HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1993-1-26 flGN 1'[I1MIT APPLICATION .AiiI... :lG Filth Street . ~rilluliold, on 97477 .OCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: 770 ~~msoRsMAP: 11(l~[K)() JOB NUMOEII qlJ. fr17~ aection Line: 726.3769 "'lJiice: 726.3759 Hltfl-LoW f.l.oAD 5pft? Of.... __TAX LOT: 0.8.1), ~ ') )WNEI1: r:..... (C;rlrz,.tS ) sv", .. 12.. tIV I I \2-6'""G,.," N1~$"~ PHONE: ,1, SC-':U"M~V1kl- sr. 5. IE.. '5tJS - 2i2...t; WDflESS: CITY: , ~~ STATE: tJ~. ASStS,t::D ZIP: 1"1;'01 f2-.G-S / DeNd IlUSINESS NAME, FIf1M ETC.: C;Pe.IN~ V Aubl l-L V /;Jc, bESCflII'T10N Or. PFlOPOSED SIGN(SI: tploase checl< and complete 011 appropriate informalionl W:111 -X Frcestnmling SinU1c Face --X Double Face . SqUilrC Footaoe: 7.e ,. _ Projecting Roof _ Marquee VCrlicnl Dirnension of sign ar [.......1....;).... ~: Billboard Other Total Height above Grade: ~::J M~ . -, .-'. /4-ft. w . ,'_," VALUE: 2.. t:)oo.~ Dillwilsiun from Grmle lu bottom of Sinn: ')" Electrical Installation: Y s (II yes additional permit is r wed t"I"""1 Slun is constructed 01: tvoof? ._t"'ll/o tI/-.'( ) " . .Isl ^LL cxislinu Sin~':lgc and attach a photograph of each sign: 4 X'/- ?~'>vM. ~O po~n ,.- (al Type _.t:!..RNt; Sq. FIg. Ibl Type Sq. Ftg. lei Type Sq. Ftg,. (dl Type Sq. Ftg. IC ONTIIACTOfl/INST A LLEf1: etA fA wfi:- 5 rq-v ~ /tU/f.lI~" .C-b . PHONE: 4-fY:; - ~'? '7-<0 ADOGESS: 1'- to O~A--n:.-H . E-vt~G 12-9. CITY:. STATE: () fL. ZIP: '1,4<>2- EXPIRES: I ~- 2c - '7 J EXPIRES: " - 3-0 - "T 3 CONSTIIUCTION CONTFlACTOflS flEGISTRA TION NUMBER: b2"'1o, CITY llUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: 'f 2.0 41% SiOIl Permit Fee: OFFICE USE Lnnd Use:' \ \ ~L\:- Ouad Area: \ ~ U0 Code Sectio,\ . q ~ '7 - In . Approved By: \ \m~~2) DATE:J-I~q-'=) ~iUII Districl:~ 9 ~). \.\f\?. 40(D Zoning: REOUlrtED INSPECTIONS: ___._. Site 10 1)1: llwue prior to sion,placement, Footino prior to p14lccmcIlt of concrete _____ ^twchmcnt Electrical X Finnl alter fastcnc"rs arc prior to energi1ino C(lrnplctio!l~ol sign installed/prior to cover _ installation . .If:t\~ f''\t/\\ ~ (1M ~" ~ 1\\2 Ii , 'A(ltlitiUIlJ1 CommentS <lnd/or Conditions. By siulwtu . 1 staW and (lgree, at I h,lVe cnrcfully examined t completed appliCation and do hereby certify _that nIl information herein is Hue Jnd ,correct, and I lurlhcr certify that LIlly ami all work pcrformetl' shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances 01 the City 01 Sprilluliuld, and the U:IWS of the Stote of Oregon pertaining !D the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors and cfnploy(:cs ~l1o are in complinnce with ORS 701,055 will be uscu on this project. Ilurtllcr <Joree to ensure thelt all required inspections arc requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from ttle street, thnt the permit C~}((.J is localed at the froflt of the properly, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the inslall~tion of the signlsl. Receipt Number: ~L 4fJ.w 1'::)1-1 Date /- 13-(13 Signature evt:jt?;J~ 7t'!,J t- AwJo"_ ) V;llidatiilll: Amount J1cceivcd: Date Paid: I j) I, cR {O-Lf5 Received By(7l(DQ..) , .., t I 1\ ',,1 " SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION \ ,', \ \ Thu i1ppllC;:lliOll on tlw reverse side needs to he completed elltirely. If you are the sign cOlllroctorlinswllcr. or if you DfC hiring a contractor, you nc'cd to' maKe su'rc_tliat both the City bl, Spri'l~gfield Business License Number and the Registration NUlIlbcl from tile Stale 01 Oregon COlIs(rucliUl~ ConlHlctors Board' ~rc iisled o'n the ar;pli~a'tion; (llang witt; the" expiration , dOle of' eilel,,', .;- ." ,".' If the sign,You 'are p(opo~ing is illuminated, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either D superviSing electrician, limited sign electrical COI,tnlctOf, or If you orc the business ownor who also owns tho bulllJlnu In wllich yo'" oie occupying, :ond you will be' performing the eleclricol installation yourself, you moy sign the electricol application. - .. ~" .', . II. there ore existing woll ond/or freestnnding sign~~ ,a photograph{sl of each existing sign needs to bo attached to tho opplication. The size of eoch existing sign olso needs to be listed on theopplication, PLANS '. To submit for 0 sign permit, you need to prepore two complete sets of drawings Showing all dimensions. totollleigllt, ond :1 pial plall il1t.1icating ~hcic lhc~proposcd sign will be located. If you arc installing a freestanding sign which exceeds 20 10(;1 in total height, the footing detail needs to be prepared and stamped by a registered engineer. Afrer the plan review process is completed, and, if your siun(s) is approved, olle set will be rctur;lcd to you:JThc' approved set 01 drawings need to be al l!1l; site wilen an inspection is rcqu(~stcd for the inspectors reference. ... ~. . " 'INSPECTIONS Depcndinu, on YOUf' siUlI(sl. you,rrwy be rcquin;d ,to ,rcCJ,ucst 0.1"1.0 ,or all of, thel fol.1oY'..dng insp~~~ions during the inslallDtioll . 01 your Si~ll: .., ," . Site: To be requested niter imJicnting all the lot where the proposed sign will be located but prior to (lny work. being performed lor tile instollotion of the sign. This inspection is required if there is a question on the loeminl) 01 the proposed sign. FootinO: '. ',. To be requested nfter excavation amI the lorms are installed, but prior to pouring concrete. If there will be electrical conduit placed in the lootinu. it must also be in place prior to requesting this inspection. AIIJcluricnl:- To be requested when all. fasteners are installed uut prior to cover. . . " ,',' . , , \ :, ~ To be requested oller the electrical connection to the sign is f'!lade, but prior to energizing. 'Electrical: Final: l,' . iAlter 011 required inspections ,"r~ conducted and opproved and tile sign installntion is cOl:nplete. The inspections tllat ore required for your 'specific sign wi)! be indicoted on the applicotion during tile pion review process. Failure to request ANY 01 the required inspections could result in sign removal in order to inspect tile sign at tile required intervals 0'1 work. .. TO request an inspection, phone 726-3769. Ttlis is a 24 hour recording. On the recording you will need to leave your City Dusiunatcd Job Number, location of where the sion is being instnllcd, the type of inspection you tHe requesting, and when you will be ready for the inspection. All inspections en lied in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made Jill:'! same warkinu dilY, all insp~ctions phoned in after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. If you have any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections, please feel free to phone the Building SafeLy Divisio;l.at 726-3759. .,: City III' Sp,.;n~lield ,llnildinl: Safely llivision 225 FiI'lh St,'eel 'Sprinl:licld, OR 97477 " ,i, " i: