HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-10-25 . The iOlle.project as submitted has the following A . nin does not require specific land use ItC. ,~, ff'. 225,F. IFTH. !'TRE. ,,!ft.' pr09.~al.. ;""'\ I.'" I': t h~\ ~,I ('; r". '\ ELE ~. .CAr: PE. ~. T APPqGA TIOW' f'~'~-) ',SrRIJ'lGJ;~LD, O~G91" ~7~~71 ~kt:1"" ' . I " ", i.. . ", . -c') \- ; :'\ ,IINsr~CTIqJ:l REQUf~l ,'1~~-n61m ';l.6;.'0-\ I' !City Joh Nu~ber 0" ~; oo~ 7&". ." I ':'~.." ".\ 'OF,FI,CE:726-n~:pate. I J.., ~. ;::J<t'-.:: ') i : . t. ' i.... ,,', .:' ", . '. l7",'.) I,r I, jh . \ I I:' :Authcirlz~d.Signaiure u;, I . "'.mT~'i:TE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW' ~ l' " , 1_, I I 1-" '" I ,_. I" ' r - \ ! i ' I. LOCATION OF' STALLATION L: [. ,i' .-:! ; J., , . . , .' ...: ,/.....: \_' jl.,. ~_ \ . '. ,.fL' _, J ~J! <_ t ; ~/. ,J_., , . . ' ~~ (" A. New ReSldenl1al-Smgkor..-..-....". _._H,____. l.l Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Sen'ice Included: " , LEGAL DESCRIPTION 17D'3, 23'-(c.( 6;:>,c::rC> 0 ,. . ,c. ~.~. '...',. JOB DESCRIPTION I f"Jt ~.~ il"D",OtV . .>/ZvC Permits me n9n-transferable and expire if work is not 'started within 180 days of issuance lbfif \vork is suspended for 180 days. ;' " c:~ 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder ;, , /: ,','l,. Items Cost SUm $106.00 " $ 19.00 , . , $ 50.00 " ~": -" , ;}~i~ l~\.:: "~ P' ~ ; f.x'.: J.. ~: ; ,,:.... ~ ~. . . v ~ 1\ /:"" :,... ,.; 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders /' t ,'~'C< . 1. '~ j ..." Installation, Alterations"or \~",','" Electrical.tont;acto.tC(et., /)('''1. (Fled, Relocation: / . 'I'.S.'!'."',';-.:.';, Address ,.),il"7';'j'".;:!... 0,; :.J ,I J/,., Ad. fi'..."..'.'~.':-.'" '~., ". 200 anlps or less/.' ';'" ' .. t'..:-.." . '.. ';1 u f;-V^'t/Qm._v" /"......", "':'B;;~3;~0\J"' :'1 J.',,-...,.. \' , , '- 201 00' . $ 7- 00 ~'~',.\ ;. '\q'lYOS, ./ ," ',ampsto~ amps':. ---: ,). ----:; "'. ..... Ci~"" \ f P!lOneJIt.~'<2.l-htz.... ):,,401 amps t'7600 amps;., . ,-,----,$125.00 ~ i r;~:F:\1 '. 6(' \ \" ( /:,.'" " ':-, '6QI amps }01000 amps: $163,00_ f ,'i' , Supervisor. LicenserNumber ';?'C; 7 xc,.. . Over 1000 amps/volts . _ $'175.00 ~ i () : it J.' ',: '-\j:,}~...:ji.":.,....'..\.,.....r,~..'...'.ili.....~7;..,,,l<ec?;me~t only....: ---: $,,50.00 f~::':;' ExpiratiouDate "/0,"1;:"',&/"7"'" ,,' ",'i......,;;, :. ,',.. " '.., . ....:. !'.'.'~'-' '; ;"" , ,,', ' - " .. " '. C.. -:~ < ~.. ,:H~.:.'.':.:'/" H~';"'/-:':,i";>'.' " ~;,',..9:,_'.Tcnlpon,ry Servi(:es;or'Fceders "" "f' G:~ ',..' , ~ Constr_~~tr: Nuwber.' '9- ~9'5(3" '. '. ',. ':tL<:.~> :,:~:~~.~~~~;t.~~l:~ti~~~; .~lte.I~?tion or, ~~location - "~; Il,'~.,:.;.\. -...;.......~~ ,,;.,~;~j::'~: .:"::'-; '~':-';-f\i;},S~i"~,r;:,.-';\i>)S't9":':'~;'::~':(~'~1:E~,?;J'::.:-i{;;f:~-::, ...-",>,;~:.";~.;:".. . ;:' ','~,;::;':l::~ ~ ;~',/,,{;;\ ;,.~.(:'::' >'."Expiration Date_/O~ ~;<"-,2.i\' .:,}';..'. :',.../:' 200 amps' or.Iess "'. ':C, $50.00 ~;~,'~'-',:;",:"">.,... --~.... 2Q(~mpsto.4o'Oamps. ; =$69.00 1~l!f~'i;':;~:"SI~':~tu' f" ervising Electrician ~0y,"f:.40Vo()00:amps":, . '.: J;,~ $jOO.?,O ~~ ;",:' >y"...' "'''''.' .... ~ Over6.0.0. 'amps,orIOOOvoltssee'. ,," " .: .':@~' .,,~)# "B"abol'e. ~.,;,E '....~xj .~~ f\ \ .' ., ... .,,/, '--, .,.'. ~ '1'7 . "- ". '.',. o;V1;'~rs:~am.;:Y~dr'~'(~~><=f~ D. Bra~:"0i:r~~on or~~tension p~/p~ncl . " .' ", Add:es~' "'id"'-r~Fj$Jj;::}\ E' ads t2d. oJl~ir~ui~\ I '4 . t:...~ "$43.00 .. j!~-' \ j ,~., . ." ...- '.' I, "'. . 'I'. .,"-';. ) '. " ,'.' .' ,. ',:' ". . ,. ~'.'. I' '. ..' '. ' , CitySf6? ~~o,ne <: '12 -'-( 7/.> Eafh'Ad. ditio~~l, G.ir~u!!,or with S~7' ';..,,' ~,,,,,::,,,,~,_,,..','~'~..;.t;J:":::~ "",,-, ,,:1 C?r'Fe<e4~!"P~~I,mt---.(...~"..~\ '.. ",$ ~.OO' ~"<:', WWNER.'INSTA,LLAtION ..,~ lij." .'" ..y:, \;' ,., , '. I:' ". .' ."I;~'.~ .....--...:~~.t \ " , . The installation is:being niade on\ E. Miscellaneous (Sel'Yieelfeeder not included) p;opertyl,o~vn.'whichis Iioti~tended:' r: :-Eac.Il.inst.uflatibh ',.j;\ \.,.:~' '.' :'tor'sal~;>t\e~s~ of;;gnL~ ,~~":-~\~'::"'.::-~-:f \ r; Plln~p'~rXrb~aiibh: ", ,;;3 i \ '~$'50~OO .'., "~',1 ",'. .~~ '-t"".,"Y<",,:' L,\ p'Sig!!Zql;.'~1i~eLigl}ti~g:_;j,i =l$50.00~', ;,:'\'OwnersSii.itature:' <,:,,',\. \: Ljri;ite? Energy/R~.s "f.: $25.00---,-, . .c":",~~:~:.\"",~>~,~",;~~::'";:;_~'''l,,,,_~,:;,~,, '_, ',' ;',Liinited Enefgy/Comm';-.1 $45.00:' , ."; ";', "':~"'" '\ ~". ':;',t.. ',.'; ~",-~~ . ~ 190~83IHS\!8' , " . . Minimum EleCtric Permit. Inspection Fee is S45.0n + SlIrchai'gcs ~~~~~H~"G;~5;H ~W\i: ' ':.. ..,' ~...' .. 4. SUBiZl~L~F'1~o~~' ..' &/>. 100~, 91' 180:3180 :;', ." ..' 7% Staie'Stircharge ::' 5.::=L 8669,o.QO':JO:;n.SN\!~.J:...,,' ,., 8% Administrative Fee . b ~ ,- '."i .-... :') '. .\ \ ">,-' :. ~'~\. '\ " t' ,. t'. ' i '.! ~J < .; '.. 1."1 .. T" '.. ~;;';~:." :;: ~\ ~ ';-'" ~-\;\\~.:~ " ,l . " TOTAL . . 95~- _..:'_.._J.'_ _." ..s.', _,'.;;..'';_'_ri,,':'' .~.~. .._~. -,--~..,