HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-8-23 . .. RESIDENTIAL" AFFr.;CATION/PERMIT 225 Jorth 5th Street ' 1:::..........0 07~71 ...pr"...ngIl..8 uz., 'rtzgcn "" _ ,. BuiZd~ng Di~i3ion 726-5753 SPRINGFlEI.O ' .:ob r..oc:::r:ion: ? 0 ?..Ir-J.l.A V]) E:..N 17-"~-7"~/2 BI'.k>o. Tc;: Lot.! ~/""(J/) AS~2SCOl"= .'.!ap ; Suhd-:::"'~3icn: >'-"""': :DtlRROI..D I-IANNA Md.-es.: 1D7f: f.JAYI>EN RQ. 1(1) Ci:y: .5?PINGF 15:1-'b ()I<r ~ ~:o.ocn ADJ;'-IVG- n Remode! 1<001'\'1 cf AZ>1) n .'~O:'{,!2 ,10m3 2'5J J ;:oc:. 0;" App!i.::a:icn . () '! . It is ::he res?on:nbil.i=y of ths pe~t holder to see that aU inc~ectio7t8 are ~;'luie at ;116 proper tim.:~ t.~.at ~eh .::ddress is ;"rom the street, and :n.at the pcrm-i.t C.:L~ is z.:cated at the J,;>rcnt" of th.e property. .t3ui?d.i:"'J) :r;:Ji.=io:<: ~ro1:ed pk::r. s;..:::zz. remain on tr.z 8uiZdirl{J Sit$ at all. times. ?~OCE[)URS peR [,'1SP::CTIQf/ R!'OU~S:r::CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' CUy .1esigr'.ated Joe n.w;;bel'"~ job ad&CS8~ type of i1".3:1ec~icn I r~q'J.esco:d a~.d :";!:en yeu. ;.rii.l. ~e ;,e~dy for ir.spccdan., Cor.t1'actcrs or Ct.;?1e:,s r.c:me cr.d phone n-wmber. Requests recei.:ed l;~fcre' 7.. 00 c:;; :.'i1.L be Ii.a.de tne scme day, requ.eSt3 r.:c:.de afta 7:()O am !JiZZ b..z ma.:ie the nat :.;orking day. j ;':,Jm;rc.::;-o:,s ~'IJ..J A' GeneraL Plu.mbing ~l.ectric~z. ,V6Ch..-r.i.C= Z. \ CO"st~~c~i~ L~nc'er Au.) 11 .~ecr~irttd ./'!S''''ttct~C7;:9 o 0, V.'ID=PS[.;3 ?!.:':,~.'3I.'IC. ?l.2C':"RI('.1!. i X!C,:';'A,'iiC':":': To oe r.:G.do? before wor,i( is ~a'J~rec. s;?~ ::;S2.:-::::.,]N: To be r.:ade e:cav.::ti.;;n, ;;u::: prior t~ 3Qt forms. af=-2r up of 00 PCC'!'::;C 1 .;"CU:lDA'!'::::I: '1'0 ce xC;] cf=er :rencr.es ~e ~c~Ja:ed arA f:;r.:rs c:re <1rec::.u:, ~ut; F2""'....;r ;0 pou.rir.g ccnC:'et~. ~l f..WVZRr;:::C'J:?!) ?~f..'.'..(!r::G. DHA..:.-.','AG2: :0 oe r::a.::.e lir..g :rer.cr.es. SE".J?~. :':.iT.:R. pl""'~c;r :::0 ..'f.~- \, " ~. lj,'I:JER.t":':;CR !'!.U,'.f3T.'IG -: :..t:;,,:.q.4.V!CA~: To ~e ,~e ~ricr :0 ~n.~:c~~:::~on. of fioal' insuk::icn 0:' decking. ~ ?')ST AND 3EAN: To;:;e r.:cdc ;,:-~or :0 ins;-al.L.:::~cn oj' floor i".31.OZa:icr. or c!acki.n;;. [] p~rJ~.~' ?!.T~'!!.",TC_:;O'!..~:::':'.r?!C)'!. -: .'E,'::i- riJI":"!':: ::0 -';~r;'" :.; ;;:; i;c co:;tJrec. ur.:~i ;r.e3~ :r~=e~:icr.3 ~~~ ~€€r. "'xe =r.d =??:>?:J~':. E':.~::?!.~CZ: ?:-:.ol';o ~~:r-: .~=:;-:;n~- mc:eria!s cr.d b~fcre . :':Zr..r~ inspec- ~ior.. o [KJ PPA..'~!:lr;: ,'.fI..l3::.::e '!'ec;<""e:H:<2d c.;=€r C??rov~~ of r~qh ~~~hi~4. arec:~- cal ~ mec;...ani.::'~Z.. ,HZ ~ofir.g brcair.q ~ ~hi:r.r..;ys~ ~t.:. ~.J.s= be . corrrol.e:ca. .'10 """1'< t.a :0 :;'2 e:cr.- . cec:Z~d :J.r.:il ;his ir..3oec~cll ;..as . been. :r:ada end ':;'r:'pr'.n:.ed.. Pr"",,: ?46.b ??? u" f1? If '] I) Describe il'ork: ON TO ~6'D IN(' A- 'B-IJTH' liB~ VaZue Addr€S3 rJ3.5D 1 - .~cce:=,,; ,t {of.'S9 S ,. Your City'Desigr~ted Job Numb€l' 13: [K] iifi:JULA'1'.l.QN/VI1PO.~ 2.4FiRIER INS?::C'!'ION: To be ma.:ie after dl ir.S-l.4lc.ti.:m: a:".a required oapor l:a::l'T'iers are ir. place but before any t.ath, gypsum ccard or wll covering is c:ppZied, c:r.d before any insulation is conceaZed. Dat2: - cny [R] DR'!WALL INSPECT!C.~: Tc be r::ade after alL Cr-;/waLl is in place, bu.t prior to c:n.y taping. MAS~: Stee!. Z.ocation. bor.d beam3~:ir4 or vertica!s in accor~ w-~th v.a.c, Section 2415. ;';C~Torr: Attar instaLlation ......8 xmPl~. CUE~"'"PRGACH AP.~N: Afte~ forms a::re .;re~ed but pl""'~or to pC"..a"!.~.g ~rete. SI~';ALX & ,RI"'C7..'A?: For all. ccn-. aret~'ng ~ithin street right- ol-v:cy~ to be mad~ at:.er alZ e:::cc- vating . c l.e:e & for.n :.:ork .1 ::u.a- base :r,c;tel'1.al in ?la.~e. / U3C. H Ex:oircs Phone: o o o o O .>:'E:~' Wher. 'com'OZi:te -- ?rovid~ gata~ ~~ovabZe' aecticns through P.U.o. "- o / -, J recciW:e i , 'S ~ 19 It.( 'DEUCl.ITIO.v OR ;'.:Or;:;; 3!/ILDI;:CS Sarti -:a;r.;/ se".Jer capped at prapi:."!'~' line ti~ tank p~~~d and f~lled ~~th ;r~~eZ ---, Pinal. - r-then abcve ite.~s a!"e ccr::pz.et~c ~ and when .c~~tior..is c~let~ or st~~~- ~e ~oved ~ ?r~~3eS cle=ne~ U~. Nobil.e h.'c:'::es Set-~p sa.;er c:r.d. water ~aal Ccn~eat~on - SLocking, set-u? and p unbing ccm:ectians r.r...st =e' a?prol."€c be;ol'~ qu.esting .e!.ea:rical. ins?ec=io~ ::J 'Mes....... ... ........~ "....,:J ---, Fin~l - Aft.~r ;orcr.as. aki~:in~, dec;~, ~ etc. are c~pZe;~d. o PINAl. Pr..lj,'.~3I.'iG All projec; concitions, JUC~ as :::r.e ins:a~l.a=ion of s:reet =rees. :~~!atf.~n ~f the required l.ar.dsccpir:g, etc.. .':'1Use be sc.::is/~ad be/ore the 3UI:"[)I:,'~ FD'AL :c:n 1;e I'aCj.l2s:..1C. Xl XL 2J ':=1 Fr:tAL ,'.!E':HA:IICAl. @ FI~AL BUILDING: The Finel. EuiZdi~4 !r.s?eation ~.J.S~ 09 reque3ted ~f;er tr.e :~r~~ ?t~bi"~ Elt!cr:.rica!, c;nd :tea;..c,,,:i::::L I~s;Mcr~n3 have been ,:lace (;1".a ::.;prcu,z:::. .~I.YAL :;-r:;o.--or(". ~ .............w".. .tALi; l'1.A:lliCL2S AND CL'E))IQUTS NUS? Be .4C::ESZ!3r.~. .4DJUS';','S:;T TO 3~ .~:'1C! !~T NO :;5':' TQ ':I':.':! I ?=:<2 of :1 ,~ : JOB NO. ~~/CIJlI I, D_I.. I_:r'.t!: ^- I [,ot Sq. Ft;. ~ "' 7~~ ~-'e'"r- I" .., ........ ....,v --::r" !., of Sto'f"'i,es I", ... 1 ~ . . 1.0..<:::.. ..e1.C,ll:: i . I Tcpog~r.y I 1,"0'1 I ,'r.;n , l-,:,,-.="~c.! I ~" -"'r .......:.,J 1/8/ , i I I 1 1':J:l"'::~'1"-; i. I .-tc::::ess:J!'"' 7'~..g. Z4U'S Is.D.c. ! 1.5 " (:;a:.~.-::) El.lil.din; :?2~: State Si.J.1'~i1JZ'ge To~L ~J-.a::-ge3 I I I~'':.'I f Fi--:;".;.res I Residential r 1 bath) I - i Sc:r.;t.;z"J Se,"" ,p~9 I 1 ~?011JTIII'N ~ ,f-,pp. I Jpp ll.t-Te ILl NO. I Plumbing Pend. t State Surcr.arge T~ta! cr.c!"ces '!!'Dt 1.'0. I -." I ~ 4l'''~ I I I I !?es. Sa. rea. N~/e:t€nd Ci~~i~s I Temocrc:ru S2r'.n.cs Ele::::t~:cal Pe~t 5t.=.te 5u.r::;..a.rr::e To~l Ci-.a...."'ces I;,;,::,'.' J ?ur..::::ct;! 2T'.1'S I E=haus t Hood. I Vent: F::n I . I t/:JOCS :0:.18 I ,';~. I I I /1 I .\fe::::r.anic.::L Permit M/IY.I I I I I I State Sur::~c ?',,~r.! r:'f'iZr"1~!1 -- ;,'/C;:::':;AC!;'X;:!": -- ! ScC'.l:-:=~ 'Z::C3{.~ Stor<::qe .'~~r.to:rL:r~e I Pc""":t I Teed. !~IIC'!"-:CS i !."..l!":;CO..t= 1 Si.d= 1< 1- i..~~e i E!.U:=r-:..c2t !c1;ei.. j .'t/obila H:;me I rOTA!; ANOU.'!T DUE:" . SOLAR ACCESS ~C~.J.::a"'.c:J 'Jrc".L::: REQ.- K.-3 l.C': ':'!?E Ir.t;srwr Corns::" -X prznhar'.dle C-", t-de-saa . x 1~;:2,.-i I I I I I I Ih.~ ,- ..__.~ -.:;, c(. .ere I I '~I I":?<I~I CifA?GE /t).- /~- 2t>, COD .8e>1 Z&>.ae> I . ;;.;JJ~qGE /5': PIP I I If!). -I . 4"e> I I~"D' _ C!I)J(CE I I I :3'. ail!> I I I I J/J, oc I ,1{0 I /o.'1t:lI. I ~Ol f i I 7 / . <I/~ ?=qq 2 . L-COC{< 3edr,,,",,: t!eY/~7'. I j I I :1 i I I. I [.01; :~~2S . I I ?~. 11Ior<;n lE'as't 150-"'"" ''''est 5""-N III ,n,",,"" SO,",.. .::ec': ,.!.'~C23S. I I I: II II e.JO ~T. T~peICor.3 r;: NORnY r''.J::e 3etb1~,i.:s I ,:':C:';'3~ ! Caraae Af'/oV . 7("'''11 lf~' 16Y.I.sT. I './c.tlJ'!' _::t?a~;?.,. .~a1'lf2 ......-:.!'€oiace 'it'ooa::; :;0:':2 F~es Building Value & Permit This permit; ia granted em the e::press ~ondi.ti"n that the sa"id. constl'"'.LC;::071 ShaU, in. aZZ respects. conf~M to ::he Ordinance ::.dopted oy tha =-:':jj "l Spl""';r.at':eZd. --':n.dud-:.n.g the 20n.-:.1'.o Crd--':r.c:r.ce. l'eO"..(lcti,~a th.a ccr.s::o:t'::":':r. ar.d ~;~ of buildings. and m=y c~w~ucpe~~ed or r~voke~;t cr.: t--':~e ~;~r. vic- ~ticn cf ~y prav-:.s-:.or.s of sa-:.d Ord~r~ces. ,...-. ,--- ,...--,-------,---. Plan Check Fee: 7.,;J.....D I Dctc ?a;d, '7 . :l ".-1< 3 IR,c<ipt #: f'Z,6>JI!<;;1.( Is,;g,:ed: ;J.c.- -, I I I Plumbing Permit No perean. shalZ construct~ ins~Z!~ a!ter or change any r.e~ cr e=~s:ing pLumbing ~r drainage system in ~hole or in p~t~ ur.~ess such person is trA ugal gossessor of a vatid pLumoer's License. e::cept tr.at a pe::'son ."I".a"i do pLur.:bing ~or.l.c. to proper't'.j ~hich is ow'r.ed. taased or operated by the .;;;pli- ~t. / Electrical Perm it Where Stc.ts LcJJ requires tr.at the ett3ctr~caL work be done by an Ela~tricat Contnctor. the electl".=.cat portier. of this permit shalt.. roOt boa vaLid ur.tiZ the labeL iw.s been signed by the ELectricaL :ontractor. , Mechanical Permit ~~ l'u:n Z=-,"":,!'Lr.er . ~~~ . ;;0- t,.'a:;,a B-I"-8~ ~ I HAVE CAREFULLY 'SLl"fI!lC:D :.":8 ~on:pl,atad =?pZ::'cation /vr pe~:. c:nd =0 hereby certify that aLl. injo~~~ion ~e::'eon is truoa ar~ ccr::,cc:. ar~ ~ t.ao:her ae!':i!::; that any ar.d CliL :.:ork. ?er.r"or:-::ed 3halt oe do:1s in: aC:::Jr- dance :Ji~h i:he Ordin:mces of tha Ci.ty ~! Springfid..d. ar..: :h~ !c";3 of ti:3 .. State or Orea:Jn ozrtainino to !;he 1.JOrk desc:':"';occ itsl"f1-:.n. cr.c :r.a: ;','0 '.XC:J- PJ.;,/C'1 ~z.~ b~ rrr::.d.e of an~/ 3:::ruc:;:a>a without .?~rnt":a3~;O: of the Su-:.!dir:g rr:- vision. I further ~ert";J~ t~~t O:1~Y ~cr.tra~tors ~.: ~tvye€s w~~ ~-8 in COo7:p~::ance rJith CRS ?Ol.DS! r.rit! be used en ~ilia pr~jzci; I- .~?+8J I