HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-2-29 ..- .. RESIDiiNTlAL" APPLICA1!rJN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: /jLj// ~rfP/h /17 0 :5.;2 ~ '(:J.. ~ de P / ;f! ",d Taz Lot nt? iJ /C/O? L.a- /fz~ J!J/ix Tot? Pr~e: Y./.-/ ("./H pi ____ II Zip: /) Assessors Map # Subdivision: amel': Add:z.ess: City: n n n n ~Pl.l Additicn Remodel .'1obi La Bama .Jc;} 9 ,-rg Value Address SOO Date of Application C;ontractol'S GeneraL PLwnbing Electrical /II /I I) ( A111AJi jLJ DlfJ>tM>:J ,1 Mechar.ica l I Construction Lcndezt -705 - 7--2SQ Describe fl'ork: w~~' -.. - Rcce~pt #- I/() ,:.s 7 . JI-o Ie " 0)).-' 1/ I I 1/~ Sigr:ed: Date: L'c-- :;J -;;>. 0/ ~y? Liac.# Exvires Phone ~Xlt?f)() --:&7-/0'((' It is th8 responsibility of ths permit holder to SBe that all. iMpections are made at the propel' tims~ that each .::ddre88 is l'eadabZe froom ths stl'eet~ and that the permit card is 'Located at the frant of the pr<?Peztty. ItBui!ding Divi:;ion approved pran shall remain on tha Building Sits at aU times. PROCEDURE FOn INSPECTION REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nwr:beT'.. job a.dC:rcss.. type of in3pec~icn raquested a1"'.d when you wiU be ready for inspaction, Con"tractors or OWners narle and Fhone number. Requests T'ecei7Jed befors '1:00 c:."l J..'iZl. be made thE: same day, requests mc:de after 7:00 a'7l tJitz b~ made the na:t :.JOrkirI.J day. O MASONRY: Steel beam3, grouting accordance tJith }ir.g trenches. 2415. O l)NDE.qF'T,(JOR__~~UMBING & I1E:CHANICAr.: P WOODSTOVE: After instal.Zation is , 'To be made pr-icl' to in3tall.ation of acmpleted. 'l. ...... j100r insuLation or decking. .... -~ ~ O POST AND BEAN: To be made prior to 0 CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms instaLl.ation of floor insuLation or t:a'e ereated but prior to pouring . decking. ' co~rete. D R()f.lGH PLUMBWG. ELECTR.TCAL & MECR- 0 SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- ANICAL: No l.JOrk is to be couered crete paving LJithin street right- ~ur.til. thes9 inspections have beer. of-way.. to be made after all exca- made and approved. vating ccmplete & form work & suh- O FD?EPLACE: Prior to placing facing . base material in pUu!e. material.s and before framing inspec- tion. _ Q'!'Y'....,,:':'!rl T"1f':'~~+;"':"yr", D. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of . foT'ms. O ' UNDER.~L4B PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . l.i1Ork is covered. o FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms al'e erected, but prior to pourir~ ccncret~. D. UNDSRCFiOUNl) PLUMBING! SEWER. W.4.TER~ DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fi~- D FRANING: Must be requented after approval. of rough plwr.bing, e~ectf'i- .cal & mechanical. All roOfing braC!ing & chimneys, et". m'.J.st be ;: completed. !lo work is to be con- .. .:..cealed until thiD inspection has ~ be~n made and approved. .Your City Deoigr.ated Job Nwnb€r 18: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insul::.ti:m cr".d . . . required vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath, flYPSW1l board or LJaz.z. covering is applied, and before . any irwuZation i8 concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU d:ryl.JaU is in place.. . but prior to any taping. . location, boTul or verticals in U.B. C. Section O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o eft) 17 S . DENOLITION OR ;~:OVE!J BUILDIHGS =:J Sanita:ry se'.Jer :1apped at p:..op~rt-'~. lir:.e ==:J Septic tank pumped and filled with graoal :J Final - fl'hen above ite."l1s are ccmpleted and ~hen demolition is complete or stru~- ture moved and pramises cleaned-up. Mobile Hcmes =:J Blocking and Set-up =:J Plwnbing connections -- sCtJer and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up --.J and plwnbing connections rrr...st be approued . before requesting eZec;T'ical inspection =:J Accessotn;j Building :J Final - Aftar p:Jrcr.es, Skirting.. decks, etc. are completed. o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, ca~lotion of the required Zandscc.pir.g, etc... must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be request3d. o FIliAL PLUMBIIIG D FINAL ME~HANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested arteT' the Final Plwnbin:J Electrical.. and Mechar:.ical InspectioruJ have been made arui approved. /tALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 ~..o-_- JOB No.'RW1cJ Zane: SOLAR ACCESS Occuvancll G~ LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. S of 7.ot Coverago !/ of Stones Total Height Topography I lITEM SQ. FTG Main Caraae I CarrJn'f't I ACCe~S~'f'lI TOTAL VALUE (vat.uc) S.D.C. 1.5 x Building Permit State Sla'charge Total Cha.~ges lITEM I NO. FEE Fixtures Residential. (1 bath! I Sani tary Sewe'f' I Wat.,. I I PlwnIn:ng Permi t State Surcr.a1'ge Total. ChaJ:aaes ITEM I NO'1 FEE Res. Sa. "ta. I N"",IErtend Ci.rcui.ts I I I Temporary Service I I I I ~. ",;' El.e~tr>ical. Permit State Suroharqe Total. Charc;es lITEM I Purnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan 11I00dstove I 1"0. I I A II I I I Permit Issuance Me::hanical Permi t State Surcharae Tota.l C'harfflUJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC'.trittt DePOsit I Sto'f'age I Maintenance I pc=n: t I Total Cha'f'QCS ICurbcu; Si.de:.JaZk Fen::e Elect't'ical Label I Nom le Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:'" I I I I I I I I I I 11~.100 I ).~ I 751 j l. I I i I I. I Interior Corner Panhandle cut-de-sac x Value . CHARGE I I I I I I I I I . CHARGE FEE CHARGE - Paga 2 ---. REQ.- L-COG~ . I Access. I I II II II TypeICor.at: Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - Ene'f'G.,lI Sources Heat Wate'f' .t!PJ1tp.'f' Range Fi'f'ep lace WOod3tove Tlroe P.L. NO'f'th lEast South IWe8t Setbacks House Caraqe Fass Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall, in aU 'f'espects, conform to the Ordinance adopted Hy the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, 'f'egulating the construction and uoe of buildings, CUld may be suspended or revoked at c:r.y time upon vio- l.ation of' any provisions of said Ol>dinan.ces. . Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IR8cdpt H: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person ohall constr>uct, instalZ., alter O'f' change any new 01" ~8--isting .pLumbing 01" drainage system in whole O'f' in part, unLess such pe'f'80n is the legal possessor of a vaLid pLumber's License, except that a person may do pLwnbing wO'f'k to p'f'ope'f'ty which is Ol.Jned, leased O'f' operated by. th"e appli- cant. ;' Electrical Permit ,.' Where State La1JJ requires that the eLectrical work be done by an ELeatncal Contracto'f', the eLectrical. pO'f'tion of this permit shaH roOt be"'valid untiL the labeL has been signed by the ELectrical. Contractor. . Mechanical Perm it ~, PLan Exarrn.ner va.e I HAVE CAREFULLY "EXAMINED the completed appLication fo'f' pel'mit, and do he'f'eby ce'f'tify that aH inforrrnation he'f'eon is tT'Ue and cor'f'cct, and I further certify that any ar.d all. lJO'f'k pe'f'for:ned shan be dane in aaao'f'- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Spij,ngficZd, and th~ La'..JS of tho State of O'f'egon pe'f'taining to the work c.escroibcd he'f'ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wilt be m:zde of any structure lJithout pernrission of the Building Di- vision. I fU'f'the'f' ae'f'tifY that only cont'f'acto'f'S ardi enpZoyeea who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 wilL be used on this p'f'oject I I I l~~~ /S.?)I,~ pC)- c;-at: Date