HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2004-3-12 . 8.:.- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00I76 ISSUED: 03/12/2004 APPLIED: 02113/2004 EXPIRES: 09/12/2004 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 925HARLOWRD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703223300100 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Sign TYI'E OF USE: Nl'\\' Clllllmcrcial I'IW.JECT DESCRIPTION: Sign - wall sign, addition to existing Owner: SELCO CR UNION INC Address: PO BOX 7487 EUGENE OR 97401 I CONTRACT,?I.~-'NFORMAT~~N I Contral'lur Type Si~n Contractor SIGN GROUP LLC License 145755 Expiration Date 06/311/211114 Phone 54 1-4 M5-5546 BUILDING INFORMATION' # of Units: Prilllary Onupancy Group: Sl'l'ollllary Occupancy Gruup: Prill1ary Construction Type Sl'l'undary Construction Type: # ut' Bl'drool1ls: VN Lot Sizt.': Sq Ft I sl Floor: Sq 1'1 2nd Floor: Sq Fl B:lSl'II1l'lIl: S'I 1'1 Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: ATTENTION :Oregqll, \ft,'f.(,r,~l1l~rlilf:,::PNm: follow rules adooted bv the Orennn Iltilihl I DEVELOI',\IENT INPOl~'J~'H\'rIONJ'I"I"" Those rules are set fort' , .. ._.. ---;1'\:';",. ""'''-\JV 1-0010 througREQlDilffi(j-P~1RKING O I I)' 0090. You may obtaii)'copie,,].of 'Ihe rules I vcr av 1St: II' th t (N not'l' :j # St '1 '1- R caa Ing e cen er. ote: t) e e,.enhnd"e I'CC n'cs g: a~\ ll'aIlPC" : Pawl Dril'e Rqd\umber for the Oregon Util~(,hYI?:tiftpation "--'M:~ 1-A()().~~2-23441. # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Iil'al: 'Vater Typc: H.~IIl~i.' TYI)I.-': Energy Palh: SETBACKS Frllnt~'ard Scthack: Side I Set hack: Side 1 Sl'thal'k: RearY:1rl1 Selhack: ~~lll:lr Sl'lhad:.s: ex, of Lnt Co"erage: Strl'clllllflro\'cments: Slllrlll Sl'wl'r Available: SIH'l'i:lllnslrul'tion: NOTICE; I PUBLIC 1,\1 PI{()VF~\IE~:I'UK THIS PERMIT -SHAl.Ct')\.Yllir-rr-IlI[ .. AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Sidewalk Type: Downspouts/Dnlins: Noles: I Valuation Description I J)es('riplioll Type of Construction $1'", Sq 1'1 or multiplier Square Foolage Of Bid Amounl Value Date Calculated Total ":Ill1e of Project P:I!!C 1 of 4 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769Inspeelion Line Fel'lll-scription + 101:1.. Administnltivc Fce Sign ](i-60 Sqmu"c Feet Sign 1'1:111 Ilc\'icw Total Amount Paid . 1 Fl'f~;)'~ Amount Paid $11.00 $11 0.00 $40.00 $161.00 I_J'lan Itc\'k'::.:..J Date Paid 3/12104 3/12104 3/12104 Pa2e 2 of4 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit J'ERMIT NO: COM2004-00176 ISSUED: 03/1212004 APPLIED: 02/13/2004 EXPIRES: 09/1212004 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 Rt'('l'ipt NlIlI1hcr I 21111.lUlIlIlIlIIIOllll003 12 1211114111111111ll)(lUOl10312 . 1211114111111UlIlIlIlIlIU0312 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Si!..!lI Hc\'il'w . 02113/2004 02113/2004 APP Paee 3 of 4 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: C0l\12004-00176 ISSUED: 03/12/2004 APPLIED: 02113/2004 EXPIRES: 09/12/2004 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 DJB Per sign code vurhlllcc the following applit.s: 8.2..H~ COl1l1l1l1l1ily CClIlllIICrcilll and i\hljor Rl'lail CUllIlIIl'rd:IIDistl'ict. These standards apply for all property loealed in CC or MRC Districts e.H'l'pl those located In the Downtoll'n Sign District, 1-5 Mall Sign nist riet :111(1 tlw I-S C0l11l11Crd:11 Sign Distl'id: (I) Singh' Businl'ssl'S. Each husiness sh:lIllH.; perlllillcd a maxilllulIl number or thn.'c w:III signs totaling 350 square fed for':l1I faces. (2) Fn'(' Standing, Rnnf and ]>rojcl'lillg Signs. In :llldilinn to wall signs Iwnllilll'd aho"e, one sign from this group shall he permitted for each :Ipprovt.'d de"e1upment urea. The tnlal :1I"'l':1 pcrlllillcu for II free standing !'iign. ruuf or pro.intiug sign shall hl' J no SqU:lI"l' ft.'l'l ful' nlll: face or 200 sqllarl' l"l'L'1 ful' lwo or more faccs al :l m:D:illllllll uf 20 feet above gradl'. (3) Sl'fllnd Story Businessl's. Two wall signs per hllsinl..'ss shall he pl'l"Illilled wilh a 1I1:l.\illllllll sign display :11"1..',1 ul' 17S sqllan fel.t for :III f:H.'l'S. (4) Logus an' t.'Xl'mpf frum pl'rmit r('(lllin'llIt'lIts pru\'idctl till' Ingo is the lugo of the husiness residing on the prclllisl's :111(1 p,'u\'ided fhe total s<JU:lrt. fuof:lg.... of lhl' pt'rlllittl'd wall signs alltllhe luglls c1u nul t'.Xt.'t'cd 8 cOlllhined an'a nl" .150 sqlJ:ll'e fed for single sIClr~' hllsincssl's :'lIltl 175 square ft'cI fur Sl'l.'UIHI story busincssl's, ISl'l'liull ~'l.~4X :l1llt.'IHlcd by OnlinaJlI..'t.. ~o, 5H6.!, t'll:ll'lc(1 Sl'plt'mller IS, 1~~7"1 . . CITY 01<' SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2004-00I76 ISSUED: 03/1212004 APPLIED: 02113/2004 EXPIRES: 09/12/2004 VALUE: $ J ,000.00 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line To RClJucst an inspcction call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection n'lJuestcd hefore 7:00 a.m. will hc made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work da~'. I Reouired Insneetions I Sign Attachment: Method of mounting the sign to a structure or pole. l\1cthod of attachnll'llt of hullS or welds. 2 Sign Final: After all required inspections arc contlll(.'tcd and approved and the sign installalioll is cUl1Iplcted. B~' S:(~ll:Itllrc, 1 state and ngrce, that I have carefully exomirwd the completed application :1I1d do lH'n'h~' ('crfiry that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work p('rfurnll'd shall he done ill :tt:l'ord:tlll'c with the Onlillunces of the City of Springfield and the Laws of tht: Slate of Oregon pertaining tu the wlIrk dt.'slTihed hl'nill, ~lllfj that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Commnnity Scnicl's Division, Building Safety. I fnrthcr ccrtify that only contractors and employees who nec in compliance with ORS 701.005 will he nscd on this project. I furlht.'r .tgrce to ensure that aU required inspections are n'qlll'stcd at the proper time, that each lHldn'ss is readable rrom the strcd~ that the permit card is located at the front of the property, nnd the approved set uf plans willlTIl1:lill UII the site at all tinH's during t.'onstructiol1. ~d~~ $/;2.-10'-1 OWII".'r or CUlltrat.'tnrs Signature Datc \. PaQc 4 of 4 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Johf.luurnall\umbcr COM2004-00 176 COM2004-00 176 COM2004-00176 Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By ES&A SIGN Iii:.,......~: "m'~~..".~.! ' <...c._.._ J "I, __ , ._;,""'"_1'tff'.'.......,( Receipt #: 1200400000000000312 ()cscription Sign Plan Review Sign 36-60 Square Feet + 10% Administrative Fee Received By djb Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number 31315 City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department- Public Works Department" Date: 03/12/2004 1:49:03PM - Amount Paid Item Total: 40.00 110.00 11.00 $161.00 How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $161.00 $161.00 . .