HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-4-30 ,Y; '/" , ' 'CITY'OF s:l,..JNGFrELO; OREGON: :'''(''\'',~;-, ...., -..... "" ... ". . '"\........... . 225 FIFTII STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . 1'11:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 t 11 wing mitted has the 0 0 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICA nON ~~ T, he following project as sU~ire specific land use .. /-, - D J 0 ,","" ' d does nol req Clly Job Number CLE 2003 - 011 L{ Date 2'-'0.J zonlOg, an f\ (l ) approval. I.:---~_ I, ;:J:6eAtiON:'oiiJNSTALi!A110M( ');' "'"] 3, rco,if.i;r;Filfj'E1Tsaiiirmi!JtBEl:;Ql1C<F,W'?"~:"';',1' ,', .k"....,.,...:,l'. t.. ". ','_.. __.....~_" _'. ''". "",C "., " '., " .. ,._ ,'.., ".' ~;...~..mt,\t II" 93-'--j=;;;~I~~.,;--.~w~r . ",'. Dal9 -' 'e_ '~-rWJ'~ ~ j.. ,- .-.....--.-. -,~hon'Zed,Slgnall.Ir...~........-,. - .' ".',,,,' ,,--" ... '.' ' '_ .~. II _. '. .' ...... -<,", .' - r' . -r "l"-- ..,.. ,..,~.. A. ;, }~~f~' .I~~sidcht,i;-al_~; .' l~l~I~}~r. ~~~I!l~F~n~.il~~, ~).~~f'~~1tc~~~~~. ~'!~!t1~~d Electrical Contractor ~ .'t.' , lct"r S C Itt 'i, ie /r'(; 200 Amps or less. $ 63,00 , 20 I Amps to 400 Amps $ 75,00 Address Iqc) Jvlulli=::{,r, 401 Amps to 600 Amps t^ $125,00 'IreS yOU - . 601 Aml1;'\;/8t\QQOIA!i\\Il~ UtililV $163,00 Phone 4 ~S '~,}Y:n, ~11 E.N 1 ~~d8B~Et~,!'U'fAtl61Qrego; set fortI $375,00 io\\OW ruIR&~IlIl(~"t ~q!)jse rules a~ 95')-001 $ 50,00 NDtilicati~~~~~OW.~h~Q\!9~~~le,r-u~,R,\."._7"'-_""""'"' . _ ' SUIJervisor License Number ?- J. C/O . ~~ '_ Q"R e:~~a'elllJlQri1r.vlltl1!;"IEes,IIr.J'el'dCl'si"n""i;l;"r, M,::,~,..t '..'~r'A?""i',fl'~l~'l ~) lo. f"\. mayuUlQ.:l I :'\ne'te'ev"O....,.-l."'-I'~ '10 "h.:-,'" .,......h~.,...~ 0090, YOU, '" ~p(\ter,lNDte, '" '''''n\ilicatIOn calling n'Stnlla I i'Cjre\jls/llllio,11Ilr RX )OC:I t ion numbeid6'~\~~SIS(1~ 16oRO-332-234 ' ('orner, - 201 'Amps 10 400 Amp~ 40 I Amps to 600 Amps Expiration Date (), i r) - 0 '~ Over 600 Amp~ or: 1000 Volt",ee "13" above, Sigoa~ure tf,S~UP' 'd,iSi.ogtE'IJeet_r~iCia.-n D. ~~'lJ~'8ri~lltii:c~i~'S;~~;i\I';')'L f~::P~~~:.~.' ;'~~~/',~r';';:~(l.i~1!.~-:\;::~.:,~.;1'~j;Lf~33~:~:~~~~'; ,I~ :u...r.',""'. "".l':.H;!,,.'. ,t,.'.1- ~.".. 'J:L~.'."-~,<,:,'l.\t,,;....;,..-l.'f.,__., ,.:.,~...)..tr.."if..t..~ >-.~,)~'I ,."l-A... "'7<<, Ncw Alteratiun or Extcllsion Pcr Panel One Circuit $ 43,00 - , ,.NOTICE: Each Addil~onal Cirellil or with 7 b Owners Name 6.- (,de' C1 ""fbt4( (THIS PERMTf:1;~At'LI'EW1~E'l~'!HE 'tfgH~,,,.., : ._$, :','~~:~""c" ~"1'J A<I,I,.e','.., I / (/ /" ~~,~ 0 J s ~THORIE~~,itINbI,rntitW~~~Jf)~~lfl~Ulleli,ded),.i.Elich,I'ist"II"(ioll,t " 1=0 0 1.=....==,,'-" '" tOMMENCED'OR IS ABANUONEO FOR""'" '''''', . ,'" .', ',".', ,',' '.':', City L-~kD' (;- j Phone ANY 180 OAlfnljEc51'liilnI{;ation $ 50,00 7 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 50,00 Limited Energy/Residential $ 25,00 Limited Energy/Commercial $ 45,00 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 170~ 272 Z. oot(OO J013 DESCRIPTION fir'\:)8> 3. c-, l2u--,: \--" Permits are nonMtransferable and expire if work is not slarled wilhin 180 dnys nf issnance or if work is Snspcllded for 180 days, .~"t.......".>U".. .' -_ -~'''-<''l~r f'eONFRACTOR.'INsrAiiJA1'loNOiilLy'j 2. . ~-tr ~~~-t~t~.f.ip'.]"r ~'I'.'\!!.f'~~~(!::',li"'~'1!:.r. :iV!l'~-. <..N _, City [\ )~fn~ Expi,ation Date 10' ( 'G I) Constr. Contr. Number /;JCj (p OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: Inspection Request: 726-3769 Ser,'iee Inclnded 1000 sq, ft, or less Each additiollal 500 sq, ft, or portion thereof Each Manufaet'd Horne or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $106,00 $ 19,00 $50,00 \,V.. ',~..~':': -::~""Tr''''~'ro: -:" ~'rr .-)1;' '7?'~r"'~'J~' ':-~':.""~~~~~r.ft'"';7Tl~W'"l'':''i-t'~\:1 n. .>.~.ei'\'.~~i, ~.~: f~~d.~I's':'; ,In~t~~!~.t~~,n~:~!t~i;~i~op's. J),i~~cl.{~s~!lo~n:;:r;"1 ....I.., . --"<<1. ~,~ I . c. ,.. .....11,:, _ :.1-, ,,--.~ .~..1 . ......!l " .'1!.., .l...... ;h.: ....'>,le" Jr..... ~,,[:: 1'......--' .. ....f.I'1 $ 50,00 $ 69.00 $100,00 I\lillirnllrn Electric I)errnit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges 4. r"~1ffit6fAl1JF1h6vffi~~~~t!~i(;l~7;ll:\Jlf~ 110, I,'it-I" ':'f~:"2rLf.:J'II; .:H.;.......~:-;..~~.:\~-~.~~~~~11~e~ti'~b' i-~w.~ 1:~ '1 ( "]1.{3 l/'10 '5 '7 :]7 7% Slate Surcharge 10% Administrative Fee TOTAL Shared Dri\'c(T:)fBuilding FOml.'l/Eloctrical Pcnnit Application I-03.doc .- J' . '. City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Iospection Line PERMIT NO,: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00114 4/30/2003 4/3012003 10/30/2003 SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1193 HARLOW RD 1703272200400 Spriogfield TYPE OF WORK: TYPE OF USE: Addition Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Add 3 circuits OWNER/APPLICANT: CAMPBELL CEILLE W TE 668 GREENWOOD ST JUNCTION CITY OR 97448 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: BUILDERS ELECTRIC INC 541-485-0922 195 MADISON ST EUGENE OR 97402 CCB # 4296 Expiration Date: 12/1 0/2003 Descriotio": Amount Paid + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Add, Alter, Extend Circ Add. Alter. Extend Circ Ea Add Date Paid ~eceiut Number 04/30/2003 S '101,) \0 120020000000000 I 099 04/~9/~Q3\\e 01\ \)\\\~'l (\X 120020000000000 I 099 ~04130/29Q.3:eg Se\ ,0 '\ 120020000000000 I 099 ," '0\,>,,0~~;e&W-~~~~~J:, ~~ 91:::1::~~ '0'> 120020000000000 I 099 -('\ -c:." .r '<l-"-' '\ \W- I\~' IV" To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recordmg atJ~~3'1~gel.:'lll(insp'es~6h~~rl(~meste~'befQr'{.7:00 a,m, will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a,njoWi)! be\made the.fo'il~*ing\W:d&ing)diiY~~,~ c~'i.\ol\ NO\\\\C~'o,S~.Q~:, O'o\~\I~,,\o\6"\~:'" ~oW\ 'u". I,) W-' I\\\:l'" U"" . ~tl,"'" Reouired Insoections: \~Q9Q'~~9\~eC~eOle9~~_~~~-Z 1 Rough Electric: Prior to Cover C~\\ :oel \01 \el is ,\,~ 2 Final Electric: When all electrical work is compi~~ eel\ 4,90 3.43 43,00 6,00 By Signature, I state and agree, that 1 have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with tbe Ordinances of the City of Springfield and Ihe laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the WOr.~k described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employees who arc in compliance with ORS 701.055 will b~,Sll'if.o this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, tbat each ad~eS,S:?I'i-r~~ e from the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicable, will remain on the site at all times duri-i,\c!n~~~!foriiJ'\\ \>-\.\. ~ y,,f:J '\l ~'t.\) \- _,l'~~. ~ '0'(\ -5(.'\ .,(\c::i Owner or Contractors Signature \\\) \ '?'t.'\\\t\ Ii) 1J~'I'>\tS \>-\)1"" ,y..\'O y..CI'\\\1.\:: x.\) CI'\\ ~\CI\), 1>-1J\~\h't.~\j ~ '\l~ c,c::i :-{ \'e\) Ii) \>-~ " Page 1 of I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield Development Services Department ~I Public Works Department. Official Receipt l' Receipt #: 1200200000000001099 Date: 04/30/2003 Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00 114 ELE2003-00 114 ELE2003-00 114 ELE2003-00114 Description Add, Alter, Extend Cire Add, Alter, Extend Cire Ea Add + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Amount Paid Item Total: 43,00 6,00 4,90 3.43 $57.33 Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid 8y BUILDERS ELECTRIC Received By djb Check Number Conllrm No How keceived In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid 57.33 $57.33 . . 4/30/2003 IO:30:IOAM Page I of I cReceiplrpt