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Permit Electrical 2001-11-19
!. 1:' ~:-'.",' ~ r.:...... \...'_.A . , , \, \ .... ' r.' T, . ....'.,'./ \" -, ",-::J , ' .. '"II~wHig prDj.cl as submitted has the fOllOWing. C "225 FIFTH STREET :,.'1 toning, arid doesnot'requir"specilic land useELECTRlCAL PERMIT APPLICATION rSf~NG~l:D, 6~bO~'IVf'IJ; j~'r,-' Hi : ,:()(-d!)$3,.-O! .: ..; TRANSlt:01-'0007285 !INSPEC110N REQLWST 726,~(6!bni~9'~ ~ I ~ ;&:; :" Numher, . .. '. ~IlTE:'NOV 19.2001 .2!.FI,CE: 7f6.}7?9, ". q Oa\& +D{F1JOl; j I i: \ ,l !. ,.' AMT RECD:2 $ 57.50 . I :' n ':.!:; \ :,' j ! 1 ,1: f~~LETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW CHANGE: i L LOCATION O~NS f\t~~'ffb\\!jnL~L " .. >-;, .; I' ' . .' CASHIER: 001 "X . \ L.' ..' ". '-(-('d.. J .....J~~.Ne'r'RC;idential.Singleor..----.- ,._ a..p I ~ '7c.;-77 Multi-Familyperdwelling~nit. , LEGAL DESCRIPTIOl Sen'iee Included: 17.{13 ,;.1:1. c-,{) 0 '2...{oO<-f I , , Items Cost Sum 1000 sq. ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion Permits arc non-transferable and expire thereof if work is not'started within ISO days Each Manurd Home or of issuance ,or if work is suspended for Modular Dwelling ;" '.' 180 days. .. Service or Feeder ~ ,." 00NT~~TOR ~~~TALLATION ONLY B. Services or Feeders I I j .:' Installation, Alterations or ",. , EI tric"11li'nll'rSIlir- Relocation: \." /. ...; '," " f/. ,...,~ , \ " . ,.' - :r' i'~~~'"'; "'Wrt~r-, ......,-.~.) r . . Add THISPERMITSHALLEXPI~IFTHEWQRK 200 fo,!o" 'lu1as !lc.<'f>l,;o c; ';ia0rc"$' "6"} '00\' r; ... l ress J J / \ lamps~rj ess A. I' . p' - . ~1 " ."' A~HGRIZED UNUt:H ::, JtHIVII liS NOT" 20I'~~'p'~ t~ 400 k;,';'ps")I, ."IO\>VUl"~ ?in5,OO"!!'! !;',1 Cll)' dm~I=I',lr.l=n~11l :N:l.4.NDONEDFOR' '>. 40I~~J1ipj.'t~~:qq;~mp~~~"l!9t;9Pu"i~li5:00J'l- , ~'; I .. I Y RIOO/' '601 :lIUP.S,lo,IOOQ,amps ,~;Y;)" 01 ln$I'6B:OO';Y , S ' ANV180 - /' 0 "';.t'UI.-Jt'f/~;I-".la:_t"\IIJ~' :'~f( r- e t,. upervIsor LIcense' ver t!g2.gJ1W~s V? ~ Ore" . ;,~ ~~75,.OO ~ f " EXPimtit D, 1(', . ,Reconnecl O~~m~f.rs ; '60J:;';,:~~,;,t~0!OO~ I ~I:" , 4nsir ~ntr ~u~'ber' . ,'. ..~"'>'./.: .... ," ,.., '.?'.~~~~:;~::~::;~,Sl:-;:'~'~:i:~:;~:IJ:eati~n' ' l ------. . ,., -) i.' <:~j ,'r....-, j [f ,', ::.~ xpimtion Dal~---':'~-:..t'.' ..; '., ,i' '~;~~aIu~:~:~r le~s' "'., " /<:$50,0'0 "; f,7:,. '~;'" '-"~'.' ".' 201 ari,p,s to 400an1ps. "--'-"--$6Q.00 -,-, i;.'!<.-,-, .'.>Signatlll'e.of Supervising Electrician' --~Over 401 10 600mups ,..'., -------:'. $100,00 ' !i"'..:.,(:,..v'<..". .... '::.~... Ov;;[600'mnps.or 1000vollssee: i..;, ' , f;- ;.' <__~~,c ,"':: ,>-.........~~,' " .t,'\ "." ,,,:..,-~.r:',:~:,':,,'"'. ..' '.'<-. "B"above------. ~, .. . ""x/' ,,'..,.. . '" 1\ \.. ,--1'.0' B~.~X~1,~.(\~~,,;~...,," " ...." "'; "'. .. .,:,\. <:.>Y"I,. f}:.;;~ ;'.~J,~wne;'s ;'ameik .~. S.Pibb}, =h ~ $ D, Bra~l~\~li~~~d:iOn oflExtension per:~~n~l ......' ~_:r":~;'A~d~~S; '. ... ';". ..', ..,:' ,\ ole(~ircuil \. )1. j ( ';'-'. ~$4300 /;. '." () "'/ii;" " . " i JI/ .-. .,' '1! \ L> \> ,Cityfh" "Iie'-I1'J ' , Pho,"e .' , ! ~;;~li;'\dditiOI)~1 Cir~~il or with Service .'.... >'" ..'(#,j? q:/, ci--;1"7 ( w.Feeder Pe~mil.._;,,\ \. $3,00 _ 'l :'" OWNE,RINSTA'i.LA'rION'f ' \ ,;( ....;/ >..,.) I \ " , ' 'fhe installation is'being made on _ ' E, Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) :. "'\ '\ '_ I I'" '. ,. t, I \ i~' ;. .... property 10\\'0 ;rhich is nc;t i!,lend~d '; i-Eaclljn~~al}ati9P' 'Ii" \ . , .: . foisale, lease onent , " Pump or.:irrigatii:lh ., ' " $50.00 '... , -,.. , I Sign/qu;ii~e Ligl!lirig ,'i : - $50,00' );", ' ,'c" OwnersSignat~re: ~'0t:' ~'" '-'" .. Lill1ited'Energ)'lRes $25.00. :;:'" ' . ~ 'y' ' : Liinited Energy/Comm, $45,00_ .:. - ....., /X. _ Il...,.' ~.,~ . ~ ; . """ ., , ,~;.., -... -, l\'1inimum' ~I~~~ric Permit ]ns~cction fee is S45.00 + Sm:c1uii.ges .(:. ' '" l.,'-' : \, . " "" 4, SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE .:~ "'~~~'~~.:. 70.10 StatcSurch,:irgc . /' " :~. ,..,:'- '. ~ g% Administrative Fcc. ".. .' r:,--.;':.': it ,,,:,;: \.- .J, ~ t. ; ~. . . COB D1':~RIPTIO~ _ . bel. 'J'YW.') (~ Lnl $106.00 $ 19.00 ',. / .' , ,I. . $ 50,00 " '\ I , TOTAL ~ #,51~ L_,