HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-7 (2) ., RESIDENTIAL" A PPLICATI.RMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ' 5:3 if - g If~~ L.OW A?z> ,~" -- 11-0:' ~2..1 ~ 1'2.. ~e:>r ~ ~#Po/ 0cw S.:F usicUnu- gCUCtjL. r:;. 2..5 - 81 Job Locat';on: 'AODctloor: Map K Subdi.vision: CUner: StOlL. De.J)G..I (Y\tL /,Q-g6 uJ. l'lY\d c(AJ.1AfA1l ~ AddrctJ3 : ~ity: " ~",' n Additicn n Rcrr.o.:!et n .'-Iob~ te 110m: Date of ApplicaticlI ~ont rac cors General Plumbing 1-1echanical Tn~c.:cric.:a 1 ~ 6/ WYlW UOVlfl" ~ r)l - f - P h.U- tLDlrL.- S r '"'n" ':'le"tr,icl:lrl _upe v..;.~-,..:. /'1 j,:;. ... Arldres!{ Hoard Re~. //(1) 7:v,-P. "Ta:r: Lot H P};O/,,: 34'-/-Q27D Zip: q74Db Dcocr-ibc f.'orl,: w /CLtt /, 57, 1/7$". ;;'0 Va/". ~OO- Lise. 1/ '1l1drs Fl17Gl . IfCOO."P&;:' , I L/-f)/O .' " P pr, J Il$11 {(5 'u.- ' ~":J tivl- furxd. r::f;Y1daJ1 b"v1 ., .- Siqr..aO~ v 1,,1, I X'1 Dat.: ~ gxp'ires 1'.-on(\' '.' .'\:~ . It ie ~he roopon:Jibility of t}1O pormit holder to 800 that an inopcctiono aro r.rado at the propel' timc1 t1:at eaoh =ddrBBB ill l'c~:a:;.:;? IrOl1l thll atraoc. and that the pel'mt aard io L.:>catud at the front of tho property. ~!Jui!d-i:-tg D:vi::io.': apj.'I'oL.'cd plan :J}zcll )'cmllin on t},z Du~ldi"!1 Sit:: at all times. P.70C.f:DURf: pon IN$PEC'f[(lN H.~OUEST:CALL 726-3769 ("Ccol'c!.:rJ atata your City deo~on..,tcd job .rnur.bor, job adrb-cos1 type of i'13pc:c~icll ;'uquc:Jtcd a!:u tJ.l:t!1l yOIl wili be raaay for in:Jpectioll. COl1tractors or Cuner:J nono and phone number. Request. recoived bof01'o 7:00 C':'l ;.'iLt be rrade the uarne dcy, rcqlloatll.'mcdc aftel' 7:00 an !.Jill ba made tho ne:t oorking day, " , . ..Q9D J,~~D\/' YOllr City Dcoigl:atcd Job NlUnbcI" 10: I ~ ':....J ((? .BNJHtrot'r1' rn~:rl"I'f1:r.rl'l 'I SITE INSN:r:."JON: 1'0 Ui! nl1dc alter' --.J excav,::Hioll. ,;.out prier' t~ !It!: up of fo,,",. --, UNDE8SLAO pWI.mlNG. EU'CTRlCM. '.! --.J MECHANICAL: To be made belol'e any work is ~ovcrcd, ~ FOOTINC .~ FOUND,1TICtl:. To bet m:u!e after tl'anchi!:J are exc.'ova ted and forma cti'c crilC ti1d. VII t prioJ' to pouring cenCl'ct.:. U.\'D!nCrIOW!D p:'UM!!rNC. S.r.:flF.R, 1.,'.1TE.J?, DHAI tlA6'1:.': 1'0 be m:,:!(! priolo to fi.l- lir.g trandla!:. ~ Zl UNDERfWOR rr.U/..'UINC ,~ MECHANICAl..: To ba made prior to in:JtaLlation of floor inaulctioll or decking. POS!' AND BEI.,.,: To be made prior to instaLLation of floor' imJl:la::ion or dccki"'!;. nnur.il pr.lJ.'m '{ts;..-E1,F:C'!.P rCA!. ,f, MF.'Cll- AN/CM.: No Wr'};' -i.:J t'o bc l.'OI..'ilr'cd ur.ti L tileac irWiJef..'~i.ol::J iz.1vf.l beer: made a/Ill app!'ov,::.1. FrRF:Pl.ACE: Prior to pl!:c-i.r:JJ facing mctc!.i.aL:J and b.:fOl'l! [r'aming illupca- tior.. 2J ~ =:J o IN.'JU1.11'!'TON/VA/JOfi IM/iRn:/i INSPECTION: 7~ be rnade after alL inuulati~n and rcquiJ'ed vapor tarrier8 aro in plaoe bllt c.ofora any la t}" gypOlun board or watt oovering i8 appLied, and bofora any inoulation l.O concealed. ' [Z] o DRfIlA!.I. lNSPf.CT!ON: To b. mad. alter (Ill. dr'YlJaLl. ill in placel bllt pri.or to allY tapina. MASONny: SteeL location. bo~d bcam:). aroutillg or vertical.u in aCCOJ'clOl1t.'O with U.D.C. Section 2415. 1I00DSTO'lF.': After inB tal.lation io ccmpletcd. D D cuno & AI'PROACll AP.WN: After fom3 are cro~ted bl-lt prior to pouring .:!'on.:!'l'ete. S!tJf:IIAl,K ,t Dnn'~.'('t.y: FOl' nIl con... Cl'Ctc p<lI)i11!} ",,{thin utroct right- of-I.Jr.Y. to be roode after at! e%ca-' voting cC1nplate & form wrk & cub~ base /ra.1tcrial. in ?UI::.!O. o '. ~ {f;Jjgi: Ilher. c()mp.l~tc -- ProtJida L.J gate.: 01' movable ooctiono through P.U.F... -:71 F'nAf~JNr.: Mu::t be 1"eque:ltecl after ~ approv.:ll of "Ollyh plIUr.billg. zlcctri- cal & rnech:l1Ii::al. Al.~ roofi7llJ bracirv; t chinrm:yo. et.:!'. trr.lst be : compLeted, !lo lJ:)rk io to be con- . ' coclcd until thio inspection }IltS 'be~n mad~ one approvad. o DfIlOLIT/ON OR !lOVED BU/LDlI/GS :=J Semi ~cu'Y BcnJel" ~ap~a~ ::it p~op~rt:; lir:o =:J S.pti~ tank pumpea. and fillea LJith ,,,,,",t :J Final... 'than abova itc:ns arc ccmpZetcd . ar.d ,",'Ien dcmolitior. io oomplatc or OtI'IIO:- turD moved and prc.misotJ oleaned up. . JoJobil.o J/cm08 :==J Btookina and Set-~p :==J Plwnbing COnnDct~on8 .- SC!J01' and tJa~C1" --, Elootl'iaal Connuotion - Blooking. Bet~"; -.J and plumbing con"oation. nr.lBt 1;0 appr:n:ed bofore roquoBtinO olDo~rical inll?DC~ion =:=J'Ao~oa:Jo~' Buil~ing :J Final - Aft~r p~ror.ool Bkirt~ng. decka. ate. QJ"O eanplBtcd. [J 'AlL project cond.ition:J. :mc!: aD t}IO l:1Totallat-i:on of B't:'OOt troea. co::rplotion of t;,. . 'l'aquircd lallCbccpil:g. etc.. mllu~ be oatiafied befopo ~ho BUILDINC FINA4 c:an .be rlquoot:Jd. :zJ fIl/AL PWI-:8l1!C ZJ nil,," f.lE~IIA.'IfCM. ~ fINAL ELECTHlC/.L o ([) PINM. nUll.VrN(;,. 'l'}w Pinal 8!1iZdi11g Inllpect1.on nnlot bo raqueotod attar tJ,o Electl'i~al. arid MCc}U1r.ictll. Inspactio~o .hav~...:~eon made a"'! ~!,p:~~.#d. \'\ . Fin3.1 PllUnbin, ............. '\ t '. ': .. .:~, I ~A{.f, J.lMIIICLE.'S AND Ca:A/lOU'r:: JW!:7' m: ACCES$l/JLF:. ADJUST!IE/IT TO BE J.L1DF.' AT /10 COST TO CI'!'Y 'P:r!1C of ~ SOLA~C[SS HEQ.- Occuna"cu Greim: 7<-? . I Lot Facnn - I I p. &. jNortll IF:ant ISeu th II{nnt I JOU NO's:?9~ I Zona: Mt:/7-? 4/''7'''0/0 ~~= -z 2""3 _~.'2~'.2... Lot Sq. Ft(j. ~ ~f tot CJlJnra(jc ,f of StorieD Tot.al //oight. Topography I I TTFJ.I 1"'<11:,1 I Ct-:.1't'lr.1! I Carnm't I/lccr.:J!lorrl SC;.f"TG 127"5 ~?:::>.. TOTA& YAW/: Is.D.c. CL1C,"UC) 1. 5., !i7......7~ ~C Building Permit .SOOts SW"chargs Totat Cha:'fl.. IITF.II Futures I R..id.ntiat 12 bath) I Sanit.1ry SetJer 11r'c:tl'!r' I NO. I 1";;1 1/ II ~&>r?'....~#/Nk, ptWllbing r.mi t Seats Surcr.a.J'fJtI Total eMMa8 I :n11 NO/., I Rnn. Sa. fta. I:?:> '3' I NoW/E::tt.Bnd ci.rcuits I I Temporary ServicB I I C:zePO /l ~Rv-/d-: El6~trioal Permit " ~ Stato SurcharqR " " ':.""" . Total C'ha.rC68' IIT.':M I FUrMcn !!TU'S I E::haua t Jlood. , V8nt Fan I I SI:.wdllt0:16 I zq 7'6",0:<' V=-,-n- I ( I NO. I / / / P6rrrn.t IS8uanca Hg:;hanical Pemri:t Stato SuJ'tOhaMC Jatat cJim.;'., -- /:NCROACIlIIE:JIT -- I Sl!ctuoitl( D::T?g:Jit. .: I .' ,:. ~l I ,. ".. ,'"",,-'''''',, . ...~..\' I......" "I" 1',.., Stora(1n I !.fll1:11 tanan:;/! Permit. Total Cha'lV100 I Curbcu ~ I SideloJ.1 tk fC,l::n F.U~ffcrt:...b.t tr 4'71 b n I Hobi.la lIomo I I I..".. .', ......... WT TIP/: L Interior' .: Corner ...... Panha,lll Le Cul-do-Dac x I VaLllo I 37..;2:> :)~~;:>a./...I Iy..je> I 6: 9?7-.-;:<> I I" 'I 1 I 1 L527'~ ' I BC.-:2.r3 I. I '3e>?-1 t-s:. ~ s1 "322-3..sl' I I ;');? ..0-.01 ~.<P. -- 1 1'5"'. -I Qc>.-I 1<:77.;s-.",.1 5'- 3'S 1 I/":? .9SI CIIMIG;; I "? 7. :9::=' 1 I 16.-a> , -:J'Z S-~ 1c?'-:> V-G"t::> ~~?>I. I I 1 1 I 5_ c><>- I I f/:/: CIMRG& fF./: FEE CIIARGF. h,. -=- q .:)'V> 3- -c> I I /b'S-C? I . :e'"3 1./733 .,,','........ 11"1""- ,-:20 I I 17'<:17. ,~~ . ~-A/ 1 ElIt1rn:1 SO:Il'.-:~!n r",..a I !feat ~.c.~7. FA t.ccc::n. I Wnf,c/' ,'/rllt,./. c..~~ I RaJl~i(! II' I Fi.,'r."lnr:,! I Wood~ tOl;q II " L-COC't T;j/uz/Col:n t: W~r- 8ccrol}l:::i: -=3 Setbackr: !loUlJa I r.m'f1(la I?'t:' lb' I' /<1' ',:;A liS.... I F.1nn Building'Value & Permit I Thill PI':I"I"Lt /:/J !1lywtr:d 011 tile! rl.1:prnnn c(J11di.tt:,;m tI:nt. thr! /I,/id COII:.t/'UC'Udll' nhaLL, in rill. l'l?tll,cc:t:.. conro"" Lo t.he O/'d':II,J/;I:,: :/./opt....! II!! t.il'~ r;i.~!1 of ' 5prin!1fiatd, l:/l(:!ud:'Il~' ~hc ~Ollilla CI'd~"(Hl(:I:. /'1::1/1~.:f.ill:l th,; c:ell:: tl.;,.;tl:C'1 I and ur:a of IJlladi.Il~F;, (l/l(1 m;:!f b() Iilwpelldl:.'i 01' /'clIokt:.! 'It. ,;;I:!I t~I;I~ "POI; uie latioll of ally (l1"?lIi.,im:Il'of /laid 'Ord,:I:f1llcI!(;. PlfJ1' Cht?ck FI?~: /7"9>4 ~ 1='/}f5 -B~ 1:8011. B 1Iil.~ Permit i -I Catc Pa:.d: Ilec::ipt H: l!ii(lmJd: Plumbing No percol1 ohllll COIlOtl'UCt, ino~aL!, a!.tor 01' cTlI::HlaC .;.n!l now C/. c=iatina . plumbing or dJ'ainaao ayn(;r.:n 1:11 ;J}aoLa or in part, udeDli .1LOC}a PCl':;OIl i6 tha lnaal pooncoooJ' of a uab:d pLumber'o Lic(!I1:;c, ~:rccl't thet Q ('c.-a 011 may do ptwnlJLtI!1 lJOI'k to pI'OI'l!J'ty IJ}ai.ch iD owncd, L,;aDcd or opcI.(:t,;d !lY t};c apJ.'li- ca'lt. - Electrical Permit "'lcre 5tata l.alJ rcquiJ'C8 U:nt tho. cLactJ'icaL LIOI'j.: b.1 dO:1C 1)!1 ell Elr:::tl'Lcdl. ContMctar, the elactJ'LCal portion of :1Ii:; pCI'mit aJl1:LL I:Ot be :;aLid wzlil Ji;;;t ~:;e;;;;;#)}7:;s;;,6~ "0;;';;"' 11 ~4S /t?.#'#~ ~7&>S~5"" M~-? B~.s-as Mechanical Perm~t I. , --' ~--' <? -r;.JllLI~'~'- 7 - ua(.,~ C.. '?-1i?~ I. I I IIAVS CAnErUl.CS EXAMINED tho completed applicatioll for p4rmit, and do llareby cortif!! that aLL i.~fo:'ma.tiOI1 120)'0011 io trljft and correct, an.:l I furth6J" CCJ'tify that allY a,...d atz. IJOrk porfor':Jlod nl1lll! bs d0:111 ir: ac=or- da"ctJ :.lith t}le oJ.dil13ucno of tho ci.ty of Sprin!1fieLd, (1rui tho: !.c:.JtJ of tha State of Orc(J"" r~rt..:Jilli.'I(] to tho IJOrk dOilcribcd hc;ro~ll, r.t1d ~Jv;t NO OCC!J- PANCl wiLL be nuda of allY otructura lJitho:..lt p,1t"nio.Jio~ of tllo !Iuitdi'l!? Di.- t1Loioll. I flll'thor cartifjJ t}lat on.Ly COlltm.::toJ';j a::d c:npL.?yoG:6 l..;J:o arc ill cc.r.tptianco Wit11 (JUS 701.05t wiLl bo uaad 011 ehio pro.i$Ce (...W,~ 0~7 [).It,: gy -- Sian:,d