HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2003-1-22 ,- ~ . '. CITY OF'S} cdNGFrELD OREGON' . i '; :;: I ~ ..J.:, , .... .. .. ~, ..;Jo6i1 ooix2?9.t./ - 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH:(541)726-3753 . FAX: (541)726-3689 , , ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION rhe following project as submined Ms the following '. zarling, and does not reqUire specIfic land use City Job Number ELl=-ZCO.>-OC>OIK' Dale 1- Zz.-03awova" c.. <L. & __IAn 700;0'\ '., L"LO'.eA. ':tiiJiViOp..iNST.. :Xfilt4.ifjbiVl;:fJ.(1f:~~i:"1 . 1 Ig~~' ,'J!:'ioS'tliml)JJiilllBjfij"oJ.iT.ifJj::!.;~3';i;03j~i"'!l ~-. ~-." .__~_("..~~'.'r'>. c,_,__._. --'"~-:'''he.tOttc;'wf~t~~~e~~~S;equ;;'~~~~ -~:' -,","~"",^--,~- '.", - -' _.--~~ -- - --.~~.;)t /067 dltil.-t.{fl.j /2.(). zoning, and AUINlUled Si~nature <:::ti v-.J LEGAL DESCRIPTION appruv g. 'zoning 'v"';- ~-"~~r. .ej~~.e:/sr/gl~]fs~~Xit~~~jm~i~!p/f~,~;'ii_!!!f~~~~Tt..~~~.:?~ . {703 2-Z.3'3 ooL(CJO {/ E:.~'" d S'gnature Au\hOfil8 I .I E'Ir1poflAMj POIMGYL' ~ f!{)1J S 7'/W.L.7JcJ _ Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is 'SITE not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is Suspended for 180 days. . I uuu sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof $106.00 JOB DESCRIPTION $ 19,00 Each Manufact'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $50.00 r!€ONTJtA{ff{jJii1NsTMjf;;fTioNl(jNIJf1~ 2. f:"-~ ;'; 'al;,., :"''''~...'1\-:,~ri~t-'',Il\''::'''ti'- ,~J),:,',':''"; ,'';.:H~lA!,;.~:~ B. ~~~~ls~f.F~~a~~~~;~~liiiofiiiii~1~t~~~'ti~~s~~;~jfeI6'~'iti6it':tt~ ~!"''':''''',.i,,,~~~,,,_.j, '"r]\;r'...~ r.t<"t:!~:'_':.''''''\'\''~'i-'f:~.,.l,..,-\,'.'',_;ii>,.L:;r'.., ;'v'~ \...;,u"',:.,".",,:.j. ... " ','. Electrical Contractor r.HRT<;TI"NS(1N I'1FITRTr.) INC. 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps Address 1 ?q~ RF1'l-WI ..D1H\TF 401 Amps to 600 Amps 601 Amps to 1000 Amps City EUGENE Phone S41 -f>RR-f> 1 :u. . Over 1000 AmpsN oils Reconnect Only $ 63.00 $ 75.00 $125.00 $163.00 $375.00 $ 50.00 C ~~T"'" "'., :"'S'"".'" ""''''''imRl\1~h''~''''~'>;+:'' "'1:.',",, -...,o/1l:~.::"l . ,emporarv.!: er.vu:nE\nr:.'I<:e @_\.l.{{ll~-': '.... ..~;>:'t:J-~~\~I:"IfG' h' ~'v .... . ",'. ...-..... iCf'" . ..... .~.., . . , I'l~Of\\'c).\eOle~. Se\\O' '. ~talhl~l~te~at~!1.lof.lR~!g5atiOQ'\ ~,'\'t:.\~~~O;~RtQiliaqs~~\}~Oi>-~ e'l~\es y~ $ 50.00 q) ~ \0\~~'I'l a.\~1 ~~'Wlh"~~s 0\ \~\e\l"o"d _ $ 69.00 ~O\I\~~ \!,e,P:~I1s.:\'9'6illJ Xni~.\~e ~o\i\iCa."'V' $100.00 'nOr ",,'I ((Ia:j _~AI"~~..I\\I!\\l ,.. \ I" gO. vve~.6QQ;roiiii~.Q,lidJ\JW 'lollSl~I"B" above. 00 cD\\~~~~~i~~~Mj'i"~i1~t;ii"~I)"'",,"ful~I;t\l'.,.\.w'i\!J;'.,,';r"\f.'0i!!i' ;"'.W'I''';'jUh1i.l \~~\"m:~'f\"" ft"~~~';J.,:F;:$.lr~~a~J*~~j'!{'*+:W, 4".~~tl'.<.,~~/ -;.!~~~i (\\)~ew fu1~~~ti;n or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 43.00 Each Additional Circuit or with Owner> Name {;J~tlAw.ef!.e J1/(:;J (M1L LLC ~:::,::'j~:~~:,:::i:. '" 'ii..n~""1:1 ;l.\I:;A~~~"~;","_~,~.~" 07 r D.11" #7"'0 E. '~1VIiSeelIlln~iUil(lO:";;'i""'GeaerJnci'f:fu ~ld ""'clilInstauiitlOil' Address 7.) F1..... ':3,'T 0 IlffH\SPt:1~ ~~.t1\:t '. .... .,; .'.. City ctA. 6-f::;To( e Phone PutMlo,\Ilt!llIlJJrl Uoo IS I\BI\NDONEO fO!\so.oo sig,gQiUIiA~tR\'gli,\1ri~ER\OO. $ 50.00 LimMI!1'E~~~sj(Jential $ 25.00 Limited Energy/Commercial S 45.00 Supervisor License Number 27195 Expiration Date 10/01/03 Constr. Contr. Number ?k_'J,/,r. Expiration Date 10/01/01 Signature of Supervising Electrician L3/ , NATHAN PHTT .TPS OVVNERINSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Minimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is $45.00 + Surcharges Owners Signature: 4. f1saBW6>T~Ol?~@:imi~~%\~g~~~~;~~;i':4 J':Jt!'.-:t'.t~,~HJ':\it<i:!'~itl~~{)!~~',~lf:~~~"l.\vJ:li,;;r::SV!i~~i;:'''~~~ 5;D !J5! 7% State Surcharge 10% Administrative Fee 3.~ 5dXJ 513.5"0 Inspection Request: 726-3769 TOTAL Shared Drive(T:yIJuilding FormslElectrical Pennit Application I ~03.doe . . City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment ./. .... Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00018 1/22/2003 1/22/2003 7/22/2003 SITE ADDRESS: 1007 HARLOW RD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703223300400 TYPE OF WORK: TYPE OF USE: New Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Temp power. OWNER! APPLICANT: WILLAMETTE MEDICAL CENTEI 975 OAK ST # 780 EUGENE OR 97401 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: CHRISTENSON ELECTRIC INC 541-688-6121 1631 NW THURMAN 2ND FLR 543-419-3600 PORTLAND OR 97209 CCB # 458 Expiration Date: 05/01/2003 Descriotion Amount Paid Date Paid Receint Number + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Temp Power 200 amps or less 5.00 3.50 50.00 01/2212003 01/22/2003 01/22/2003 1200200000000000586 1200200000000000586 1200200000000000586 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 am. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day, Reauired Insoections: 1 Temporary Electric: Approval required prior to Utility Company energizing pole. By Signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and employeefl'tfiPl~'n compliance l~gl O~~ be used on this project I further agree to ensure that all required inspectio'1~.rS fl'SHMtildS/tlfful-pi r,~ r''''~\!l,ddress is readable from the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicap:ul1tU\{i~8ii!J!lilllh'il ~ \~t I e~a~lOg construction. COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONE U DAI( PERIl)': Owner or Contractors Signature AN~ IOU Date UITes'/ou.'~ n laIN Te~ on U\\\lW E,I'I\ \OI'l"OTe~~ b'/ \\'Ie OTe~Te set \oft" jl..\\ uleS adoll ,\'lOse TilleS p. 952.00~- \01l01N T, n centef. \'ITOIl9\'10f' TilleS b'i NO\i\iC~~~2.00~.00~~~ collies 0\ \\:Il\'lone in Of'o 'loll {(\a,/ o~~ ,No\e'. ~~e ~O\i\ica\iOn 009 " \\'Ie cen ' n U\\\I\'I ca\ll09 \OT\\'IeOTego _332-2344)' nll~beT 'eT is ~ .eoO cen, I of 1 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Line I terns: Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00018 ELE2003-000 I 8 ELE2003-000 18 Payments: TWe of Payment Check Paid By Description Receipt #: 1200200000000000586 Date: 01122/2003 Temp Power 200 amps or less + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge PHILIPS ELECTRIC Received By Check Number Confirm No djb Page I of! \ 1/22/2003. '. 1 :32:42PM . City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt . Amount Paid 50.00 5,00 3.50 Line Item Total: $58.50 How Received Amount Paid In Person 58.50 $58.50 . Payment Total: cRcceiptrpt