HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-7 .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATI~IT 225 North 5th Street ,~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 Buil4ing Division 726-3753 ~ Job Location: 5'S 9 - [J 11.#71 t.~ )?.z:> ADoeooor" Map N I '") -0 ~ -1.-" - J 'L ,Tc: Lot H Subdivioion, ~~ r -Z ~#Po/' 0 e:-w Clmer: StQjL- DLJ)CLI mIL I.q'gG uJ. lZJla y AliAfh1f ~ ;, Address: City: [kb~" n Additicn n Remodel n ,',/ob'i.le lIome SPRINGFIELD It!{[/) ???>..-P. Phona; -3'-1L-J-q2-7D Zip: Q7'-1Db Dcacribc 11'01'/':.: w )6lt ' S.Y: (.tsic.Lmu- gCifCtjL- S.l.5-B1 Date of AppZicaticfl -Contractors General : Plumb ing trHeChalli,CUl I::lectrical Super.....ising ,~ -- ~ 6/ WYlW QIJl<\Jl., ~~ '" Vu.t 1LuK.. Elec t r.il.' i;lfI Arlrlre!'>s Board R~'l. .57, L/7t>. -gO /1. "."d"t Vallie ~(7tJb""- Lise. /I .Bldrs R1,Gl I~'P'" ' ", 1Y-tJ"?D ,~ ' (2.~ $11 ^~ . ti- ~-J~I-- {urxiA. llJY {ov.-ndaJ-irn Siqr.ed~~ v /,,1., I X'1 Data: ~ gxp'ires PhOllP It ia the rBoponD~bility of tJw permit holder to BOO that all inopection8 arB ~do at the prope~ timc~ t~at ~ach ~BB8 is rc~=ab:~ from tng IJtrcot, and that the pe1'1m t card ia Lxatud at tlla fl'O"t of tho property. ~Eui!di,'1!1 tr:tJi:io,': ap?l'or.:cJ plan :JJu.:LL pcmlli'1 on the 8u~Ldin~1 $it:; at all times. Pf':OCEDVRE FOR [NSPECTWN ,qS.QVEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'cc:ordl1r) stata your City desionated job nwr.bor~ job addresB, type of in:Jpcc~iC"1 raqucstcd a,--:d wbm !.lou will be raaa!! for inBpcct-:'O'I~ Contr'ac:tOl'B or Owners ncmo and Fhone number. Requests recoi&:Qd be/al'e '1:00 C":'l l..'iLl be trade the aame dey. requests'mcde after 7:00 an LJiLl b3 mado tho next :JOrkin..] day. .. Yo"r City Dcoigr.atcd Job Nl~nb<r la, '.,'5Q D 6D"0 _R('q,lIiror..rf'Tnt;n('ch:cn.,! O SITE'INSN.'C:"lON: ro be nude alter . cxcal.lati"n~ .;'llt priOl' t~ se~, up of forms. D UNDrRSLAB PW',/B!NC. rL,'CTRIC,1L".l . NECHA.VICAL: To be made beJor'a any work is ~ovcred, C?J FOOTING .~ FOUND.1TICII:;' To be m:u!e aftol' tl'tJ1lchiJ:J (H'e-' e:rcalJated and forms arc erec t.<.!d, liu t. p:'ioJ' to pouring ccnOl'et,;. U,\'OSRG,WU.~'D P:'UN!!JNC. S.t:f/F.R, rI.1TE,r?, D.I./AINAGE: 7'0 be m:de pl'iol' to [H- l ir.!J trenchee. o [l] UNOERFWOR Pl.U!-!TJING ,~ NEC!/ANICI1L: To ba rrrulc priolo to ilwtaLLation of floor inDu1.ction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installat.ion of float' insr;Lation 01' decki11{j, ' ~ 10 Roucn ?r,u.'mrtlG. .r-:U:r.fR!CA!. ,~ MP.CI/- ANJCI1f~: No worJ:. .i:J W be t.:OL.'iU'Cc1 ur.til these ir13pec~ior:!J JJmll~ beer. made mid app!'otJ.:!:!, FI,f?F.Pl,ACE: Prior to plc:cir:.g facing m<::torial8 and befol't! fr'wning irlBpec- tiar:, FRIU~JNr.: Nu:;t. be rcqueDtcd after -0 approlJ..1.L of rough pllUr;billrJ. zlcctri- - cal ,,( mcchJni~aL Alr rooring brac'LI''''1 dt Chi/r.rnCYS~k ~t~. ffl".Jb3t be 0 : camp ete. fa WI' 1.8 to c con- , coaled until tJrio in:Jpection has . bee:" mad~ ane! approl-'cd. [i] [ZJ INsur.A'1'JON/V/d'OH lIMiRn:R INSPECTION: To bc lnade after alL inuulati~n and rcqu-:'l'ed lJapol' barioiors Q1'B in plaoo but b!1forc any lath, gypsum board 01' lXl:ll ooued.no is applied~ and boforo any inDulation iu concealed. DfMOLITION OR !.IOVfD BUILDII1GS :=J SanitaJ'Y BllUBJ" aappod ~t p~Op;J.ty lir.e :=J S.pti~ tank pump.a, and [i!lad t.rith _ro,.1 ---, Final - r{,hon abovQ ite~s arc ccmpleted --.J ar..d when demolitior. is ocvnpLata or str'UJ- turo moved and prcmi3DB ol~aned up. Nobile /lcmau :::J BlookinG and Set-~p :::J Plumbina connBct~on8 .- scuor and ua:er :::J Eleotrioal Conneotion - Blooking. Bot-II;: and plumbing connootions nr~st to appro~ed before requosting sloo:rical inspoo:ion ~ AaaOSBal"'J Building ---, Final - Aft~r p~rcr.os, Bkirt~na, dacks, --.J eto. ara OCl1lpletcd. D :All project c:o'ld-itionB. :Jllc!: as the 1',ustaLlat.:.an of s.traat traes, co::rplotion of tile' l'equired la/l(!:Iac.pi':a~ etc., 'mHJ~ be oatisfied before tho BUILDING FINA4 ~an .bo l'RqllOSt3d. o FIlIAL PLUI-:B/IIG o FIliAL f.lr~IIA.'/!CM. [E] , FINAL rUCTSrc,:L <[) P[NM. UVJ[.DJNC: 1'110 final Uuilding Inspeotion must bo roqucatod altol' tho Final PlurnbillJ Elcctri~al, atll! Mecltar:ical Inspoctio':D .hquo bssn made and appl'ovi1d. .... [Z] o onyrw,1. INSpeCT!ON; To bo mad. alter all c!,'ylJall io in place~ bllt prior to any taping. MASONny: Steel location~ bond beanl:J. grouting or lJcrticalo in accoJ'danco lJith V.D.C. Saction 2415, WOODSTOVF.: Aftol' installation ia ccnrpletcd. o 'M,I. f.lMI/lCLrS AND CU:ANOU'I'S 111101' m: ACCrSSIBLF.. ADJUSTllrNT TO Br 1!1DF. AT N~ COST TO CITY I Pa!," of ~ D o CURB & A[lPUOAClI AP.WN: Aftc":" forms Q1'e aru::ted but pl.ior to pouring .:!on.:H'cte. o SID.~'fIA~K of DRn'~,'l/t.Y: For all con- cJ'cte paving lJithin Btl'Oct right- . ol-L.JCY, to be made after all exea-' vating canpLete & form LXJl'k & cub- ba:w material in pla:Je. !'ENCr:: ",,,'/lar. co:np'L~tc -- ProtJidc gatelJ or malJablc 'soctions through P,U,F... :z~n::O :~~~ OC::!<<O~E;;_ ;Q.- T:,"c/co!tll--A/ Badl'~:"~~: let Sq. Ft.. ..!i..qo/',c> LOT TYPE I [,at Foe... ~~T'" II EIl<l'n" SO;<I'c.". T"l'e % of lot C01Jef'Ggo ~~= L Interior'" II Setbncb II !leot ~~z.. r:~. P.L. f1o/,?uoe'rlr.m't1f11? It.cccr.:J. 11,1 WatCl' ./lcatrl' c~. .f of StonGO 2 Corner . ". INol'th - ROHan ,p Total Haight 2"'3 .... Panhandle I!~:~h /6' :;",,(~~ i '1 r-I '/ C~:~~~~~;. Topogf'Gphy ~.'2 /'2... CUl-d.-aac., - "..t I 18' I . I I TTF,}.I !"k'u:" I Cr..J't1r.f'! I CarncJ't 1,1ccc:J.',oru S~.FTG /2?~ 51?::>" I I I Is. D.C. TOTAL VAWE (vat.UC) 1. S:t: 5"7.""7~ :' Building Permit .SOOts Su:rchargo Total Charg.. I/TEN Futures 'NO., ';11 1/1 II i znH/H~ Reaidential (2 bath) I San.it:1ry SmJRr I Wc.te1' ..- ~~ Plumbing P"nr.i t Stat" SurcJ-.a.rge To ta t CMM6S IIT~I N/O'I I H.a. Sa. fea. /:<'? 3' I N3LJ/Extend Circui. to I I Temporary S'l'1Jice II I t:zePO /l ~.rlV/c.} Elo~trioal PSMmiC Stat(J SU1'"cmrae Total Char(;98 '1 IT.':", I F'urn:;u:c F!TU' S I f:J:hauo t J/ood I Vent Fan , Woodn to:J6 'ZB~~ W...j~, , NO. / / / I I Ir I Permit ISBuano8 HfI::hanicaL P8rrm't StatD Surcharac Total chtra~n' -- ENCROAGHMENT -- I SI:C:lrid, D&oo:Jit . I ' . ;." . ~';ii",..,.,,,. '. Stora(111 I 1.fnin tl:nan.:e I Permit .:/., ;1 ,.,\001.1\' \',.of'~' 1-:'. I'.... Total Char<1oS CUrbcu~ Sid_!k fcn::n E!/cffC':'tlabo! IT' 4'7' b n Nobile IIcme x I Val". 1 31!~ S.::>S';>,8./61 IY-/&> I 6: 9:J7..~<> I I' 'I I I I I 1?:;:7'~ I 8(;;'2./3 , . I 3tP?-1 i-'5: ~s1 "322.351,' I I s:?..o-c1 Z,:P. -- I 1'5"'. -I I Qc>_-I I /~7.s-pl I 5"-'?sl 1//":?s~I, I I I I ,~'ZS-e> I I 119.'-:> I I "I..S"t? I I ~~.::>" I I I ?C FE:E CIIAHGE: FEE: CHAIIG!: I "'?7. ~ I I ;5": ...,.. I FEE CIIAHGE b. -=- 4' .,')2:;> 3- -"'" I I I y-"- I I 1.6 .S"'c:> I . a "';3 1.L7 3' 3 ',"1, ........,. '.... r ,.. ~ ,';20 I I I /'/&'9.. <fJq F:teR Building 'ya'l~e & Perm i t Thin pr.I'ITlit 1:1l (1)'(1l1t(~d 011 t11(~ l?:rprnlln cmvUtl:,?11 thaL Urn Il.zitl ':"OIl::LI'Uc'timl nJralL. in all. z'(!/II'r.ct::, t:ollj'or"111 to the o,'(HIlI/I;(:(~ :'''O(;t.,~.1 h!, ti/(~ eLL!! oJ SpringfieLd, 1:ndudi.lI(1 Ule ~(mi'la Cl'd~wll/(:c, ,'C:1U 1.,;/. ill:/ th,: c:cll::tl'a.:tl:clI alld IIna of blldding:;, ami m..y bo (j1ll:l'elld.~d oj' ,'cIJok.:c flL ,:J:!i t~mf: lljlOI: uie latioll of all!! I'r.?ui.,im:n 'of /laid 'Ordl:,:n.llc:(!t:. \' Ipl(11l CJlI1ck ICate Paid; III.cdpt 1/; I Sia~ed: Plumbing Peo' /~, ~ ~,'1J5-Bq I~OIiD B 11~ Permit No parcon ohllll aOIl.'Jtl'llct, inotal!, aUar or changc c:.1I!J ne/J Ct' e::iIHi,l(J 'plW1lbinG or dl'ainaaa oynr.C.71 1:11 :.1hole or ill part, w:Lcr,(i nuch pcr:;o'l iG the legal poanr:snoJ' of (I uaUd pLlUnbcr'6 licen:;c, (.'XCOl't tJ:r:t a luz:-:101l ma~1 do ' plur.tbLlI!J work to 1)J'opal'iy lJhich ill ol..mad, lca:;cd or ol'cl.(~ted by the appli- cant. - Electrica I Permi t Where Stato f,{llJ rcquil'en tJ:at tho electricaL 1./01'':'': b.1 do.'1c by all Electrical Contractor, the eLecit'ieaL portion of tllLJ p()l'Tnit ohaLL I:Ot be ualid wltiZ 7b:;1 ~~O~;:~$?:;S:;;/ "";;";;"' ~ ~~ It?"#~ $?7.!>~~ ~~ S~.s-as Mechanical Perm~t " I I I I ' I. I I I, ~~,J ~~ l'}6'Y'J::xrJnLllC1' / /". c ~ "?-:iT"'} vaL.: I HAVE CAREFUU..r EXAMINED the compLeted applicatiOfl for plJrrnit, and do JIDreby certify tlute aLL i:-:fo':"mO.tioll horao1l it; truq and COT'T'cct, an.:i I j'urthor certify that allY ar.d an IJOrk porfol":11od nhan JUI dO;1rJ in ac.:::'or- OOnc6 :.lith tIle OJ'din.:tncno of tho City of Sprill(JficLd, and th~ La-..J8 of tho State of Orng.?tl p:;rtaLllillg to tllo work c68cribcd hcra~ll, t:nd ~}lnt NO OCC~- PANCY will be rru.ie of allY ntructw'.;' without p.1l'min.1io,'1 of tho !Juildil1(i Di- vision. I fUJ,thar certify that o71ly cont1'a.:toJ':; a;:d c-l1pbYllC8 wJ:o are in co-:Tpl:.anco IJitJI OHS 701. 05t wilt be uood on this pro,j::ct /W,~ ,I; - 7 - (fry f)"ltr; -- Sian.1d