HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-6-2 09...0~.'9i os: Ii '5'503 i.6S9 Sl'FI> DE\', SER. , IilJ 002 . I i The tOl/owrng prOject as b . ZOning, and-does not reSQU ,r liNed has the tOl/owlng - approval : '~lrf specIfIC land use 225 FIFTH STnEET Zoning: r---r-il> ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 I j" CC' ? INSPECTION REQUEST; 726-.:f1l,B:.- ,";-d-Sl1 Ci,ty"Job Number ((6~7/ OFFICE; 726-3759 AUlhorized Sj9ofiiulJ> J'Gt.....l ' . . Y'I T~, e~17 "~E SCHEDUl..E BELOll 1. LOC!>7:rON OP lNSTALLA'ffP(1 sGlr I!D \~ II~ t {Jl J..") )C"r\ \' \~. ,A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION l'1A 1 '2.2. I.> c) 6 '1. $'0 3 I _ QJOB DESCRIPTION (\, . . / I (\, L" ~,-C MA ....AL^ ,,-\.Ill.l Ct}I'j eM... ,_. I Permits ace non-tcansferable and expire if vock is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. i 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLYt\....J M.B. Electrical contractoSneeJ \Jt1'\~rn. Address:J5 D W 1;-f1..... '. City'0' Uy -'^'R Phone U/t;- J t",<::,-4 : SUperVisot~ Lic~nse Numb~c ?.D - 3'1 c.l.<!l- 'L. ,- , . Expiration Date t6/ I / "7 "7 Constr Contr. Number OD !.A..9 ~ ): S/21 I 00 Expiration Date Signature of SUPTrvisinl' Electrician i . It __iJ\. /1'''-'' -+- rJ " /7~,,~1 .1 Owners Name~ ~,",^,,;^-i\-'-':'~o "'~ I Address ('q'D V0,~ tAu <. Ci ty~).{) ~ Phone r ~ \bg..q ~,-,'- \S -Y'> Ol/NER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on propecty I OYn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovner~~~~gnature: DATE: -----------------~~~lf~~-----~ RECEIPT If; .J:2~i,C/ )v 7 ,-. _II r1!'rrT~rrl) l\Y, -1 A./I ,. ; Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dyelling Service Included: uni t. Items Cost Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 Each:additional 500 . "!fql.t::.~f \:llll'fymtl'tliJ;r\'V reqUires you to fot'I1Elre'b'"i?'adopted by the Oregon UtiStYl5. 00 N~i:!h1tNii\ruf5lrar.If~,eoi!IEl" <11" :;et forth in Gl~\:I6[€tOiD'wOO.i1llI\"gOugh OAR 952-001- OOfSeMcWd9cl:i'.Eied:e+Jies of the rulE$; t.4P. 00 calling the!center. (Note: thetelepnone Rllm't'tt t!l~ or!lg~lltllility Notification ' Instar~~~A9~_~tS5~~Sqqf. or Relocation: 200 amps or less $ 50.00 201 amps ;to 400 amps S 60.00 401 amps to 600 amps $100.00 601 amps to' 1000 amps $130.00 ~r,~p amps/volts $300.00 Mi&onU~'r Only $ 40.00 PERMITSHA!J.i~RDiJ C. ~tm.~QElIllTUlSjll;~~~oc~tion I I t:NCEDORISAB l:SNCJT \/'2i108el!!PWllilrRJ..~~sANOONEDFOR $ 40.00 201 amps'~ '406 amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 amps $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see "B" above I , . Branch Circuits D. ," ; Ney, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Addi tional Ciccuit or with Secvice or' Feeder Permit .; $ 35.00 $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (ServJ~e)feeder not included) -Each installation Pump oc i~rigation S 40.00 Sign/Outl~ne Lighting S 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited Energy/Comm t S 36.00 ~ 5. SlffiTOTAL OF ABOVE 57. State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee 'rr)'l'!, T. 31.:,- / . "F(U I/')<:{ :<~.~