HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1997-7-21 SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIO. SPRINGFIELD JO.JMBER a ~D41lt7 225 Filth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Inspection Line: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: OWNER: r,V7)~~1 n ^'" rl ADDRESS: 5;:J () ~ (\ -'" (C511) --Q A CITY -Sf l\ 1 '0'-8-'-{ 1 ojrt BUSINESS NAME, FIRM HC.: 0 v-r-.~<;' ((\ JV"l ci. TAX LOT: n'll nrh PHONE: STATE: fl~ ZIP: f . . I I DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGNISI: (please check and complete all appropriate information) Projecting RO% ,v,d'T'~_a'j Billboard L Oth\...lli ....1' (I A:1' ~ (J q-:) Total Height above Grade: _~ LD ,~ / . ..:~ Vertical Dimension of sign 0' enclosure: / i-.q ,II Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: 4- ~ / II Dimension from Grade /1_ rJ " Electrical Installation: x.. Yes _ No VALUE . .tD <;!2. to bottom of Sign Enclosure: D (If yes additional electrical permit is required) OF SIGN: . ~ Material Sign is constructed of: P. v-r" 1 , rt. rl i1' P" N"V\ ,""'; "~ I ilu/V\ " 5! Q rl-:l::::l::ll e.bJ...J . t- r\.A (l" ),' "'-1lO ~~ (l ~~~ ,<t ~~CK(CPtg. 9!:" !if' ~ ,.o~.rq: ~. Ftg. <<-, ~ ~ --;-., . ~- i:- 'Jt CONTRACTOR/lNSTALLER: ~^ tJ rY-. -I) me:;. 5;. f"r'-^' if'.& c~ . 11 '. 0 S. II ,.<{," .~- .::s ~- ~. ADDRESS: .3.U~.<:'" ( .Y5YY'I........... n ^ (l, f\ ~. C .~ {)!to ,';:> _ C5 .qs . . ~~W~~ . CfTY: _ & fio/VY'\ ~ h S~"".p- ~ . ~ .,- ~." CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER:~ ~ .~ . "'~ CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: q,"() I f.a '-I- 'f Wall Freestanding Single Face Square Footage: k :4~ Double Face List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of aach sign: NJA- tal Type Sq. Ftg. Ibl Type Icl Type Sq. Ftg. (d) Type .. PHONE: .57)3 -~(;.N -:;J;;J U_ ZIP: Q'?'l\::l EXPIRES: ?, / (" I q A . . EXPIRES: b I ?'o I q A -I I Sign Permit Fee: !21 OFFICE USE Land Use: ,. f\W) Quad Area~ \ ~uJ Code Section: C\ - ~ - 1 C r:1 U ~rt/ App,oved By: ~ ) \ ~~.l\L) DATE: f'l.?_~qf) Sign District: ~~(~~M Zoning: r?e- REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site Footing Attachment to be made prior prior to placement after fasteners are to .sign, placement of concrete <:'-1 in:_a -.lIed/P'~_cove' Additional Comments andlor Conditions: L~~ "'\" _. . Bysignature. I state and' agre~ that I have caref~IIY examined the completed a~~IiCation and do hereb~ certify that all information herein is vue 'and correct, and i furthe, certify that any.and all wo,k pe,fo,med shall be done in acco,dance with .the Ordinances of the City of Sprin'gfield, .and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the wo,k desc,ibed herein. I furthe, certify.that only contractors and employ"ecs who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. Electrical Final prior to energiz~ng completion of sign electrical installation in!tallation ~ \.~Ab. .ou . , . I further agree to ensure that all requi'ed inspections a'e requested at the prope, time, that project add,ess is ,eadable from the street, thai the permit card is located at the front of the p,operty, and the approved set of plans will ,emain on the site at all times during the installation of thesign(s). .., ~ . Signolu;c" \r~ (n", 0 ~L 1 ~ -111, P, . -SL&,AoC"'I Dale {b I I q .., / ~e~aid: V ./eceived By: /'------'" Validation: Amount Received: Receipt Number: . . SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The application on the ,everse side needs to be completed entirely, If you are the sign contracto,linstaller, or if you 'are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City of Springfield Business License' Numbe, and, the RegistratiOn Number from the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration date of each, If the sign you are proposing to install is illuminated, an electrical pe,mit application also needs to be completed and signed by'either a supervising electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in which you a'e occupying, and you will be pe,forming the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical applicati.on, . If there are existing waN .and/o, freestanding signs, a photog,aphlsl oj each existing sign needs to be attached to the application, The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To submit fo, a sign pe,mit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plot plan indicating where the 'proposed sign will be located, If you a'e installing a freestanding. sign which exceeds 20. feet in total height, the footing detail needs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer or architect. After t~e plan review p,ocess is completed, and, if you, signls) is approved, one set of plans will be returned lO'you. The approved set of drawings need to be at the site when an inspection is requested for the inspecto,s reference. INSPECTIONS Depending on you, signlsl. you may be ,equi,ed to ,equest one 0' all of the following inspections during the installation of your sign: Site: To be requested after indicating on the lot whe,e the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed fiir .the installation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the location of the 'p',oposed sign. . . . ,v ~~v .\. '.>: Footing: To be ,equested,'aftej.excavation and the fo,ms a'e installed, but p,ior to pouring conc'ete. If there will be elect,ical conduit;placed in .the footing, it must also be in place p,ior to requesting this inspection, ~.~ Y,. '. ." ...... . .' -: ~ \:.'. ,)c._ Attachment: To be requested whe!). allfaste~e's are installed but prior to cover. -:-..- "\.". . :.(\ .... ,~ Electrical: To be ,equested after tiie,~~ctr'ical connection to the sign is made, but prio, to ene,gizing. .... ...,,;; 6..';' ". . .. ~. _~ ~l 1/ ~', .,. Final: After.allJequi,ed inspections are:conducied' and approved and the sign installation is complete. ........ ~.:\ .\1.... ,..~- ".-..... . . ,0' r 0,)'".... ',' )' r The inspections that are ,equired fo, y5ur sign i~stallation;wiil be indicated on the application during' the plan review process, Failu,e to request ANY of the requirecf)inspecti6ns could ,csult in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals of work. I:.,.. ''':1)... ..;;.- -':; c' To request an inspection, phone 726.3769. Thi~ is a 24 hou, ,ecording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Designated Job Number, location of where the sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are ,equesting, and when you will be ,eady fo, the inspection. All inspections called in to the ,ecorder prio, to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same' working day, all inspections phoned in after 7:00 a,m. will be made the following work day. If you have any questions rega'ding the application, ,equired plans or inspections, please feel free to phone the Building. Safety Division at 726.3759. City of Springfield Building Safety Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 .....'""'::\'. JO.BER C\~1)\f).lo Inspection Line: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 TAX LOT: ( J;.j,.(()() I PHONE: <R-t STATE: tJlE' ZIP: " DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(SI: (please check and complete all app,oprlate informa~ ~ Wall Freestanding P,ojecting Roo ~ Mar~ - - - - ~e.... . _ Single Face Double Face Billboard ~ ther ni re {' +O"'tr :'\l ~ Square Footage: 14. se a:l Total Height ab Grade:? ,- &, 1/ ~ / 4'-::111 Vertical Dimension of sign 0' enclosure: 3 '-01' Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure: Dimension from Grade I 1/ Electrical Installation: X Yes _ No VALUE Pm <e- to bottom of Sign Enclosu,e: () - lr, (If yes additional electrical permit is requi,edl OF ~N: . Material Sign is constructed of: 2.,V:/-ri-1 .,li n ~ (Q l, '/V>'V.~H rv-.r.~')(fuV', J \ J i ~~:I)~ tl.A:k..cc c.L d I ~ ~~ q..rlN:. I di V"1:-' ~ # ~<<.v \J R~q,~ .~ R~Ftg, ,ff-!$' '1J'f' (dl Type .' G-l {\i-:.f{J'fSq. Ftg. .c1' $' "..-s Q,~ ~. . . :-..\ W~. -~. CONTRACTOR/lNSTALLER~n ^~"A ~ rn--."C\ 8 n ...._..~ rJ. e-~ /~ ,Q.(() \J'~.~. ~ ~ ~. A?DRESS: ::<'1/,,5;" r~'f'rvI'^ (lj -;. Q 6-i::-.S.~ ~ .:f' .I ~~t::) . CITY: --sn.lo./"rv-o. STA~t~ List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of aach sign: (aJ Type Sq. Ftg. (bl Type Icl Type Sq. Ftg. PHONE: f)).=>-. -;,:<,~ - d.;:J II CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NuMBER: CITYBUSINESSLlCENS~NUMBER: Q'1111n J..j {,./--/, /,.,/ ZIP: q,::<-O ';:l EXPIRES: 3J&. JqR EXPIRES: -.fa./ ?ill qR OFFICE USE . 1'.-/\ ,^^ " , ' r\' f\ Sign pistrict:~\( \. ~ (\ \l. _ Zoning: ~C!.... Land Use: \ ~J\JlJ Code Section: C\ - f\ - f\ (\ L ') \ hL.O N\JJ t App,oved By: ~, ~~ ~ 'DATE: '1),1 ?>.crL I(\?-Nl Quad Area: Sign Perlnit Fee: -' V) REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be made prior to .sign, placemenl Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachment after fasteners a,a installedlprlo, to cove' Elect,ical p,io, to energizing electrical installation Final completion of sign installation Additional Comments andlor Conditions: , By signature, I state and ag,ee, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do he'eb~ ce'tify that all information herein is true 'and correct, and I fu,the, certify that any and all work pe,fo,med shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, .and the Laws of the State of Oregon pe'taining to the work desc,ibed herein. I fu'ther ce'tify.that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project, I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, thaI the p.ermit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation of the sign(s}. . , Signetu;~ " ~lo.m.J1 ~l J O.1LO '"1'n ..8.~,(\ Date 7);)./ Jq 7 - ~ Receipt Number: ?f1 Da e Paid: ./ eceived By: /~ Validation: '," Amount Received: \. H ):J,,:\')rY'I JAMBER Q I'\('A1Jo SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIO. 225 Filth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~'-O 00 I), fl11 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: n;..unt 10 OWNER: (i Y1l...<" c; I ClI'(,\ rl PHONE: ADDRESS: _C::.::J() t}{fLrll'i'U ) f(J. CITY: SnA i "" ()...I..L' () I r-l STATE: r11C> . \ . (5 , BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ElC.: (' \rnSS I eun.d ZIP: DESCRiPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN(S): (please check and complete all app,opriate information) ~all Freestanding Projecting Roof Marquee _ Single Face Double Face Billboard Othe, Square Footage: I<~ ;z1 , 1- '- J" Vertical Dimension 01 sign or enclosure: " ...-,n '_I" Total Height above Grade: .'""1-1 Ho,izontal Width of sign or enclosu,e: h) ~ (')" Dimension from Grade '" Electrical Installation: X Yes _ No VALUE ~ to bottom of Sign Enclosure: .3~ - 0 (If yes additional elect,ical pe,mit is ,equiredl OF SIGN: :--, UU Material Sign is constructed Of:~! nJ2.Lu"Yn_l/),\'u~ !~~ .t~~/ Ui h.-f, ,*.:s~.J .,.\.I:.) ,C) . flUfir (}., n,.l $ '?:;)' ~^" -~'" & W ~- <<: ^~ flf<) ~ Ftg. <() -R S)O ,'v .r'<;: ,~ Sq. Ftg. ~- 0' g,' ..~ <"< ~ ~ ~~. (;::- - ,:>'<:' '<' S)' CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER:~_""V7)S 8 .~,~ ff' ~ · <<'" "V l-J W ADDRESS:..~II/l~ rnv-v-,I'Y\O'A(lD'n. SLSf-:S ~ .nQ!.~f<)~<< . - - - .....' c-..' ~v ~' CITY: ,<:::n Ofl./V"V"o ~~T~ I)R V ~ CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NuMBER: (;,t..{ 110 I ;t List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of eech sign: (ill Type Sq. Ftg. Ib) Type Icl Type Sq. Ftg. (d) Type PHONE: 9'J3 - ~ - dd. 11.. CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: Cl.,01104 ZIP: q/~o;t EXPIRES: 3 J I^ I q p, EXPIRES: If) /2,G I q'B Sign Perlnit Fee: <,\\jpO OFFICE USE Land Use: S~O Quad Area: Code Section: (} - '\ - ~ ~ C t ") App,oved By: \v\_~ _\~_ " Sign Dist'rict: ~~f{\Q\(0iC\.L \.0 J\){ f J Zoning: (' {' ~ ___ DATE: " ,1.3Q: REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be milde prior to .sign, placement Footing prior to placement of concrete \,/ Attachment after fasteners a'e installedlp,io, to cove' (.... Eiectrical prior to energiz~ng electrical installation -.,......- Final completion of sign installation Additional Comments and/or Conditions: , By .signature, i state and agree, that I have ca,eful'y examined the completed application and do he,ebx certify that all information herein is vue 'and'correct; and I further certify that any.and all wo,k pe,fo,med shall be done in acco,dance with the O,dinances of the City 01 Springfield, .and the Laws of the State of Oregon pe'taining to the wo,k described herein. I fu'the, certify.that only cont'actors and employ'ees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this p,oject. I fuither agree to ensure that ali ,equired inspections are requested at the proper time. that project add,ess is readable f,om the street, tha: the p.ermit card is located at the f,ont of the p,operty, and the approved set of plans will ,emain on the site at all times during the instilllation of the 'sign(s}. . , . Signetu;~ """- \(l 1 I'/h 0 ~, ~"'o /"n.B. ~ ~ Receipt Number: \\) ~ /"- IA.. \o~ 'Jj Date ~ I.;J ( /q7 , , 1'\ ~ }6{.V\ Received By: "'Cl\~ Date Paid: Validatid~: Amount Received: . . SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION " The application on the reve'se side needs to be completed entirely. If you are the sign contractor/installer, or if you 'a,e hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City of Springfield Business License Numbe, and the RegistratiOn Number from the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration date of each. If the sign you are proposing to install is illuminated, an electrical pe,mit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervising electrician, limited sign elect,ical cont,acto" or if you are the business owner who also owns the building in whi'ch you a'e occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical applicati.on, . If there are existing waN .and/or freestanding signs, a photog,aph(sl oi each existing sign needs to be attached to the application. The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To submit for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plot plan indicating where the 'proposed sign will be located, If you are installing a freestanding. sign which exceeds 20. feet in total height, the footing detail needs to be p,epared and stamped by a ,egistered engineer or architect. Alter the plan review process is completed, and, if you, sign(sl is approved, one set of plans will be returned to you. The approved set of d,awings need to be at the site when an inspection is requested fo, the inspectors ,elerence. INSPECTIONS Depending on y'our sign(s), you may be ,equi,ed to ,equest one 0' all of the following inspections during the instillliltr'on of your sign': ...' I Site: \ ." .~ To be requested after. indicating on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed fe, the installation of the sign. This inspection is required if the,e is a question on the location of the proposed sign. , , . Footing: To be requested 'at'te}exc~~ation and the forms are installed, but p,ior to pouring concrete. If there will be .. ,"j electrical conduit placed i9.the'footing, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. " .' ...... . Attachment: To be requested when all fa'ste~e'r~ are installed but p,ior to cover. .. ^' Electrical: To be requested alte, 'th!l ele'ctricaldirin.ection to the sign is mil de, but prior to energizing. "'.. '..~ I ) Final: After all ,equired inspections,a,e'iconducted and approved and the sign installation is complete. ) ,~~ '.. . .-;. ~" ,. The inspections that a'e requi,ed for you, sig~.Iristallation will be. bjicated on the ilpplicotion du'ing' the plan review process, Failu,e to ,equest ANY of the required insp'e'cti.ons could result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign ilt the requi,ed inte,vals of work, ", To request an inspection, phone 726-3769, This is a 24 hou, recording. On the recording you will need to ieave your City Designated Job Number, location of whe,e the sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are requesting, and when you will be ready for the inspection, All inspections called in to the ,eco,de, prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the samc' working day, all inspecti.ons phoned in after 7:00 a.m, will be made the following work day. If you have any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections, please feel free to phonc the Building Safety Division at 726-3759. City of Springfield Building Safety Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIO. SPRINGFI'ELD J&MBER C\f\tAtlo 225 Filth Streel Spring I ield, OR 97477 ~ --Jk..u" Inspection Line: 726-3769 Office: 726-3759 SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: ADDRESS: CITY: 4^ I M8.Q I'OJ-\. BUSINESS NAME, FIRM HC.: [I '(?)~"" I~J l' \ lYJ.,.4.!cll" , ~Yl)'S~ 1(lIVlA 5,;;)0 tt--tar I All) 12 J. () ';.11 ~n c.. OWNER: PHONE: STATE: rlP ZIP: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGN IS): Iplease check and complete all appropriate information) -X Wall Single Face Freestanding _ Projecting Roof Marquee Oouble Face Billboa,d Other Square Footage: I.-:l., 9< Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: !rt'-, If :~q '_I'I Total Height above G,ade: ... Horizontal Width of sign 0' enclosure: I d '- nil Dimension from Grade , to bottom of Sign Enclosure: ',35 -n" Electrical Installation: -X.- Yes _ No (If yes additional electrical permit is required) VALUE vO OF SIGN: SlSD- Material Sign is constructed of: 15::tJ. ~ /(1 fL" A-Yl.v-n.; ,.......... / -.::ilA.A :'-,+h- (>J/ 1/; "--'1Cl!fOf..P 0 J./-a cLJ f f ,. ~ d~,. ~. ,,; '3"" I ~t:~'<.& ~ ~gy '<J.'>- r~ :5::-~ Sq. Ftg. <V' ~- Sl Id) Type ,-.:;y i L Sq. Ftg. ~ ~ ~ ,,! ~. >-..' ,,- ~' 0' CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: ~n n-h M RJ':rI~. Sli:.j;.~~'Y rO .<? ,~v ~v q;' Q,v ADDRESS' 31("~ ~^ ('t"o 0.... ""+~* .p & ;;:. - ,",' ,S-' ~ s:,'" . CiTY: "<'(1 Do/YY\ ~ .~~: ~ '-'I-'~i~ CONSTRUCTiON CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NuMBER: (/~"-I ,'" List ALL existing signage and attach a photog,aph of aach sign: 101 Type Sq. Ftg. Ibl Type Icl Type Sq. Ftg. PHONE: ~~ -~(nJ..j _ .::x:lll CITY BUSINESS L1CENSENUMBER:~f 0 I /" "-l__. .. ZIP: Qi"3D';;:L EXPIRES: .:..;;), ) Go, I C/ ~ EXPiRES: to f?-.o I q A Sign Perlnit Fee: ~\)pu OFFICE USE Land Use: 9S?fYJ Quad Area: \ ~ \\\ lll) . Code Section: 0.--1\ - \L\ (\ ') Approved By: ~J t{\J \ Ji~DATE: '1 . t.:~. qL Sign District: ~ \~ Zoning: C('_ REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be made prior to .sign, placement Footing prior to placement of concrete .// Attachment after fasteners are installed/prio, to cove' V Elect,ical prior to ene(giz~ng electrical installation ~"Final completion of sign installation Additional Comments andlo, Conditions: , By .signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hcreb~ certify that all information herein is ttue 'and correct, and I further certify that any.and all wo,k performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinancas of the City of Sprin'gfield, -and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work desc,ibed herein. I furthe, certify ,that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project, I lurther agree to ensure that all required inspections a'e ,equested at the p,ope, time, that p,oject address is ,eadable from the street, thal the p.ermit card is located at the front of the prope'ty, and the app,oved set of plans will 'emain on the site at all times during the installation of thesignlsl. . . Signatu;e ....... \a.Lf( n/h O~l I nJl ,() Receipt Number: In .B. ~tf',Q rj(\CX) ~C'4,~ Date~' Recaived By: t^).R.4.QI) m.l!Y'J-- Validatioc,: ',' Amount Received: Date Paid: . . SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The application on the reverse side needs to be completed enti,ely, If you a'e the sign contracto,/installer, or if you 'are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City of Springfield Business License Numbe' and the Regist,atiiln Number f'om the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expi,ation date of each, If the sign you are proposing to install is illuminated, an elect,ical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervising elect,ician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owne' who also owns the building in which you a'e occupying, and you will be performing the electrical installation you,self, you may sign the electrical application, . If there are existing waN .and/or freestanding signs, a photog,eph(s) of each existing sign needs to be attachad to the application. The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLAN S To submit to, a sign pe,mit, you need to p,epa'e two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plot plan indicating where the 'p,oposed sign will be located, It you a'e installing a f,eestanding. sign which exceeds 20. , feet in total height, the footing detail needs to be p,epared and stamped by a ,egistered engineer 0' architect. After the plan ,eview process is completed, and, if your sign!sl is approved, one set of plans will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need to be at the site when an inspection is ,equested for the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS Depending on your sign!s!. you may be ,equired to request one 0' all of the fallowing inspections during the installati'on of your sign: ~. ":/ To be requested afte.!:, in~icating on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to any work being performed. fortne installation of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the location of the p,oposed .sign: ~;~ "": ~"" To be requested aftefexcavation'and the fo,ms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placeci.i.n tlie footing, it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. Attachment: To be requested when all jastener~ ii'e installed but prior to cover. Site: Footing: Eiectrical: To be ,equested after the:electrical connectio~ to the siCn is made, but prior to energizing, . '..' ,,;;._. '" 1. ~. u Final: Afte, all requi,ed inspections a~. 90ndyct~d and app,oved and the sign in~tallation is complete. . .... :..;" The inspections that are ,equired for your sign installation will .be indicated on the application du,ing' the plan review process. Failu,e to request ANY of the required inspections could ,esult in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the requi,ed intervals of work, To request an inspection, phone 726.3769, This is a 24 hou, recording. On the ,ecording you will need to leave your City Designated Job Numbe" location of whe,e the sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are ,equesting, and when you will be ready for the inspection. All inspections called in to the ,eco,de, p,io' to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same' working day, all inspections phoned in afte, 7:00 a.m. will be made the following wo,k day. If you have any questions regarding the application, ,equi,ed plans or inspections, please feel free to phone the Building Safety Division at 726-3759. City of Springfield Building Safety Division 225 Fiflh Street Springfield, OR 97477 '1- SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIO. JAMBER O\'\l'f\1 Ji7 225 Filth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~f1w. t11 '- ~ 'L-l \' \IY .... '..l'.l. rl'\ SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: OWNER: _ C '(7')~~ III 1"\ ,.l ADDRESS: b'';J(") rtl (11,( t\\ D i2..l CITY:. S~AJ..~l~ 1 n IA BUSINESS NAME, FIRM HC.: rvn<;::...c::. I f\ Y"\ d PHONE: STATE: OR DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGNIS): (please check and complete all app'opriate information) ~ Wall Freestanding _ Projecting Roof _ Single Face Double Face Othe, Billboard Square Footage: '--r~, p1 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Office: 726.3759 r\'A I ,.['F.. ZIP: Marquee .-)(-"-/" Total Height above Grade: ~-''1 I '-I" I""'\'-n" Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: l/l - H~~al Width of sign or enclosure: 01 Dimension from Grade . /I Electrical Installation: Yes _ No VALUE ~ ~ to bottom of Sign Enclosure: ~ - 0 IIf yes additional elechi!;2 e,mit is ,equiredl OF SIGN: ~(..)'-' Matenal Sign is constructed of: ~ nO JoJl.1.J rrru;"',,~ /:s.~h....J.A ^ I L "i~)i ~ 0 .*~ILO . I ('~ ... 0 md.-o...e:JJu d . ~-~ List ALL existing signage and attach a photog,aph of aach sign: .-tY -E:> ~.~... ~ ~ ~ ,}j lb) Type ,,<& (Q" ('.... Sq. Ftg. R~ ~v~- , lcl Type Sq. Ftg. Id) Typd' .~ {'O 'v '- ~. ..;;,; ,Qo. ,,'l' " ~. QV ~. CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: ~ flll-t ~ J30.,~ ~~. .,;:,~ {'~ .,.~. t... ~ ~- r(j O' ~~ ADDRESS: ~~II,.,S ('.iSY"'Ylvn b/J (>..t"J SJ:>- ~ ~4Y 0<<; " ~~ ~-f.t'O ~ . CITY: ,~Do/VY\ .,;:, ~~ATE: f'Y'/2 , QY ",-v CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: b'-4{1~ I '01 Type Sq. Ftg. CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: q,o I fa'-/.. Sq. Ftg. PHONE: 5tJ3- ?'/~ - ';;)";::J Ij ZIP: q/~()~ EXPIRES: 3) /,., J ClQ . :. EXPIRES: /9.1 2r> J q 8 OFFICE USE , Land Use: ~ ~a) Quad Area: \ tt\.')lU Code Section: C\ -f'\ - \ <\ C\ '\ Approved By: 1~ \ ~Dot- DATE:"" ,1_'?->O.() - ,., . 1\ . ro \\ Sign Dist'rict: \ ~~ ~ }.U0... Zoning: (Yet _ Sign Perlnit Fee: C\1J90 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Site to be made prior to .sign, placement V' Attachment after fasteners are installed/prior to cover -' Electrical prior to energiz!ng electrical installation .'//Final completion of sign installation Footing prior to placement of concrete Additional Comments andlor Conditions: , By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereb~ ce'tify that all information herein is uue 'and correct, and I furthe, certify that any.and all wo,k pe,fo,med shall be done in acco,dance with the Q,dinances of the City of Sprin'gfield, .and the Laws of the State of Oregon pe,taining to the wo,k described he,ein. I furthe, ce'tify.that only contractors and empioyees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this p,oject, I further agree to ensure that all requi,ed inspections a'e ,equested at the prope, time, that project address is readable from the street. thai the p.e,mit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installation of the'signls). . . ~ Signat~;~~ \ I {b~J I ~ J I -^ m ,8, .~" tj,V"\ Date ~ Validation: I\U.W ~\tir5J ~~ Date Paid: ~ -f14 . q I} Received By: YiI/lX- Amount Received: 'I'. Receipt Number: . . SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION , The application on the reverse side needs to be completed entirely, If you a'e the sign contractor/installer, or if you 'are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the City 01 Springlield Business License Numbe, and the RegistratiOn Number Irom the State 01 Oregon Construction Cont,actors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration date 01 each, If the sign you are proposing to install is illuminated, an electrical pe,mit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervising elect,ician, limited sign electrical contractor, or il you are the business owne' who also owns the building in which you are occupying, and you will be performing the electricai installation yourself, you may sign the electrical applicati.on, . If the,e a'e existing waW.and/or I,eestanding signs. a photog,aph(sl oj each existing sign noeds to bo attached to tho application, The size 01 each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLANS To submit 10' a sign pe,mit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plot plan indicating where thep,oposed sign will be located. If you a'e installing a freestanding. sign which exceeds 20. feet in total height, the footing detail needs to be prepa,ed and stamped by a registered engineer or architect. After t~e plan ,eview process is completed. and, if your signls) is approved. one set of plans will be returned to you. The approved set 01 drawings need to be at the site when an inspection is ,equested for the inspectors reference. INSPECTIONS Depending on you, signlsl, you may be required to ,equest one 0' all of the following inspections during the installation of your sign: Footing: To be ,equested alter .indicating on the lot whe,e the p,oposed sign will be located but prior to any work being pe,Io,med 10' the.jnstallation of the sign:. This ins'pection is required if there is a question on the location 01 the proposect'sigri:'-!;-, . . ~ -:?"... / ,,;'" . . To be requested alter excavatiim'arid the lorms are installed, but prior to pouring conc'ete. If there will be electrical conduit placedin'~the looting, it must also be in place p,ior to requesting this inspection, '. .r,. '" Site: Attachment: To be requested when all last~,;~!s'are Installed but prio, to cover. Electrical: To be ,equested after the electrica(conriectio~. to\t~e sign is made, but prior to energizing. , .... .' \.- .~.. ",".' " I Final: Alter all requi,ed inspections ar"co~du~.!~d~a.nd "ipproved and the sign in~tallation is complete. ..' /') ',', .....". , ." .> . The inspections that a'e ,equired fo, your sign installation.,willbe indicated on the application du,ing' the plan review process. Failu,e to request ANY of the ,equi,ed inspectfons'~9uld result in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required inte,vals of wo,k. ,'", To ,equest an inspection, phone 726-3769, This is a 24 hour recording, On the recording you will need to leave your City Designated Job Numbe,. location of where the Sign is being installed. the type of inspection you are ,equesting, and when you will be ready 10' the inspection. All inspections called in to the ,eco,der prio, to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same' working day, all inspections phoned in alte, 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. If you have any questions ,egarding the application, ,equi,ed plans 0' inspections, please feel free to phone the Building. Safety Division at 726-3759. City of Springfield Building Safety Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIO. SPRINGFIELD JAMBER Ot\ \)\1 .( (J .225 Fillh Street Springlield, OR 97477 Inspection Line: 726.3769 Office: 726-3759 SITE ADDRESS: ASSESSORS MAP: n'r\\""",", OWNER: PHONE: (1 CITY: ~i-N+.U\ 1 ~ \,.l STATE: nR BUSINESS NAME, FIR~ EO'C.: C _ \o'7\s..<.. I (l m rI ZIP: DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED SIGNiSI: iplease check and complete all app,opriate info,mation) Single Face ~ Freestanding ~Double Face ~9l. 38 of , _ Projecting Roof Marquee' Wall Billboard Othe, S~uare Footage: "()'_ "II Total Height above Grade: 01 ( J ~ Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure: S ~ I j' ~ I ~ "," H~i~l'Width of sign or enclosure: 10'-0"+0 (; V ' Dimension from Grade ~80""'-.l Electricallnstallatio: -A Yes _ No VALUE to bottom of Sign Enclosure: (If yes additional elec ical pe, . is ,equiredl OF SIGN: J<.f'-/I"-Jv ~ ca.k , Material Sign is constructed of: l5 '-O"~ 8':/" I '!!l. I '9J1) ,,~*- .-- 7t?lo 0 ~ pS> A .,,\ \,? List ALL existing signage and attach a photog,aph of aach sign: IV/A "-<<- ~ 4.$ 60~ ~~' ~~' ~' (bl TYftj.-<<-~ ,,~ro J'~~ Sq. Ftg. G', ~~'tl ~~ \- ~ Icl Type Sq. Ftg..('~ 1~"'1Yll~ . ~ . . ~. ~ V . . .('\ -<-~f5::} -'^ ......~, . {--,~ ~.,. ~- ~-.J CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: ~t1 ^* ^^ ,[<, v'1)~'<,"::;)~ \~~ ~'~~~ <;J~ ADDRESS:_~' "-'.<=:: (I r;v-,,, VV\ n'll ~ I -(I Q .<:. + Sff.' .<ftf::. . .~ . CITY: & ~()./VY""\ 'tl dtr.JL, ~ (VY1 , . "r/ rJllrJ, 0,"""): o 1M Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. PHONE: Eh3-~~(.,i.f -;:;)~ '1 STATE: n-Ie ZIP: ctt?r\ ~ EXPIRES: ;3h / q8 , . EXPiRES: Ja) :<.,(") ,-gp, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: q,o lto '-+ I-"'~ -He I OFFICE USE Sign Dis(rict: ~_\}N\~i fl. () ~and Use: ~ '){Y,. Quad A,ea: '{\ l\ ")!l) Zoning: rr.-~ . Code Section: ~. - f\. - \ 4- (1 ~) Sign Perlnit Fee: ~D (:fJ Approved By: ~ \_U(~~O i/ DATE:!lJ?--. Cn_ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: V~ite to be made prior to .sign, placement ~. Footing prior to placement of concrete Attachment after fasteners are installedlp,io, to cover ~ctrical prior to energiz~ng electrical installation v;;;: completion of sign installation Addltiqnal Comments and/or Conditions: , By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereb~ certify that all info,mation herein is Uue 'and correct, and I further certify that any and all work pe,fo,med shall be done in acco,dance with the O,dinances of the City of Springfield, .and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I fu'the, certify.that only contractors and employ,eeswho are in..compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project, I further agree to ensure that all requi,ed inspections a'e ,equested at the p,ope, time, that project add,ess is ,eadable f,om the street, thai the p.ermit card is located at the front of the property, and the app,oved set of"plans will ,emain on the site at all times during the installation of thesignisl. " (\ . Signatu;~ ~\CLu Lo..f)1 R ~~ ~ -----vY\ ,.8. ~ L'\ Date -"1 I ~ \ \ q I . u Receipt Number: Y\ () ,0 u <:\\0~'OJ Date Paid: \ ~ ,1\ 'Cl~ .<1\' ) Received By: ~\~ Validation: 'j' Amount Received: . . " SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The applicatian an the 'everse side needs to be campleted enti,ely, If yau a'e tho sign cantracta'linstaller, a' if yau 'are hiring a cantractar, yau need to make sure that both the City af Springfield Business License Number and the RegistratiOn Number fram the State of O,egon Canstructian Cant,actors Board a,e listed an the applicatian alang with the expiratian date af each, If the sign yau are propasing to install is illuminated, an electrical permit applicatian also. needs to. be campleted and signed by either a supervising electrician, limited sign electrical cantractar, ar if yau are' the business awner who. also owns the building in which you a'e occupying, and you will be pe,forming the electrical installation yourself, you may sign the electrical applicati.on, . If there are existing waN .and/ar t,eestanding signs, a photog,aph(s) oi each existing sign noeds to be attached to tha application, The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the application. PLAN S To. submit for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets of drawings showing all dimensions, total height, and a plot plan indicating where the 'propased sign will be located, If you are installing a freestanding. sign which exceeds 20. " feet in total height, the footing detail needs to. be p,epa,ed and stamped by a ,egistered enginee, 0' architect. After the plan .review process is completed, and, if you, signls) is approved, ane set of plans will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need to be at the site when an inspection is ,equested for the inspectors ,efe,ence. INSPECTIONS Depending on your sign Is)' yau may be required to request one or all of the following inspections during the installation of your sign: " Site: /'".., ....u.. To be requested after:,indicating on the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to. any work being performed te, the'inst~IIillion of the sign. This inspection is requi,ed if the,e is a question on the lacation of the proposed sign, '~" " . ~ . ; /..,' ~ . I ~... To be requested after excavation and the fo,ms are installed, but prio, to pouring concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placed in the'f,ooting,. it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. ~ . Footing: Attachment: To be requested when all fastene,s ';"0 install~d but prioe,to cover. " ,. . . .. '. .' - .~. ~;'.' Electrical: To be ,equested after the electrical-'ccinnectian 'to the'Sign is made, but prior'to energizing. ""~I._'.'f., ,It . ~ -. r,... //-'.; . Final: Afte, all requi,ed inspections are conducted,and'appraved and the sign installation is complete. " ~ . 1'/" The inspections that are required for you, sign installation .;Jill be indicated on the application during' the plan review process, Failure to request ANY of the required inspections could result in sign removal in orde, to inspect the sign at the required int'e,vals of work. To. request an inspection, phone 726.3769, This is a 24 hou, recording. On the ,eco'ding you will need to leave your City Designated Job Number, location af whe,e the sign is befng installed, the type of inspection you are ,equesting, and when you will be ready fa, the inspection. All inspections called in to the recorder prio, to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same' working day, all inspections phoned in after 7:00 a.m. will be. made the following work day. If yau have any questions rega'ding the application, required. plans or inspections: please feel free to phone the Building. Safety Divisian at 726.3759, City of Springfield Building Safety Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477