HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-11-13 ..,_.:.<..,~..~._-, -- ..-...._- -...-......:.......-'"'-.-................. ....0... ......'. -- RESIDENTIAL. CO~BINATION/AppLrCATIO. RMIT . eP'l',' 51 t o..a .!)...- CI7.1. 0..':' S?tiIllGF IELD 225,. i:O.rmi 5TH S':.~EET SP.RJ:.'GFIELD. OREC-GN 97477 Building Oivisio~ 72Q~Jl5J SUbdilJ~' sion: Job Location: us 21.) l ft1111.rx g ) ( ,itJm (!'j .J u.~~ ,~asD..Dr. IIap ~ 17- /)3- :27-/0 . 1>.m~()7 on rY!f1f/f}n J /. Addra-;;' _@,"'(\..ff)j)_QOWJ..OJ Citli /... I Ii fUA j '" . I - - ~- n' n n T= Lot ~ 07 brJ-d \'Otoo,tt: Phons I2!1h~1./JL Zip q7L//)/} Dtlscribs Work ljl8U, r~ \~1 j .'I,., WJood-6foue- Adai.tion ,q""od./t ~,~Q<J~?Agcnt EzpirtlB Phon" ~ C.....rat Contractors NaJ'Itr Add:zoess Uscd Ptimrbinq !ZsctMcat f.fecha1:ical. JWl )flji } C"",,-=tion Londor REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It. is the responsibility of the permit h~lder to seS th~t all ~pections are made at the p~per time, that each address is readable frcm the street. and !ha-: the pe-:-mit card. is located at the front of the proper'tY. 6. All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City D D o o o o D o o SITE WSPECTICN: To be aade after excavation, but prior to set u? of foms. o FIREPLACE: Prior to placing faci~OODST VES: After materials and before fra~ing insp - .5 pleted. don. instAlla't!.on UNDttSLAB PLUMB ING '\. tu:CT~ICAL 6. HECHAN:!CAL: To be made before any work is covered. D CURB 6. APPROACH APRON: Af"ter forms are erec"ted but prlor to pouring concreto. nt."HING: Must be reques"ted after 0 approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mecbanical. All roofing, bracing Ii chimneys, etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- 0 cealed. until "this inspecdon has beot" made and approved. FOCTurG & FOU!lDATION: To be made after trenches are e:;eavated and forms art: erec"t!:4, bu't prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBIflG '. SEWER. WATER. DRAIUAGE: To be made prior "to fil- l1ng trenches. SIDtvALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving w1thln atree! righ't- .of-way, te be cade after all exca- vating complete Ii torm work 6. sub- base materi~ in place. o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all. insula"t ion and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum board or wall COverL~g is applied, and befe._U any insulation is concealed. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may b. required in accordance with Building Coce, to be. indicated in ;:18:-.3 or by no- tice from Building Inspector. UNOI:RFT..oo~ PLUl4BING ~ ME':HANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insul.1tion or decking. POST & BEAM: installation or decking. to be ~de prior to of floor insulation D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be lIl3.de after all drywall is in p1ace, but prior to any taping. ROUCH PLUHB!NG. ELECTRICAL 6. HECH- ANCIAL: No work is "to be covered until "these in~ec~ior~ have beer. made and approved.. o MASONRY: Steel location, bond be3Jl'lS, grouting cr verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 21.1-15. FINAL PLUMBING All project conditior.s, such as the installation of stree"t trees, co~pletion of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. D FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requestod a:ter the Final Plumbing Electrical, 3I1d Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a:1d approved. FINAL ELtCT~ICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made un"til the Final Building Inspection has been. made and approved, and a CERTIFICATE or OCCUPANCY HAS e~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDIr~ DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED O~ THE PREMISES, PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RECUEST: Call 726-3769 (reccrderlstat.e your City designated tob number, job adcress, type of inspection reques"ted and when you will be ready for inS?8C- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will 'be made the same day, requests made after 7:00~./~e next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUM9ER rS:~l . 0 FINAL MECHANICAL Ii Pago 1 of 2 . ''';;..:..",~ ;.:....."'...;,:;..~~,,_'::"'_,,;:.: ,.:::.'~.;~~0;:c~:.;.~~-:;S"\-.~~~:,~;g';,'~:~~.;:..:j-z.7-.~<:.~~:::::::::.~::;""0:-;.;<::".:':~O::. ~ f_' ~'7:~~.:~"?!::Z: ~;:'::-:-"""'''~.:''' ''.. -:;-'~'~~ ~::-?~?:?::.t.~'.:~:.,~:;:.7"~~7!:T,:f,h..::-::~.pl:;;:::-1 .'...' '- .~ .-, I JOB NUHBER :P3 I () ~Ll I ZONE OCCUPANCY f.ROUP I P~ge 2 Ie Nt'MBERS L-COt; ,; REFERENCE TYPE!CO~ST~UCTION BEDROO!-!S (.iar~el Ac:c~SJ I I Energy Ion" I ;:'-.:te:o Hea-tllr .~ar.gs I ?ooL I I So:.;~es I I :-:::OE::':.";:::<1 I ;v'oc.; S:~',)a. _ I ~O~.;.!. I i I J Lot Squarll rtg. :~ of Lat Covered ,#. of Storiss :Ootal. Heigh-: ';0?ograp~1:I Lot Typ. . In.terio?' I Lo~ Corner P. t. PaJ'".handLel !lor<l;h Oth"" I Eas t I South I West S.tbaaks Fa.ces: I House I i I FEES BUILDIIII} VALUEIPER!fIT I<~- "'tn '.~."'1 Iso. ftg. Cazo~8 ISq, Ftg. Cazorart ISq. Ftg. A~Cfl=SO:oy ISa, F~". VaL~6 ." :: e Th{s permit is granted on the 6-i?reas c~i:~~ ;ha~ the said cons~ction shalL, in aL: res;Bc:s~ confo~ :0 ths 0!"di.'1ar.~e8 adopted by the C-:.~ o.-~ Sp!~ng.,ti81.d, including the Zoning Ordina1lCe~ re~.lZat-::ng ;;..8 con- 8tzoo.lCtion and use of lr.l.iLdings~ and .":"Iay :'B 8'".lB'P~r.dsd or rrJoksd a~ any tims upon violati;n of any previ- sions of Raid ardinances. r . r . :: I I/tlO ,= I i I Plan ChtIck FeB !)at. Paid Roceipt fi. pgmit ~es St.'7.t'1I/ ::;'n'"f!htTPf'J1II TOTAL CH.~RCES Is',stem D6v~lor:ml2nt Char::1B '1.5:r Yabe . I PLlIUBING PERMIT I:VD. :-E:E: CHARCE ~i=turfl8 ~"ater Service S!%nitCU'!.! St1IJ6r No person shaLL construot~ inst2lL~ ~L~er or ~~B any netJ or ezi.ating pl.wnbing or ~:.na.g~ 81Is:Bm in ,.,heLs or in. part, unlsss Buch pB1"SO~ is :h. :llgaL possessor of a valid pLumber's liaer~Q, ~e?t that a person may do pl.umlring ~'Ork to pro;6rry r.Jh-!ch is oomad. ~.assd ar op61'ai:sd by th. ap;:Eacnt, SUBTIJT.~L State Surcharg. TOTAL CHARGES I IHO, I I I I I ELECTRICAL PERUIT I FEE: I CHARGE SU!!TOTAC St.'!t'l Suzoch.a:rae TOTAC CHAl/GE:S Where Stats Laz.' rsquirSB that ths eZaot:oica! work b6 don4 by em Electrical. C:mtractor~ t;...a s~ect:o'".:ca~ ~or- tion of this permit BhaLl. not bs va!i.d untiZ :hs Za- bal has bSlin 3igned by the rwctric::z Contr-""-'tor, TM EZ,ecmcal Safsty La:J dDes not requ~rs :: ?s:oson to obtain a li~ens. as an gl.ectri~ ar~or ,lec- tricaZ ao"l~tor to maJcs an e~ctr-:.caL -::ns:.:Zl.::non on propllt'ty which is OlMad by hims.:~-" or a .~z::tbs:" of his imrtedia~8 famiLy ,.,hich is not ir:ten::Qd :':1' sal.e. lBaBe or rsnt. 53. ."ootaae !lftJ or ::''':tensi.cn/Ci.~it. Te.m1O~..f C~st:ouction I I..",. I I I II I MECHA.UC.~L PE:RUIT I F'EE CH,4JlCE I I I I. I I.F-,OU bevl I 1:<,.oJ I I .fdJ.1 I/'S Jd J ~t.!R _ 9'TlJ'S E::haust Hood Vtmt Fan Wood Stove/Heatno I t~tnJlrU SUBTOTAL State Su:t'charae TO'!'AL CHARCES I I I I LI ENCHOACHNElrr I Se~l"ity Deposit IStamg. I Nainc7Ut"lCB I P.mit I TOT,1C AI!QU!/T DUE 1C'"..u>b~t I'sidawalk Ff1nr:g l:l6ctrir:al LabsL I . TOT At ANOUUT DlJE , I~ ' liJO Plan E:ca7rrL.~8r Date I I HAVE C,4REFULLY EXAMINED th. oomp~.t.d applioation for p61'l!tit, and do 41 hereby aertify that all information hereon is truo and aOlTec"t. and I I, ii further certify that any and aU work porformed shatt bs dan8 in accor- I - dana. ,,~h ths Ordinanc.s of ths City af Spl'i"IJfi.ld, ,nd th. [,aOJs 'of thtl " - Stat. af Ol'<gon p.rtainillg to ths ""rk ds.<:ri1Jsd hsrsin. and that NO OC- ~ CUPANC1 rJiU bll rmds of any st:r'.lcturs IJ'ithout permission of ths Building ~ ~ Division. I further certify that only eontractors and ~LoY6SS who ar. I _ in compLiance lJ'i=h OES '101.055 wilZ be used on :hio projsct. I ,= IJ :; ..,ft!::::d./:!.~t:A ,h MJd4~~?C tU7l'6S. reJ --,-::-::"; ::;.S:5;;~X:;'\I:;~~~~%~~:':i~.s-~::~~~.~~}7~~~;:;;;~S}~~;=?:}~:'~::'~~'iJ:E;iJ~~':;:;~'.S:.~~~gl'I~_~~'~'2~~=2;~i~:=~;;~~;'2;T:Z:_~;.~,:",~':i:~;'HE;~~~~~~:~~,,;:.~r.'f.o'T.~~:;S-,:i~i