HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-3-23 , RESIDENTIAL" AF?~:C~~ION/P~~!lT 225 Jor~h 5th S:reet c: . "".:" ~ rYl'o_"cn ...Pl"'",n.g7",e{..,-~ _ = EuiZd~ng Di~i~ion 726-3753 37477 ,:ob :Oc.:ri,:m: /1 () ')+ ,I-fA V7) E: N 17-1'J?-7t:.- /~ 3R.P.D. T= [,otl 01<:' ()/) ...Is~.eSQor': .\!ap ; ~d~:"~J::C1':: >'..."." "J) II R PO/... D I-l ^ N N J\ Add.-m: 1 D 7 of"') A V 1)[;';:" /,1 R ~~ Pn < ~ .,,-;,.... W';: ..../P'PJ N (;.F If." L 1..; IJI<.';: A.DJ)/NG- ~/ /; '-""'-1', "I/' <,.,. l~v II' \.,!:' , . n,]~., fX1 A";:;cn n R~O':2t n.t'" ~ I .. ..c:~~.! ...em:. -; ~.J h, "c~a 01 Appl1.ca..:.cn "..~ 5 tJ.1 :.'"n::rC:::O:'8 /:::: I) ) A / k-'C,D (1'1 GeneraL Plu..,u,~n.g !lectr:c.:::l .W~h....""'1':'ic::.l Co"s~r~c:::~ !~nc'er I \ /!t.iJ At PI'"",.: '}6J 6.b ??') C, "I", I) I)' Zi:l: I ~. . Descl"";ce [I'ork: To A "'8'!3'7) I "7> /"7"; . .u'/ ,1 , (0/. c., 9 S ON 1'78~ Varue f)? - r</ u.!J (J .~':ce:=: :i. Dat:...", ~ --'~'...~_. Adai-oes3 / Li3C..r! E;::;ircs P,J".ol1~ .. / [: is the r-es:;cm:ribili.:y of' tr.8 perm:.: holder eo see tha: aL~ incP6ct'ior.s ere :::adoz at :he prop~r tim&, t.J..at ~h .:ddresa is r6,oy...:'t"!':":,; ,,;"rom tits street. and that :he pcr:::it C3.-d is z....--ca:ed at the t1'C71t' of tr.e property. ";wi!a'::~.g ~:Ji=::o;o: qr;rot:.zd ;;!.ar. s;..=LZ re:':"'.ain on :;',,2 Eu:.i..di"-9 $~:s at aU :inu~s. ?'?OCE!JT]PE F~n nIS?!r::'!QrJ R!""U~S~:CALL 726-3769 (rccoree'l"J stata yota' City desigr...:lted job nur.:bel"" l":!q"J.esco:a a~..:i :.;:::en yeu ;.;ii:l. ;'0 :"~dy for ir.spcct::.on, Ccr.t'l'actcl'S or Q..."ner's ,..ene cr.d phcme n;:mDcr. :.'iZl. be rr.aae :he sc:r.:e ec.:I, l"~qu.eSt3 r::c.de afta 7:00 a"n /JiZZ b:z ~e the rn::=t ;.)Orkin; daif'. -~:!~J~""1 -,.1......\"".:.:r.l'!q o o Si-:~ I::S?~':':'::;.'!: To be r.x:ca af;.?r e::'cau.:::-i~n, .::u:- p-riCl' t: 3st up of foT':'l'ls. U.'1'~PSr.:"3 ?!;.:....8:.~.G. =l.Z~.':?I':,l!. i :'.'!CH.-;,'i;r::.:.: To oe r.-.cti~ :;e:'c"!'<(t ar.y work is ~o-.;~red.. 00 PCC"!'.--:,"C ~ rCr.;,'lDAT:':.'I: To ce ~~ af:~r :r~ncr.zs ~e ~ca-Jatzd ar~ f~~s 0"8 arec:.zd., .:ut px-:.or -:0 po:.c:-ir.g c=nc:-et,;. ~l lJ.'lvnr;.~.-;'J.'.'D ?!l.~.~!::C. DRA~-.~'AG2: :0 06 r.n:::e hr.g :rer.c;'..:~. S!'~.~. :;....;7'E".~, pl"";.;r :::0 J":'''- ~J U.'1'ER.r:",".r:CR !'!JJ....'3T:JG ~ ,..,~":H.~_V:!C~!: r~ ~6 ~-C8 wricr :0 ~n3~aL~:~on of 11001'" in6u~:-icr. or de~~ing. Xl ?1ST AND 3EA.!-!: To;,e r.-.cde =,~o.r :0 ir..s:a~l..::.:cn of floor ir..3t.:;..a:icr. or ""ok;,,!;. [K] .=:~t:(;_!.! ?!.~~.~!-".rc. =_~~;-:'.~!C_.:.! oJ .'E.':;-:::- Au::.~:~. ~o ~~:~ ::~:~~~~_~o~er€a ur._#~ ~~C~~ ~r~~e_~~~~ ~J~ ~~€r. no~'e =r.d =??:'''"J~d. F::~::?!.~';Z: ?:---:"or;., mc:~ria:s cr-d b.fcre tior:.. o ;i..c.:::.r.q lr~:7"":; ..=~r.a . ir.3?6c- ~ t'.::J..j}~!.'Jr;: :~..l3t';6 '!"et;"J.ea~~d c.f:er C?prOlJ":'i. ~f r~q~ ~Zw:--.hir.i'J. 2ZeC~1""~- caL ~ ,':':ecr.ani:.:I~. ..tl~ ~of~r..g brc.cir.g ~ ~h-i..r.r..:::ys, .ze~. .~..l3: !Je . co~L€:cd. ..:10 ~r~ i3 :0 .::.11 ~cr:- . cec..o!d ur..::'r. ~h~a ~r.doec:-:'cn ;'.2& . b6er. rr:ad.z end .;;?p~t.'ed; Your City'D6Gigr~tcd Job Number Ia: [X] nJSULA'!'!CN/'1AP[l.~ 2.4R8IER I.'.'SF::C'!'ICN: To be ,~B after aLl ir.~Z.::tion ~~ l"aqui::-ed vapor carriers ae in place but" before any l.atJ:, gypsum beard 01' wLZ covering is cpplied, =r.d cefol'e any insulation is concealed. job address, type Requests recei~.d o r ~r.3~ec~icr. {;~fcre' 7:00 G:':':: {~ DR?WALL INSp=C':r::'.'I: To be roace cztter alZ cp:fL:aLl is in pl.::.ce, but: prior to cr.y :a;ri1"..g. .\fAS~: Steel tocation, bond (U:cm3, ~~ing or !)e1'ticaZiJ in a.ccordan ..n.th U. B. C. Section 241$. , ';iOODS'!'OVE: Aft.zr installation i.s cc.":Tp~~. CUE';)'APPRCACH ,4?o/J.v: Af'" fo= ate ~re~d bu.t prior to pc-mr-..g .:wn.=rete. SI~WALK & .RI~~~?: For all ccn- cl"et:~.ng ~i:hin street right- ot-1J:C.Y, to be mcde a;"te!' alJ.. il:::~~- vating c l~t~ & ~.o~ :,,-ol'i< .~ ;ub- base ,T.Cte~a~ tn ?~~e. 'S '?J 19 /l.( I DE:ft)LITIOH OR ;~:::n::; 3UILDZ;;CS :sJ Scnit.::uooJ se'..Jer :::ap?~ ::t p:,opo::1"-:--,.' l.ir::~ :::J's." tank p:",?c a".d j; ZZad :..'ith ;ra,.: r Pi~a.~""';:,![!:/r. above ite:~s a:-e cc.~let€c ~ anc ~hen ~e~o~~tiOr..i8 c~~e;~ or st~~~- ttc-e rxveC :c. ?r~..3.zs cLe.::ne~ :.c;;. . . . I , I Nobil..e E=.7:es J ~al.ockir..g ar~ Sa:-~? ~~1um0ir~,oor.n.ct;cr.8 8~.r CT.:! ~"r :::J Elc ;cal Ccm:eat::on - BLockinq, 6e~-!.l? and p 'qnbin.fi cC1'lr::ections r.r-....st =J a??!,Qr;~i before quest~ng .aZec:rical i.ns?ec=io~ :::J o o o o o .~r~~' rlher. .co.~l.;ta -- ?ro:.Jice ga~zs m~ovable' 3ec-:icns through P.U.E. . ---, F1:n.--:). - itft=r> ;~r>C.i-:t19, aki:-:ing, ccc;:':;, ~ etc. are a~?L.;~d. o All =r>ojac: ~or.c~:~an3. ;~c~ as :r~ ~ns:a~lc=:on ~f $treQt: :r~es, :=~~a;~~n ~f :hc requ.f.rtJd lc.r.ti3cC?ir.g, c:c.. .':'!Use :,e sa:i:3f";o:i b....;ore :r.8 3f..1I:'iJl:::; :or:::.!. ~al1 ~e :'3q-J.:lS:.l:i. 00. PI:.'A!. ?!,(,;:.!5I::C 'XJ. F::lA!. .'.!S:.::~:IIC~:; :.g] :O!.'IAl. Z!Z:':R!C;':' =:J (f) FINAL aUIZJi~C: rr.e Finel Eui~ir4 :~s~~c:~~n -..ls~ :'tJ rgqu€3-:ed ;f;er er.e :~r~L ?t~~ir~ E~~cc'r'ica!., c:nC .'fecr.c:':::,:::=: :r.3pz~:~nG ;'''::'110 :;een .~:::zciz :;r.c. =;;prcu.z:;. o .AL~ :'.f/..':l:'C:'~S AND C:'E/..t'lC!J';'~ .'IUS';' 3e /..C:2SS:E[,.2. .~r.n:S7".':;.~',!" 7"0 ~2 .'.~1CE' ..!:" !:O ::5':' ':'1 C1':J I ':)--.1 of 2 SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- JOB NO.fl;I'i/</ =,..,." &..L l!,oo Sq. F:;. . "f 1~. ~_,.__"_ I'.... ....,.. ......... &-:;1"' ~:l of St"1""~es I..... 1:t'" 1.0..'::.. ..il1.Ctt: ; - j':cpogr=;r.:; I I!~=-'I .~J;-::" - ,........,.........-, ~_,... D_'"":::> -"'......1 J<._....... J'Ii>o".' .:;;) I ..;-'" ~...,. ...",... J 18/ , I~~.t I I:..:r:'.:'!'": i. 1,-":=283''1'', Is.D.c. I ~.~L "I,J.u.:r t "C':.L~: 1.5::: ......., Zuildin.g ?2~: State S;,ao~~=z'ge ZOo:.:l ~r.a:oge3 I !:?:.'I I FL-=-...res l':lesidl1t1tiaL !l ba:hJ I I Scr.-:.t",.., s""<" ,i'~k I ~J>01'/T1/I5~ u..,~ ~R7. ~ "9"'7"B 11-' NO. Pl:mr1r:.ng PBm t State Surc;..arge -'l.~tg.! OJ:!'ces 11I'DI J .'!es. Sa. 'ta. I :I;;:.J/E::tdnd CiT'C'A:S J Tempcrcry S2:/"'Jice I 1-'0. i"" I IZ .Fr N4'rC , I Ele=tro:ca.t Pe~: St.::.te SU1'=;..ar~B To~l cr.a!"teB I~~-- :..::C'q ETV'S I E:=haus t Hoo.:! '7ent F':::n. I . I ;;~odsto-.;e I 1,';C.1 II I I " ,~.=;'.a"-:.c=1 P.r=:. llfl'J/IY. Stato! Sur::~c :-,,-:.,:! ":':-~'7~tJ :.c:: -::'!?~ In~er-i.cl' Corne:" -X. Pc:niu:,....dle c-..Z-ds-sac .r I~;~.-l 1 I I J I I I 11'1..1 I. ----1 ~~.-J . 9& I ~t/.~I' I I I j /~.- /~.- 2t>, ... .8~1 Z~.8~I. i C2.4P.G~ ;.:.=:')_=rG~ /5'".- I /5"'. - .~~ 15":601. CH,t9.CS , I I 3". OC!> I I I J //),. <>0 I .'101 10. ~"'I. -- ~.'/C:::=AC.=::XE:!':' -- lsc~~z-:~~ '~~c3i= I Stor~Ge l"k:.';r:~~..cr~a I Pc=-!.. I Tatal '':'"'I1.:::!'"':'cs i C-..uo~C'",,: 15'-"=1< '- :o:!'n=e 21~c:~c~Z !c;et .Vobit.a H::me 1~'7"" "'l":U'~ "U"" .i.J..",... .......:,.1 .'.l '" ~. 1 i I I I I I I I I . I J J ~Ol J I I I I I I 7/.9~ p=:;~ 2 t. .' '- L-COC" :'0; ==ces ~'.'.ICor.3c" ~-N 3.:in",".: eJt'1.J7'. I I E1":2!";:.J ~O".J.!"':tt3_ I .,ea.. I""./U.<ir. 1..!...~ce33. ! i ;j;ztl!'!" :"~.'!":~1' -., I I Ran;.e I I I i'-:.,eoiec. I I I .0000;0"' N07:1 nY :'".J':;:Z 3etb.::::.~s ?:'. I :;"...~~ I /................. ..OJ"'",., .-.0 ""~ ie..t'~1 (71*,') I I('(~' I ~$T.I l{/or~rt 'lEe", So"....:;i1 l:.resc :2es Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e-~res8 ~ondiei.::m. that the said. .:onscZO'.(c;::on 8haZZ~ in alt l'esFccts, tXJl1fcM ;0 the Jrdinar.ce :zdopted by t;ha '::::'1 ~f Sp"":'r.a~';et.dJ "':nc!:.cd::ng tae :On::r.o erc,;,..ar..C6, recr""k::il":1'J' :;:.a ::Cr.3;:-:I'::-;':'-: I ar.d ~;~ of buiZdir4S, end m=y c,~~u~pe~~ed or rgvoked ~t cr.? e~~e ~~~r. vie.: la=icn cJ' -zr.y pr:)visior:s of said Ordir.cnces. I r;;-";;';~.;~'-;~~::-7. o2.u !ceto ?a-:.d: '7 . .::l <; - k 3 IReceipt N: f!,~/'I'ii.( IS~ed: ;J~ Plumbing Permit No perean &haZZ c~~truct, in8~lZ, a!eer or change Gny p~ cr ~=is~ir~ plumi;i1".fJ ':::1' drainage syste:n in :Jhole or in ~t, w:tess such ;e:!'so'ft is -;r..s legal possessor of ;1 vaLid pLumber's license, e::cept tr.a.t a pe:"son .~.c.";f do pLumbing :.;ork. to propert-; which is Ot.;'r.ed, Laas~ or operc:.ted by tr.ll ~pli- ~t. / Electrical Permi t Where seats LcLJ requires - tr.at the el.?ctl"";ca.L lJOrk be done by an !'1.2at~cal Contr::l:ctcr, the eLectr--:.caZ portier. of this per::rit shall. roOt ba valid :o:ti! the label nas been signed by the ELectricaL ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit :7 ~~J;~- ~ B-I"-S!!t i,la:iJ I HA VE: CARSFULLY !XAN.I!/C:D t.t..e a~liJtOld .:ppLicatio11 lor pe~:, 0'Id de hereby certify that aLL i~;o~:ion ~e:!'eon is trua ar4 aer:!'€c=, ~~ ~ TJJ',,;her ce;:o:ij':,; ;hat any c:.d :li.t '~:ol'k. perofo!':':':ed shall be da:1tt i~ aa:::)!'- dance ~;:::h enOl Ordir.:z1'.ces of tha City 0:. Spnngfid-d, and -:hz tc":3 of :r.3 StatOl of aroeg.::m. pzrt.:z-ining to the work desc:-;bcd h8,.gi.n.~ c:r.d :h::::; .~'O CCC:,,'- ?J.!/C'l !JiZ: be rrc..:e of a11':.1 strua::;:,a>a withoue ;?$rnr..aa-:.a:-: oj' the Eui!dir.g :r;- uision.. I further -.:e'!'til:i t;..at only ::cntra.:tol'S a;-.:: ~l..;!Jeu !.,.';..o .::...-s in co::-:p:i.anCB ~:h C.QS ?01.D5! !JiZZ be used en :hia prOj2::t () Y1 Slgr:.Jd !J34?-B-J . 0.,:. I ........ .;