HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1997-3-26 I .-,. <! "-. .'+-.~.'4 id3/15/97 .5 ].I: n 'aSl 126 3689 . RIGHT IND. Sf'l-'li lit\' , SiR, ., r.1J "O~ I.lJ'"::5. fl7 J COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ~PAINQ'""LO PERMIT APPLICATION ~ ~25 flllh Street, Springfield, ()leU()f, ~lMI . ..~ C 5."- r:t ' f~ L I' ~0C",1In'l OF PROPOSED "";ORK: ,~",,: ~ ASSE.SSORS MAP:,};;!/) 2... '0 ?:,,,-,;.,, r-~ ~~ ).J<.+7~,_._..___ . . ADORESS: 7?J..i.,b,l(cy~r ~w..-"---'- " ' CI1Y:___,.# .r;.~ OWNER: STATE: DE.SC'lIPTlON 01: WORK:,__ ?)~~~. # ,I'}r<' /<; TC NE.W.'___ REMODEL ___.., AODITION DEMOLISH NAME ",~CNITECT: _..d........__ CONTRACTOR'S NAME GENERAL: ____... AUURESS PLUJ>1aINC' MeCI-lANICAL: ELECTp,r.AI: I I.,NO PIU MRINO FFE __ _..C;t1A AGIi SIngle Fixture Rt:located 6Id~. lnew the.. adlltll_ Water ServIce It. . SaniiiiriScrwer S10rm Sewer'.."'-"'- II. H. r5itc.:kllow Oevlce . j I l ,- I _..1....., TOTAL PERMIT .......-.., - OFFICE USE - aUf\D AREA: LAND USE: .'OF SLOGS: OCCY GROUP: . OF UNITS: ,-, CONSTR. TYP.:, ...._.__... HEAT SOURCE: . OF STO"lIES: . ,. an Fl'. S/SO. FT, sa fTG MAIN x SQ, FTG ACCESS x 60. FTG OTHER __,.. ._h.,.......__.___.. X FLAN CHECK fa RCPT- __.____.~_ I ~llIllllNCi p~~~: 151)/0 Stale' StJrchnroe r MECHANICAL j.5"/1 Slate C~rel'lO'Qe I,P~~ING _'~n~~"'~T:~~:t:::G -i' Sl.H~!!!!Qe Fl!NC! VALUE $ \ SIDEWALK ...., -T CURBCUT -i ,.__.EJ n,_..,..____ JOB NUMBER':" 9'7c>f2-c;- INSPECTION i-INE: 726,3769 O~FICE: 726,~70e :(' JI~ 7J4;< to.!.~ rf ..,~ TAX LD'r. _.. I") 2? o.f:.___.,______ ___un p~tl)...j_7f? -r~2.?-___.... ~ (s.;O.,,'J.e;..~(iJ._~~_ ~ . ZIP:-9..7.3 Z/ ~.?J~. (AC1l~H(~/~'~ ADDRESS DATE I ~ I I i I I l OTHER _ \lAl.UE: P~ON! CaNST, CONTRACTOR. EXPIRES PHONE M,!::r.a-lANI~AI I. I I 1 ~1--~~1 furnacel burner & 'tent :< 100,000 BTU. Furnucu/burn9r & veOi---'.-' :. 100.000 BTUs Floor I urn.r.:e and vorH Suspended w.1I or floQr moun(sd unit heater Appl1lJnee Vent aep.r.to 6tllllOtlary evap. coolltr Vonl fo-an/slngle duct Venl S)"rHem span 'from AC or hfS!. MechanlcSI exnsLlsl hood and ducl Perm;\ 'eaUlI.tlce "0.00 TOTAL P!RMIT HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOOD Pi-AIN' ZONING' LIGHTING POWeR BUDGET: WATER HEATEP' I .1 VALUE TOTAL VALUE OP ,PAOJ!CT '.__.___ BY .1 , 'oeMo~1TI0~ _ , C- 12> ,<&>0 ~'f1C) 1,# SUBTOTAL PERMITS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT '-1 I "~ l .#-..---- 1'7. TOTA~ PERMIT feES eXCLUOINGELECT AIOAL _ \ '.. ". ,... . ":J..25'~7 H:2~ '8'_ 7:5 J6~9 SPH' liEI'. SE. tal 003 REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It Is tl"le respon61blJlty of \hfJ permIt holder to see thet all Inspections are made '1the proper timo. 10 reQuest an Inap,cUon, cell 726.3769 (recorder), stale you, Cl1y .1r:olgnated Job numuer, lob address, Iype of Inspection reque.lod and wtlen you will be rudy 11.11 !i"13pOC':\lon. RoquOC.tc received l1o'or(: 1;00 ;:I.m will hp. mAr1R tn~ 5arne worl<lno day. reQuests made e.fuu 7;00 a.m. will bo made the follO'l'Jln~ work day. SITE INSP!CTION: To be made aller exoa'ullDn, bUI prIor to Stttup gf form.. UNDERSLAB' PLUMIlING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be,madc bnfote any work Is covered. ROUGH PLUMBING, !L!CTRICAL .110 MECHANICAL: No worK Is to be oovered until these Inapgetrone ha'ie been maCle and opptoved. PAVINO: Afler gra'el 1& In pla.ce bu-t prior to placing asphalt Or cone-rote. FOOlINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made aftQr trenchea are axcavate(,J and form~ are erected. all GtGel In IJlisc.;e, !Jut prIor to placing conL;rete. rIREPLACll: Prior to plaOlng facing materials. and before framIng InBPuttlOn, SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In acoordance SaDllon 306 of tr,. 61ala SpeolallY Code a speclel Inepeelor shall bl employed by Ihe Ownor I Contractor during construction of the following work: A copy of the I~.olal \9&tlng ruport. .hall be furnl.ned \<l lha 6ulldlng O;vl.lon. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS CONCRETE SLAB: To be mtH1D ahaI' all Inslab building :iDlvlge eQul~Ment. conduit. v1plng, aOCB61ioorles and other ancillary OQul!)menl Items are In place but before any concrete Is placed. FRAMING!: To t>e mad. efter the 1'00'1 all ftamlng, fire blockIng and braolng at4\t In place and all pipes, chlrnnoys end vents ara oomplete find the rough electrical, plumbIng IInd meohanlcaI are approved. STRUCTURAL CONCRE::TE::: ;n e.ceos of 2500 1'\8,1. (3g8 6,11 STRUCTURAL WHO!): p.rlo,mod on .he Jot>. (2722 f) UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, eleotrlcal. gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, wallitr tJlld dre1nago IInas. Tu u" ma()t: prlor to covorlng or filling trenches. INSULATION & VAPOR IlARRII;R: To b. made aller ..II In'UIQtlon and fOQulrod vspor t>orrlera .to In place but belore .ny I.I~ or Qypeum board Intorlor wall cO\le,lng 18 applied, HIGH STR!NGTH BOLTING: During all boll Ir'''talla\lor. and tlgl'Honlng opllratlona, (30& o.B) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFINO, U.El,C, Gtllf\dardS 43,8, UNDERFLOOR: Plumolng, electrlcetl, mechanIcal. To be made prior to Installrlllon of floor Insulation, decking Qr floor sheathing. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and conG(tocted according to plans. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: Durln\l .arlhwork, (306 a," & Chap tar 2\1) POST & BEAM: TO be made prior to Installation of tloor Insulation, deckIng or Hoar 9healhln\l' FLOOR INSULAnON & VAPOR IlARIII~IIS: To be made prior 10 Ihel.liellon 01 docking or floor BheathlnfJ. LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be msde afler all laming and gypsum t>Ollrd, Inttrlor and 8ll:terlor. IS In place btH before any pl.eterlng Ie applied or bstore gyp...m boerd Joints and fasteners are taped and flnlen.d. GLU,LAM BIi:AMll: InspeOtlon Certificate by an approved agency, hJrnlshed 10 tn. City's Building OI'I.'on b.'or. ~nrn. ara placed, (2501 U,8,C. STDS. 25-10,11), STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 a,7) MASONRY: Sleel location, cond beams grOUting or yorllcals In accordance wIn. uac 2415, SIDEiWALK 110 DflIUfWAY: Aequlred 10r all ccnonU. paving wltnln street right Of way, to be made etler all e...oa......,Ung eOl"nplGle and form work And sub-base material in claaa. x ~t:::W~ ~ ------------------------------ -------------.-------------- ROOP' SHiA1HING! AND NAILING: Prior to Installing any roof coverll"lg. CURS AND APPROACH APRONS; After forma are erllcred but prIor to placing concra~o, -In addlllon to tha Inspec- tlona .paclfled, Ih. Building OfficIal may moko or lOQ....lre othDr In.pectlQfts of any conetrl"lotlon work 10 .n$uro compllanoe with l~a BUilding, City or DG'Yelopmant Code. FINAL ";U;C;,.RICAL SITE PLAN A~VI!W BOARD: Must be r'C1U881ed 2 de'ls In advance of the date YOlJ wish Inspection. All proJ.ct Qondltlons such as landec.plng, parking lOt striping, etc, muet be completed belore reQuestIng Chis Inopecllon. P'INAL PLUMPING '><'" FINAL BUllOING: ReQUSI"O i1fUH me final plumblng, electrlca.I, meahunli;al and "',lrf! Department lnapectlor'ls are made end appro'lllld. NO occupancy 01 the prom"" c.n be made until a Certlflcale 0' OCQupancy has been la.ued by the Building 01vlalon and posted on tho premlte.. FINAL MECHANICAL - FINAL FIR!: Di:YAflfMENT ADDITIONAL COMMeNTS: _'....m..... PLANS REVIEWeo IlY DATF' . 91' sIgnature, 1 state and agree, tha"t I have carefully examIned the completed QPplICI!l\lon and do hEJreb~' certify th!lt alllnfofrTlGtlon nereln Is true and oorreen, and 11urther certify that aoy and all work porformed sha.11 be done In GceordancQ wllh thO Ordinances of lhe City of Sprlngfleld, and tno lltw$ of toe Stale of Oregon pertainIng to the work de9crlbed herein. end tl'U31 NO OCCUPANCY wi:! be made of a.ny Structure wlltlout pOrrnl&sion of the BuildIng Safety DIvision. I fUrther certify 1hat only contraotor. 8l'\d emplOYflQS who are In compllanoe with O~S 701.055 wIll bo usee Oil this project. I further ~gree to ensure \),at All ,,,qulrad In&pectlon3 are requesteCl at the propll'fr tlm~, that p.oJect aaaress Is roadlot. 'rom lP'\e, &lIeet, that the p ,mlt caro Is IOCB1ed al 1hf: lront (1he property. an~ tr.e. approved .101 of plans wI remain 01'\ tl'\e elt$ at Bill ""'.. during c ucllon, ~ or\C\ SIc\'1\()jUJ}.Q. t'QJ~ MR1\ I X;gn.,ure ~2Jt t . ~ .~ X 0' 7 ~ o.,a VALIDATION: AM()UNI H!::GEJ..V6,O: \0. M RECEIPT': d-Jl)~~ OAT!! r'AID: I 3'&\o~: ReCEIVED ~_ ..,.,..,..- , . REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It Is the responslblllly of the permit holder to see that alllnspactions are made at the proper time, To request an I,"pectlon, cal/ 725.3769 (recorder), state your City designated Job number, lob address, Iype of Inspection requesled and when you wI/I be ready for Inspoctlon. Reauests received before 7;00 a.m. "'Jill be made the same werkIng d3)', reQues~s made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the fOIlO'.'Jlng vJork day, SITE INSPECTION: To be ma.de after exca'Jatlon, but prior to setup of fOr'm~. UNDERSLAB' PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL" MECHANICAL: To be made before any \,,'ork Is covered. ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL .& MECHANICAL: No work ;s to be covered ''''flllI these I."'lspectlons have b'gen made .and appro'led. ATTIC ORAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made- allor trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all Gt'!'91 In piace, but prior to pla:lng CGncrete. FIf'IEPLACE: Prior to placlr,g facing ma:erlals and before framing inspection, FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all tramlng, fire blccklng and bracing are In place and all pipes, chlmneY3 and ....ents are complete and the rough ele.:.trlca!, plumbing and mechanical are approve:d. ---- CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all l:'lslab bull~lng service equipment, conduit, piping, accessories and Otl'H~'f ancillary eoulpment ltems are In plt:l.CO but before any c-:ancrete Is placed. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER.: io"bEt made after all Insulation and required vapor barriers are Iii pla.c9 but before any I.th or gypsum board Interior .....a.1I CQverlng Is applied, FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. UNDERGROUND: Plumbing. electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm ~~wer. waler anc dri:'.Inage lines. To be mace prior to CO'lorlng or fUlIng trenche3. UNDERFLOOR: Plumblr,g, electrical, mechanical, TO b. made prior to Installation of floor In.ulatlon, decking or lioor sheathing, LATH ANOIOR GYPSUM BOARD: To b9 made after all lathing and gyp.um board, Ir",torlor and ezterlOI', Is In plac9 but before anI plastering 15 applied or before gypsum board lolnt. and fasteners aro taped and finished, SIDEWALK &. DRIVEWAY: R~C\ulred tor all concrete oavlng wlth!n street right o( way, to be mad9 after all exca.....atlng complete and form work and sub.base materIal In pIece. POST & BEAM: To be made prior 10 Installation of tloor Intit,Jlatlon, decl<:lng or floor sheathing, FLOOR INSULATION t VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prIor to Installation of clackIng or floor :;heamlng. MASONRY: Sleel location, bond beams grouting or verticals In ac.cordance with UBC 24'5, ROOF SHEATHING AIlD flAILINC: PrIor 10 Inslalllng any roof cO'lerln~. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS; After forms are erected but prIor to placing concrete. PAVING: After gravel Is In place tout prior to placing asphalt or concrete. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In accordance Section 306 o~ ~hQ State Specialty Code a specia.l Inspector shall be employed ";)y the Ownerl Contractor dvrlt"ig con5tructiOli or the following vrork: A copy of the s~eda.l te$tln~ taportsshall be fu:nlshed to the '3uildin~ Olvl;.lor'!. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In e:<cess of 2500 ?'S,I, (306 a,,) STRUCTURAL WELDS: "ertormed on the lob, (2722 f) HIGH STRENCTH BOLTING: During all ~ctt Installation and tightening operations, (306 a,6) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: U,B'c, . Standards t3-8. SPECIAL GRADING. EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During eanhwOlx, (306 a,11 & Chapler 29) GLU-LAM BEAMS: Inspection Cenlflcate by an approved a.ency, furnished to the City's Building Dlvlslo., before beams are plac~d, (2501 U.a.C. STOS, 2~-10,")' STRUCTURAL MASONRY: I~06 e,7) >< ;") &-Vex ~ -In addl:lon to the Inspec- tions .peclfled, the Building Of(JelZlI mal make or reQuire other lnopaction. of any constr'Jctlon work to ensuro compl/anca with the Building, City or Deveiopment Code, FINAL PLUMElING -------------------------~----------------------------- SITE ?LArJ REVIE'l/ BOARD: Must be reCiues:ed 2 days In advance of the date you wish Inspection. All ptc.lect condItIons such as landscaping, parking lot striping, etc, must be completed before requesting ihls Inspection, FI~JAL BUILDING: Requested aft~t thQ flnal plumbIng, electrIcal, mechanical and Fire Department lnspectlof'is are made and appro'oed. No oecuptincy of the premises ca.., be made until a Certificate of OCCUps.rlcy has been Issued bj' the Building Division and posted on the premises, FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL -A FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: PLANS REVIEWED BY OAP 9y signature, 1 state and agree, that I have careh.:lly examined the com?le:ec oppilcatlon and CO hereby certHy th~t all Informatlon hereIn 19 true and correct, and: further certify that any Bnd all work performed 5halloa dor:c In accordo.n!::e with the Ordinances ot In';! CHI' of Springfield, and the La'lIs of the Stat~ 01 Oregon pert3inlr.<; to trlQ work described horeln, and that NO OCCUPANCY \','111 bo made of any structure without ~9rmlsslon of the Sulldli"lg Safety DI'..lsIOI1, I further certify that -:-.nlj' cor.ttactors and employees who are In compl/an:e With O1',S 701,055 will ~o used on this prolect. I furthe( agr13e to ensure that all requited Inspections are reqwested at the proper time, mat project addtess Is readable from the street, that the p rrnlt card Is located at the front of the pr~peny, and the apprc.vad set of plans .....111 remalr. on tr,e site at sll times d'Jrlng c uctlon, ~ ~gnslurl JJJ} Dale -i4z/ VA~IDATION: AMOUNT RECEIVED: RECEIPT .' .. 'DATE PAlO' R:CEIVED BY' I 1 ~