HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-1-22 ":c;~J ~-:- r~?\ Ef,E', ,:AL~~~T,Al'~U?A.,)'[ON""'~-;" c::' 1./--.,;\ I "^I ' " ," , "" , ~:.~' 1:;~Cit)"~Ob ~umbe~u ,-Oilf~~~ of )',\,:"; ;~r:':JI:3. 'C9~I,:~TE FJESC~;tiLE I3E26\~: :' "'" :,,) ," I' r ,'\ .: -1 ~ ::"', '''.. ',. :, , '-, ,~t '. l 1-../ /"-', ",',.,', > . '> -- A: -New'Residential-Single'or' Multi-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTlON:::e fOllowing projecr as b Sen'ice Included: I L 7. 0. ~ . ~ . 33 ~(!JqJz; nor re~UUi~itted has rhe fOllOwing Items Cost SUI))- {;.i"-.'I':\'f ., specIfIC land Use "', ') r,)";',; JOB DESCRIPTION ZOnlng_ GfEJ 1000 sq,ft. or less $106,00 (/jJ J,M.u) <.. ~ JtIM ~ .. 1- 1.'0 1. ~""h additional 500 ~;', ,. rf, "'''', I . Authorizad Sl'g , or ortion ' , i . ,'t Co . nature r' I r:;,,> .', Permits arc non-translerable and expire thereof , ' $ 19,00 ~, ~':i~,,~ if work is IIch'started within 180 days ac I nufd Home or /':;." - ~:~~.f;,~ of issuance .ht/work is snspended 'for Mod~lar Dwelling , /'/ \ ,:...;:; k"~l 180 days, f'.} ServIce or Feeder " ;" ,; '::~ $ 50,00 ,.', \ i",,~~~.,;. "~)"' .,....1....,. , .~. ~~~~, 2 CONTftlOR lrALLATION O~Y B. smi~::~~I~~~~~r~lter~~:'~l:;:.",',\,\. ~:: ) ~J~;';> Electrical Contracto!E"":gen~ €Iectrlr~ Relocation: /", . ;~. .,". ,,";J:, .:...'" It'" . \ ..~~ c.; .,., r . .1. >. ~ - "" I.. ~ ..\ . ..J i~~",,'i f'i'f,..J\ ".',< ~ I' ~,,,' ,>- ,:' ,", . '."', , \ /Iil.~,,"" ;,,~;:,;:~ Address r,:z.OfnMrOe.sr: /',:-.... 200 amps or less ". '':': .... ~$>6:i',00~j ,~;"il ' )'\~\ f, ,\ /.:"}:> ':~ 201 amps to 1~9aJnps, '~$'75,OO ~ j !>~i..". CIty Eu.::,t:neJ I.Phone..~"~-35h./,'.: ,,': '",401 amps t'J600 amp~ (.,~', ~$125,OO~-' ~~):,~ (',. "\\ ( ./,,' ,'; ,', 6QI ampslo 1000 amps, ' :,~$16~,00---2' r.:.~~:.' Supervisor LiceIYse'Number ,JOqZS "'.;,.. O\~er 1000 amps/'i.'olts ~... .,$375.00.:" ,_:~ ^',,',. I V"i ' ..' '" I ' , , - . - :;:'''1 ""'<:,::,'''(''':"'''.':..', " >""Reconnect.Only .. "$,50,OO~; ~;'~11 Expiratio~pate. :':10~~,z03:':.,",' ',),;', ',.,.'. "~' ,', ':1 ,,:,~Z,( tf!.., _.;", >l.~~-~' <,,,', ":~, _ ,'..C.Tcmporar)'Se;n'lces1or,Feeders >-...... l:~JF:>~ ~Cohstr~CO!l~. NunJbcr~, ~c"BqOt.DD:-'...~' ,: ,;:'" . ',,'~tlS,t~lll":i;!i.on, Al~cratio~'ot~c!~c.~ii!o~."- -~ ,.:',. ~<. " :;,..: ~ >~ t~~~;:Z~~ . .~..,"~:""~:i:'i::'::':':'-> - ,.ft,' ~'j.' ,~. 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