HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-24 r' '.'.. t'_.-.-,,-.=oo ' !'. .. ~~~A~~~oi~~;" 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet Sppingfield, Opegon 97477 Building Divi:;ion 72G-3753 Job weatio", \.\ 0 R4 fhi ~ \.'\':\\ \.\ Q . ,1"""""0"" N.l)! # \~~~~ Tax wt II (J'2{oC'f), SU.?d1:v::niort: [,00,,",,', ~f\~ ~"'\l\\G)0t) ~'dd"C""' 'l \ '1 00 ~ V\\ ~ . . lity' ~\Sr\-l \ ~ '[,--'\ ,'J.'f.l t--l .~d(!idcll r'l n.,mo..!d. in :.'o}l.;.!.(! .:!~"1;;: ! Pate of AppLicaticn /<::>-'2."1-'7" c:> ~ . ~,'Pl\rr:lctl\t:.S,' \ _ .Sddrpss L'isc. /I Bldrs I\":lrd :~:"""r::J h.0\IJX\ \~..)..Ill;R'il('f\. Z)h~4 ~~ ~T 1!'!IIl11hill;'. (-J.,,\\C)'i') [, \Q\Jt"+-(U.""'1(\lJ€) Hecil.lll LC~11 ~~I,,:..:I.l:i""'Ik.)~~ ~~llll\'t;"t..;~,~~ir.lg 1':ll.('tl-}I'i:111 Phon" -YUn- 2fl ~ \ Zip' q\4-rl Dcacribe fl'or": ~~W1~ \'\\~ 3) ; !t i.[I :ltc rC$pon$ibiLity of the permit holdar' to sec that alt iMpactions are made at ~he propel'" timt:J tJ:at each :;ddresD is roeadab:e : frn.<;J the Gtract. ard that the permit caI'd is lxated at the f1>ortt of the property. : lHw:?dl:r:rr t?:'vi::i.o.': lWP!'o!"'cd Flan s}u.:ll J'emain on t"~ Bu-:.ldin'1 ::;.it;; at aU timeD. I.' '. . r::OCEDUR.C: FOR nlSPECTfO!1 REpUE5T:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City dcsignated Job number, job address, typo of in:1p6C~icn /'::f/u;-'~;t..:d 1I.-:c1 l.J}:,:,1 YOII :.Jill be ready for innpccti.on, COP1t1"netors 01' OtJnars nr.me and r;honc numbcl'. Requests l'eCoil:tld befol'o 7:00 (:":7 :.'il/. l,..~ r..r.dc th.-: ::amu day. 1"equcsts mr:de aftcr 7:00 am lJiU be roode th.e next :JOrking 00, UnO\ () nn . Your City DeDigr.a.ted Job Number roo' ""I 'L... '-'\-, B,'rlll::!...." Trl!ll''''I't..:r.'Ii1 .+-', ::;.'rT.~: INS!)!~'C'."J()!.': '1'0 v;; made aftcl' C.I:(,'(w,1(.i.:m, !!III; pr'iOl' to [Jcf: uP. of -- rOy'me. --I U:JflEUDr"l.'J ru','.tnINr.. g['F.'CTRICAL .0; X.4:cf{xneJI1.: To be made beJoJ.tJ any L;f'.~ i.s .:.:ovcr'cd. ,'_+---) F()()'['l!lr. ,r, FOWID.1TJON: To be rrude (~f(>I:I' (/..:lle1:e:1 al',t 1:.:l:C:avnti:d a71rl r..')r'!.~:; ,~l'C i!rcct<:d. :mt prior to ;'{):Il'ir.g CC'lCl'et~. :--;;'lh,m"~RG.'?alJ!"D r,""UN,,?JNC; S.r::1IP.R. r/.1TF:.r?, I"'::~ ~~(!!!J!!.g: '/'0 lit! mll:1.J [wio)' to fil- l i.:{! /./';:Ilch<:r.. 1- I I~m _I {/:!/l!o:!:,I'[,O(JR rr,fJ.'m{,vn ,;; NEC!lllNTCAf,: 1~,')--D~-;7f/(uif: !)),'iOJ' i'a l:,,:;t'nLlation of j'tr'Ol' iIH1IlZ(:t:i071 or decking. l'!..~:'''!' ,1ND BEAM: Tn be n:rulr. prior to i'::II',d.L..d.icll of flooY' inmdation or ,!..,..t:i,.'l0'. .'1 ....(1I1..,.,1/ r:,!J.'!H{.'}C. ,f..'[,F.CTR!CA!'. ,0; MF.C!/- :.i:.,j;~'~1i:: No ~!'J:ill to be eor;cl'cd- :/-';'/i.7-t,iI."':[:,'! inspcc:;im::: h1l111 bem: m::,!.,' .:l1d mJP1'''Vi!:!. I~] Flf!f:}'/..<IL'l-:: l'rl:or to rkcir.(l feeing ,,~:-:'~'.'-;"'T.;r:; and hcfor'c F)'ar.ring insl-'ec- : i'-'ll:. ~~""""'I(" ., .." I e..t I f' ~~":!;.:..-'--~. .' II.., Ie rcqll .. (!( a ...aT' 1'1;,)!!.,II'.;!, oj' l'ollgh pllm;bingJ clcctt'i- (:;1 i ,1 :r:,:,-,h'lIl~:ca'I,. A l.?. ~>()ofing !1/.;u:i'lU .0; dlimrl.:yn, ct..=:. rm.wt be 1'('lIIrl/.:I,~.f. .'in I,J:)!.k "'.:: t:n he C(lll- 1!,~,;I,'d IlIlf.i I. t.lIi:; i/l:l/)(!I.'f;'irm J .' '/1.:,.'.'1 r:./.!.: (!Ill! 111'IJ/"OL,'cd ,- tY\ t1 d-'7,OOO C"rV~1:_ ,I, 0-,1 ~j. Co 0 Value t"'''''- 1.100 o IN!J'[J/.A'l'ION/VAPOR /MURIER JNSPSC'rION~ To be made after all insulation ar.d required vapor cm'T'icra arc in place but heforc any lath. gypsum board or walZ. covering in applied, and befoT'c any inau'La tion is conaca led. ~Pt# PSI(70~ .~ ?I ~ f?- ' , O DRYf'Af,[, IIlSPCCTTON: Tc be "",de l1j'tCl' all dt'YlJaLL is in place, but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: Stae'/. location, bond beam:;, grouting 01' vc:rticals in accordance LJith U. B. C'. Section 2415. o Aftcr inatalZation ia Sigr. d: - Date: 7rfYrJ), ~ ./ pc. I/') rY-f -Lf() IIOODS'rOVF.: c..-cmpleteJ. o CURB ,~ Af'T'RCACII AP.'~()N: Aftcr' forms al'e ."Jre:.:ted but pt'ior to pouring ~on"l'etc. SIDBtIA~K ,~DRIl'r;f/I.Y: For all con- crcto paving witkin street right- of-LJC.Y, to be '!lade aftep alL exca- vating complete & fo~ ~rk & cub- baGe material in place. I( >\:. I~XDicHS l)hppp '1~In-.::.J. \'\ \ o O !'ENeF.: M'1ICY: compldc -- Provide gatcc; or mOllable Gcctions through P.U.E. . o " I DEMOLITION OR ;,,:OVE!J BUILDIilCS ~ Sani:arzJ 8e'..)cr :!apped :It P~OPCl't1i lir:e =:J Septi:: tank p-.4!;Tpcd and fitz{!~ tJith gra:J.ol :J Final - rl'hen arove items are completed and when demolitior. is compl.ote OP 6tI'U~- tUJ'"e moved and pr::miseo cleanod up. Nobile IIcme:; ~ockina and Set-up ~umbing connections s;:wor and waf:Ol' ~ Ebcctrical Connection - Blocking, Bot-up ~d plumbing connections nr~st be appT'oved beforc requesting elcc~1'ical inspoc~io~ :J AccesGor!i Build'ing --, Fti'a.l - Aftill' p::J1'Ches, ~tc. are complef:::d. sk~rti.ng, decks, o !'!;hl:, !'/I':.:./ll:/{; All proj(!t:t condit1:orw, ~IW!: aD tile .t.rtDtaLlat~on of street trees, co.":-rplotion of tne ~'(!quiY'ad landset:pir:g, ete., rm~st be satiDficd before the BUILDINe FINAL can be 1"squest:zd. I~ 1,_] 1- !'l:l,if. ,'.,'.4:'.'i!,L','lCll{, o PINAL BUILDINC: The Final Bllil.dina Inspection must be l'cqueoted altep the ,C'inal Plumbing Elt:vtrieal.. and Mechar.ical Inspectionll ltauo been made and appT'ov.?d. ,L'!:hlf. !',r,!:C'!'HIC,~[, i-' I '/I:.!. :-f,l:.'i1Cl.!::: 11Nf) r:r,I,'jlNDlJT.'.' f1I'.':r m: M:cr:.'::;Tnu::. AJ)''''''i7':[P.tJ~,. TO .rJF. /,!,,'(')F. .lIT NO r~ST TO r:T'!'Y '1 ['.711(' ! of 2 I .-.... +---.-..---'--..'- ..,-.-.------ I JOB NO. I Zone: I ;l)\(..- \) 6. P, ,-_.., --_._------~----_..-._,. ..-.- ~ · 11 . -I '/,;1;11; 1 1 j .1 I I L - \fU I..,. SOLAR A~ESS HEQ.- OcCU'Xlno" G. R '2-, -\- ~ \ LOT TYPE: I Lot Faoes - I I P.L. [North lEast South ~Waot IITE:M IFi.rt~eB IResidentiaL () bath) k:."." .11='\rof\, -\r ?:H1i~, \ ~ ~U IWoter [ .j(~~ Pf\\'f\0\f\D\ J,)~~U loSPU 3.8-5 1\08.25 . CRARGE: /1 ~1 1 I I Lot Sq. Ftg. S of Lot COlJerags H of StOM-SS Total Height ~ Topogl'Ophy I I ITF.M SQ. FTG 1- \\\\\. Gcraoe Car-oort I ACCCB801'lJ c0\lJ> I" ~ ""\'\~ [ \j Is.D.C. TOTAL VAWE: (va"uc; 1.5 r BuiLding permit 800 tB Surcharge Total Charges Pl:mrbing Pem t State Surcr.arge Total Chal't1e8 IITE:M I ~c;o. rta. I N~/Ex~Circui ts Temporary se~ 1/' ;><l... Interior Corner PanhandLe cut-do-sac X Value A~ rff\d) / 10,10 m~\.uq 1 \ \C'O ~ ~;;U,~ll, -' 0ICV!.' 44.~1 - . -- 1 ,-Q .c9.~ I L\ lo. ']31 NO. I 1 FEE: CRARGE: NO. F/:."E: .// Elec~l Permit ~ ~te Surcharqe ./ Total Charqes ITSM I NO, I FUrn:lce ETU' S I Exhaua t Hood I Vent Fan I Woods tavo Permit IS8uanca Mechanical Permit State Surcharae Total Charaes -- E:NCROACHME:NT -- IsacuM.tlJ D:31XJ3it I Storago I Maintena"-,e I Permit I Total ChaM08 I Curbcu~ \ <?,'" I sid_Lk I.f;'cn::e I Electrical Label I Mobi ~o H0t!'9 ..~~~ ~b)1) I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE::' .--- ~l. FEE CllARGE: \\'(\.--" . I I 1 I I\\'\~' ( Q'lD R5 I RCl.riSI \ :::/15] I ~~~I d~t].q~ I. Type/Cor.,'Jt: . Setbaoks II !lOWlO Carage' Access, I 1 II II I: Enel'lJlI SO:~l'c~S !leat Wat(?r .'/m]tpr Range Firenlace Wood::;tol,;e Bedl'oom:: : Faas Building Value & Permit This p6nnit i:; granted on the exproo8 condition that the :J~l1:d. ,-"ol/;:/.J'lId.ioll shalt, in aU respects; conf.orm to the Ol'dinal;Ce adopt(?J by thl~ Ci:.y oj'. Springfield, incLuding the. Zoning crdinallce, J'egu.~c.till!1 the CCll;Jt/,;/..':.I:.::1l and UDe of bu.ildings, and may be Dusp(mded or revoked at c.I:Y t~III': IIpOl; t'i(~-, lation of any provisiona of"oaid Ordinallces, . , , , I P~ml Chcck I Cate Paid: IRecsipt U: I Sig~:cd: f'r:r:: Plumbing Permit No pm'coIl :J1Iatl. COll3truct, instaU, alter or challge Gnu neW C1' c:::iail:ll(i plwnbing OJ' drainage oyote:n in whole 01' in pm'p, w:lca:; such pCl'GOII i.:; f..};(i legal pOGoa;;nor of a valid plumber's lic.ensc, except t1;at a pli!:'GOI1 mail do plumbing work to propel'ty which is ow'ncd, lca:Jod 01' opel'ated by tJw appli.- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State LabJ requires that the electrical wol'k be dOlle vy an stc:1t1'ic<J.i, Controctor, the electrical portion of thi;; permit shall ,:ot be vatiJ wltiL the label ha:; bee'1 :;igned by the ELectrical :::0Ilt1'actor, ~ Mechanical Permit 1 ~~) laQ,~4,q() I lfA VE CAREFULLY eXAMINED the completed application [or parmi t, GIld de hereby cel'tify that all information 1101'COn is tl"ue and Corl"cct, and I fUrther certi[y that any ar~ all work per[ormed 81~ll be do~e in aO:1Ol"- dance :.ntlt the Ordinances o[ tIle City of Spl'ingfic1.d, and th:: Lcr":D of t1!a ... Statll of Oregon psrtail1ing to tho work coscribcd herein, r.:nd t}~t NO OCCU- PANCY will be mde of any structul'.1 withou.t parmi:J3io!1. of tile Euildill[1 Di- vision. I further certify that O:1~y contractors cv:d e:npl.::Jyecs tJ1:0 are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projsct Om,__:' .1, LJ~7f- Sianad .If}. 24 -10 D.:t.... . . f~ . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 . . As required by the City of Springfield that with the approval of the attached manufactured homes will be placed at Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number Development Code, I understand and agree peTt~B!{ oHtUJ8~bGjlJe_--, . qD.L~yq Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in width and l6% <not less than 2:12) roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible with site built homes. Class B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12 feet in width and l6% roof pitch; with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, with roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible with site built homes. /)~ /1. /..J/'~J Si~nature f If') - Z.4 - 90 Date SPRINGFIELD 225 r~r.o STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: ' 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 ELECTRICAL PBRHIT APPLICATION CitYJO~ Number~1 ~Cfl- . ,3. 'COHPLETEPEE S"........'u..E BELOV L If>yATI04N OF. l;NSTALLATIO~D . __1-1.0 <;< H(\ ^ V"n" ,V~ J..EGAL DESCRlPTIOJ{" \ )<1J.3ffi,~Cl O?i. aaJ 'JO~ DES,CRIPTION ~ X'<\ \,", I.' nt\1\../ Permits are non-transferable and 'expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for , 180 days. ' 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY New Residential-Single, or Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: A~ . Items Cost SUIn 1500 sq.ft. or iess Each additional 500 sq~ ft or portion, , thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service'or Feeder' $ 85.00 $ 15.00 'A. ~otJ $35.00 B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits, included). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: Electrical Contractor Address' I City Phone Supervisor License Number Expiration Date 100' amps or less 101, amps to, 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps 'Over 1000 amps/volts Reco'nnec t Only $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 80.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 35.00 Constr Contr. Number C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation. Alteration or Relocation '.Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician . ,OWER INSTALLATION Name U f\~lt l(JD~ Address "\ \'\ b'h 4~ ' City~\c\ . Phone~\n-5~17r \ . The installation is being made on E. property I own which is not intended for sale', lease or ren t. Ovners Signature: Vn.~....;. f/ /;')/>1-Jr "f~E~--- m'd4. ^. ,5; RECEIPT I: ,.~(/J 'RECEIVED,BY: H,II/rr;::.:./ 200 amps'or less, 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or, 1000 volts D. Branch Circuits $ 35.00 $ 40.00 $ 80.00 see liB" above New; Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit ~ Two to ten Circuits Each 'Addt'l ten or' portion thereof $ 35.00 $ 50.00 , $ 15.90 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder. not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation 'Sign/Outline Lighting Signal,Circui t or ' limited 'energy panel SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL $ 36.00 $ 36.00 $ 36.00 1[0.cO . , ?-.. .'CJJ.. f'l ~C;,i )