HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-6-2 .. RESIDENTIAL" .. APPLICATI.ERMIT 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I l SPRlNGF!ELD o '''.''/4628 a::tLufuI\\:i"K\ctDL .. . "'\ T= Lot HI7~~c, /:l.~:/ j ct-~ '1'\5 \ Job Location: AsoeBDor:: Map K Subdivision: LD w~1l 0miflr Add,...: "7 7~ H~/"lei1 /Sr(;/f'I'J:OIlC: 7t!7~~5'/ City: \.~r/~ wid Zip: Q7(./7 ~ LDcx;d 5 to ilL d'{ <0) ~DO .co ~.~,~~ va~P- Clmer: ~~., n Additicn n RemodeL n .'lob';Zo 1l0rrt~ \0 \-R~ Date of Applicacicll =Conrraccors General , Plumbing ~~t-1eChanical \ \..I\\~ f\R ,-,1'''-- l'l.eccrica I ~SuDer'Vi9ing clectrit 1.111 Describe tl'orl~: ^rlrlrp~s Lise! II . Illd rs Boa rd l{~'" ~ ~. . Siw,ed. 'wrU Dato: ~ { n 'j/, .?")'-1 Exp'ires PhollP [t \., th, rooponoibility of t}~ permit holder to 800 that all inopactions aro ~ado at ths propsr timc~ that ecoh =ddrS88 is rca=a~:~ from tJlg utrcat. ana that the permit card is lxatud at tJw front of tho property. ~Bui!d1.ruJ Lr:vi::io.', ap?l'ol.:cd plall sJ:.cll l'emai'l 011 t.he lJu~ldbl!' !;:'it::: at all times. P,70C:r;DURE FOR INSPEC-nON R~QUES1':CALL 726-3769 (l'ccordcr) otat(! your City d<!D1.{)nated'job mm;bor~ job addrc88~ type of l.n3pec:icll requested a,--:d wheTI you will be I'eady for l.nspcct{.on~ COlltractoru or OtJner3 ru::me and phone number. Requests reeeilJBd befol's 7:00 (:":'l ~iLl be ma~c the Bamo dcy, rC~lcsts mcdc after 7:{)0 am uill b~ madc the next ~l'ki~3 day. -'lr~qH'i. rpr/ r n '1f!""~ tiC1TQ O SITE INS?::C:JON: To b<: nr.de artel' , c.:rcaLl.:lti.?n, bl.lt prior' t~ 3e~ up of forme, D UNDERSLAB PLL'.'.fB!Nr;, ELECTRIc'1L & NECHA,VICAL: To be Tnade beJ'cJl'i! any woI'k i.s .;lovered. D FOOTING .! POUND;lTICfJ: To be rrac.c after trcnch<:!I (11'(! excavated and forma arc eNctJd, but fJl'iol' to pourin{) ccnCl'et.:, o U.\'DSRCROU.VD P[.Wf:J JoVe. DHAII/Ar.:f: To be l~JC ti.r{J trenehee. S.t:J,IEH. 1,I,1TE8, p,'iol' to fi~- o UNDERFWOR pr.UJ.!Dn:(; ,': MEC!lANlCM..: To be made pI'ior to i"~tattatio,, of floor in6ulction or decking, POST AND BEAI.': To be mndc prior to in8taUatioll of flool' imH.:lation 01' decki~. O RDuell N,U,'!R r:!fl...-El.:F.r.'lF !e/l!. ,.; MF:CfI- AN/eM.: No Wl-r., , i:; to ve I...'OI.'el'cd ur:ti l these illspec:tior::J h.'wlJ beer: mada and app~'oue:!, ~F.P{'ACE: Prior to plc:cir.IJ facing l..n matol'ialY and before [,'aming inspec. tior:. o o FRNflNr.: Mu:;;t be r'cqlleDted after appl'ov.:ll of J'ough plwr.billg, ~lactri- cal & mcchani.::al. Al! roofing bracing & chimncYD~ et~. ~~3t be : completed. Vo ~I'k ia to be con- , coaled until tllio in:Jpection has 'b~~n made and appro~ed. YOlll' City Deaignated Job Number 10: O INSULtI'l'JON!VAPOR lIARRIf:R INSPECTION: To be tnQde after all inuulati~n and , requ:'l'ed Llapol' barriero arc in plaos btlt cefore any lath~ gypswn board or wall covering is applied, and bofora any inDulation is concealed. DRYIIJ1f,{, J/lSrr.CT!ON: To be made aftel' all dt'ywll ia in placc~ btlt prior to any tapill!!. O MASONny: Steot loeati01l, bo~d' beama, grouti'l!J 01' uertiealo in accOloda1WB ~ith U. B. C. Section , (,2415.. . ~ f.IOODS7'O'lF.:l After illstallation io ~ ,"'emple-tea. o D CURB ,( AI'f>HOAC/l APRON: Aftcr fOl'mo are iJI'ecte:l bId; pl'iol' to pourin(1 '::On:!rete. O SJm:/II1f.K ,( DRTl'~'r/I.Y: FOI' all con- Cl'ete paviTUJ within otroet ri{)1Jt- ol-~y~ to be made aj'ter all erca- 'vating eonpleta & fOI'm LXT:rk & cub. . , base material in pl.a~e. o ['ENCf:: ~lhcr. compl~te -- Prouide gutel1 01' movable ooctions th"f'ough P.U.F.. tjq()644 Dn/OLI'J'ION OR !-lOVED BUILDIIIGS :=J Sani~cu'y seuer oapped :it p~op&rty lir.o ::J Septi, tank pumpea. and fiHaa. .nth .ran! J Pinal. - ffllen aOOue ite:1I3 are ccmpleted . or-d when demolitior. io o~nplotc or stn/:. turo moved and pr~misoB oleaned up. J.Jobilo /lcmes ::J Blooking and Set-~p ::J Plwnbing connections -- DCtJOI' and tJa:el" ::J Elootrioal ConnBotion - 8looking~ Bet.lI; and pLumbing connections mr~st to appro~ed beforc requcsting (Jleo~ricaL inapec:io~ .=J Aoaooso~; Building J Pinal - Aft~r p~l'Cr..es~ skirt~ng~ dacks~ sta. are oompZeted. o :All project cor:ditiona, :wel: a8 the 1',"staLlat-:.on of u't1'oct tl'Oe8~ co.':1plotion of t;IO . required laJ1d:Jcapi':a~ cte.~ mus~ be satisfied before tho BUILDING PINA4 ~an ,!lo 1'squost~d. o PIllAL PLU/.!BJ//G D FI/lM.. J./E:~IIA,'JlCA!. o FINAL ELECTRICt.1- \0 o FINAL DUJI.DTNC: The P.illal Buildin{) Inapection must be I'oquentod altor the Final Pllunbill:J E:lectl'iaal, and Meehar:ical Inspecti.ono haLlo been made and appI'olJi1d. o / 'AU I-IAIIIICI-ES AND CLI':,1/ICu'rs 111/:'1' m: ACCESSIOI-F., ADJUSTIIENT TO BE IL1DF. AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa,,. of ~ I JO() NO. L~OMf'!: Let Sq. Ftli. I of lot Coverage .f of StOM-OO Total Height " Topo~raphy : ,- TTF.J.f I SQ. FTC I ,/ 1 1 Mai,l Gr:l'(Jr.a, Icm.nollt 1/1CCCtJlJOl"ll 1 , Is. D.C. TOTAL VALUE: ftJaLucJ J.5", ;" Building Penm.t sea te Surcharge Totat ChargfJB IInM I fixturcs IReeidRntial (J bath) I :;ani t."lry SetJer' I wc.tl!I' I PZW1Ibing Pend t Stat6 Surc1-.arge Total CMmll8 I Jn~1 NO. I nr!.'J. Sa. rta. jNoW/f.xtend Circuito I Temporary ServicQ El6~trioal Penmit Stat6 Surchnra8 Total ~(;6B IITSII I Purn1:ce' ETU'S I E:xhauo t lIood I Vent Fan I Woodnto:JfJ I 1 I 150/1) 5 i7,J.dw{kLI P8M1f'it ISI1UCD1C1l MlIchanical PBn1f'ft Stato Surcha:rac Tntol ~~t7~n' -- E:NCROACHHE:NT -- l.'i/!C:lritl, D3T>tX'1.t I Stor~'(J(J ;." .,:.,w.",.,~' \. I 1-1(1,1:11 t.?Ma"~e I Pcnrrit ':1.. . ~\oof.''1.' Total Cha7V/oS lcW-bcu. I Sid_lk 1 f~t1::1t Electrical Labol Mobile 1I(YfJ(J SOLAICESS Occuooncl( l?: LOT TYPE: Interior ... I NO'1 J .1 II i I 1 NO. " 1'1'''' r ' "I'. f' '~ , -. x FE:E: FEE: FEE Co,.l1sr .'. l'alllu%Ildle Cul"do-Dac I I I I I Valllc I I I , I 1 I I , . I I I, I I I I I 1 CI/ARGE: I I 1 I I I I I I, CHARGE I CI/ARCE 1 1 I I I j- \6.00 ,l2- I ..1,.."...... '...jl:.... , I I I 1 I I REQ.-' , TYl't!/Co1:nt: Bcd},o"~:;D " .'l:-C6C"t '~ I Let fact!n - I I [Iltt'rf11/ So:o'(~I:n I Sf! tlX1cJ..:.'l 1 1 !lcat 1 P.L. lIouae ~ r.m'Q'1r? I !.CCC::l.'J. 1 I Wa t.r. I' !fr:atrl' INort'l I I I Rall!;n .IEant I i I I I I FiJ'cplnr:.! Isou th I I I I Wood;;tOl:.;f '''oot .1 , I 1'1 I." , . rOlN! F;'Inn Building vcill.ie & Permit Tllin pCI'mit 1:n rJJ'n1lt(:d 011 the. t!3:prnon condiit:'?lI ihat. ell'! lI.lid COII::ltl'UCUVlI nll11U, ill alt. ,.t?f1PCCU1, cOII/onn t.o t.hc O,.(/1:",/I;(:r. :Idopt..:.! 1i!1 tJU? r:i.t!{ o[ Sprin(7finld, il1o~rui::lla ,UI(! :~O"illa CJ'd~Il(:m(:r., I'C:llll.f;/.LIl:l f.},,: CCIl::lt.r,I.:Ll:CIl and w::a of lmiLdill(7::l, and"m:;!! bo GlUll'cndcd or I'ClJokcc.!,.,L r.1:Y t.~I:Jr. UpOll uie. latiol1 of allY pr:JVl,;;i01:n oj naid 'Ordi,:t1.lIca:;. IPlan Chack FI?t':,' I Gate Pa,d: I n,zc.ipt II,' ISi(l~1(!d,' Plumbing Permit No parcoll ohllLl CO/1ail'lIct, inDtal~, aLtar or c1Ja.Il(7c c;.llY nelJ cr c.::i.ct.illg I plumbing or drainaga lJynte:n in ;.;hole or in part, w:lc:;:; :;lich Fl:J.tjoll La thlJ legal por.nasnoJ' of a vaUd pLumber's liccI13a, ~xccpt tJ:c.t G j'(]:'SOIl ma~1 do plwnhing !Jork to lH'o{l(!I'/;Y wllich in ol.mad, lca:u:d or Opcl\;tad by tht: appli- cant. '. Electrical Permit , W1101'O 5t.atn {,aM rr.quirc!l U:n.t tho dr.at-rical IolO/'/": b."J dOlle by an Slr.~t.l'ic(lt. Contractor, tht! alnetJ'Lcal portion of ~hi:J pr./'tIlLt a/lllll ,:ot ba vaLid until tho labaL IIlID bean lIl:gllt1d by the ElectricaL [;Ollt,'cctor. ~ Ii ~ ~tD1J(.. "\ t> Qftl LMW:r or i if ~~ ~ {W\ vAj/l~ (,/M.-i1'IIl111l #Ua. '" -PI- C<- fr;~~pWioYl fu- MecPl1, I~OD . I I , .' J , l'lall t;xrJfILIICJ' uaLI: I 1lAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appti.cati011 for permit, and do 1lareby cortify that all i....fo:-mation horaoll iG trtal and correct, and I furtlli!r certify t1rat any ar.d all IJOrk parfolo:nod ;rJv::rl!. be do.'1n i" accor- 00"00 :Jith the OJ'dill:JrtCf!D of thlJ City of SprinGfield, and tho: [,a-,.,lS of tho " Stata of Orcg"" p:;rt.linil1!.l to tllo work cencribcd he:;ro::lI, CIld :ll1lt NO OCC!,)- PANCY will be nuda of ally ntructw';] ,witho;;t p31'mio.1io~ of. the !Juildin!1 Di- visioll. I fw.thf!r ct?rti-fy that o;rly contJ'a.::tol'lJ a;:d c-npl.::JyeG:8 /J}:o are in compliance with OilS 701.05t will be uoad on Olio proj:;ct I ' i~u,~ \nj\8~ 1 I Sion3d ~1tr.