HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-10-6 :-U>~.t-..'. ~ -'':~~~_'~'':~~ ~:~'",:....:_:....'-~':1-;::_.~_.; . .-,~,-, ~. _..c......____..'_, - .. ',:' ,'. .:",,,,.;; ,;. "'r >._ '__"'''''''''.. .,..........'~......,.,.r..,......,~_, CO~BINATio~7~~ON-PERMIT "-.-- REeEIPI' .. ~qun~) , ern DE' SPRINGFIELD 2~S t~'ORTH 5TH ~.1EET SPRI:IGFIELD. OREGON 97477 auildi~4 Diui~ 72ii-J7SJ . ~,\\,\\ )\).,Q) \ '\C\ ~ \ f\ . Addroas \ fJ ~ ~(\ l\ ~ l ~ Plums City ,-~l\}' ~ } { 1S)1 G. Zip M QUIt).PfB::. qr;ur;r; vs::o~'L~' \~PO .lQO - \S.LoO , 1 Job !.ocana": \~?..R {m)\~ \ 1\~t-e) Subdiv't'sion: :4.S80880l"S Nap /I. Taz Lo. g C\Jnor Describs W""k '~ ~ n Nr41 n Ad1!i tic" n .~ertrO<UIt ~~.' ~~~~ I.c...~.O'*~atrl Ca!'!tr\:tctozos IltJIM AddJoass Use'; Autl~2n. Ezpires Phone II GB7t<<,-ra.l Plumbing !lQCmoat '. Ilscltaniac.I ~'\\ f\ \.'\to+t , r0~~{:) ~ eonstrr<..--non LandIU' REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsi~iljty of the permit holder to se~ thst all ~peetions are made at the proper time, that each address is ~le frem the street, and the! the permit card is located at the front of the property. 6 .Ul alanholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City ~ O SITE IUSPECTICN: To be made after 0 FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing WOODSTOVES: After installation ~ excavation, but prior to set ut) of materials and befere frwng inf:pe-:- is completed. fOf'l::S. ti011. o UNtl!:R$LAB PLl1KBIN'3\. a.!C'!'!UCAL & HECHAIHCAL: To be made before any work is covered. o F'RAHING: Must be requested after 0 approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal Ii mechanical. All roofing, bracing & chimneys, etc. must be complet'ed. No work is to be con- D cealed until this inspectio~ has been made and approved.. CURB & APPROAC~ APRON: After fOrm3 are erected but prior to pouring concrete. o FOOTING & FOUtlDATION: To be made after trenches are e::cavated a::t.d forms ar~ erect~d, but prier to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEllER, WATER. DRAIllAGE: To be made pr:i.or' to fil- ling trenches. o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and required vapor bart'iers are in place but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and beforeo any inSulation is concealed. '.. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- ~f-way. to be cade a~er all exca- vating complete & form work & sub.. base materill in place. o o UNDtRFtoOR PLUMBING ~ ~CHANIC^L: To be made prior to installation ot floor insu13t ion or decking. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code. to be indicate~ in rla~~ or by no- tice from Building Inspector. o POST & BtAH: To be r.:ade prior to installation of fl~or insylation or decking. D DRYWALL INSPt:CTION: To be lD3.de after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. . o ROUCH PLUMBING. tLECTRICAL & HtCH- ANCI~L: No work is to be covered until these inspections have been lll8.de and approve<!. o MASONRY: Steel loc.!.tion, b6nd bUIllS. grou-ting cor vert:i&ls in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2"15. o o All project conditions. such as the installation of street trees. completion of the required landscaping. etc.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requestod a:ter the Final Plumbin6 'Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made ~d approved. D FINAL PLUMBING FINAL [LtCT~ICAL No occupancy of the premises C3n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved. and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DIVI- SION ~~D POSTED ON THE PR;MISES. ' o FINAL MECHANICAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder)state your City designated job number. job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for ins~ec- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone n~~ers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will 'be made the sa%e day, requests made after 1:00 a.m. will be ma~the next working day. YOUR CITY DESICllATED JOB NUM~ER IS: ~ \N ~n ?ago 1 of 2 - , ' .-::;;~.-:-:~,,"",-:';';:-:7~::..:::. .>;.,-'::;-;,',u.,.:.q_.:::::::'~::;:'::~;'~.:,::~;:;-:;::7;;::.-:-;S;::--:-"":::;-;:_.r~"T-'~::-':'7:'~-::-::;~:.<;"'::l-:'-,"::::-:-::-'":~'_"":~.-5."'" Y=?"~'-~-:"""~''''~~or:';":::<-'>1;'<~:''''':':":'':-'~'''~-''M.........-:;:,.,.........1 r -- JOB NUl'!EER fI' I PJ.ge- 2 I ... L-cnl;' " Faae8: I HOll8e (.rar~, - ACC~S;J I i 1 I I FEES El:er@y Sa:.~'::es I :"'}'11: j :.'c::.te:r Hea.tsr I .'"!ar.ge. I ?ool I .:-~'!'i':~C.::8 I j I I I I 'I. I ZONE OCCUPANCY <'ROUP REFF-RENCE NI.'MBERS TYPE/CflNST1l.UCTION BE!)ROO~!S Lot Squar, '5'tg. :~ at [.ot CotJBl'ed ,~ of S:OM.SS :'otal. Hsiaht ::'o=,ogN;l~Y Lat Ty?e . Intenor I La'; Corner P. [,. parltandLel Nor.o:h Othgr Eas t I South I West Setbaaks ;';0=';' $;;:J'J(J ~O~~. BUILDIII(; VAL1J!:/PER!,fIT I.c:", :"i-". >-F';''! Sq. Ftg. C~J8 Sq. rtg.. Car;OfI~ Sq. Ft;;. A.~CflCSO!'Y ," Sa. Fta. ::: . thi.8 permit is grant~ on the ezprEas c~i:~on :hat the said construCtion shall, in aZ~ reS=6C:~j confo~ to the O:'diMr.~e8 adopted by th6 Ci;y 0"; Sf2><!.rtgT'"isLd, incl:.iding the Zoning Ordinance, reg-..tl.at";ng ~;'.8 eon- stro..lCt-~on and usa of lr.liZdings, o:ni."faY ~e a-;,lBFsr.dsci or. l'S"ioluld fIt any time. upon vioZati.::n of l::n:-, prc"Ji- sions of Raid Ordinances. .:: r . r . Yal~8 j t()7'f). I i I Plan Chsck Fed Date Paid Racflipt ,Ij pg!'r'l'it ~6S StAtR .'i'.a'f!;,mVUt TOTAL CH.4RCES IS!/stem DaVIt'lcrma11t Charas 11.5::: Yaba . I PLUMBING PERMIT IND. I rEE CRARGIi: , I l I l. I~ j No person shatZ constructl inst~ttl ~l~er o~ change any new o~ er:.sti.ng plumbing or dr::::.nagfl sys~em in IJhole at" in pa:rotl unuss such perso:':. is :hs :egat. poSS9SSat' of a: vaLid pL:m:be~'s li~flr.slll UC€?t that a pe.rson may do plumbing fA.'01'k to prop6~~:I lJr.-:.ch is ownadl leassd or opsrated by the ap;lia.::nt. ~L-t'%4"~8 Watll1" StlMJtcll S!:m.~./ SrJfl1" SUBTOT,4L Stat. Surcharg. TOTAL CRARG.S I INO. I I I I I .LECTRICAL PERMIT FO. CHARGE Sa. Foot:lCe !lt1lJ 01" E:.-.:te118ion/Ci.l"~i t T&':ft)O!"!:U"'./ C~8t:"Uc:ion WhIrzos StatB Laz..1 requires that the B~.ot:oica! rJork be dans by an EZectri.ca L C~ntractor I tha . Zsct:o":ccz Z por- tion of tJri,s psrmit shal.l not be va!i.d untiZ ths ~- bel has be"" aignBd by the E:l.oetrie~! Contr'"-'<er. SUBTOTAL Stl'%t9 Swocharfl. TOTAL CIIARr..S Th& ElecmcaL Sa:f,ty Lou docs /'tOt !""qu~r. .= p6:"so71 to obtain a Lioens. as an 'JLeetroi.c-i.cn ar.dlor eLst:- mea! CO"Itr::zo::or to make an el6ctr-:.cat. ~ns~..:ZL.::tion on property which is ownad by himss~l or a ~~be:o of his immedic.;s ..t'amiLy which is not ir::mt::ed .-~;'t' sat.el Lease or rant. HECl/ANIC.4L P::RMIT INf). I ,E. C1/ARGE I I aJl -... ~~R _ '9TU'S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Wood Stov./Hea.ttn- SUBTOTAL Seato SUl'Chal'f10 TO'!'AL CIIA,'WES I Il.!""\ I j I IF>.C:O I . { r{'\. 11~,(rfJ E.7CROAC//'\IE!1T I Se=uri ty Depeai t I Starage I NaincntmCe I Permit I TOT:tL AHQU!IT DU~ , I C'.ro<'Ut I Sid_I, I FfJn.ce j~Lectri~aZ labeL . PLan E:camt:."1er Oat. , :>:~?;:.~.'t:~;;.!.~';~;I;;:~~=-~~~t:~i:~: '~:,~,~:,~&~~~yJ~:J~:i'~1~S;~~:,~-~'~~;~~~TZ~JJS:Z~V;iJ:::~;~{;'7.;~~~~~E~;:~:~~:<<:." :?~}':'\~~~;-0fJr~~~~'S4E[1_;~J~~Y.~~-~1 I RAVE C.4REFULLY .:rAMINED the ccmpl.oted application for pe""'t, and do hBl"eby csrtify that aU information Juzreon is trUe: and OOM"eetl and I further cert'i.fy that any and aU w:rk porformed shat.z. bs dons in accor": dane. w:ih the Ordinancss of the City of Sprin.gfiBld, and the LazJs of the I State of Oregon' psrtaining to ths w:-k dascribed herein, and that NO OC- CtJPANCY L1iLL be rrr'J.d8 of any stro.lcture without permission of the Building I' ~ Di.'lision. I further olll'tify that onLy eon'tmctors and empLoYSS8 who are _ in compliancfl r.n:.~h ORS 701.055 will b. ussd on :hi3 project. I = I j; U '.~a ~~-,~J{U&-., , Building Division appZOO"Jed plaPf. shall remain on " "mes. 10 Iv ! g ( ItOTAL AMOurlT DUE .. tJa~e ths Bu~ld~ng Site at aLl