HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1989-5-5 .. RESaiNTlAL" APPLI~N;PERMIT 225 No~th 5th St~eet Sp~inafieZd, O~egon 97177 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: \ ~ r, <tt\ II t'JOeJ C)\\ ~ 1 ~ i \H) ?JO~ ~ 'rl- Tar T.ct # CDLorx) ^\'\'\()~ ~ b'\f\ \\D\\ \J. M L>:,; 4CC1:\ \ ~-rC\. '{\\ ~\J\) Phone:\'D..o - \ \ o'1lo f ~ JCt9..J\Q.. \ ~Q a,fl\l zip: o..r\40~ ~ 6' ~-1'l\DhG~ S ~. ~\c\m~ ;"..,~ . ~ ~ /l'n(l.u ,::,,:>, 111bi (\ - I ABGCnoor.:: Map # SubdiviBio~l: QJnCl' :, Addrotl3: City: Ii N,.", n .1ddi ticrI [-I Remodel n .'/abile .rJoma 1; -S-?J=t Date of I1pplicaticn (~on~ rac torfl\. General l'-b....;.. ')\\.C\ \< J , Plumbing i Hechauical ll'leC t rica 1 Super'Vj..~ing_ El.ee t I~) ('i~1 n DeDcP'ibc rl'orok: Value \\ let J Anrlrp~!=;; Li~c. \{J Hldrs Iloard 'Receipt ,f "~f ) I } ',J-- , Data: Rif.!. Exol.res llhnnp It is the reoponoibility of the permit hotder to soe that all inopections are made at ~h8 prOper tim~~ that each ~08S is rca~ab:€ from tho 8trcet~ and that the pel-mt oaro is located at the front of the prop6rty. A8ui!ding ()ivi::io!': nppr01,,'ed .dan. oJu:lZ J~emain. on ths Bu-:.ldin{1 Site at all times. PROCSDUp.e FOn INSPECTION n~QL'E"ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City deaign..'lted job numbe1', job address, typD of in::pac~iC"1 1'oquestcd ar:d when YOll win be ready fo1' inspection, Cont1'actoz.,s 0)' O/Jn.ers ncme and phone nwnber. Requests received befc1'o 7:00 a',' r..oill be made the same dcy, requests mcde after 7:00 an r.1ill ba rmde the, next :.1Orking day. , Yo,," City Deoiyr.ated Job Nwnbe" Io: Rq M \ R , ., . 'j " ~:d', ~..~,\ ,~\... , III '~hl"~,\ ."~I '.''! .,'.1, ~....'j.j'..,\ ~. ,'I \. .'\, t. 'J, .qp.mlir..~-i T'1fif?pr;dr.I1..1. O SITE INSPEC'J'ION: To be :mdl! after c.rc(lvQtion, but prior tc scf. up of fon'l8. O UNDF:RSLAD PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MJo..'Clfl!NICIll~: To be made fJe[o)'(J any work is ~ovcl'cd. D FOOj'ING & FDUND.1TICN: j'o be n<lde after tl'enchca are exeavQted and forms arc erected, but pr'ior to pouring ccncret~. UNDERCROUND PLUM.7INC.. SErIEH. W:1TER, DRAINAGE: To be roode pI'ioI' to [-il- lir.g trenches. III UNDERPLOOR PLUMBING & MEC!lANICAL: .--J' To be made prior to inDtal.lation of 11001' insuLation or decking. : jl POST AND BEAM: To be made proior to .i'~ instal.l~1tion of floor ill:Jl4latiol"i 01' decking. o ROUCH PLUHBI!IG. F.T.F.CTnTCM.. ,~ MEC!I- ANICAL~ No :JOl'k is to be cOI.'ered .ur-til these i1wpectiO?:s have beer. mode and appI~ved. FIREPl.ACE: Prior to plccir.a facing materials and before fnaning inspec- tio~. FRA}~JNr.: ~st be l'equen ted afte'1' approlJa.l of rough plwrbing, clect1'i- cal & mechanical. AI! )'oofing bracing t chimneys, et~. nr~st he ,completed. !Io LKJ1'k is 1.00 be con- : coaled until tllLC inspection hizs' , . b~en made and approved. [J [J [J INSUUI1'IONIVAPOl? BARRIER INSPSCTION: . DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDIIlGS To be made after all inoulati:m tr.".d . requ-ired Vapo'1' harM-era ~e in place ~ _ ~ Sani'tarIJ ,B.C'.JC1' ::app'~d ~.~ p~opc,.t:i. lir:o but before any la th, gypsum boarod 01' . ..:..:J , . ' " - z.xzl.7. .covcl'i~g i~ applied, and beforo --, Septic tank pumped and filled LJitit gro'fJat any t.naulatt.on 1.3 concealed. ---J o O DRYWALL INSpeCTION: Tc be n<lde arteI' all dI'ytXlll is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bornI beama, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'lE:, After installation is ccrrrpleted. D CURB (( APPROACH APRON: Afte:- forms are erected but ploi01' to pouroing ~~1'Cte. SIDsr{ALK & DRIl'Ef{AY: For all. con- crete paviwJ within. streot ~ght- of-lJaY, to be made after all e:rca- . vating ccrnplote & form LX}rk & l:ub- ba~e material in place. o o ~ENCE: Wher:' complete -- Provide gate~ 01' movable sections th~gh P.U.E. \7f Final - When ab..."'Ve ittJ."t7s are ccmpleted ,DJ and when demolition is ecrrrpleto 01' strl..~. . ture moved and pl'o:misos cleaned up. Mobile Hemes ::J Blocking and Sat-up ::J Plumbing connections -- scwer and wa~or ::J Elect1'ical Connection.. Blocking, sat-II:; and plumbing connections. m'~st 1;0 approt.'ac! befo1'c requosting BlBc~rical,inspec~io~ ::J Ac"e~aol'b' Buitd:,~ .1 Final - Afte" pOl'Ches. ~ etc. arB completed. B~;rting, decks, o o " " All proJeut conditiona, :Juc,I: au tile Y:'lBtallat-ion of stl'eat traoB, co.~lot;ion of tile required landsccpir:g, etc., must be satisfiad beforo tho Bl.'IWINC FINAL ca; be requt:!Jtcd., . PINAL BUILDINC: The Pinal Building Inspection must be requested aftd1' .th,! Pinal Plwnbitlg. "Electrical, and Machar.ical Innpectiono hQ.vo been made and approved. . '..A', o FIlIAL PLUMBIIIG D FINAL MEf.:llA,"lICAl. D FINAL ELECTRICI.L o o .," r ~Ar.r, f.MNIICr,f,S AND CLF.IINOUT.'J ltrJ,'?T m: ACCESSIBLE, ADJ1JST!!F.NT TO .rJE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!:"~ oj' 2 Type/Cor:.'Jt: L-COG";o .. B~dJ'OO1::D: ~I r;'li1.l'ny SOW'CO:; I . !lcat Ileac:;:!. I 1 Waf;m' !1(?f1Lrl' I I Hall~ir. I I P'il'C[11,'~(:I~ I I Wood;; t,,"e II TifPC \ I I I 1 I I I 1 I Iz~~:B No,AC1(~goc::~"RG:' Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE Z .:Jf lot C.:JtJerag~ Interior ,q of StoneD Corner Total Height Panhandle Topog~phy CuL-da-oao REQ.- I Lot Faces - I I P.l" INO. rtf! F;nst South lileot Setl)IJr,k:; Houan r.;II~n(! I IJTF.M S~.FTG lMain Feea Caroort IAccos80ru I I Is.D.c. TOTAl, VAWE (vc:t..UC) 1.5 '" X Value I I I 1 I. 'I . Building Value & Permit Gerace This permit io granted on the axpreDB conditio/! that the said conatrouction shall, in all reapectn,. conform to the Ol'dillw;e(J adopted Hu tile City "f Springfield, inc!uding the Zenina Cl'di,llIJllca, r,:gulc.ting tha aCllntru.:ticn and une of buildings, and m::y.be suspended or revoked at c.1:Y time upon vic- la~ion of any protJiaiono of naid Ordir.anc13a. Total Chargea . I Plan Check Date Paid: IRaadpt U: ISianed: F,?e: Buiiding Pormit Stats Surehargs' I JTEM FixturcG I ResidButial (1 bath) I Sanit..'1r~ Se1Jer NO.1 FEE CIlARGE Plumbing Permit Irater No pOl"con allan cOllatJ'uct, inD~ll, aUcr or C;lO.llflO G1IU nolJ cr r.:dGting plwnbina or drainaae oYlJtC,'Tf in wlwle 01' iu par'~J ur.LcG3 ouch parGo" ia the legal poGDeSSOr of a valid plumber's UcanGe, o.Jxcapt that a pO:"Gon may do plwnbing work to property which is oL.'ned, lea~,-;d or opel'ated by the appli- cant. . plumbing Pond t Stats SUl"c1-.aJ.gs j 11TBM Total Charaos . ~ .. NO. FBE CHARGB Electrical Perm it Ret:. Sa. ftn. N~w/Extend CircuitD 1 Temporary Sel"Vice I Where State Law l'oquiren tr.at the electrical L;CH'k be done by all Elc~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of thi:J per.':rit allaU r.ot be valid until tho ZabeL lrao been Gigncd by the Electrical ~O.'ltl'actor. Els~trical Permit Stata Surchar(1o Total Chal'ga8 . I ITEM NO. FEE CIIARGE Mechanical Permit F'w"nace ETU' S t:::haus t Hood Vent Fan W~dn. to:Js Permit' Ias~da . .11 Mechanica l Permi t State SurchaJVIe Total Charaeo -- ENCROACHMENT-- . I SaC'.4r-ity I Storage Davoait Plan Examiner Llate I Curbcu: I sid_Lk I Frm:Jo I Electrical Label I Mobila Home I'~n I I ......~, r. ,::.rOUNT nur.:" 7"l SJr ') I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINeD ehs completed appLic:atiou for- permieJ and do Mr-eby cer-tify that all i"ifo:"TTlation hereon is true and correct, and I fur-thar- cer-tify that any ar.d aH lJOr-k pOl'fol'med shaH be done in acO'ol'. dance :.tith thil Ordinances of the city of SprillgficZd, and. tho: [g..;s of the .. State o{ Oreg.:m psrtJ.inina to the wOl.k described herein, end that NO OCCU- I PANCY will be nude of any .atl'uctura withoi.4t p;H''lTliaaio~ of the !Juildi'I(7 Di. vision. I furthor certify that o~Zy O'ontJ'actora m:d c~p~yebs who are in I compliance with ORS 701. 055 witt ba uscd on tllis project 1~~~"0 ~~G\JcJL \RUJ I \.R~(}...-\i. 0'\\:~\JJ(f\ , .~C't I "y L I. p& ~- j-- 8 ~ \9 o.l\!,/'sian,?d . I Date Maiutenatt.'1R Pcmit Total CharfTOB