HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-7-27 I- city of springfield 225. n. 5tl1 sl rec t . .~n'-::',,,,,~r.T.f1 ~~ .._a_t.l\ INFOf1MMION: 720-37~;3 . SPrllNCFIELD ..~,., ;r '''f' ".~'~I!"ol.,"'''Altn_''lIU.',J..'L INSPEC'TIONS: 120-3709 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS)~qh l-lal'\()u.1 LECAL DESCRIPTION Il41'1- fl:J<()f) ~ - mINER OR pROpERTY.::Jt>h", .... Su <::,a V"< O,.,If)or.r.. ADDRESS 40;1\ N. C)AII"PI1. t:d0P,,,e. C'J.rf'(l('\........ v' v . V OITNER OF SICH (IF OTHER 'J'IL\N PROPERTY OWNER) c;(1Y'V\ e.. RrI. S pl"iY"'lj~~ e. \ri. nc.~g ()Y"'\ TA): I.OT.~ r:J R-r1f) PlIONE~9-.-()(...QO IAt 1 Lj '7- ":lIe C\IY 0';.) ZIP o.\4n:i NAl-IE OF BUSWESS. FlRH. ETC'\>-''''''Qh-l- P,"'J'''"..,;......~ <:. , C. STP.UCTUiv\L TYPE OF SIGN: PHONJ: TYPE OF .BUSIt~ESS~ f"nrP c.e..n4e, D. USE Aim CI!ARACTER OF SICII: ADDRES S B. TYPE OF lJORK: 1ERECT __ALTER \lALL ..XJREi'~;TANDItIG PROJECTiNG IDEllTI TY ~'IAR0IJEE _UI/l)EI~ t1AIWUE[ _OTI!EI~ INClDEtlTAL _2(DOUBLE FACE SI.NGLE FACE _RELOCATE _OTHER _ROOF ___'!IILTI-FACE ~r.EADER BOARD BILLBOARD , E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: SIGN EIlECTOR jf"l\-,,....., f)",\ nflC'. \,.... f.DD~"'SSJ::I..O.~ \ N ("'In. If'f"j' F I.....ry"np GITY LICENSE t11R'lBER ('V-t\,.,,,,...-\u ~I J)(' "'...... ,.. \ ..J SIGN 1.lAtlUFACTURER (IF OTHER TIIAN ERECTOR) c,~ ""c.. II (\ \ ; m; 0 ~I "J p.np I ()rpc-:.,'" 'r'\ PI'OllE PllC~!I: h"?,9 - rJ:., c;< n ZIP C'\,Lj.()"d.. OrpC\,..,.", J EXP. DATE I ADDP.ESS F. DHlEIISIONS. IJISTALLATION & TOTAL HEIGHT AGOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DHlENSlOtI OF SIGN HORlZOtITAL WIDTII OF SIGN DHlr.NSIOII FROH GRADE TO BOTTO!1 OF SIGN CONSTRUCTIOII 9,1 L.\' -::>,' '-Ii (,.," G. EX 15TH-IG ~nr.NS ARE TIIERE MIY EXISTHIG ~:ICt'IS? _~..YES tlO t!lHmE~. SIZE ItI SO.FTG. ALL EX ISTING SIGNS . ?I:J sq. 'f!-f. FOR l~tJ~;INESS, ETC. TIIICKHESS OR DEPTH DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES XNO IF YE[;. DU1ENSION BEYOND PROpeRTY LINE NOTE, IF PROJECTIOn IS llORE TllAtI 12" 5VJ.~IT PUBLI.C PROPERTY TI!E SIGN ERECTOR. I.IUST FILE WLTll TilE UlJILDING DIVISION COPIES OF ill~;/II"R Ll.AI\JLlTY ANO I'I(OP- ERTY DAHAGE WSUPJlNCE POLICIES. H. HII~L SICN IIAVE ELECTP.ICAL IHRWG? "" {"\ IF YES. InlICE APPLY? ELECTP.ICAL SICII _ILI.IP.llNATElJ (HII1l1:FC'lT1 LIGETED) ELECTI\ICAL COrITP.ACTOP. ^DJ)HES~; LISC.NUHBER PI:Cflr. I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR f'ATERIALS SIGN IS COtlSTllUCTED OF. IAlot-A J'SITE INFORltATIOll (I.AND W'E) -- EXISTING USE OF GUILllltIC; 01: LAND (llR LAST USE IF VACANT) \\ r PI") c::..e..rl cP '" tf'("" rlnl.j ror'" K. VALUE S $ "S' 0 00 OF . IGN,"" . b,INDOOR BUSINESS ()UTDOO~ l-lE!lCIL\tlDISING PROPOSED UOSF. OF nVILO!NG OR I..AND: I'\() r,\-.".\f\{!.P. 'J"" u":"f> oJ L'l HAVE CAREFULl.Y EXA!HrlF:D the cOlllpl,-:!tr...:~l :lpp1 h:ati()l1 [or permit nnd do hCr'cby certify chat .111 informnr.:iotl i~ true no,! correct, and T [l'rtl)l~r cCl~tify tl,nt all w()rl< rcrformcd shall be dOllC in accord,::mce with the ~prinljEield Sign llrdin~ncc. the Uniform Siron Code as .,dorted by the City of Sorinp,field nnd .,11 other Ordinancc~; of: the CLI:Y oC :lpri.llP,Cicld ,lilt! the law~ of the Scate of :)rcgoll puc'tnLnLJlg to t:111 worl~ uescri.b(!(l :1<:,(;1.11.. I further cert.l..fy tha'~ l'IV :::'[.r> CO"l.trnctot:' ~~i- ccnSf~ with the CLt:y of :;prinr.ri.cld i.s i.n (111.1. forcl: :llld effect a:> rc(!ui.rcd hy Springfield CoLles 3-2-6(3) ;:lnd 9-7-20(2). I will reql1c!:t [Ill required sign inspection:; listed on th.c approved pennit. NAHE (pLFJ'SE PRINT) 5(..\ c:...l1n ~. SIGNATURE..9-- A A0.J0"" C"(\(\ O(:>.\j";(I('h fj,o t.,.. r {l", om 'I! :211'iS'l ~ ___.:.0._ __::".::-_-,-~ PLEASE R'aO . 1) Scp~rate SiRn Applicati,on: ^ separate application L~ rc(!uireu for caell separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. Electrical: Any permit issued under this appli.cation will include wirinG in or on sign structure, . the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by <l State l.iccn~jcd ElCCl.:rical Contractor. Illuminated sir-ns (both internally and.externally) mllst conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of ti,e Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 2) J) Plaits Required:' 11\15 application i:J to be submitted with t_w.~.complctc sets of plans showing di- mensions and height of siron; advcrti.:.i.ng mC~I;,;lf;c on sign; locatioil of'si.en 00 propert)' with di- mCllsions to property lines, structurill dctnilfi oC sUI)port framing, bracing and footiol~S; materials of construction for siGn and sien structure; cl.ectric.,l equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the salllc bus.ienss, all as required to dcterminq com!lliance with the" Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing in~ormation on the plot plan (plan showing property lines ,and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) a!:l well ar. proposcJ !:lign(!:l). b.) Show the length of the street fl:"ontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs I show the length of the building fronl:nec. ' c) SI10w the location of entrances open to tile public alld driveways. \.[hcn required, bec.1usc of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engillccr or sllall conforln to desi~l standards on file at t~c Uuilding Divi- sion Office. PI.1nr. of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit bcillC issued. Sign~ must meet corner. Vls~on cll~arance rcquircmcnt~; a:J described in Figure 9 of the Sprinefield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTl::: No sign filay be erected which is les.:> thiln 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or lc!;s than 5 feet in any direction fron overhead electrical lines which arc enereized at leDs than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed witllill 60 days after tile date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void. . Inspections: 4) S) 6) 7) il) 9) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the s~gn is pl.aced. Usually, the Footinl~ Inspection (it applicable) may be mnde at the same t~me as the Site Inspection. ~lC Yooting Inspec- tion is to be made after holc(s) is c;;,cavat.~li., i>ut prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final Inspecti.on - to be made upon completion of all work. c) r.:lectric<1.1 - all electrical d.gns must be inspected for electrical hook up nfter the sien is erected and before the sign is turned on. ~ 1 \ CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIlE 21, HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FOR OF!' lCE U~I': OW. Y SICN DISTRICT \..-'(fv ZONE DISTRICT ~ ~ /OL~ f&' MOl' ':3'D JOB U TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN SIGIl PERl-llT FEE: I c; e:=> REOUVRED INSPECTIONS: vls'ITE/LOCATIOll %OOTlNG OR HETIIOD 01' ATTACIII'IEf'lT ELECTRICAL PERl-lIT FEE, ELECTRICAL OTHER -...LFlNAL 47. STATE SURCIL\RGE: TOTAL: 11 DATE 1~/~ ~~~ RECEIPT /tJC(-q / CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN, ADDITIONAL INFORHATIOtI N!;EDED IlEFORE PERHIT HAY IlE IS~;UI':D, APPROVED BY: DATE SECTION, SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE "..~. ,..-. .-....., "..---. _..._--,.,..._".....~-_.".._-_..._,.,..- ..."..- -. ,....... .... ....., .._, . ..".....-. . '.... I~.