HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-28 ~. .. RESlDfNTIAl" APPLICAA/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 \1\0':2. h.\^.YV\. ".l\~ ., Job Loaation: (X n . ) \-'\. 'tA \ ~\.:-->\ J Asoesoor" Map # /1633L\ cQ 'd. Tax Lot # ()(l{:j~( 0 Subdivi.sion: 1. at .;J 3 K.. ((OW -=?"~k'" Ck.mer: A./Ho-l :t ;.j~:s- Address: -.; .'.' :~",::. .303/ /I'I<f.I,y' lJ_ City: i2~~<,,",,,-:' tfh:J""", [XL"~" n' Additicn n n Remodel. ,'.fobi la Homa 4/J3JJ'7 Date of Appl.icaticn Contractors General. Plwnbing Electrical. Mechar.ia::ll ~ I ~ ~ 6 1'10-... r- c"usl_ i'("_("i~ r JJ...,~,....J GIn.. L'. 7?ik.,. /.k.~~, ; 77 }oJ 3PtJ Construction Lendar Phone: y<!!~- sl7 1.0 zip: T) VJ/ Describe rl'o1"l<: ::s r rR. 6:J Value 5'ioQJ Address Rcce:pt .Ii (~(Q=\ \~(oQ1 r ~ rJ~81 Siqr.ed: tR. ~ Date: l.Ji 13 J,( '7 ;?~~ S,f"~gI,.AIJ C .(,,- Lise. # Er;:>ires Phone .3.."F-7 S'/n '1.~--~,7k> .;Jonv' ~/fJ 7Y/-/7~ L. 3.f-.!'3 i.o 7/.P 9)1L.J<.7J... Q)O...l. L,J.J ~/"V 7t/I_oOCI '-- ,?o3/ "".{a/'~ r b... .<00/, D .s+ 1:>'" ~_L 116 e..f. I'hf.. eWe:;: It is the responoibiZity of the permit holdeI' to Bee that aU inDpections are made at -;he proper tim~" U:at each ~e83 is roadabZc from the street, and that the permit card is 'located at the front of the property. -Bui~ing Divi=io~ approved Flan shell remain on the Building Site at all times. PtfOCEDUHE FOR INSPECTION REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City design:zted job nw;;ber~ job adirCS8~ type of ir.:;pac;icll requestcd ar.d when you wilZ be ready for inspaction~ Contractors 01' Owne~s ~e and Fhone number. Requests recei~ed beforG 7:00 ~ 1..'iZZ be made the same dc.y~ requests made after 7:00 ccn /.Jizz. ba made the nc:rt :xJrking day. . Y;"'" City DeGigr.ated Job Number Is: 2:Clffi~::\. Reauired InsvecticnR O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to se: up of f01'11ls. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made befor8 any work is ~overed. [2] FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be "",de after trenches are excavated and forms are er8cted~ but prior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, WJTEl1 DRAINAGE: To be rrrz:ie prior to fil- Zir.g trenches. ~ @ [ZJ UNDERFLOOR PLU/.fBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instaLLation of 1100r insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaZZation of floor insulation 01' decking. ROUCH P['W!BIllC, ELECTRICAL 11 MECH- ANICA[,: No work is to bc coveped ur.ti Z these inspections have beer. made and approved. FIR.EPLACE: Priop to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRANING: Must be requested after apppoJJal of pough plurr.bing~ alectpi- cal & mechanical. At! roOfing bracing d chimncys~ etc. nr~st be . completed. No work is to be con- -' ceGled until this inspection has 'bs~n made and approved. ~ [ill LJ I 1/] INSULATIONIVAPOH BARRIER INSPECTION: P<.. To be made after all insul.1.twn w.d. '. roaquired vapor barriers are in place . but befope any Zath~ gypsum board OP lJall aoveping is applied~ and before any insulation is concealed. I ,v I DRYWALL INSPECT!ON: To be made '^ after all dPywll is in place~ but proior to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location~ bona. beams ~ grou ting 01' verotica ls in accordance with U.S.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE.: Aftep installation is ccmpleted. r;1 CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms ~ are cpeated but priop to pouring ~ncpete. . [E] SIDEWALK & DRItrEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street pight- of-way~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in pZaae. DEUOLITION OR gOVED BUILDn:CS ~ Sani~y Se".JeI' oapped ~t p:.opcrty lir.e ~ Septic tank p~cd and fillad uith gra~al --, Pinal - !I'}'um above ite.'71s are ac::rpZetcd ~ and when demclitior. is complete 01' Bt~~- ture moved and premises aZsaned up. I Mobi le Hemes . =:J Blocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing connections scwer ar~ water ~-Elcctrical Connection - BZockir~, set-u? ---.J and plumbing connections ",,,,st te appro-..:ec ~ , befopc pequest~ng elec:rical in8p6c:io~ ~'Ac;eSSOrb' Building I Final - After porcr.es~ skirting, decks, ~ etc. are cample:cd. o All project conditions, such as the installation of 8~peet trees, c~~lotion of tne l'equiped landsccpir.g, etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. ~ FINAL PLUMBIlIG ZJ FIliAL I1E~HAIIICAL Zl FINAL ELECTRIC~L =:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection '~st be requeDted attep the Final Plumbir.g Electrical~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiona hava been made and approv~d. O PENCE: When complete -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E. IiJ ~17f=-/ m"'--e-~ -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESsiBLE, ADJUST!!Etl'I' TO BE MADE !:'I' no C~ST TO CITY I Paga 1 of 2 , - ~.;";".,.,~.:"\'~'~~.'~~~?,~':".",I'.,l."" _.,:.:,. ...;-;.,;,.... . .... ~.. ,. , I JOB NO.~3'/:? SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COC"" I Zone: (..7?P' _ Oc<:uoanc"' G~ A"'- ?;1'/??-/ TypeICor.st: s6 B.drooms: -g Lot Sq. Ft;;. ?.?gR' LOT TYPE I Lot Faces . ~l'i':rA' I Eneroo Scurces S ~f lot Coverago 2,,)~ V Interior I Setbacks I I Heat 4>~ -LL. I P. L. I Hou.se Caraqe Access. I I Watel' Htwtp.l' h # of Stories I Corner iNorth /&". I I Range ~C~- Total Height /J l..S'~ Panhandle lEast IS' I 1/1 Fireolace <C) ""C~#A-C<!'=" I ......,_....,...... ISouth I SO"' I I I Wood3tove Topography ~ ~ ~ CUt-de-sac IWest I 0' I I I -- F2es 'SQ.FTG ,.1 X I Value I 1'5</7.1 ?9.?o ~.?1?>. ~I /I''1c::.> ll'l.;.:t:'! ~.2 ...../~.,-~ I This pe1'mit i3 gronted on the express condition that the sa"id construction -. ~, shall, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of I I SpringfieZd, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, l'egulating the ccnstr'J.cticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:r:y time upon vio- I I latian of any provisions of Baid Ordinances. I I j?V67tP U>w ~(Uc S'~J4hY, 62,y ~..: Jh:A--//- L~".??9.4 /M-:s' 'J>~ /?fifz:>E W#/~ /#c:~","~.f I i ~ql" J?&Y/~ ~ 70 7.<:l3~'IF. i?9S:-:<O,' iA,rr~ce;; CT,ll:> ~/..?~ ~~"9 ~~v.,. I :?/'?= I IPlan Check Fee: /4 1.17_") I /5~:)1 IVate Paid: .L\ - i4 -C':R 132'~ ~S"I ' :::~~~~\ ~:K\ ) 1h(~f/ FEE I CHARGE : Plumbing Permit I 5<~Sc:> I I ~--I I bf:).- I I 2...:>.""" I 1/.17 7S-':> I .:\. ~8 I 1/2,,$$ I, CHARGE I '?7,$2:' I I lITE/.! I Main I GcPaae I Carvort I Accessoru I I TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (vat.uc) 1.5 x-s->9'~?9~o > . Building Permit State Surcharge Total Char-ges IITEI.f I FixtuI'es 1110./ Residential (J2J>ath! '1:2 I III I Wete" / I ~(~?J ~R-,:<<,,~J,- SanitaT'Y SelJe!' Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge ....1otal Charaes I ITEJ.! ,/'10./ I Res. Sa. ftc. I?<::f? I N6lJ/Extend Cir~i ts I I Temporary Sewiae I / I I "2cc> /l ~w~1 /- I I , I i EZe~tricaZ Permit State Surcharqe Total ChaPCBs ITEM I F'urnaee ETU' S I Exhaust Hood Permit Issuance Mechanic:ll Permit State Surcharae T()-tn. Z Cha,."ml I -- ENCROACHMEll.'T -- I Sec:'.J.ritl./ Deoosit I Storage , J Maintenan.:!e I Permi t I , Total Charrres I C'zatbcu; /~~r 6q/ i Sidewalk FEE I i I I />~ I "3"7~ SO I I ~p_-I I -fl. oz:;> I I ~7"~5DI, I I I I "3~ 6-0 I I/.$'. -- I 16-,.- I I I I tft?.5C> I I '7.o'?l I 0/'.7.53 ! . 1 I I I I l' /7'-".7'C:> I '2~. -r,~ I .. I _2~ I I I ICF//.~ I I' i /5'/9.9/ I C/JARGE .6.~ //-$C:? Pcn::e I ~4Wo~f~ I , 72!""~' E7kct1'iCcil La.be~ Mobile Home /Ip:>~~..;..",-~ ~ ~~",~...r , : TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Jt. -~ - -;l I I Ti./i:le /"# . Building Value & Pe r m i t No perEon DhalZ construct, install, alter or change any new cr e=isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do plumbing work to property which is Ok~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Lcn.u requires th.at the cZectncaZ work be done by an Ele~tl'ical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~~--..." ~--'"7 Y"-<'/-B9 -:'~ner ~ (---c. /' ua~e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED t,w completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU ir:fo:mation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfoI':1led shall be done in ac~or- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of SpPingficld, and thz Ur..;s of the State of OI'eg~n PQrtaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without parmisaion of the Building lr~- vision. I further certify that O':1Zy contractors and e::rpwyecs wr.o are ir. ~pliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project U3Jz ~ <I/-1/fl Date Sign2d ,-.J