HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1990-10-13 . .. RES IDE fllIi[l A L" APPLICATIO.RMIT 225 North 5th St~eet SpringfieLd, 02'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 , i. . .c" . .lob LoC.:1ti:Pl: t! Q ~ co. M.t ~:> \-';O'3'Yt \ Q. Tax Lot H (),4rYJ Aa,:W9aol":: M,IP # SUbdiU~3io": ~Cl':Trd1 ~~(j\oCL 6'\~XJLD.~ ~ddm" V)f1:?J f\ ~~Jl ~ Phone: ~. !ity: ~\ l\..).b Zip: c{'"14,1 r. -I Np!" n .1ddi ticn ii Remoda! l~ .'lobi l.~ !/om<! Jnal ~ aJ;- tn IrO (0 1'S.q() Dote of APpt);caticn ~\.)I\rract().f; . _ Adclr~ss ~"ncr"l I\.. 1 ) V 1 ()~ .-/ 11ulIIbJng '-""'" .tccha n.lc':ll ':l..:t.: t r L~;,ll Value ~tll)('.[j'\J~_~.:E;r.lg Electr~ci.:Jn I] {~:tj..T!J'C; ~ f'O!JNrJ.1TICN: To be made <tit.,})' Ll'.:IU:he:; ~exl:avatccl aruI jlJ1'm:; arc /Jrected. bllt prior' to F":ll'l~}/a ccm:l'et.;. .--] U...';'.i,'~'.'If;.r?o/1;'.'D r;.Uf.I[~[NC. SE'IIE'H. W.1TF.'.'1, ij.ii~-ij~'T.i/;f:.: '1'0 Oe maic pI'iol' to fi Z- Ti~:g'-i.7';'lclle!: . -I II:'!JJ~~'lFU)(lL~0.',!!Jr,\'(; <~ NECYANJCAL: !',I .:,~ /Ill/ad priOl' to i,,:;tallation of (/;"")/' i/wlIi(:t"ion or' decking. ~..1 f', I:.'!' ..111/) m.'-,1M: To be rr:adc prior to ~'-:~~.,:.!.~~~7.7~~-;-of flool' imJl~Zation 01' , f., . l ,l~. . ...I ,'~' '~'_:'l I:!J:.'.'.'?!;fr:. ,~:{,f;S;IP!Ct1!. ,.; f.1F.ClI- l:,'!'t',I/: ,'.'0 :A)J./: I::; to he tfoucr'cd ::,.I/!. 1 ;"Cll.! ill~lflect1:or:fJ have beer: :.:.!, ,111'/ <1!)[ll'.-me.:. ,t~.' ;',1.'1>,' /1!3,:: !)l'ior to pZc:.ch'{] facing '11,:1, '.'.r: ,wd hCJor'e fl'(uning inspr.w- :/, i= I ) ,':.:"~I:",':':~~: :'.'I/I:t be r.cqur.wted al~er . .I1'1l/' "'.:l of /'olluh plumbing. 8lectr,i- (~,d :: "i,'.:hlld::al. AU roofing t'/":,'f"~.J .~ dlimn<:Y8. ct.::. nr.wt be c~;J_'JU.l,'I,',I. !fo w:'>l'k ia to be con~ 1~':1:'!".1 l.'lt i I tllt:l inspection 1zas . !I..,"; '~.l.i,: '1Ill! ,'Pr/'ol-'ed. LiRC~ I/i BId rs Iloa rd ReI:. DRYWAl,L INSPECT !ON: Tc bo made aftcr' all dr'ywaLl 'is in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bond ueamtJ, groutillo OJ' ver'ticals in aaaopdanae uitJr U. B. C. Section 241t. O WOOVSTO'lF.: After ina taUation io CCmpljed. r7l cum!~ APPROACll APRON,. After' fonns lLJA1fe :Jr'8~te:1 but p,'-ior' to pouring ~oncrete. D o o SlD.~'A['K ,( DRIl'F.r'r~Y" POl' all con- crete pav.ing fJithi~1 street right- of-~y, to be made after aLL exca- vating canplete & fo~ work & Gub~ baGe material in pla::e. Receipt ,'I . l~DCK ,. ................\.." It ia the retJporlDibility of tho permit holdep to see that all intJpcations are r.rade at the proper timc~ t1:at ~ach .:ddrBS8 is readab:e 'rom the Dt/'ect, arul that the pczomit OaM is located at the f1'Ont of tho property. 4!Jui.?di."l[J cr:vi:io!'; apP,'o,.:ed plan 8kll remain on tha Building Sit;; at all times, ro:IOCsnU,C?E FOR 1!ISPF.CTION R~QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (pecorder) state your City designated job nun:ber, job address, type of i"3poc~iell 'CI/IU.':;tcd a.-:d l.J.':e" you /Jill be ready for inspaction, Contractors or tNners name and r;hone nwnbcr. RequcstD received befero 7:00 C':'t 'ill. he made the :Jamc day, requests made aft~r 7:00 c:un will be made the next :.JOpking day. nO I ()~ -1 YOUI' City DeGi9~~ted Job Numb€p [D: '-l ) I ~ ~il!w[c~~~Ll!I!.IP"t.t.l~r.'r:1 _. ......... ..._.___ _.. :,'I'!'.L.' 1!l:;n:C'."jON: 'ro be made alter. 0 INSU[.A'UVN/VIIIJ()!1' /tAU/fIt-'ll j,"I::iP,r..'CTION.. e.c,:tw:lti:m, !Jut pl-iCl' to set up of To be made after all insulati::m a~.d f:wT1ll!. required vapor barriers are in place -J (J,'IN.:R:;{,tlB pL{.',\mINr., ELECTRIC.tL ,~ '. but befope any lath, gypsum beard or __ :.!l':C':~:!":Ji."lI.: 'rol ba roode befo].tJ any LXlanl:Z.. cn~uv~:1-t'~~ni~.. a~ponl~~ad;eadnd before /X'J',"': t:J ,:,oVCl'et. ., ~ .. ""-'l ~ ~..........." . D !'ENCF.: Whcr. eo:np[;::te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ~ ?~ Siqr:ed: Date: cA~) , IO.I~. '-I{) D EXDi((~s l)hon,' . DEf./OLITIOH OR ;'.,'OV!:D BUILDI;JGS ---"l Sani tary BC'..)er :!apped ~t propl:rt:; lir.a ---.J ,'. .,'/II/o,t'I..,l'h"'~":"',f'~"~11 ;,',iJ,I,,~ =.J Septi:J tank p:.u::pcd and fill{)~ t.tith uPa:Jl1l r Final - tlhen abave ite:.1s are completcd ---1 and when dcmolitior. is aompleto or Dtru~- tUI'B moved and PPl:mi3BS :Jleaned up. Nobile Hemes =:J BLocking and Sot-up =:J PlumbinJ aonnections 8l:1JCr and lJa:er ---, Elcctrical Connection - Bloaking, set-up ~ and plumbing conr.cations nr~st to appro~3d befol'c 1'8questillg etec~ricat in8p,w~io:: .=J Ac.::oes.':'ory Bui ld~ng --, Final - Aftar porches, ---3 etc. al'e c~plet~d, skil't~n9, dcaks, D .' , '. All p,'oject conditions, ~;uc!: aD the ~'n8tallation of str'eet tree:J, "co!:'Jploti.:m of tite l'equired lamf:wcpir.!}, etc., rmwt be satisfied barors tho BUILDINC FINAL can be l'3queDt3d, ~ f'ltf,l/ J','!I.~:.'II.'lr; ~ PI;,'..:! ,':F_'!J.l.'.'!Ctll. -J Fl:flll !':,L\''!';!!t.',:/, --J o FINAl. BUILDINC: The final Buildin!} Inspection must be l'equeDted atter tlu1 Pinal PlwnbinJ Electrical, and Mechtlr.ical InspectionCJ havc been mads and approv~d. 'M.f, nt.'mnr.F.S MJ/) (.'f.R,lNcu'r.': I/fI!;T {l!;' tlC(;f.'.'l[:TnU:, AD./fIST!fh'T TO .'IF. f.!.~m: .....T /.'0 r~ST TO cr'!'Y I r;1~~'" of 2 ., . - \ " IZ~::B No,qOlrJ1Z:cu:L~:G_Ess Lot Sq. Ft>. S of lot Coverog. !I of Stories TotaL Haight Topography 1 )TTEM I/olain I Gc:raan SQ. FTG Carport 11cc0880r11 I Is.D.c. TOTAL VAWE loot-LIe} 1.5 '" Building Permit Sootll Surchurge Total Cha::agea 11TEM I Fi.r.ture~ NO. Residential (l bath) Sanitary SetJer I Water I Plumbing Perr.:it Stat6 Surcr.arge Total Charaas 11T;;M I Res. $0. rta. IN~/E%tend Circuits I Temporary Servico: I NO. FEE ) I ELe~trical Permit State Su.r~ha.ra6 TotaL CMl"qes I ITEM NO. I Fse I f'urnacc ETU'S I f:;:haus t 1/ood I Vent Fem III.::x>dotO:J6 I Permit I3su.-mca Me.::hanic::zl Permit State Surcharae rota l Charaea __ ENCROACHMENT -- I Si!c-.lrittJ D2r'?:~~ I Starago I Maintenan.::e I Permit Total Charges Curbc.."Ut I Sid_ lk I F,.":::a I Electrical [,abet I Hobile !lome {(o ~ I TOTAL A~fOUNT DUE:: 4 . ~,'~ /. L-COC' REQ.- \ Tiwr; B(?drooma: LOT TYPE Intertol' Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac x Value FEE CHARGE CHARG;; CIIARCE 1 I {{.J q(JI I I lcQ.1Q1 TY1Je/Cor.fJt: . Lot Faces _ 1 Setback. 1 HOU8R Caraqe AOCCGO. 1 I I I P.f.. (North lEast ISouth :Wl!Oe I E'lerqy SO:4rCeG I Heat I Watnr .'/(!at,'r I Hallge I I FircnLacn I Wood;; tOile II . " / -- Fees I, ,. I I Building Value :& Perm it This permit io granted on the erpreoB condition that tile $.:11:'; i:~"I:l/.I'IH:tiot1 Bhatt, in aH respects, conform to the Ordinance adopteJ Ijy ill.; :'it;i of Springfield, indudi.ng the Zonin!] Crdi'lance, regulating tile ,xll::/I.;,../,i,;n , and utJe of buildings, and l1C.y be suopended or, revoked at G.1:Y t;:'~I" 11;'('1; IJ/~t;~ lat.ion of a.t}y provisior:~ of oaid Ordinm190S. i ' / I I , , I I , , \ Plan Chock f(?c: Date Paid: Rec~ipt II: I Signed: , 1 1 I Plumbing Permit No per:con~ ohall. conotl'Uct, instal.1., a1.ter o~ cha,tgcC:tly neW cr' axi;,t.i.lltl plumbing or drainage syste:lI in whole or in part, ur.Lclis Dudl pel'wIl in f.h,! legal. poosesRor of a valid plumber '0 licenso, e.:rcept that a per:'lOtI ITIJU ,il) pl.umbing work to property which is olJnod, Leaoed or operat€d by the apl'l.i.- cant. I, I I Electrical Perm it Where State LatJ requires tr.at the electrical L10rk be done by all SlecLri<:JI. Contractor, the electricaL portion of this permit shall r.ot be valid wlt-il the ZabeL has bGen cigned by the ELectl'icaL ~olltractor. I ' I 1 I Meche n ica I Pe rm it 'P /.an t.xam1-ner uat.a I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMIN~D the compLeted application for permit. and do hereby certify that all ir:formation hereon is true and correct, an.:i I jUrther certify that any ard aLt uork perfo~ed shaLL be dO~6 in accor- dance t.1ith tha ordin.2nces of the City 01 sprinolic1.d, and th~ La-..l8 of tho . State of Oreg.:m pCl"taining to Ule oork describcd herB:.n, and that NO OCCU- PANCY !Jill be ""ds of any struatura without p.rmi33ion of ti,e Buildinr oi- lJioion. I furthor certify that o~Ly contradoro Qlul c:tlpZ"yacB wJ:o arc ill compLiance with ons 701.05S will bo u.sed 011 this project \ I Q. j ~ ("one; / /IJ--If~ q~ f\Jtr. ',. I, . . 'I .... '; -. , .~ DATE: - . APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY Clr0 \~ C\O APPLICANT (PROPERTY OlINER): /8dd <f f ~& I g;d-(~;; AD:JRESS OF APPLICANT: -? '2 ~ If A J?1 if fON ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR 2ND DRIVEWAY: 72.3 /:111M d 't?/'v APPLICANT'S TELEPHONE NO.: '7 ~ ~ - 4.61 'ill/.. The following conditions must be answered affirmatively in order for this application to be considered for approval: 1). 2) . 3). Property is either a single family residence or duplex. YES~ NO , . The proposed drive\~aYlwill. take 9irec't access",.from a minor street (not a collector or arterial street). YES~ NO___. The drive~ay will ~ave a.minimum setback of 30 feet from Yhe curb return of an lntersection (for corner lots). YES y/ NO . '.. J. ....'.\ _ _ The proposed driveway (parking area) must have a minimum depth of 20 feet between the front.property line and the garage, carport, fence 9f wall, if any (identiea'l to setback for garage). YES~ NO___. . The second driveway must have direct access to a garage, carport, rear yard or the side y~rd.where the vehicle, trailer or' boat will be stored. YES~ NO . --- --- 4). 5) . 6). If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the side yard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet between the stored' vehicle and the side property line. This setback is for fire fighting access and to co~ly with the intent of the zoning code. Setback satisfied YES ~ NO . . --- --- 7) . The proposed parking/storage area must not create a vision . . obstruction to adjacent property driveways or to any vehicular movement on a public street. Satisfied YES___ NO___. Applifant h~reby agrees to install the requested driveway to City o~ Springfield standards. The appl icant further agrees. to have 6".'of concrete in, the side\~al k . area adjacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave .the area behind the back edge of the sidewal k adjacent to ttie driveway wHh 'a minimum depth of 3" of asphaltic concrete or with a minimum depth of 6" of portland cement concrete. -. Th'e.area behind the side\~alk-~shall be .paved ,to the property . - 1 ineor. fora distance of 4 feet \~hich ever is 9reater. The applicant ag~ees' that if he/she'does not pave.the area behind the sidewalk within 30.days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the' authority to close the driveway access by the removal of the curb cut. .All incurred costs shall be assumed by the applicant and if unpaid, said cost .shall become a lien of the property. -2- ~. 411f-'O.P.P. #T-4.1a When this application is approved by the City, the applicant (property owner) must obta in a dri veway permit from the P!Jb 1 i c I~orks Department Bui 1 di ng Division. . i '. ; i., '. , . \ ...~ u ...... , , , , . . , PER~lIT FEE '':-'' a. On an improved street (e'~isting curb):. $12:00.plus 12~ per lineal foot of curb cut. b. On an unimproved street (riot curbed): $12.00. .. -"";~ c. On currently unimproved streets that are under- construction: $12.00. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE: I DATE: q.~\.qO APPROVED BY: L('(..;<:3kA TRAFFIC DIVISION ~ DATE: <j'/.t.~ /'70 /J" 1 .,. ~ I I BUILDING PERMIT NO.: DATE: .J ,. '\'.'- . J TRA 9-1 . .. ATTACHj~ENT: City of Springfield Standard Drawing No. 3-11 . Dated 10/8/82 /:"\'~vk/;/x;~ / /'>../9C2 "Is.' ". . ., :,...,. , . .o:-.~'.' ./ .\A.'V'-'V. (O~. 70 :..?P' ,4:.1.7;7 . SPJ:'-D4I"Z4S'. . .'. L ''-r\pi '.. '. ., ~(:~~'U?-~ . 7D 3E- BC-. aw~.N< ./0 i . ",-/10;;: .' p~SveF"/.fc€.. 'L....,.;il....,;.:::,.-;: '.' ".' :. :. ~'. .