HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 15 Approval of Design Development Phase - Thurston Fire Station #16 - P20534 SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: May 19,2008 Regular Session City Manager's Offic Carole Knap 726-3672 15 min AGENDAITEMS~Y ITEM TITLE: APPROVAL OF DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PHASE -THURSTON FIRE STATION #16 - P 20534 ACTION REQUESTED: Direct staff to proceed with the preferred project option for the Thurston Fire Station #16 Project - P20534. ISSUE STATEMENT: On October 15,2007, the Council approved the Functional and Space Program for the Thurston Fire Station # 16 Project and directed staff to proceed with the design of a facility which would incorporate Best Management Practices and which would address issues of gender neutrality, ADA accessibility, turnout and equipment storage "Blue Line" separation and apparatus storage. The Council authorized the project to include approximately 9550 square feet. On February 4, 2008, the Council selected the two story pitched roof option with a construction budget of $1,832,000 and directed staff to proceed with t~e project design. ATTACHMENTS: A - Council Briefmg Memorandum B - Building Second Floor Layout DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The project design team has been working with representatives of Fire Life Safety, Development Services, and IT to design a facility which incorporates the Functional and Space Program as approved by the City Council. The design development phase of the project is complete including a construction cost estimate and value engineering analysis. The current construction cost estimate with value engineering items is $2,081,450. This amount exceeds the approved budget of$I,832,000 by $249,000. The increases included in the estimate are not caused by any major increases in specific areas but rather by the fact that the estimators had more detailed drawings at this phase and they could more accurately price the components of the work. Since the construction cost estimate exceeds the approved budget, staff has developed four project options for the Council to consider: Option 1 Reduce the project scope to stay within the council approved construction budget of$I,832,000. Option 2 Convert southwest internal stairway to external metal stairs and lease light poles from SUB to reduce construction cost. Increase construction budget by $158,000. - Option 3 Increase the project construction budget by $249,450 for the purposes of proceeding with design. Direct the project manager to negotiate with the CMlGC to submit a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal once construction documents have been completed and the project has been bid. Direct the project staff to return to Council with the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal for fmal construction cost approval. Option 4 Option 2 and Option 3 combined The construction cost estimates for the options are summarized below: Option Cost Approved Const. Budget Variance 1 $1,832,000 $1,832,000 2 $1,990,000 $1,832,000 3 $1,9081,450 - $ 2,081,450 $1,832,000 4 $1,890,000 - $1,990,'000 $1,832,000 $0 $158,000 $149,450 - $249, 450 $58,000 - $158,000 Subject: May 12, 2008 Gino Grimaldi, City Manager Carole Knape! Thurston Fire Station #16 - Project Options COUNCIL BRIEFING MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: ISSUE: In Spring 2007, the Council directed staff to begin work on the development of a new Thurston Fire Station. The fIrst phase of the work was the development of a Functional and Space Program which provided detailed information on the space requirements and adjacencies for Springfield Fire Stations. The completed Program indicated that a Springfield Fire Station would require approximately 12,000 square feet. The project team (including FLS Management and staff, Public Works, Development Services, the project architect and the CM/GC) recognized that the Thurston Station would not require all of the space that a "main station" might require and the team therefore recommended reductions in scope which would reduce the space requirements to 9550 square feet. This resulted. in a cost savings of approximately $706,000. On October 15, the City Council authorized the project team to proceed with the design of a 9550 square foot fire station. During the fIrst phase of the design, the project architect developed a one-story and a two-story design. The one-story option construction cost estimate indicated that the building could be completed within the original approved budget of$I,766,750. The two story option however offered some advantages because it reduced the footprint of the building, allowing for future expansion of the station. The reduced footprint also allows for training to occur on-site. Because of these advantages, FLS preferred the two-story option. At the time, the construction cost estimate indicated that the cost would exceed the budget by approximately $188,000. In order to address this cost issue, the project team identified approximately $120,000 in additional cost savings. Based on this information On February 4, the Council approved the two story option with a construction budget of$I,832,000. The design development phase of the work has now been completed and cost estimates were provided by both the architect and the CM/GC. The initial cost estimate at this phase indicated that the project exceeded the approved budget by approximately $338,000. In order to address this, the project team met and identified approximately $88,500 in modifications to reduce the construction cost. At this point, however, the construction cost estimate remains approximately $249,450 over the approved budget of $1,832,000. Since the construction costestimate is above the approved budget by $249,450, staff has developed four options for the Council to consider. DISCUSSION: Project Options Option 1- Reduce project scope to stay within the approved construction budget The project design team has completed the value engineering analysis of the current design and has identified all the cost savings items that do not impact functionality of the facility. To reduce the project scope to stay within the approved budget would require reductions to the size and/or layout of the facility. The advantages of this option include th~ following: · The project costs would stay within the approved budget. Attachment A - 1 - The disadvantages of this option include the following: . Reductions to the project scope could impact the functionality of the facility. . Project would need to be re-designed which could lead to delays in construction start and increased costs (which would require further scope reductions). The project team does not recommend this option because the implementation would impact the overall functionality of the new station. Option 2 - Convert southwest internal wood stairway to external metal stairway and lease light poles from SUB to reduce construction costs and increase the construction budget by $158,000. The design includes two stairways and one elevator. The stairs are required by code; however the City Building Official has confirmed that one of the stairs can be external. This savings is gained through the elimination of such items as the walls, doors and fmishes. The external stair will continue to have a canopy for protection from weather. The project team previously identified the stairway conversion as a value engineering item during the schematic design phase with a cost savings of $62,000 (see Attachment B for stairway location). At the time, Council decided to increase the construction budget to maintain two internal stairways. The Springfield Utility Board has a light pole lease program. The wood poles with user selected light fixtures are installed at no cost. The user is charged a small monthly fee which varies depending on the type of light fixture selected (fee <$20 per month). Using this program will result in a cost savings of $30,000. The advantages of this option include the following: · This option results in cost reductions of $92,000. · No maintenance costs for the parking lot light poles and fIXtures. The disadvantages of this option include the following: . _ The project cost exceeds the construction budget by $158,000. · FLS staff is concerned about potential impact on the functionality of the space - especially in inclement weather. · Wood poles with light fixtures selected from available list may not be aesthetically pleasing. The project team has determined that this option can be implemented under the applicable codes. Fire & Life Safety does not support this option because they do not believe that the external stairway will provide the functionality that they require. In addition they have concerns regarding the aesthetics of the wood light poles. Option 3 - Increase the project construction budget by $249,450 for the purposes of proceeding with design. Direct the project manager to negotiate with the CM/GC to submit a Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal once construction documents have been completed and the project has been bid Direct the project staff to return to Council with the Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal for final construction cost approval . The current contract with the CM/GC provides that a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Proposal be submitted following the design development phase. If the CM/GC delays the submittal of the proposal until the completion of design and bidding, the project may benefit from the current construction climate. Bids may be more competitive, thus leading to a reduced construction cost. Based on preliminary discussions with the CM/GC, the cost savings may be as much as 5% . The advantages of this option include the following: · Retains all the features of the current design. Attachment A -2- The disadvantages of this option include the following; . The project cost exceeds the construction budget by $149,450 - $249, 450. . Final project cost and budget will not be known until late J1,lne after construction documents and bidding are completed. . Possible savings are only estimates and may change due to fluctuations in construction labor & material costs. The project team recommends that Council proceed with this option. Option 4- Direct staff to proceed with Option 2 and Option 3 combined The advantages of this option include the following: · Maximizes cost reductions without impacting the functionality of the facility. The disadvantages of this option include the following; · The construction will need to be increased by $58,000 - $158,000. Summary - The total approved project budget (including construction costs) is $2.6 million. Annual payments for the fmancing of this cost are estimated to be $235,000. If the costs of the project are increased by $58,000 - $249, 450, the annual payments will increase by $12,000 to $50,000 for a total annual payment of $247,000 to $285,000. ACTION REQUESTED: Direct staff to proceed with the preferred option. Attachment A - 3 - -f ,1 ::T ;1 c: l... .... '1tn ..... o ~ ." -. .... CD en ..... D) ..... cr ~ =It ~ en I I N ::s Q, ." - ~ 00 '. .... ~ -c .~ Dr ~ >Jo;,' .",.... H :;;K:.~. ~ ~ a;~l:~ t; .'~.,~ > ~'.11 ~; lffi " t ", ~ ~"""""..'.......,:... ~~ .. ~ i~ ;;,,~ "laW Attachment B 0< o D) ~ - < c: CD CD ;+m enc5 ~ :r en CD .....CD D) :::!. =i. ~ .....0 CQ ~ - ..... mCD ~3 ~ I ~ D) i! ll' .. :t