilZ be nude of any structur3 without p~rmiB3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contraators ar.d e:npl"yel!:s fJ1:o are in ~pliance rJith ORS 701.0SS will be used on this project " .:.,~;r=~,z"R' ~AA1 &/;2.~/9n Out. , ., , ~- C. -'~ . .' .,.,. . ~: ~ 0 . APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY DATE: {)f~ 7_3 /190 APPLICANT (PROPERTY OWNER): 7Y1-i'/>/-'_+- (/)~...-~I(;A?U.A"'" ,/ AD:JRESS OF APPLI CANT: /// '9 Jla,;, &,~A 11 / "+ ~ ./ ~_.J2 . 0 . ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRIVEWAY: ~~/.f~~ APPLICANT'S TELEPHONE NO. : 7~7-6F~c) The following conditions must be answered affirmatively in order for this application to be considered for approval: Property is either a single family residence or duplex, YESL NO The proposed drive\1ay will take direct access from a minor street (not a collector or arterial street), YES~ NO___. The driveway will have a minimum setback of 30 feet from the curb return of an intersection (for corner lots). YES~ NO___, The proposed driveway (parking area) must have a minimum depth of 20 feet between the front property line and the garage, carport, fence or wall, if any (identical to setback for garage), ..YES....i.. NO___. The second driveway inust\ have. direct access to a garage, carport, rear yard or the side yard where the vehicle, trailer or boat will be stored. YESL NO___, 6). If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the side yard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet between the stored' vehicle and the side property line. This setback is for fire fighting access and to comply with the intent of the zOQing code. Setback sati sfi ed YESL NO___, 7). The proposed parking/storage area must not cr.eate a vision obstruction to adjacent property driveways or to any vehicular movement on a public street. Satisfied YESlC- NO___. Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway to City of Springfield standards. The applicant further agrees to have 6" of concrete in the sidewalk area adjacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewalk adjacent to the driveway with a minimum depth of 3" of asphaltic concrete or with a minimum, dep.th of 6" of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidewalk snall' be paved to the property line or for a distance of 4 feet which ever,is,.qreater. 1), 2). 3) , 4) , (, \ I , , , 5) . '-~ The applicant agrees that if he/she does not pave.the area behind the sidewalk within 30 days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the' authority to close the driveway access by the removal of the curb cut. All incurred costs shall be assumed by the applic~nt and if unpaid, said cost sha 11 become a 1 i en of the property. . '. .' -2- .c I . 4itO,P.P. #T~4.1a ~. '\ When this application is approved by the City, the applicant (property owner) must obtain a driveway permit from the Public Horks Department Building Division. ' PER~lIT FEE a. On an improved street (existing curb): ~ plus ~ per lineal foot of curb cut. IO.co \ 5<t b. On an unimproved street (not curbed): $12.00. '. c. On currently unimproved streets that are under- construction: $12.00. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE~~ DATE:j}~ 2-3. 1'fCI()~e.- ~~. APPROVED BY: I..a- ~ 8/'3h---, TRAFFIC DIVISION - ~. DATE: tPI ~~/ 89 , qro~C\.\ " BUILDING PERMIT NO.: DATE: L2./J~.q() -' ,.. ~1 II =>. ...- t:;<il 1(. ~O "'0 r~ ~ '''Z'l - :0 ('~"5~ to' P/lrtll/CIt.J1:. ,t; "L ZTl)P e.iI~13 \>< I €,,,c,., _ {Dj!.\~\vA"'\" ~ Ii ~ __ Z8'---o <-1'::-->'\ ./ ' "- (po f<Du..l -- /-fA 'f Di?;J No. 3-11 TRA 9-1 ATTACHiqENT: '119 ~ - " ' ~o PRL ss,.., 7" (,0, OISiV I.J c:;. J...I .ut;. RoAo IEOr;~ - Bf?-,OCIL R.oAD - " '. ''"- . . Permit 'No: qro ~ I .' Add,." III q ~driOf) <&' ~ Issued bY:' HU:J1") Date: In '/)FJV STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed ArchiteCt and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks,-and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2B: 1.~ .1 own, reside .in, or will reside in' the completed structure. 2. A. L-.J My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR B. ~ I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and 00 hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. vL -" , 4-- t',i..J ----- ~gnafure of perniit-A~.icant /J(,/:.z6-'/t? /J Date f CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 10/24/89 <. ~I .:~