HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-6 .. RESIOrAlIAL" APPLICAT;"3ERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet Springfield, Opegon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Locati.on: I AODOBDOrJ Map N \~2-D ~m\ \'6() 3n d 7) d ~l\\ uQ--, Taz Lot # DO( nOr') Subdivision: j.q( ~h 'I ", .' Q.mm,.. .A\(\()~~b\\D..'\\.('J() ~ Qfu }., ) Addr..., L\~?' \ ~'C\S\'(i\J\~~\Phona: ~~o~ \\011\...0 City,~ f~JC\~\\Q ((JxJLa.f\'\\ zip: ~'\4.()?J \ \:\ l0 QymJ n Additi"n n Remodel n :-!ob~ le Hom~ DeacPibo tl'orl,: ~CJ~~ ~\~ \\\.~ Data of Applicaticn ~ 0 ' Q..., ~ ~ Contractors A1rr".~~ LiHCo. II 'Bldrs ,General (' b l ,,~\'\\"\o\.'') tllrAQ, Tf\ \,..., r1rt ~t If" . ; Plumbing (\. : 0~\ \"\\\\'.<::, J U ' , Hechanical' \\ \ (\ , ' I El~ctrical ~ 1. ~ r-..->t~ ~~~ Superv.illin~ Elec t ric t" n Valua ,~~:r)(T) CO Board ......... S~W.ed:dJl/)oJ Dats/ ~ (() ('-I (S'Lj R~Q. !I1exo1res / . Ph~~P' V, .' ,,' ." it ":0 tho f'Boponoibitity of tho permit holdero to BeB that azz. inOpBctidns' arB r.Illd. at; tit. pl'O~J' tw~ that tJaah .:dd:r8S8 is ro~dab:e from ths 8creet, and that the PCl'mit oa:t'd is l..7catsd at thB jltont of tho propsJ'ty. ~8ui?ding tr~ui=ior: approl:ed plan shall remain on the Bu~lding Sits at an times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R'::QUEST:CALL 726-37,69 {recoroer} state your City des'tgnated job nUl'l"'.be1'.. job ad.d:J.css, type of in3pac~iclI l'aquestcd and when you !JiLZ be l'cady for inspeotion.. Contraotors or 'CUneI'S name and phone, nwnbcr. Requests 1'soeiued before 7:00 c::'I t.'ill be made the samB dcy, ~equests made after 7:00 an lJi.U b3 made the nut :JOrkirl,1 day. Your City DeOi~.ated Job Nwnbsr' ID~' '8 q 0 58 ~. 0' R"ml1:......pn TJ1pry,,,,.t;,:r.J1_q O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after e:ccavation, but prior to ss: up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PW/./8ING, ELECTRIC,lL '& . MECHA.vICA~: To bo mads baters any work is ~overed. FOOTING i FDUND.l T 1011:, To b. mads after tl'snchcs are excavated and forms arB Bl'ectad, but prior to pouring ccncl'et~. UNDSRGROUND P!.UM!lINC. SEWER. W.4TER", DRAINAGE: To be roo;;le prior to f1.2.- Hr.g trenohee. o 0, o UNDERFWOR PW/.!BING & MECHANICAL: To be made p1'wr to inotal.lation of /1001' insuLation 01' decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to i.nstal.lati.on of [tOOl' ins~lation 01' decking. ROUClI pr.W!FlT!JG. F:r.l?CTR!CA!... ~ MECH- ANICAL: No tJOrk,io to bc cOlle1'ed ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and apPl'ove:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir.g faoing materia l.s and before frYIming inspee- tior:. FRA1~INr.: Mu3t be l'equeDted after appl'o~t of rOUGh plUffhina~ atectl'i- cal & mechanical. Alt roofing bracing ~ chimncyo~ et~. nr~st be : completed. flo LX1l'k is to be CDn- : cecled until thiD inspection has . b6e.n madr:: and appl'Ot.'ed. o D o o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPF:CTION: To be rmds after all insu tation and l'oqu-:.red vapor b~ora crt'6 in plaoe but I:.fo~" any lath, uypoum ,board o~' walt oousroi.no, i.s appH.d~ and boto.,.. any insuLation is conoealed. , I DENOLITION OR I,JOVED BUILDI/lGS :=J Scini~ s~~ a~~ ~t ~~opcrt:,' 7.ir.o . :J S.ptw tank pump.d. and',filt.d with gN:JIlt. --, Finat ~ When above' items are ccmplBted .....J and when dsmoUtior. is oomplets 01' Dtru~- tur~ moved ~ pl'Dmisss.oleans3 up. IMobile Hemes :8l. Btockinu and Sst.up, ~ Plumbing eonnect~onB -- scwer and wa~Ol' :-7\ E'UJotrioal Conn.otion -' B1.oo1ci.ng, sst-up ~ and plwnbi11g aonneotlons I1r'..lBt t. apPl'oud o before 1'BquflBting flleo~n~at insp8e~io:-: :J 'Aoeesooroll Bui~ing , ::J1 Fin.21 - I.ft~,. p3rohs., , .l>l sta. aN o""",Zst.d. oki1't'ing, docks, DRyr;ALL INSPECTION: To b. mads aftB1' an drlflJall. is in pLaoo, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel looati<m~ Ix>>ul' beam3.. ~ting 01' vorticals,in acoordance lJi.th U.B.C. Seotion 2415. O 1I00DSTOVE: Aft.~ instaZlation is ccmpl.et6d. o o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftor forms are oroated but priOl' to pouring .::o""rots. SIDEf/AT.X .( DRIVEWAY: For' all con.. crete paving within st~eot right.. of-LJaY.. to be made after all ezoa- vating complete & fo~ wor'k & sub- base mateJ"iat in p7.a::Je. I2l ~(US\\~~;CS'0-1 :All proojeot oonditions.. ouch as thB installation of street t~..s.. ~lotio" of tn." o,roqui.,.ed landscc.pir.g, etc... muB~ bo sati.sfiad befoN ths BUILDING PIHAlt ~n.:b. r.queot~d. o FINAL PLVNBIIIG D FINAL f.lEf:IIANICAI. D FINAL ELECTRICAL o g fINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inopootion must bs rGqu.otod aftor tho Finat Plwnbing ELe"trical~ and Mechar.ical Inspeotio'."l' h4uo bGfm mad. and approved. O !'ENCE: Wher. compl~te -- Provido , gateD or' movable sootions thl"OUgh P.U.F:.,' ~ 6vwj--~illJ:D 'AI.L MANIIOLES AND CLEANOUTS /lUST DF: ACCESSIDLF., ADJUSTIIENT TO BE ~l~DE AT NO COST TO Cl'!'Y I Pa". ) of ~ JOB NO. fBOfl37 SOLAR.JiCES~REQ.- I Zona: \ \,,1() , Oo""""na.. \;2.~ Lot Sq. Ftg. em TIPI: ,',', I Lot Face. - "'.' I I of tat C"".rage Int'rl.<;r,"::',:):,.. I P.L. II of StcriSB Comsr ':.,l:~,\' INorth Totat H.ight l'anhtmdt. '/.'aet Topography Cltt-d.-.;;o . ,1:<>Uth PfQot I I TTF:N I Main I GrJ"n.r.e I CarDOJ"t I ACC68801'1i I ('t'ill0. , I I'S~.FTG S fIJaI..UC) 1. '" TOTAL VAWI: TYDeICO"-..' Bedr~~~~,; j I Enl1l"t711 So;~rC':(?o I I !leat 1= IE J I "'atm' .'Itmt,,1" P. I I Ratlgo E:. I I Ftl'cntacc I I Wood:; tOl,:6 II T;/I'o Setbacke Houss (jaitt1Qe I Access. x -... Fes8 I Building Value & Permit Valuo This. permit io ar'(mtcd on the orpl'oon condition that tho (laid, conntruciioll shaU, in all l'OllpcotD, conform to the o"di,lw;ca :lflopt~.ll;!J the City of Sprin!1fietd, inc!udin!J the Zoning Ordinanco, rcguLat.ill(} thl1 cCItGtructiclI and U06 of buildings, and m.-:y bo oUGpendcd'or revoked at C.I:y timt1 upon UtC- lation of any proovLator,o of said 'OrdinancGa. I,' " I I PfX) CO ....--Ic' .. . 'IJ )/' n /tJ21' .-------- -1,"'\.00 .r;_~ I / c;::., ,'7'.;' Is.D.c. Buil.ding P8%'I!Ii.t ,Stat. SUrOMrg' . TotaZ Charg.. IITI:/oI I Fi:z:tupQS I Residsntiat (1 bath) I I 1,,_'";....,,'~...~\*1~\1tt\Ih~~C),1 \~,cO I IWate~ II I \ ~,C0 1\\'\. ~ ~y .u.~LI I \ ~ ,aO PZumbing P..J.. t I .L\-"0 ,CfJ I Stat. SUra~.arg. I c9,~ c:::::, j~., I I I ,..' , 'INO' Totat C/uz;.".. I ITEM 'Ra8. So. fto, I N""'I&tsnd Ci!'CUlts I Temporary SSl"Victl I \\\ >A ~ 1i1\'\ (\ I I I:ZoatriaaZP8%'I!Ii.t Stat. SUraharo. Tota Z Charc." IITS/oI I F'ul'nacl'J l!TU' S I E:rhaus t Hood I Vent Fan I Woodstovtl I INC. i I I I I I PlU'mit Issr.umaa" MschaniDaZ P8mr!'t Stato Suro1Jintt1Q'" NO. Totf21 ~;'<'7;'n" -- ENCROACHMI:1IT -- IscC"o.lritL D::0O3it, ':"l" ,:: u I ,.. ;;"'I\;~I\"(""I""\' ; "'''''''.''' 'I......' Storago " I Main tena:Ml'J I Parmi t I Total. Charaoe 1 ""'bout I SidBLJa Zk "I Fan::l'J I El4otl'ica.! l4blll l/oIobiZ. Ham. i I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE;; -~,-~ _._._---~,.~ IPtan Check Fe~: ' IDatc Paid: I Rsc<ip t, H: I Signed: I FI:I: C//ARGI: Plumbing Permit No pel'con ohall oonotrouct, ino~z.t, attsr or chango any nau Cl' e::i:Hitlg :plwnbir1(J.or draina(JB syote:n in whole or in part, w:loG8 such pel'GOn is tho legal. paooessof'- of "a valid plwnbor's licence, acept that a pO:'DOll may do plwnbing lJOl'k to propcu.ty uhich is otJnod, leased or operatsd by the appli- ',cant. ,"', ," I ,: " ,FI:I: CHARGE ,I Wh~~. S~ts c- ~~~:e~ ~~~ ~~ !tac~i:~~ki !. dons by a" Eteat~icat Ii Contractor, the" electrical portion of thia pCl"mit shall not be valid until tho label ~8 been Digned by the Electrical :;olltl'actor. 1\'6,OU 1\ '5.DO 1,'1'S I I \ 'S .r,S , . FEE CIIARGI: Mechanical Permit , , I I I 1 I I I I I I I , . ' , " .:" ',' I .' , , : , " :"'~;:/1' ",,.:," '~:'I ~",,-,:,:. '~,.,; ,11". , ~,J~,OJ[) ~0-~~ I r HAVE: CARI:FULLY I:X:INI:: rCt.ted appZication fo~ p.rmit, and do I hereby cel'Hfy that all ir:fo:"mation herson is trutl a.nd correct, and I further cOl'tify that any ar.d alZ. IJOrk pel'for:ned shalZ bo 00:18 in aco:ol'- , danos :.n.th the Ordinances 01 the City of Springfield, and th: Ur..JIJ of thtJ ' . State of Oregon p~rtaini.ng to the work described hcre~n, end that NO OCC!J~ I PANCl !Jill be nnde of any Dtruotura" LJitho:l.t p3rmilJaion of the Suilding Di~ vision. I ful'thol' cel'tify that O:1l.y contractors ar.d e:rrpz..,Y06:S lJ}:o are in I compZ~nce with ORS 101.05$ will bo used on this project j I.(.~SC() r I' \ ,liS I '11~.Dd. JjL~I Signsd r ~/t/~L_ futs