HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-19 lilSPECT lUll L Wl 71(..J709 . #A."i'LOJ../ ~/) LIlY 1)1 SI'RlrH,f IE,U cOIm 111M I ON APPU CA T ION/ PERM IT - I E!IERr,y SOURCES: Ileat !later Ilcc1tl!r i ,~ ~! If\! Describe I-Iork(j,e_. Build Single I tIJ Mt.ch.d ""'.0.1 . N ! lfe/>7oo€? C44?S'~"",",,"""'<;? I I c:?'?.::::7" "'" "5 Wh<E7-?.c .?;,,-~ I I /,~~ :;?_ Au_ ~.A/~~~II . (Iics, no.) . fexlllresl fohone no,l Job Address /~~ 1.09.1 O.,criptioo /?'()"'!:>-27-2..I _ 11!>/"2.0 9Vf' / ~ ~~..-?>.t:#'V7'-':""'~ ~ <1 ...., Owner ~""e>e:rc. q~r~ ,~~ ~_~ ,'ddress _5"2'.~ ~/LL ~. '5P~P. ,oR Construction lender ~ - - RanCJe t: . . f1fORfIAl: .:1 LI..:. 726-J75} So. FlQ, ['lain ~q. fttj. Access, So. Ftg. Other rlel-l Add 1I.lter ~eo. --rente Oemo Chantjc/Use Other- -- Va I u( of Horle S-~ ~-- Uuilt;ino Pernlit Info: f.lI:lily nesldence "Iith 7 . Phone _ _ 2<:;_~..,..-I ,\Jdress Ul~ll.irj [LAI1 (name I Phone I.address) Primary Struc tura I Electrical !1echanical CONTRACTORS (niime) (itddres'i, ) General ~1./.,ALC7<: . Plumbino E I.ctri c.l ~/'IQo/("<"J!? "echanical PlUIIBlIlG ELECTRICAL I Floor furnace and vent ~_S<. I I I'. R ecessed wall _____ ~n~rp ~et-f"~ ypnt I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SSIIANCF OF PFP.!II T -=<~-e>C> I TOTAL CHARGES ~~. b----- ElectriCi\l Contractor, the electrical nortion of this perr.1it Surervisor dnd returned to the Oui lding ~ivision ;:U,l -----IE.Ch ,iogle fixture -----I Relocated bui lding (new fix, additional) IS.f, r.esidence (I b.th I -----IOuPI.x (1 b.th) ..ch jAdditional bath I~!ater service I Sewer IStorm Se"/er -I I I -I ..llL. CHARGE .llL Residence of SQ. FT. I- I I I I 1 I ,- I I I I I 1 New ci reu! ts a I ts_ ar- ex tens lons "':>. _~ /">I17~.s /SERVICES -, I Temporary Construct ian ICha'lqe in existing rp'j.idf)'}1r,: Imultifamily, conll!l. or Induo;.trial 10f ICm~I.!INO. FEEDERS Ilnstall/alter/relocate dio;.trih fppdpro;. IOf .mp,./ -, I I I I I TOTAL CHARGES I TOTAL CHARGES WI1H!E STATE L.'I'1 REQUIRES that the Electrical l-lork be done by an shall not be v,,]H until the litbel has been signed by an Electrical amns,l I I I I (11('0;. 1 ! I I J I i LEL .U!AllGl . nn. \ (,.~nirr";, \ (uhon,. fl,n \ MECHANICAL I-ITL J:IIllRGl furnace/burner to BIl'" I ,- I I I I I Apol iance vent seo.al-alp I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan l<li th sinole duct I Vent syster.l apart from I heatino or A,C. I ~lechanjcal exhaust hnnrl ,1nd rlllr t. IliDOd stove/heater I I I I I I y I e.K72F'...v p~~-, I ' 1-' I I I I IIAVE CA[![fULLY EXN1HlCD the completed ap!llication for Ilcrmit. c11HI do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. dnd I further ccrtify that any and all \-Iork nerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Sonngfield and th~ Laws of the Stilte of Dreoon oertainin~ to the work described het-ew. and that UO OCCl!rAIlCY l-li 11 be made of any structure wit.hollt the pcrmission of the nllildin~ Division_ I furt.hcr certify that lilY reflistration \'lith the Guilder's Ooard is in full force .1I1IJ effect as required by OIlS 701,055, tll,ll if excllmt the b,lSis for exemntion is noted hereon. and that ,:~~(:::::'::::::' 'a~~:::. ;;:;~::'" ~:,::::" 4~::; M" L '" ~ _~ '-'" FO~ orFlr.~ USE DilL y r Tyo./Coo,t.1"/,#-)l? .Uoits So. ftg. II.io x V'lu. Gcdrooms Occy Load SQ, Ft~, Access )( Value Stori., / OCC,Y Group &;'-/ S~. Ftg. Oth.~""'..~~l~~ V.lu..:5:;:....,..".... ~ TOTAL VALUATIOfI - Zone-U. Fire lone Flood Plain BUI,DIIIG rERnlT CharlJCs an~ Su rcha rges ~ ~ PI.o Ck. Co"",lIod . _ _~~!:.cl'"~ _ _ _ ~5!/Bld" Pnr fnn Plan n. lies Z-S3 JOt/Bldo Pnr F.. ~'2, R3 " I I I .-1 r-~ PlU'1B ING PERM IT C:'argcs and SurCharges Fence ------------ Demo ,ElECTRIUl rERI~1T Cha rqes and SurCharges _ ___~..p-c>' Sid..,lk / -/"'5 AlC r.vino . 1&:.- _.:Curb Cut. -------~?~-I&~r~~ 11ECHMIICAl PERHIT Char9~s and Surchart)es Syster:lS Development I Ch'roe (1.5') I I I I Total t:ornb, rp.rmit I. ~ <"-~/ ,~o I iOT~l / 2 ~ Sir l ,- . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. I 'I Applicant to furnish 'A. Job Address 8. legal DeSCription .. .. "". 1. example- Tax lot 100. lane 'County Map Reference JI UJ 43 2, eXiJmp)c- lot I. Block 3. 2nd Addition to~ Springfield (stales . . , C. Name, etc. of ,owner and' construct'ion']endcr D. Energy Sources \ .. ......'. _ , . "I. examp)e-' heat/electrical ccilino/or forced air llas "'2. examole- water'leater/electriCill/or:sa!.lr ....~. Square 'tootage or valuclt'ion, elc, - 1. examoJe- lliQ sq, foot house. 500 sq. foot garage 2, examplc- if new project, check new _ if addition, check add, etc. F. Building permit information: 1. "examole - construct single family house with an attached garage 2. examole - remodel existing garage into fami ly room J. examoJe - Convert single family rcs;dencc into restaurant (change of use) G, Value of \'Iork as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Spec ill rty Code II. OESIGN TEN-I AND COl/TRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding deslgn information or job site corrections, etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, ~lcchanical, & Electrical Schedules A, Except \<there blank spaces OCcur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill~in only the No, Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item{s} to be installed 8. Full Plumbing, Nechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the 8ui1ding Division 1. To conserve space on the permi t form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not Covered on the abbreviated schedules you should'consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AIID CHARGES 011 TIlE SCHEDULES O. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. - Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only, Where Possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. Fees dnd Cha rges Plan check fees are due and payable at the tilne of the application, and no plans ,,,ill be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and paY~ble ..wh~n;.the permit is issued. II. III. IV. ,- ,'" .\, v. FOR OFFICE USE OIlLY . II " '.. '. . PERMit "VALIDATION , . . ~~ \~~ID \4 \ uf\ '. .. I j I Permi t Cler '.'-. PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SAT'ISfIED BEFORE OCCUPAtlCY: J I Permit appl icant exempt from registration with the ri~ilder's Board because: : ., .~dd.itional Project Informat'io.n: -,. ... PLANS REVIEWED BY: name L.?lifhylE' /1: e:;. &=? '. , '> ~ .~ r ~ signature~....]/.c5_ ~o..;;.;, '. datefi-/~-89 '/ '"" .' .:.. .~~.I-\' ,'-. , ,