HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-8-8 . .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PF:PJ.fIT 225 North 5th Street . Springfiel.C., Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division . 726-3753 . '- - SPRINGRELO- JIii-. .lob Loc"tion: I Lj ?s~ t"\'P,l2..L()L,U e.r] Asaes.or..'bp ,; 1:?-o3-::<~. 00 D6Scri.b4 Work: D A-VV\l\,G.E \<.1:' A-R u.::>l\-\..L 0 f= i. \'2,:"t.. IL' 'Sj..\.~S) Ii':\'\ I"'d-I- f:- \) - , 5\-\ED R.EFl2."",^,,-€ R2-AR- , Gp..(L~G~ L0"LL ,'fab't Za :gom;z . ~-1.-'&'2.. It is :h.s 'reBFcmoibiZity of ehs permit halde to s.. that aLl. i1wpBctions are r.:ads at :h6 prcptU" ti.r.r~J tr.at ~h ..::ddrsso is rea.:::a..:.!" l1"!:r.f eluJ street, and that th. pcnrrit card is 'l.::x:atsd. at ~ fI'071t of thll propert":/. ..gui.!di.,....g rr;1Ji.::io~ crprrot:ed plan shall remain on tM Building Sit. at all :imSB. Pt?Oc::DtJRE FOR INSPECTION R!OUEST: Call.. .,~ ~.~.. .(rccorcis:r) stat. your City lssignattui job numbtlr, job address, typfJ of i~?eaticn l'squl18ted ar.d. w.l:sn you r.li~C b. ready fOl" inspection, Contractors or Olmsrs nc::ms end phone number. RSqu&sts 1"eceio:ed bejare 7:00 a':'l :....iZZ. ba nndll the same dcyJ rfI~Bt:J mads aft:r 7:00 a'l2 lJ'ilZ be nude the next. :Jerkin.; day. , rOW' City D.eign4tsd Job Numb~'ID: A::J II oc; :J~f1U~:,...-t r...~:t'"~r:-ot!l , D: C'.,..,.r r'ls"r~IO'" "'a '. _J. a""- ....l__ ~. ~_v. ,.. . .. ~ J ~"4 C'cat.oarl.:;n, tJu.c pricJ- tc Be: up of frmrrs. .0, UYDERSLAB PLUM7JINC. ~r....rcrRIC:'L & .'.!ECHA:1ICAL: To bfi ~ ostors a:ny wrk :::a :ovared. o SUbditri.3ion: 0lJn..: PKEu W\ ~Rc..\ ~K. AddreS3: 2. '+ I\- '"2, " \ \ L \-l-. W:u: S-pci.(:A n n n n 'l~_J F\\~E: <Df>t~.p.~ RE(30\ LD Addi ticn Ramo.:sl Dattl at Applicaticn ~:onrract'ors f'k...t ) ,~ E:. {<.. $Ec:..,F. GeneraL Plumbing EZactM.cal .~!8=har.i~L Construction r..87Uiero FOOTT:1G ! FOUNDATIC.'I: To b. nr:u!4 attar :l"EmCftC'S arK e=cavatlld and. ferma are e1'"sceoui, but prier eo pour-i7lg CC'11Crot.. o U.'.'DrnG.~U."!D p!.L'.'.mnlG. S~.:eR. W.1TE.t?, DRAINAGE~ To Oil rrn:14 pro';'or :0 fiZ.- z."r.g trencMs. o UllDE.f:!.F'T...OOR !'LWfgI?IC 4 ,~!rCHAllICA.L: To bfJ nrza.Q ::;rior :;0 in3taLl.a=ion of floor insuLCti07t or dscking. F()Sf AND 3EAM: To bCf :r.ad.I: prior to ::113t:aLl.:ticn of floor insL:Laticr. or docking. o ri71 RO'-!r;J! '!'~(?~9I.','C. ;o~E~!?!r.A!:.{ .VF:C.fJ- lC.J ANICAL: No ~rk ;'3 ;;0 oc COL'erea w:til. :kcss inspec:ior.s havs beer. " nt:%ds and approvs.::. D FI_T:!E:P!.ACc: PrioJ'":O ?Zc.cir.g feeing mc:t:sl"'ials and-b8;ore J'~ ...,,:..~ inspe~ .' ..l.Or.. [RJ PPA1!E1G: !1u:Jt.;s rSC".le:1t:sc! c:.t:~r approval o{ rough pL.m-.iJ'inq, .l.ecm.. caL & :r:echan~al. AL~ '('Oof-:.r.g broci.ng !J chimneys. et.:. M'...at .;e carrro Lseed. .'10 wrk is :0 as ccn- ceaied until ehiD insoecticn ~~ bsan ..md8 c:nd approt.'ed. ::<~ 'fa Let # Phone:'7 +1 - 5f-L..l Z{..?: Valus ~ InS-O "'0 . ~l-1~'i..) I ~ Add....983 D INSUUTrON/VAPO.~ !!A.J.?.J:?IE.q r.'ISP::c'!'ION: To b. rrGds attsr aLL ins'&ol.L.:ti"n a:-4 requiHd uapor barzt1.11Z'8 ar. in p lacs but bsters any lath, gypllUlfl boarod or wU aovsri.ng is a:ppt..isd, and bstoro any inau ~tian is concsal.Bd. D DR5'ALL n.'SFEr::~ON: Te bs rrr:dB attU' al.l. dryt.tItl. is in place. but prier to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. 1.caation, bond . beam:J, grouting or '.)qrtic.al.a in ~cordance lJ'i.t:k U. S. C. Section 2425. O ;rooDSTOn,: Aftsr instaLlation is . tXmpz.st~.. D CURB & APP!?CACH AP.~~': Afte:> f'orms :.:rs 41reated but pf""':or to pClUr'ing .:on..""ret8. O SI1JE:WA!.X & Dp.r."EWAY: FafI aLl. con- creta paving within street righ't~ of-wcy, to be ma:J.s aftw al~ e=ca- va'ti.ng c01t'plste ~ f'~ wrk .J ::ub- bass m::'tariaL in p~B. o D ~""'E:NCE: Jater. cc:rml."te -- Prcvids ga:es or :rrovabls. sections through P,U,E. Rcce~=r it " ~l(L [II VicJ.t ~~~tJ0 J Si~~: ~~dU Date: A ,t;, fJ(/ ___ Li3c.1I E:'jir~s Pr.on~ - CENO:'ITIO:J OR !10!7' 3r./!:.::::CS .. " :J Sam.:cry SaJe:' =~;uli :::t ~P~:i Zir.B :J Sspt~ tank p-.omp.:d a:-..i l:.1.i.OId :.:ith ;rcr.1ttL . ::J FinaL - J!11fm a.bcve -::-::'':'18 are c~::rolatad . cr..d when ~er.:e:.iti.:Jr: ioi cor.;;ls~OI or struc- ture movBd ar.:: pr~:Jes :laana.:: up. ' . Mobi!s He:nas :=J Blocking and SOJt-~? :=J PLumbing c,::mnsct-::c:ns .... 8c:JBl' ;;nd :.:a:81' ---, cl.~c~c,:,~ c~nec-:~ _ - B::.cki~41 8d:-~p. ....-J and pLumo1.1U] ..om:sct ......718 ..,_3t .OJ a?PJ'"Ot!ea . before requast-:.ng dZe~=ricaL -:'r.spec~ion ~ Accucof';,' S'.li:.din.: ::J FinaL - Af:~l'.":J:,.re.r.llS. sk-:'r!;:-:'rlf~ dll:kD, e!::c. are cCf1l'?;,lIt.:a. o ALl. project condi=.u,ns, ;rolc!': as ths instaLlation "1" S~Bet ~u.s. C'.:::':?!,;:i.m or :;..ur rtlquired i.andscc;nr.g, etc., n:ust oe satisliod bcfo1'B troll 3L'ILE!::: FI::~L :~ ;.a rJq'.ls8t.zd. o F'I~IAL !'!.UMBIllG o :'INAL ,'.fE'::EANICAL [Xl FI,7AL EI.EC":'RIC:'r. o o PINAL BUIL;)!!!C: The Final auiWing :7IS?8ct-.:on r.tU8t oa requeDts:i atJ;lIr :;i:s Pin:::L P!:m:tin; ~t.filc'tri.aal., and .'!eciu:z:o:i.cal InspBccu,no r.ava iu,en r.:ada and .::rpprovOId. .ALL ,'.fANHOLES ANT? CtEAtlCUTS HUST 3& A.C::ESSI3LE, ADJUST.'!EtlT -:0 3E .'.!1DE 'I~T NO :05: :a :r:'! I F,;;a af.:' J IJcb IhlJllbcr: (g2. 110? . ::,;r:c: . Occur:anc:u Grouv: Pcge 2 . I 1 7"_"" I I I ---~-~ I L-COC #: Refcper.ce ~umters: I Lot Faces - I I P,L. INorth lEast ISouth jWest 'l'ype/Cor.st.,,: Bedrooms: iLot Sq. Ft:;, .: ,,{ lot C.:JVerag. !.f of Stories , . Total !!eight ; :opogrophy :11:::.1 . 'S~,F'!'G I ;:.~ , I Ca-ace i , Carool't ACCeS80l'1, 1'1'1 TOTAL VAWE: Is.D.c. IVC:"U~I 1.5 % Building Permit StatB Surch:rrge Tota I Cha:oge. I r:Df I NO. I FEE I Fi=tur6S I Residmtial (2 bath) I Sani tary Sm.JBl" I Water I Pl:unbing Perri t State SUJ:lcr.a.rgs Total Chcraes lITE/.! /10. PEE Res. So, fta. NllIJ/Ertend Circui ts I Temporary Service I I I I Ele:;tricaZ Pe..""fl'l'it State Sur::ha:ros Total Ch.arCBS 1.7EU ;IC. , FEE I ?'u.rr.::(!S 2TU'S I I E=haust Hood I I Vent Fan I l Woodsto::e '1 I I I Permit !:;t1U(DtCa US:;Mnic::l Permit Sta.te Surchc.rac To::n 1. Cr.ar'uUJ -- EllCROACH.'-!ENT -- Se~~ritu D3~o3it Storape I.~bi"ter.an.:'e I Permit , Total cr.aMCS 1~.;C".l: I Sidew lk I.."""e I EZectri.:al [.abe! I.'>!obite H:xne I I I' I TDTAL ,t'-'.QU:IT DUE::' L..."'T TYPE Intemp COl"7lsr panJuuuile Cul-de-sac x Value I It) SCJ. .- I I/O,~cA I . II, ..- . '/'1, 1/. 4./ 'I . CHARGE CHARGE Itf!). - /0,-1 . ~Ol /~ '101. . CI!ARCE I I I .~<:1 I t1 -:<$""'.;1 II EnRl'GlJ Sourees I 'Heat ! I Ii I: Setbacks I House I Ca:rage I Access. Watel" !!ea~t:r" Range Fireplace Wocxl:Jtove ..- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ifJ granted on the express condition that the said construction. shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, r"egulating the constructicn and use of buildings, and m:zy be suspended or" r"evoked at cny tims upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ancss. I Plan Check Fe" .3. 3= Dat. Paid: 11" -'< ""82 jReceipt II: ISig>:ed; Plumbing Permit No person shall. canstrruct, instal!, az,tsr 01' chan.gs any netJ or existing plwnbing or drainage system in "",hole or in partJ unlss8 such puson is ths 'Legal possessor of a valid plwnb81"8 licenBSJ except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which ie comed. leased or operated by the appli- cant. / . Electr;"cl Permi t Where State LaM requires that ths slectrical. IJOrk be done by an Elect;rical Ccntroctor~ the electrical portion of this permit shalt. roOt be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical. Contractor. " Mechanical Permit . 4~~ Ptan Exam1.ner' " - B- "< .g":i 1I,":e I HA VE CAREFULLY SXAMINED ths camp leted app t..ication for permi t ~ and do hereby certify that aZl information hereon is true and aC1'1'cct~ and I t.uotr.er certify that any ar.d all work perfor.ned shaLt be done in acr::oZ"- dance :.n.th tha Ordin:mces of the City of sp'ringtictd, and t;h~ La:Ns of tho .. State of Oreg~n p!tl*tJining to the work cssc'ribed hsre-::n~ end that 110 OCC!J- PANCY lViZl ba rrade of any structure withou.t permission of ;hs Suilding {)i- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar.d e:npz.:.,yees who are in compliance ~ith ORS 701.055 wilZ be used on this project , _X'--:?--f?_- Date